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They are different story. Hope my post can help. Different uni has different course requirements(I'm very postive).

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hopfully this will help with any questions you may have on qualifications to
enter the Graduate Diploma in Accountancy. If you need more information
please do not hestate to call me at 848-7344

Yours truly

Marlene Davies Lajoie
Graduate Diploma in Accountancy

Faculty of Commerce and Administration
Graduate Diploma in Accountancy

The Faculty of Commerce and Administration of Concordia University offers
the Graduate Diploma in Accountancy Program which prepares students for
careers in Chartered Accountancy.
The program satisfies the education requirements of the Ordre des compatable
agréés du Québec, including preparing students to write the Uniform Final
Examination of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

This handout outlines the requirements and indicates the steps necessary to
become a Chartered Accountant. Although every effort has been made to keep
this information as factual as possible, no responsibility is taken for any
errors or omissions.

Office Location: Mailing Address:

1550 de Maisonneuve Blvd.W 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd.W.
Corner Guy Street Suite GM 600-35
Guy Metro Building Montreal, Quebec
Suite 600-35 (Sixth floor) H3G 1M8
Montreal, Quebec


To obtain the designation of Chartered Accountant (C.A.) in the Province of
Quebec, you must fulfil the following requirements;

1) Possess an undergraduate degree from a recognized university.

2) Complete a program of studies in preparation for the Uniform Final
Examination. At Concordia, this program is the Graduate Diploma in

3) Pass the Uniform Final Examination.

4) Serve a two-year practical training period with an accredited firm of
Chartered Accountants.

5) Be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.

6) Pass the French language examination given by l'Office de la langue
française. (Some students may be exempt)

(NOTE: Certain of the above requirements may be waived for applicants who
have earned the C.A. or equivalent in other jurisdictions.)


Fall June 1st
Winter October 1st
Summer February 1st


For your general information, the following excerpt regarding grades for
graduate courses or courses taken as part of a graduate program has been
taken from the University's Graduate Studies Calendar.

A+, A, A- (Excellent) -- for work of exceptional merit in the course

B+, B (Good) -- for acceptable graduate-level work in the course

B- (Marginal Pass)

F (Fail) -- for work below an acceptable standard in the course (see
Failure Regulations, below).

NO - CR (No Credit) is a notation that indicates that a student has not
fulfilled the requirements of the course. This notation is limited to
professional programs, which require final accreditation from an outside
body. A student receiving a No-Cr notation or F grade must repeat the
course in the next semester in which the course is offered. It is the
student's responsibility to ensure that they register in the course. Any
student may receive only one No-Cr notation for any particular course and
may receive no more than two No-Cr notations during their program.


A student who receives a FAIL or a FAIL/ABSENT grade in any course will be
dismissed from the program. The student will have the right to appeal for
Fax: (514) 848-4551
E-mail: acco@vax2.concordia.ca


1. To be admitted to the Diploma in Accountancy at Concordia University you
require an undergraduate degree from a recognized university plus a grade of
B- or better (based on this university's standards) in the following courses
or their equivalents:

Acco 310 - Intermediate Accounting I
Acco 320 - Intermediate Accounting II
Acco 420 - Advanced Financial Accounting
Acco 330 - Cost & Management Accounting
Acco 430 - Advanced Management Accounting OR
Acco 470A- Special Topics in Accounting
Acco 450 - Financial Auditing
Acco 340 - Income Taxation in Canada
Acco 440 - Advanced Taxation (beginning Summer 2000)
Comm 308 - Finance
Comm 301 - M.I.S.
Comm 215 - Business Statistics
Comm 225 - Production & Operations Management
Comm 310 - Strategy and Competition

(NOTE: These requirements are subject to change without notice or prejudice.)

Students who have not attained the required grades in the undergraduate
courses listed above normally must upgrade their marks. Students who have
completed a Bachelor's degree, but have not completed all the undergraduate
requirements must normally complete the required undergraduate courses prior
to entry into the program. Students are advised to see an academic advisor
prior to re-taking any courses

After all the undergraduate courses or their equivalents have been
successfully completed (including the qualifying program, if any) the
following courses (30 credits) in the program must be passed in order to
obtain the Graduate Diploma in Accountancy.
(NOTE: Graduate Diploma students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.70 during
their program of study in order to be considered a student in good standing).

ACCO 512 Financial Accounting Theory in Practice (4 credits)
This course addresses the application of accounting theory to practice.
Topics include an examination of different approaches to financial
accounting, the accounting standard setting process, the basic components of
alternative accounting frameworks, and financial statement disclosure.

