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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I think deposit would be necessary. rent house through internet?

it's a good idea, but i know nothing more than you about this point. I think maybe it's beyond the ability of most house-owner.

About living in Montreal. Because french speaking in Quebec, you got good welfare and relative less competition(most chinese don't want to come here).

the bad side is that most postion require bilingual. Although most IT company seems not have to, but overall, the positions are less than Toronto or Ottawa.

it's a tradeoff, isn't it? Choose where to live depend on what's your object in Canada. I understand it's very hard to make decision, but it's Canada, if you don't like the city you living just move to another one. you are totally free. it's also one of the reasons people go abroad, right?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Hi,希望结识已在montreal定居或有意在montreal登陆的朋友。
    • i am in shenzhen and also want to land in Montreal. what time do you plan to leave?
      • We have been waiting for LP since we took ME in Sep.(I need to redo ME in Nov.). It is not by ourselves to decide when we can leave for Canada.
        • I am here...
          • hi, snowdon. nice to meet you here. would you mind telling me something about Montreal? whatever good or bad?
            • good side is french, and bad side is also french.
              • hi, rock_jack. thanks for your reply though a little bit ambiguous answer related to my ambiguous question.
                could you tell me if it's possible for me to rent a house through internet before my landing in Montreal? should i pay the deposit in advance or not? thanks again.
                • I think deposit would be necessary. rent house through internet?
                  it's a good idea, but i know nothing more than you about this point. I think maybe it's beyond the ability of most house-owner.

                  About living in Montreal. Because french speaking in Quebec, you got good welfare and relative less competition(most chinese don't want to come here).

                  the bad side is that most postion require bilingual. Although most IT company seems not have to, but overall, the positions are less than Toronto or Ottawa.

                  it's a tradeoff, isn't it? Choose where to live depend on what's your object in Canada. I understand it's very hard to make decision, but it's Canada, if you don't like the city you living just move to another one. you are totally free. it's also one of the reasons people go abroad, right?
                  • thanks rock_jack. i couldn't agree with you much more. feel free and be free.
            • I am getting to like it now. the blue sky, the heavy snow, and of coz the confused French :)
              • Hi, snowton. you must live near snowdon,ha ha. you are right, I love here too, and beautiful french.(also i can't really speak it). I guess you are in poly (from your userid)
                • where r u now? hoho
                  • poly of course. nice to meet u
                    • in ur room or office? i am in office now
                      • you still in office! I'm in home now, there is big snow outside, beautiful, isn't?
                        • oh, it's snowing now? great! welcome to my office ya.
                          • ok, i will
                          • Enchanté!J'habite a Snowdon aussi.
                            • great, you still remember french.
                            • sorry, i am blind when reading French and deaf when listening, hoho
              • hi, snowdon. are you live in snowdon? i read rental ads in Gazette and find that Snowdon is in middle level, not so expensive or cheap. i'd like to know the exact situation of Snowdon. thank you. btw, are you from tsinghua?
                • hi, clover. sorry for my delayed reponse, for I haven't read the articles for a long time. I live near snowdon, which is a cheap area, i think. BTW: r u from THU? hehe
        • hi,体检有效期多常?
          • 体检有效期为一年,申请人必须在这一年内登陆加拿大。
      • 水易: can I tach with you?
        I like you from your name, sound elegance, and your hot heart . I want to land montreal, I think we can exchang some information.
        • you're welcome. my email address: purplew@sina.com
    • My case, Aug. 99 FN, waiting for interview appointment. I've already admitted to Concordia University. However, I've made the deferral of registration.
    • If the destination was not Montreal when I submitted the application, may I fly to Montreal directly?
    • My family have pass the interview of Quebec .We are waiting for the Phy-Exam notification and plan to get montreal in 2001.We have a 5 months old son.Hope to exchange information with you.
    • 我将于下个月取MONTREAL,希望结识更多的朋友。我现在在北京。
      • 我计划2001年二月底离境前蒙特利而,先在广州,香港起飞, 希望能和我联系 andyhanxin@21cn.com
        • Hi, 我将在2月8日去Montreal landing.
          • Hi, 我将在4月8日去Montreal
      • hi nancy! I came from beijing two months ago, in Montreal now, and major in Chem. Engg. Nice to meet you here. BTW: would u plz help me bring a book from beijing? However, you must be too busy these days, I think.
    • I want to go to montreal, but my application destination is toronto, I don know how I can get the qualification of montreal resident .
      • i want to know the same question, who can help us?
      • as far as i know, you can land in MTL directly, no qualification required
    • 请问我刚收到LP,但是我的CSQ就快到期,请问,入境时会有什麽后果吗? 我可以先到多伦多登陆看我的朋友吗? 如果知道,请赐教! 谢了!
    • Is French necessary for appling for CSQ? Why couldn't I get a definite answer?
    • i will plan to montreal in the middle of april. if you have this plan ,connect me pls. e-mail: 99538886@163.net
    • Do you underatand franch? or only english can survive in there? i do interest in montreal because it was said there have more industray factory so i can get more work opportunity.