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哥们没去过就不要乱讲。以蓝山为例,要想滑happy valley(green),每次至少要$30(晚上)-$50(白天)。$100night pass只要去滑个3-4次就值回票价啦。前年圣诞晚上我就在蓝山过的。去年一月我也在那,比前年冷。只要没有风,

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 说说买哪里的滑雪季票好?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛感谢C_SEA的建议.
    1.从时间上看: 我从地图上算了.Talisman 和 Bluemountain 距多伦多一样(102 和 98 英里). 但是到 Bluemountain 通常是要走 BARRIE 市, 通常是会耽搁10-15分钟. 所以到 Talisman 需2 小时. 而到 Bluemountain 需 2.2-2.3 小时. 到 Talisman 快一点.
    2. 从路况来看: 到 Talisman 的路, LOCAL 走的多一些. 在下大雪的冬天. 车速会受到影响. 到 Bluemountain的路, HIGHWAY 多一些, 在下大雪的冬天. 雪会铲的较好一些. 但买 Bluemountain NIGHTPASS 季票, 回来时,已是晚上八九点钟. 我到家一般是11-12点. 还得哄LP高兴.
    3. 从雪场的雪道情况看: Bluemountain 全. 从绿道, 到蓝道 多而较长. Talisman 雪道 少多了, 对初学来说, 没有很好的绿道.
    4. 从价格看: Bluemountain NIGHTPASS $94(周一到七的所有晚上天), 若是滑雪的FUN, 一周可以去两次(如果有适宜的CAR POOL). Talisman (Saturday):$149.Talisman 是一个白天的场.
    5. 我的季票一般是用7-9次. 每次CAR POOL $10.

    从价格, 雪道的情况看. 我热爱 蓝山(有时,实在想提高, 就去两次, 周五,周六). 但TALISMAN 白天场是极诱人的. 等我不在是学生(考挤牙缝一年才有的BUDGET) 再去试试 TALISMAN 白天场. (谁不想到家早一些).


    一冰雪FUN (email: ski_snowboard_lover@yahoo.com)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 大部分同意!
      既是滑雪爱好者,哪里都是可以接受的,我也很爱蓝山。 即使是象Centennial Park 这样很简单的地方,我都觉得有它的好处--近,下班后十几分钟就可以到达过过瘾。
      其实滑雪季票, 我也说不清楚哪里更好, 近的地方自然贵,如Hockley Valey, Glen Eden, 而且雪季短,但是省时间省精力省汽油,若把这些折成金钱,蓝山跟talisman 也不便宜。:) 远的地方雪场大,雪道多,乐趣多,缺点也是明显的,费油费时间费精力----费钱。
      说到最后,论长短,美丽,安省的雪场也只能自己跟自己比, 若跟Quebec/ BC  的比,那简直就是小儿科了。
      • 也大部分同意你们的说法.尤其"最好多发展几个女雪友". 不过今年我还是去蓝山, 明年也许try Talisman. hope all the ski or snowboard funs in GTA can go BC or Quebec together someday.
        • I have only been Blue Mountain for sky. Love there. Not so easy to find partner for sky, hope we can find some one here to go sky together.
    • 如果你周一到周五有时间,也可以考虑Talisman 的weekday pass, 也是90多刀。
      • 可惜,周一到周五没时间.
    • 好贴,非常informative. 谢谢。还有什么体会请多上来和大家分享。
    • 今年有点乱了,各自为战, 明年是不是可以组织一个club, 说不定可以拿到group ticket discount ?
      • 支持! 今年也不算太晚吧? 起码凑几个人一起去滑雪应该是办得到.
        • 一起去滑雪
          赞成, 哪位牵头成立个俱乐部, 大家可以一起去滑雪?
          • just bought blue mountain season passes, and happy to meet more friends in this season. we live in mississauga.
            • Have buy the Night Pass?
              • yeah, and will also spend our christmas there.
            • good choice! I like blue mountain too. We live at scarborough, hope we can go to blue mountain together as a group with some people.
              season pass is too expensive, don't know wether I can sky so many times to make it a worth to buy.

