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Do not ignore a lot of ways to control your risks

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. If the family income is low and is so sensitive to interest rise, most families will use a longer term mortgage (3 to 5 years) instead of a short one as the author mentioned

2. Interest rate over a longer term may rise, but house price over a longer term will rise or flat, or at least not drop 20% percent.

3. People with low income can avoid risk in a totally different way: they can make only minimum downpayment (5% or 0), get a longer term, and pay as little as possible every month. If unfortunately their home price go down dramastically, they can return the house to the bank and move out. For example, you bought a 200k house with 0% payment and 25-year amortization period, and after three years the mortage amount is 19k and house worths only 150k. What to do? Tell the bank that you do not want the house anymore. It is the bank that will lose about 40k, not you. You still lost a little bit but not too muchinterest rate

4. 12% interest rate is really hard to see in the near future. If you do see, you may also see at the same time higher salary, higher living cost, more jobs, perhaps hot economic activives as well. So if you can earn more, you do not mind pay more.

5. Of course, if you can buy and hold for 10 years or longer, you can not lose a lot - and most people do this if the house price really drops a lot in a shorter term.

6. Even in the worst case, house itself should not lead anyone to bankcruptcy. You can always give it back to the bank, move back to apartment or to street, the worst. Bankcruptcy happens when you continue to spend by borrowing, especially though credits.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 原创: 在加拿大买房子后面的陷阱
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛--------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    其实在加拿大买房子非常简单: 找个经纪,然后找银行,几百块聘请个律师,律师会对你的全部合同进
    行检查,如果觉得一切合理,你的房子就基本买下了. 当然,中间会有验房师检查房子,适当的维修等








    他的房子20万加元.他的首付是25% 5万元.贷款15万.


    这样,他每个月的还款是791. 加上地税等花销,他们每个月花费在房子上面的大约是1100块.(包括:


    1 银行贷款利率的提高: 如果银行贷款利率是12%, 他们每个月的还款将变成1579. 如果银行利率
    是:8% 他们每个月的还款将变成1157.如果额外加上每个月花在房子上面的大约300块,他们的每个月
    花费在房子上面的将分别变为 1879,1457. 现在他们家两个成人做Labor负担1100的房子没什么问





    这对他们来讲可能就很难了,因为收入减房子供款并没有剩下多少呀, 当初的积蓄都用来付了首期,



    还一个问题是: 为什么银行不续约了呢?




    1 现在的房子不会降,因为大部分房子是被用来居住的,不是之前降价时期很多人买房为了投资.


    2 我买房子自己住,反正也是交房费,不如买房


    3 利率不会到8%,12%




    银行不是什么慈善家,你抵押给它多少东西,它才能贷给你多少钱. 如果抵押品不够你要求的贷款,它

    怎么降低风险:现金为王. 手头的现金多了,风险抵御能力就提高了.房子总的趋势是升的更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • "在憧憬房子升值的喜悦的时候,也要考虑到贬值的风险.""房子总的趋势是升的"
      • 这两句话没有矛盾啊。比如,你的房子买时是40万。你签了5年的合同。5年后,房子跌到只有30万。你就要付10万给银行。但可能再过10年,房子涨到50万了。但你也坚持不到了。
        • 看样子还真有人准备25年把抵押贷款付清.
          • hehe,总比降低生活质量勒着裤腰带换贷款好。纯粹是个人的喜好。夜间国有人5年pay off的。房子买了5年,一直都是空空荡荡的家。家具都是在appartment的时候捡的。那样的生活没觉得有什么好。钱挣来就花的。
            • 取暖靠抖,交通靠走,通汛靠吼
    • 利率和房价的变化和股市比要缓慢得多. 我想不会是一夜间利率从4%到10%. 90年代的房如果能HOLD住, 现在要值躲闪啊.
      • 听你这么一说, 那所有的投资风险都要比房地产高, 是不是就那着那钱存银行就没有风险呢? 想想如果利息高至12%的时候, 可能你放在银行的钱已经贬值了, 那看来存银行还是有风险. 那怎么样才没风险呢?答案是现在马上花光光.
        • 耐心体会我的意思, 别上火. "所有的投资风险都要比房地产高" -- 某种程度上是的. "那怎么样才没风险呢?答案是现在马上花光光" 绝对正确 :)
        • 吃光、化光、满面红光,身体健康。
      • 缓慢?看看香港,97年的时候升到顶峰,然后直线下跌,到2002年的时候,已经蒸发掉60%了。才五年!这个下跌速度也不比中国的股市低吧?!
        • 香港的情况特殊,全世界也只有中国这么窝囊! 怎么可以拿一个这么的特殊地区性情况作比喻呢?
          • Singapore: 96~97 highest, 2004 lowest. My friend's house, from 270K to 170K, sold.
        • 五年啊. 从1999到2002, 三年, 股市蒸发掉了多少? 7 trillion !!
    • Reasonable. That's why I don't recommend buying expensive houses. However, you forgot to mention credit. The more credit you have, the more loan you can get from a bank - the less chance you have to sell your house.
    • 原创应该顶一下。不过我觉得题目冠以陷阱不太妥,毕竟不是谁有意挖的,叫风险好一点
    • 感觉不错,助顶。不过手里拿满现金也是有风险的,这个---合理投资比较重要,我觉得比较保险的是战线不宜过长。
      • 关于赔和赚,这个是相对的话题,在房子涨的时候拿钱就是赔,因为它不涨啊,少赚就是赔。我觉得应该注意资金的周转速度。
    • 绝对好文。如果你现在买房,你利马赔掉代理费。不信你试试。目前房屋上涨的空间已经非常有限。房价已经开始回落。(注意一下公寓价格就知道了)。今年可以肯定利息会继续升高。目前手头有钱的,应该尽量往基金投,因为经济回升。
      • 偶看杂志是说继续涨,至少和去年销售量持平。因为和收入比,消费者远可负担。
      • 你听过经济........复苏, 利息......升, 基金.......升, 股市.......升, 但就唯独房地产........贬值的事情发生吗? 何况很多人买房只是为了自住.
      • 好主意,请问仁兄有什么好基金推荐?thx...
      • Re: interest increase this year
        I don't think the interest will go up this year since there is so many people out of work.
    • I knew that. But I can not wait. Family need house.
    • Do not ignore a lot of ways to control your risks
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. If the family income is low and is so sensitive to interest rise, most families will use a longer term mortgage (3 to 5 years) instead of a short one as the author mentioned