ACCO 513 Financial Accounting: Comprehensive Applications (4 credits)
Prerequisites: ACCO 512
This course builds on the materials examined in Accounting 512. Study will
focus on the integration of financial accounting theory with current
reporting practices.

ACCO 531 Business Advisory Services (4 credits)
This course will integrate knowledge obtained in various areas of
accounting, auditing and taxation to solve problems covering a variety of
business situations.

ACCO 535 An Integrated Approach to Auditing (4 credits)
Prerequisites: ACCO 578, ACCO 543 Co-requisite ACCO 513
This course introduces advanced topics in auditing as well as important CICA
Handbook sections not previously covered in other auditing courses.

ACCO 543 Income Taxation (4 credits) Beginning summer 2000

ACCO 578 Contemporary Issues for Accountants (3 credits)
This course covers topics that will be of particular interest to Chartered
Accountants. The topics covered will vary depending upon the issues that
are of relevance to the profession given the nature of the business environment.
To be replaced with ACCO 578 (4 credits) Contemporary Issues for
Accountants, beginning summer 2000

ACCO 585 Comprehensive Case Analysis and Integration, and Uniform Final
Examination Preparation
Prerequisites: ACCO 513, ACCO 535 or permission from the Program Director.
This course consists of 2 modules - the comprehensive case analysis and
integration module and the UFE preparation module and is intended for those
students who plan to write the UFE in September of that year.




Acco 310 Intermediate Accounting 1 Fin 1 610-511/271-311
Acco 320 Intermediate Accounting 11 Fin 11 610-512/271-312
Acco 420 Advanced Financial Accounting Fin 111 610-513/271-414
Acco 330 Cost and Management Accounting Mgr 612-511/271-313.
Acco 430 Advanced Management Accounting Mgr. 612-522/271-415
or Acco 470A Special Topics (Managerial Accounting)
Acco 450 Financial Auditing Aud 1 613-511/271-413
Acco 340 Income Taxation in Canada Taxation1 614-511/271-412
Acco 440 Advanced Taxation Taxation II 271-441

Comm 308 Finance Fina 280-341/647-512
Comm 301 M.I.S MIS 280-331
Comm 215 Business Statistics Stats 280-271
Comm 225 Production & Operation Management O.R 280-373/Math 277-674
Comm 310 Strategy and Competition O.P 280-423/616-511更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我好高兴啊!刚才接到CGA代表处的电话,告诉我在2000/2001学年中,由于我有两门考试成绩优异,我将获得CGA的一笔奖学金,大约500加元。呵呵,总算对得起bingle为我缴纳的不菲学费。^_^
    • PFPF,GXGX!你都考了多少分啊?
      • 我的成绩单:
        Financial Accounting1 :94
        Quantitative Method:94
        Management Accounting 1:87
        好像是说的level 1的FA1和EM1那两门吧。
        • 这种成绩好象只有小学时候考过,看来pingle上CGA就和读小学感觉一样实在没法不PF :D
        • 真佩服你! 每门都考这么高分.
          • 呵呵,这是因为:一、都是Introductory level的课程,相对比较容易一些;二、我辞职了,是全职学生,时间充裕。// 这次的MA2就不知道结果会怎么样了。
        • 好厉害啊!佩服佩服啊!不过付出了总有回抱,该庆贺一下拉:)
        • 天啊, 成绩也太夸张了吧, 我只能说一个字: 牛!
    • 祝贺pingle!!应该也是对得起你自己呀,今晚是不是又有借口去FBFB了,这一星期真是你们的幸运周呀,说不准明后天还有好事,作好心理准备:)
    • 飞来横财,赶快去买彩票,说不定能中个百八万的,就可以享福了:D
      • 我没有中彩票的运气呀。:(( 在天津的时候买体育彩票,对2个号码就有5块钱,我连5块钱的都没中过。55555........到北京以后就再也没买过彩票了。
        • 试一下了,用你的500加员中的10员去买,也许.....
    • 真是好样的,恭喜恭喜...//这几天好消息就是多呀,不过我明白,没有以前的付出,哪来的这么多好消息,付出总有回报,恭喜你们双喜临门
    • 你可真棒!想问在中国评豁免课程,在ca有效吗?
      • 我在一个CGA论坛上见过一位在那边评估的,跟你的情况差不多,好像就是只需要学9门,跟在中国评估一样,不过要多学一门LAW,这倒也是情有可原吧。毕竟将来我们是要在加拿大从业的。//另外,你是不是可以考虑加入CA?
        • 据说ca必须有加拿大的学位。cga要转ca的话,可以免部分考试,不知道对不对?
          • 我对ca的条例没有做太细的研究,它说了degree必须是加拿大的吗?或者你可以考虑参照Members of accounting bodies outside Canada条例, 见内:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Non-Degree and Other Routes