              thinking about buying a night pass, it will worth it. the problem is,
              for night pass, I will go there without my family, so need to find some people go there around 4:30pm together.
              sky alone is boring, not fun.
              • you will find some friends in scarborough. i felt that more people live in scarborough than in mississauga last year in our group. so glad to meet new firends this season
                you wont ski alone in blue mountain. :) see u on the slope!
              • I just bought 5x7 pass at rate of 155$,which enables u to ski from Mon to Fri all day and weekend from 4:30 pm till 10pm. I am palning to go to Whisler this winter as well
            • I am living in Mississauga too, What kind of season passes have you bought?How much? Thanks.
              • night season pass in blue mountain. before tax it's 94 cad. can ski from 4:30pm to 10pm every night since dec.18,2004
    • 还是 Blue Mountain 滑雪季票好。
    • 我觉得买季票不是很划算, $100的只是night, 试想, 1-2月份晚上有多冷?如果是全天票, 从1-3月, 你要去12次以上才算是划算, 等于每个星期要去一次, 还不能去其他的划雪场
      • 哥们没去过就不要乱讲。以蓝山为例,要想滑happy valley(green),每次至少要$30(晚上)-$50(白天)。$100night pass只要去滑个3-4次就值回票价啦。前年圣诞晚上我就在蓝山过的。去年一月我也在那,比前年冷。只要没有风,
        • 老兄看来身体不错
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛别让没买过nightpass 的人有错觉。
          前年圣诞我在蓝山住了几天,天气太暖,boxing day 那天雪都化了,是滑泥的,不算数。
          一月份其实还是很冷的,尤其是晚上,比白天要感觉冷得多。我的经验是零下15 度以下根本就没办法滑了(可能我弱一点),最好的温度是零下10度到零下5度。
          再说一下night pass, 我以前就用过,冷就不说了。4:30PM 开始,10:00PM 结束,还equipment, 到洗手间整理一下,怎么都要10:30PM 才能离开蓝山,开两个多小时(如果下雪4个小时都不止,尤其是开夜车,安全系数不如白天),如果是car pool 还要送各位回家,司机到家怎么都要12:30AM-1:00AM 以后。再洗个澡,吃点东西,是不是要1:30AM以后才睡觉(其实远远不止1:30AM, 我通常都是2:00AM)? 当然如果是乘客就很舒服,我保证乘客在回来的路上就会睡着。
          如果我想星期一到星期五晚上滑,我宁可到Glen Edan ,只有十多分钟的车程,油费都省回来了。
          我一点都不反对大家买nightpass,毕竟价格是很优惠的(我也可能再买一张blue mountain night pass),只是让大家知道它也有它的缺点。
          再说滑雪场,我去过Blue mountain,Centennial Park,Glen Edan, Hockley Valley ,Horseshoe Valley ,London Ski ,Mount St. Louis/Moonstone,Talisman,Snow Valley,我最喜欢Talisman 和 Blue mountain ,其次Hockley Valley, 风景最好是Talisman ;道最多是blue mountain, 初学者的道也最好,课程也最多; 练技术Hockley Valley 最好,如果能在Hockley Valley 滑一个black, 就能在blue mountain 滑double black. 而Hockley Valley 只有一条double black, 十分陡峭,非专业人士不敢去滑。
          以上是我个人看法,仅供参考。反正是萝卜白菜,各有所爱。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • last chinese newyear, we spend whole week in blue mountain. the lowest temp is -30 degree. we didnt felt it was too cold to ski since we did very good protection job .
            i guess that all members in our last year group bought BM night passes again this year .hope that we can meet you in BM this season , then you may have diferent oponion next year.
            enjoy skiing!
            • I did try the BM night pass as I said.
              I won't change my opinion. My opinion is I'd like to enjoy different styles not only BM.
              Have you tried some other places except BM? If not, I would like to suggest trying them. There is not only BM in Ontario , and not all the people go to BM. :)
              By hte way , usually which day you guys go ? Weekday or Weekend?