      2. Interest rate over a longer term may rise, but house price over a longer term will rise or flat, or at least not drop 20% percent.

      3. People with low income can avoid risk in a totally different way: they can make only minimum downpayment (5% or 0), get a longer term, and pay as little as possible every month. If unfortunately their home price go down dramastically, they can return the house to the bank and move out. For example, you bought a 200k house with 0% payment and 25-year amortization period, and after three years the mortage amount is 19k and house worths only 150k. What to do? Tell the bank that you do not want the house anymore. It is the bank that will lose about 40k, not you. You still lost a little bit but not too muchinterest rate

      4. 12% interest rate is really hard to see in the near future. If you do see, you may also see at the same time higher salary, higher living cost, more jobs, perhaps hot economic activives as well. So if you can earn more, you do not mind pay more.

      5. Of course, if you can buy and hold for 10 years or longer, you can not lose a lot - and most people do this if the house price really drops a lot in a shorter term.

      6. Even in the worst case, house itself should not lead anyone to bankcruptcy. You can always give it back to the bank, move back to apartment or to street, the worst. Bankcruptcy happens when you continue to spend by borrowing, especially though credits.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • not quite understand #3. why "It is the bank that will lose about 40k, not you. "? do u have to pay off 190k if you want to terminate your mortage? otherwise, you will bankcrupt. right?
        • exactly!
          Bank lent 200K to you, you have to return it to Bank 200K plus the compound interest. There is no way for the bank losing money. It is not easy to say "I am bankrupt. Life will be changed totally!
    • 学到很多东西,谢谢分享!!!
    • apply line of credit, you can reduce the risk. also, if house pricing goes down, that means other investment also go down. house is a very low risk investment.
      • Wrong! If house pricing goes down, it means people are investing in something else.
        • 先看看历史上的情况。房地产暴跌的时候,股市/基金跌得更惨。
    • 和平年代,房地产永远是最好的投资。从来没听说过mortage利率会在1年内从4%变成12%的。也没听说过房价跌4万,银行第二年会让你补4万的。你的例子哪里来的?还是凭空想象的?
      • July 1, 1980, prime rate = 11%; 5 month later, Dec. 1, 1980, prime rate = 21.5%. (Such things are not often, and not never.) Bigger changes of interest change is not impossible.
        • 1980年加拿大的inflation rate 在8.7左右。利率从11到21.5,不能等同于4到12。
          • What about year 2009? or 2015? History is never the same, and will never be simple repeats. When speaking about risk, we are talking about possibilities.
      • 90年代初不也是和平年代吗?房市如股市,当价值被高估的时候,一有风吹草动就会全盘崩溃.
        • Nortel 可以从100刀跌到3刀,房价就不知道会不会从100万跌到3万。
          • do you know stock market? I know and experienced the nightmare ever. Although real estate doesn't act like stock, did you see the collaps ever happened? I believe it could be re-play,though not at same manner.
            • So, what is your suggestion? Waiting for another 5~10 years to buy a current price $360k's house with $150K? Never forget one thing, Canadian population is growing.
      • 文章的意思,不是说当你房价贬值4万后,第二年银行就会问你补贬值的那四万。
        • 原文说的还是不对,你需要续贷款时,要借的还是同样多的钱,并没有额外多出四万,如果借不到那么多,是你的个人CREDIT有问题。不是房子降价,你就会借不到足够的钱。
          • 房子跌得太多,就是资不抵债了,银行当然要追加还款了。比如30万的房子,你借了20万,就算你不付贷款了,银行收房子拍卖也不会亏。可要是跌到不到20万,银行收房子也没用了。这不是理论和想象,而是确实发生过的
            • 如果银行认为你付不起贷款,根本就不可能借钱给你(有的是申请贷款被银行拒掉的)。你说的情况下,MORTGAGE也许你能贷到的少了,但如你的CREDIT没问题,可以借LOC补。
          • The money you can borrow from a bank is not base on your CREDIT, but the CURRENT market price of your house.
            If you your house is 40k cheaper than previous year, there will be a 40k gap between the new loan and the old loan. you must pay for the gap. or the bank will claim your house.
            • The money you can borrow IS based on your credit , the mortgage you can borrow is based on the price of the house. MONEY and MORTGAGE are totallly different!!!
          • 那是还没跌到家, 也就是你的房还押得住贷款, 等押不住了, 当然要你马上补齐了, 你的风险银行是一点也不担的
            • 跌多少是跌得够多?作者认为20%是可能的,看看作者举的例子:
              20万的房子,首付25%,5万,贷款15万,一年的TERM(先不讨论你为什么没估计到利息风险,而签这么短的TERM),还款一年以后贷款还剩多少? 不到15万了,现在他的房子跌了20%,剩多少了?20万*20%=16万,资还抵债吧?好,你觉得还不够,跌30%,20万的房子变14万了,你想借15万,如果你有每年4-5万以上的收入,银行如果只给你14万的MORTGAGE,你还是可以申请到1万的LOC去COVER剩下的MORTGAGE。你要是没工作,这1万当然要你掏了(房子是你唯一的CREDIT)。这就是我说的个人CREDIT问题。
