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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Buffalo shopping 及被抽查, 惨....请各位引此为界!!!!

first time CROSS BRIDGE, went to Buffalo shopping, when drove back, crossed the board, didn't tell them the real amount, 被抽查. Actually we didn't buy lots, each person around $150, but got about $60 bucks each person for the TAX? OR for Penalty? (paid extra more than 40% instead of normal!) and WARNING , I feel so ashamed and told myself, never go to aboard so-called outlet buying anything. it's really not worth, feel SO BAD. Buddies, 1, don't go and buy there, not worthable; 2, make the LIE reasonable if you still really want to go and buy there and want to save money 3, I am worrying about this BAD RECORD will always affect me even for my INCOME TAX report , rather than only when you go to STATE! 请各位DXJM 给予指教. ALL THE BEST

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / Buffalo shopping 及被抽查, 惨....请各位引此为界!!!!
    first time CROSS BRIDGE, went to Buffalo shopping, when drove back, crossed the board, didn't tell them the real amount, 被抽查. Actually we didn't buy lots, each person around $150, but got about $60 bucks each person for the TAX? OR for Penalty? (paid extra more than 40% instead of normal!) and WARNING , I feel so ashamed and told myself, never go to aboard so-called outlet buying anything. it's really not worth, feel SO BAD. Buddies, 1, don't go and buy there, not worthable; 2, make the LIE reasonable if you still really want to go and buy there and want to save money 3, I am worrying about this BAD RECORD will always affect me even for my INCOME TAX report , rather than only when you go to STATE! 请各位DXJM 给予指教. ALL THE BEST
    • 好烂的英文,没看懂你啥事
    • 抽查是很常见的,尤其是现在这样的Shopping季节。
      • thanks, you mean i'll be checked anytime while i am back from anywhere, not only from State ? and how do you think the INCOME TAX REPORT? will be affected?
        • 好象是的,海关系统至少是一家的。至于Income Tax你没有必要太担心吧?
      • 你确定是一,两年,不是终生?我上次忘问了,现在都不敢出去了。
    • 好强的英文!
    • 如果主动报税,应该怎么缴税呢?
      • Wish somebody can tell.
    • 抽查=spot check.
      • "spot check", thank you 647
    • 如何避免抽查
      1. 把买的衣服全部袋子丢掉,tag也拿掉,能穿身上的尽量穿。後尾箱别放一堆shopping beg,让人一看就觉得你买很多柬西。
      2. 在海关时别整车的人只报个50元 没人会信的。每个人报20~40元都没什麽问题
      3. 最好别就说"去shopping",可以说去见朋友,去送机,又吃了顿饭,"顺便"买了点柬西。
    • 如果可能, 说去美国了一个星期以上,这样你有$750的免税额度....还有东西放在前面, 后面trunk最好放上一堆日常用品, 冰鞋, 旱冰鞋, 高尔夫球杆, 网球拍... 被抽查过, 后箱开了立马就关上了..呵呵
    • 对你的e文的敬仰如滔滔之江水~
    • 信达鸦的翻译
      第一次过桥,去水牛城逛商店,回来的时候,过边境,没有告诉他们真实的数额,被抽查。其实我们并没有买很多,每人也就是150刀左右,但每人得到大约60刀,是税?还是罚金?(支付了额外金额超过40%而不是正常数额!)以及警告。我感觉很丢人并告诉自己:决不再去外国所谓outlet买任何东西了。太不值了,感觉太糟了。哥们儿,1,别去那儿买东西,不能值;2,如果你真想去买而又想省钱,说个合理的谎,3,我正担心这坏记录将一直影响我甚至我的所得税报告,而不是仅仅去美国时才受影响。please 大虾姐妹 give comments. 祝好。
      • 翻的不错。
        • 也只有中国人能看得懂啊
    • rainbow bridge?
    • 一点小事,不足挂心.
      • 从美国入境加拿大美国海关要做出境记录吗?
        • 好象对持护照和对持签证的做法有点不一样吧.
        • 不要。