            The Institute is the only qualifying body for public accounting in Ontario. In order to provide an opportunity for everyone wishing to qualify as a CA, and particularly those who wish to qualify to practise as a public accountant, the Institute has established non-degree and other routes for CA qualification.

            For those who would like to enter the CA program but do not have a university degree or have some other accounting qualification, the progression through the program is the same as described previously, beginning with the section titled, " Employment with an office designated for the training of students." The four cases falling within this category are:

            Certified management accountants (CMAs);
            Certified general accountants (CGAs);
            Mature status registrants; and
            Members of accounting bodies outside Canada.

            # CMAs and CGAs

            CMAs and CGAs with a minimum of three years of business, accounting-related or other equivalent work experience may apply for registration in the CA program. A CMA or CGA who registers with the Institute is exempt from the 51 credit-hour requirement, the university degree requirement and the staff training program. Upon registration, the CMA or CGA will proceed directly into the School of Accountancy commencing with success in the core-knowledge examination.

            Upon being successful in the School of Accountancy and the Uniform Final Examination, and upon completing the prescribed practical experience, a CMA or CGA will qualify as a chartered accountant in Ontario.

            Applicants having exceptional education and experience backgrounds may qualify to receive additional exemptions. However, all CMA and CGA applicants must successfully write the Uniform Final Examination.

            # Mature status registrants

            Mature status may be granted to an individual who is at least 25 years old, does not have a university degree and is not a CMA or CGA. A minimum of three years of business, accounting-related or other equivalent work experience and proof of eligibility for enrolment in degree-credit courses at a Canadian university are also required for mature status registration.

            Individuals who qualify for the mature status are exempt from the Institute's university degree requirement. However, they must complete all of the Institute's other education, examination and practical experience requirements. Upon successful completion of the 51 credit hours of prescribed university courses, a mature status student must complete the School of Accountancy.

            Upon being successful in the School of Accountancy and the Uniform Final Examination and upon completing the prescribed practical experience , he or she will qualify as a chartered accountant in Ontario.

            # Members of accounting bodies outside Canada

            Members of accounting bodies outside Canada may qualify for Institute registration in one of two ways:

            Some may qualify as membership candidates on the basis of having completed a program of another accounting body that is substantially the same as that of the provincial CA institutes in Canada. Qualified membership candidates are exempt from all of the education, examination and experience requirements for students, including the Uniform Final Examination. The determination of those bodies whose members may receive such exemptions is made by the Canadian CA profession's International Qualifications Appraisal Board after a review of the bodys qualification program. Membership candidates must successfully write the CA Reciprocity Examination (CARE).

            Members of other accounting bodies outside Canada may register as students and may receive exemption from the staff training program and the 51 credit-hour requirement, with the exception of a single course in business law which must be completed at a Canadian university.
            A member of any such accounting body, after successfully completing the single course in business law, will proceed directly into the School of Accountancy, commencing with success in the core-knowledge examination. Upon being successful in the School of Accountancy and the Uniform Final Examination, and upon completing the prescribed practical experience, he or she will qualify as a chartered accountant in Ontario.

            Applicants having exceptional education and experience backgrounds may qualify to receive additional exemptions. However, all such individuals must successfully write the Uniform Final Examination.

            Listings of the accounting bodies whose members may qualify on either of these two bases are available from the office of the registrar at the Institute.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 我看了cica的网站,它可以对非加大学毕业的,和他没有评估过的会计组织的成员进行个人评估,
          • 我不知道你在国内还能呆多久, 中国的学生转到加拿大,要求通过4门以上考试, 而且好像只能在每个学年的最后一个学期(6-8月)办理transfer手续。你再问问CGA北京办事处吧,省得到时候时间来不及。
            • pingle,真是多谢你,你是对的,必须过了四门考试,才能被认可,本来下午想去cga代表处的,看来不用跑这一趟了,我走的时间还没定,不知来不来的赶上11月9日的最后评估日
          • "所以如果拿到了cga,所有的课程都可以免", haha
            • 猪猪主席那么早就来上班了!
              • 哎,这猪恐龙日报可真伤神呀, 快干活
                • 主席,前2天听说您长相俊美,要出任我社形象大使,遭到黑客无情的嘲笑,有这回事吗?
                  • 这, 这这这, 猪主席永远正确嘛
          • They are different story. Hope my post can help. Different uni has different course requirements(I'm very postive).
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hopfully this will help with any questions you may have on qualifications to
            enter the Graduate Diploma in Accountancy. If you need more information
            please do not hestate to call me at 848-7344