              • 你跟他们穷扯这么多干什么,原文作者整个就是一个什么都不懂的家伙。当初房子20万,贷款15万。现在房子值16万。16>14.xx,银行喝了蜜了,叫你补上四万去放高利贷?
                • 你这个人嘴里吃了屎了,你的房子值16万,银行就贷给你14.xx万?
    • good analysis! we rarely have such a wonderful insight!
      • insight个头,这种观点三年前就读过了。该观点犯了经验主义和教条主义的双重错误。
        • anyway, a cautious thinking is better than inpulsive action.
          • 同意。不过难的是怎么判断什么是cautious thinking。
            • just as a saying in chinese stock market, if those who doubt the danger of market rush into exchange, a sensitive time is upcoming. For so many patient house buyers have been unable to be patient, ......understand?
      • it seems you are not ready to move after this winter.
        • THat's right. it seems I would move into an apartment , for it's safer than taking part into the rush purchasers.
    • 事实胜于雄辩:一月份大多房价平均323,000。比去年12月315,000又高了8000啊。每年统计表明12月,1月房价是最低,几年来年年如此。今年最底的房价都快接近04年五月的最高价格325,000了。大家都说会跌会跌,
      • 看看这个月的Marketwatch,价格上升,成交下跌,New listing上升,active listing升到了历史新高。这都是典型的顶部特征。
        • Waiting for the right time and save as much as deposit for future deal to prevent the possibly soared mortgate rate! For the going-up has kept for almost 10 years. Economy is getting stronger, how does the price go?
        • Please tell me exactly how soon the time will come. And then I will wait. One year? Two year? Three year? How deep will the drop be? 300Khouse drop to 250K? 200K?....
        • 成交下跌? 4153 this month, 4232 Jan of 2004, 4256 Dec of 2004. I don't think the volume thrink too much. 2~3% is normal fluctuate!
          • 看成交是否下跌,除了要看绝对数外,更要看相对数。首先当然是相对总的市场容量,其次是相对Active Listing。其实active listing是个非常重要的参数。另外一个数值是房子平均在市场上“逗留”的时间。
    • 陷阱的前题是利率暴涨,经济不好,凭什么利率暴涨嘛。我就是两三年前听着这种貌似PROFESSION的论文,害的我现在要多花好几万去买房。
    • US$ up recemtly, than the person who hold the US$ from China mainland will change to CND, than begin to buy property, than the price....... 大家都说会跌?
      • 就让他等着吧, 等到利息贷款12%, 房价降5万的时候. 不过, 我看到那个时候你更不敢买! 还是乖乖地给我呆在公寓里, 那最安全, 也最适合你了.
        • 人家只是想告诉一些人(例如我),一些金融知识和买房的道理。你呛人家干吗?九唔搭八!
          • 如果要说"一些金融知识和买房的道理"就应该客观点!这种把各种发生机率很低的情况说得象随时发生的"金融知识和买房道理"是误导! 也只有一些人(例如你)觉得是"道理".
            • 发生机率低?九十年代初才发生过一次大波动,九十年代末又一次。还叫低?中649才叫低!
            • 原文起码让我明白一个“道理”,就是不能把身上仅有的5万元钱全拿来付首期。如是这样,一有风吹草动,就危险。
              • 当然要留点储备金在身边啦,别说碰上楼价有个浮动的, 就是万一有个急用可也可以周转一下, 通常专家建议银行帐户上应常备有3-5个月全家基本的开支(包括: 供房款,日常开支等). 其实这也不叫"道理"是"常识".
    • 从经济角度来看,利率的上升是通货膨胀的表现,总体上商品供大于求,任何东西基本都在涨价,工资也要以同样比例上涨,才可能维持社会稳定及人们的生活水平。这种时候房价怎么可能会下降呢?
      • 你这一通说得实在是让人摸不着边。
        • 我只是说作者的假设基本不可能发生。顺便更正一下,利率上涨时,通货膨胀,商品供不应求。在所有东西都涨价时,房价最多是不涨,狂跌不太可能。
    • anyway, we should try to find a place to call HOME. anyway, risk is over there. try to be sensitive to it and avoid it before it is too late. good luck, everybody.
    • 买房子当然有风险! 买了房子的朋友不必激动, 老牛看原文还是有一定道理的.有一点很关键,是自己承担风险的能力和心理素质...
    • GTA 的房价确实在涨,但如果有人认为会跌下去,最好先去美国看看;看后真的令人觉得钱只是个数字。我们香港同胞使美国西岸和加拿大西岸的房价日新月异!!
      • 今天看新闻也提到美国房价前几年疯长, 专家预测是今年将下降6%. 同时一个房地产从业者说到: 在一个短时间内房价出现波动是很正常的, 但整体趋势是呈上升是肯定的. 我觉得他说得比较客观.
    • 还是趁上涨之前,能还多少就还多少
    • Re: buying house in Canada
      No one here noticed that buying house is a very impoet method to reduce or not to pay income tax legally.
      For example, you can register a company and become self employer when you have a normal job.
      You need to borrow the max. money you can from the bank to increase the business expense to reduce your income.
      All the expenses like bank interest, property tax, utility bills, etc can be used as business expense as well as the house devaluation.
      You will pay very little income tax or none.
      In that way, your income tax become the money you use to pay your house loan from the bank.
      • What I don't understand is that your income from the company you are working should be different with the profit your own company. Can you claim the income deduction for your own company?
        • Who tell you that ?
          • When you have your own company with a lose, that lose can be used to reduce your income to 0.
            • Do you know what Tax auditors are doing? Catching greedy guys like you.
              • I know revenue canada well and they are not interested or will never audit the person with income lower than $50000.
      • MARK
      • 第一, 如果买房自住兼做Hoem office, 不可以将全部开销(utility, property tax)用于expense. 第二, 连续三年报亏损, 被audit的可能性大大增加. 一种可行的方法是:
        1. 卖掉股票, 得资金$A
        2. 用$A 付掉Morgage
        3. 再贷款$A 买回股票
        4. 用贷款抵税.

