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the applications received after August 9th have not been opened with no knowledge of when hey will be opened

I had sent my citizenship application during the last week of August and have still not received a letter of confirmation for the application from CIC. After many tries to the CIC call center I finally got hold of a customer service rep. who told me that the applications received after August 9th have not been opened with no knowledge of when hey will be opened (I hope soon). Now my question is due to long processing times (upto 15 months) is it possible for me to be out of Canada while my application is being processed?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 看见很多人考完试后等候宣誓时间过长







    • 太支持了! 需要我提供什么?
      • 如果可能

        例如:aaaa 2004年4月16日早上XX点30分在哪里那里考试,

        • Have sent you the Private Message. Oh, we all wrote the test in Scarborough Town Centre.
        • 我已经寄出5个月了,9月份的时候说我payment不对,我去银行改了,没有考试,什么都没有!至今无消息!
        • See your private msg.
      • 顺便请加一句,要求加派人手处理收件后的第一封信,call centre说因为3年前移民登陆高峰,现在开始出现入籍申请高峰,一般要等3-4个月才能收到第一封信,太慢了。
      • the applications received after August 9th have not been opened with no knowledge of when hey will be opened
        I had sent my citizenship application during the last week of August and have still not received a letter of confirmation for the application from CIC. After many tries to the CIC call center I finally got hold of a customer service rep. who told me that the applications received after August 9th have not been opened with no knowledge of when hey will be opened (I hope soon). Now my question is due to long processing times (upto 15 months) is it possible for me to be out of Canada while my application is being processed?
    • 支持..test in July nothing happened after that.
      • same here...
        • Same here. Become very impatient.
          • Same as me. I didn't get any response yet. Test site: scarbough Town Center. Very slow!!!!
    • 支持!
    • 支持!
    • 支持!
    • 我的申请信寄出去3个半月了,连个confirm的信都没有,钱倒是早就拿走了,他们的网站上可是说一个月又确认信的,damn.
      • 知道这帮半死不活的官老爷(太太?)们对我的回应吗?
        "We received your application for grant of Canadian citizenship (adult) on May 28, 2004. ___ We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application, and a study book called A Look at Canada on May 28, 2004.___We started processing your application on September 30, 2004. "
    • 支持,俺的case,六月考试,至今仍在等.
      • me too,打电话过去,说还得等。
    • 俺明年才能考试,不过俺……支持!
    • 支持,不管等多久,有个确切的时间好安排其它事情。
    • 支持,能说一下,多久算过长?CIC的电话录音说最少要10个月。
    • 我的够典型了吧:3月3日8:30 考完试,到现在还没消息呢。听说是在等入籍法官的schduale.
      • 能把你的案例详细告诉我吗?
    • 支持!这才是正事。
    • 支持!even though, 本人没打算入籍。
    • 回楼上各位,信件正在起草中,将在近期送交给移民部长
      • 请问有回信吗?
        • 你应该问:请问信寄出了么?中国人办事都是扯个大旗,有钱赚就捞一把,没钱赚接受一下吹捧也是舒服的。
          • 你不知道自己做点什么,整天冷嘲热讽的很有意思么?建议你去看看心理医生或者自己在这边混得实在不如意,干脆回去吧。
          • 这个人类......比较喜欢说酸话.......不爽的东西....
    • just finished test. be noticed because upgrade system, will dely to oath around 4m.that's reason.
    • Ask your district M.P. to call them for speeding up!
      I have already asked.

      I think if there are so many M.P. call them, they will do something!
    • 打电话去移民部询问
      如果你等候的时间超过12周, 你应该打电话去移民部询问进展如何. 催一催是很有效的. 这是我和我一个朋友的经验. 记住, 打电话时语气和态度要好.
      GOOD LUCK!
    • 应该每个人都给本区MP写封信。我的已经寄出去了。
    • 我也写EMAIL给MP了,但他回了EMAIL问问详细情况就没下文了。现在似乎只能等,谁有更好的办法?
    • 支持,支持! 我可是去年10月递的申请,4月份打的指纹,拖到今年11月初才考试. 宣誓真是遥遥无期呢:<
    • 他们在罢工啊,有什么办法?