              I probably buy another BM night pass in addtion to my Talisman Saturday pass since it is just a little thing. I just want to join your guys and have more fun.
        • 如果你每天要上班的话, 就不同了
          • 去年我们的group里几乎人人每天要上班.go skiing in blue mountain is the best way to relax for us.
        • 老兄看来身体不错
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛别让没买过nightpass 的人有错觉。
          前年圣诞我在蓝山住了几天,天气太暖,boxing day 那天雪都化了,是滑泥的,不算数。
          一月份其实还是很冷的,尤其是晚上,比白天要感觉冷得多。我的经验是零下15 度以下根本就没办法滑了(可能我弱一点),最好的温度是零下10度到零下5度。
          再说一下night pass, 我以前就用过,冷就不说了。4:30PM 开始,10:00PM 结束,还equipment, 到洗手间整理一下,怎么都要10:30PM 才能离开蓝山,开两个多小时(如果下雪4个小时都不止,尤其是开夜车,安全系数不如白天),如果是car pool 还要送各位回家,司机到家怎么都要12:30AM-1:00AM 以后。再洗个澡,吃点东西,是不是要1:30AM以后才睡觉(其实远远不止1:30AM, 我通常都是2:00AM)? 当然如果是乘客就很舒服,我保证乘客在回来的路上就会睡着。
          再算时间,星期一到五基本是没办法去了,除非不上班,星期五下午2:30PM就走,否则5点以后走到蓝山都7:00PM以后,滑三个小时,再开两小时的车回来? [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
          如果我想星期一到星期五晚上滑,我宁可到Glen Edan ,只有十多分钟的车程,油费都省回来了。
          我一点都不反对大家买nightpass,毕竟价格是很优惠的(我也可能再买一张blue mountain night pass),只是让大家知道它也有它的缺点。
          再说滑雪场,我去过Blue mountain,Centennial Park,Glen Edan, Hockley Valley ,Horseshoe Valley ,London Ski ,Mount St. Louis/Moonstone,Talisman,Snow Valley,我最喜欢Talisman 和 Blue mountain ,其次Hockley Valley, 风景最好是Talisman ;道最多是blue mountain, 初学者的道也最好,课程也最多; 练技术Hockley Valley 最好,如果能在Hockley Valley 滑一个black, 就能在blue mountain 滑double black. 而Hockley Valley 只有一条double black, 十分陡峭,非专业人士不敢去滑。
          以上是我个人看法,仅供参考。反正是萝卜白菜,各有所爱。 < r o l i a. n e t >更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • hi, there. i believe that you got all answers which you asked me before about the season pass, then see u at blue mountain! anyway, feel free to contact me.
          • please check ur email and PM and I will call ur cell phone tomorrow, ttyl :-)
      • Ski
        I beg to differ. The day pass cost about 48$ night pass might be a bit cheaper, about 35$. The season pass of 5x7 cost only 155$.It is a deal.
        Blue Mt in my humble opnion is the best in On. It provides with more
        runs(33) and choice.Snow Valley, Houseshoe, Mt louise 's black trail
        can not compaire with Blue Mt.
        If u fancy ski, Blue Mt would the choice in On. Of course Whisler would have more fun and challeange.
    • 买了蓝山的nightpass, 查了一下,租装备也不贵,还不着急买自己的装备。
      • 要是租的话, 可以考虑买个5x7rental pass: 145+GST
        New This Year The 5X7 Equipment Rental Pass This pass entitles the holder to the use of sport equipment whenever we operate for the winter season based on availability, for day skiing Monday-Friday (9a.m.-4:30p.m.), with the exception of Christmas Break (NOT DEC.20-31,04). Night skiing Monday-Sunday from Dec. 16 to Mar. 20, 2005 is also included with this pass. Equipment must be returned at the end of each day. P.S.T. & G.S.T. are not included in the price.
        Price $145.00 + GST
      • 很高兴知道越来越多的人要去Blue Mountain. 谁建个email list吧, 去的时候发个信, 想同去的就跟上.
        • That is a good idea.
        • 支持,单开个话题建maillist吧。
          • 每用过,怎么建?