            Yours truly

            Marlene Davies Lajoie
            Graduate Diploma in Accountancy

            Faculty of Commerce and Administration
            Graduate Diploma in Accountancy

            The Faculty of Commerce and Administration of Concordia University offers
            the Graduate Diploma in Accountancy Program which prepares students for
            careers in Chartered Accountancy.
            The program satisfies the education requirements of the Ordre des compatable
            agréés du Québec, including preparing students to write the Uniform Final
            Examination of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

            This handout outlines the requirements and indicates the steps necessary to
            become a Chartered Accountant. Although every effort has been made to keep
            this information as factual as possible, no responsibility is taken for any
            errors or omissions.

            Office Location: Mailing Address:

            1550 de Maisonneuve Blvd.W 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd.W.
            Corner Guy Street Suite GM 600-35
            Guy Metro Building Montreal, Quebec
            Suite 600-35 (Sixth floor) H3G 1M8
            Montreal, Quebec


            To obtain the designation of Chartered Accountant (C.A.) in the Province of
            Quebec, you must fulfil the following requirements;

            1) Possess an undergraduate degree from a recognized university.

            2) Complete a program of studies in preparation for the Uniform Final
            Examination. At Concordia, this program is the Graduate Diploma in

            3) Pass the Uniform Final Examination.

            4) Serve a two-year practical training period with an accredited firm of
            Chartered Accountants.

            5) Be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.

            6) Pass the French language examination given by l'Office de la langue
            française. (Some students may be exempt)

            (NOTE: Certain of the above requirements may be waived for applicants who
            have earned the C.A. or equivalent in other jurisdictions.)


            Fall June 1st
            Winter October 1st
            Summer February 1st


            For your general information, the following excerpt regarding grades for
            graduate courses or courses taken as part of a graduate program has been
            taken from the University's Graduate Studies Calendar.

            A+, A, A- (Excellent) -- for work of exceptional merit in the course

            B+, B (Good) -- for acceptable graduate-level work in the course

            B- (Marginal Pass)

            F (Fail) -- for work below an acceptable standard in the course (see
            Failure Regulations, below).

            NO - CR (No Credit) is a notation that indicates that a student has not
            fulfilled the requirements of the course. This notation is limited to
            professional programs, which require final accreditation from an outside
            body. A student receiving a No-Cr notation or F grade must repeat the
            course in the next semester in which the course is offered. It is the
            student's responsibility to ensure that they register in the course. Any
            student may receive only one No-Cr notation for any particular course and
            may receive no more than two No-Cr notations during their program.


            A student who receives a FAIL or a FAIL/ABSENT grade in any course will be
            dismissed from the program. The student will have the right to appeal for
            Fax: (514) 848-4551
            E-mail: acco@vax2.concordia.ca


            1. To be admitted to the Diploma in Accountancy at Concordia University you
            require an undergraduate degree from a recognized university plus a grade of
            B- or better (based on this university's standards) in the following courses
            or their equivalents:

            Acco 310 - Intermediate Accounting I
            Acco 320 - Intermediate Accounting II
            Acco 420 - Advanced Financial Accounting
            Acco 330 - Cost & Management Accounting
            Acco 430 - Advanced Management Accounting OR
            Acco 470A- Special Topics in Accounting
            Acco 450 - Financial Auditing
            Acco 340 - Income Taxation in Canada
            Acco 440 - Advanced Taxation (beginning Summer 2000)
            Comm 308 - Finance
            Comm 301 - M.I.S.
            Comm 215 - Business Statistics
            Comm 225 - Production & Operations Management
            Comm 310 - Strategy and Competition

            (NOTE: These requirements are subject to change without notice or prejudice.)

            Students who have not attained the required grades in the undergraduate
            courses listed above normally must upgrade their marks. Students who have
            completed a Bachelor's degree, but have not completed all the undergraduate
            requirements must normally complete the required undergraduate courses prior
            to entry into the program. Students are advised to see an academic advisor
            prior to re-taking any courses

            After all the undergraduate courses or their equivalents have been
            successfully completed (including the qualifying program, if any) the
            following courses (30 credits) in the program must be passed in order to
            obtain the Graduate Diploma in Accountancy.
            (NOTE: Graduate Diploma students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.70 during
            their program of study in order to be considered a student in good standing).

            ACCO 512 Financial Accounting Theory in Practice (4 credits)
            This course addresses the application of accounting theory to practice.
            Topics include an examination of different approaches to financial
            accounting, the accounting standard setting process, the basic components of
            alternative accounting frameworks, and financial statement disclosure.

            ACCO 513 Financial Accounting: Comprehensive Applications (4 credits)
            Prerequisites: ACCO 512
            This course builds on the materials examined in Accounting 512. Study will
            focus on the integration of financial accounting theory with current
            reporting practices.

            ACCO 531 Business Advisory Services (4 credits)
            This course will integrate knowledge obtained in various areas of
            accounting, auditing and taxation to solve problems covering a variety of
            business situations.

            ACCO 535 An Integrated Approach to Auditing (4 credits)
            Prerequisites: ACCO 578, ACCO 543 Co-requisite ACCO 513
            This course introduces advanced topics in auditing as well as important CICA
            Handbook sections not previously covered in other auditing courses.

            ACCO 543 Income Taxation (4 credits) Beginning summer 2000

            ACCO 578 Contemporary Issues for Accountants (3 credits)
            This course covers topics that will be of particular interest to Chartered
            Accountants. The topics covered will vary depending upon the issues that
            are of relevance to the profession given the nature of the business environment.
            To be replaced with ACCO 578 (4 credits) Contemporary Issues for
            Accountants, beginning summer 2000

            ACCO 585 Comprehensive Case Analysis and Integration, and Uniform Final
            Examination Preparation
            Prerequisites: ACCO 513, ACCO 535 or permission from the Program Director.
            This course consists of 2 modules - the comprehensive case analysis and
            integration module and the UFE preparation module and is intended for those
            students who plan to write the UFE in September of that year.




            Acco 310 Intermediate Accounting 1 Fin 1 610-511/271-311
            Acco 320 Intermediate Accounting 11 Fin 11 610-512/271-312
            Acco 420 Advanced Financial Accounting Fin 111 610-513/271-414
            Acco 330 Cost and Management Accounting Mgr 612-511/271-313.
            Acco 430 Advanced Management Accounting Mgr. 612-522/271-415
            or Acco 470A Special Topics (Managerial Accounting)
            Acco 450 Financial Auditing Aud 1 613-511/271-413
            Acco 340 Income Taxation in Canada Taxation1 614-511/271-412
            Acco 440 Advanced Taxation Taxation II 271-441

            Comm 308 Finance Fina 280-341/647-512
            Comm 301 M.I.S MIS 280-331
            Comm 215 Business Statistics Stats 280-271
            Comm 225 Production & Operation Management O.R 280-373/Math 277-674
            Comm 310 Strategy and Competition O.P 280-423/616-511更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 如果你没有注册会计师证书,又非名牌大学毕业,
        • 如果是清华的经济方面的研究生,又有中国的注册会计师的全科合格证。有什么不同吗?另外,level4不需考试,是真的吗?
    • haaaaaaaaa, u really should thank me de. it is me who bright these good lucks to ur couple de.:> treat me Dalian Sea Food!:D
      • 好啊,这周六,大连街上某海鲜餐馆,不见不散。
        • 我一定介绍最贵最鲜的馆子给你。哈哈,把钱带够喽。
          • thanks sussejj:X as u would introduce a big restaurant for me, i will invite u to have this big meal too! :D our aim is---make B&P's wallet empty! hahaha:D
            • 记住,pingle才挣了500加币的外财,可以吃不少吧
              • 记住了。我们照这个的二倍来花,把明年的也预支喽。
      • 记得把你们的吃像照了给我看:D
    • 请问CGA是什么?谢谢
      • Certified General Accountant
    • 恭喜! 看来你们两公婆WELL PREPARED. 到了加拿大应该问题不大, 尽管一开始也要辛苦点. 另外,你现在的课程是英语教学还是中文?
    • 不错,不错,黑龙也替你高兴啊。哈哈,要不等我们回北京了,把你的奖学金吃一顿大餐?哈哈哈