        好处: 债务没有增加, 但可多抵税
        • You don't buy the house but your company does. Or you buy the house not for own use but for business purpose and you can claim all the expense as business expense for sure.
      • 对于买房以便保值或投资的人来说,这个办法不好。业务用房在卖掉时,其增值部分要当成收入纳税。比如,20万的房,如果自住,将来卖40万,全归自己。而公司用房,则要为20万缴税。
        • You don't sell the house when the book value goes down. You buy another house using this one to borrow more money from the bank.
    • 文章举的例子有一个错误。他的朋友买20万的房子,付首付5万,贷15万。1年后房子贬值4万。如果renew mortgage,是不需要付给银行4万块的。因为贬值没有超过首付。这时他的房子还值16万,用来抵押不到15万的贷款没有银行会拒绝的。
      • 一直隐隐觉得原文说的不对,我也瞎扯了半天都没说到点儿上。其实买房只有存在利息上涨,买房者负担加重的风险。原文作者所说的“陷阱”是不存在的。原因如下:
        买过房的人都应该知道,银行把MORTGAGE分两种:CONVENTIONAL和HIGH RATIO。 前者首付要至少25%,后者可以最少只付5%DOWN PAYMOND。如果你是HIGH RATIO,必须要买MORTGAGE LOAN INSURANCE(你要能付25%以上的首付,就可以免这个保险金)。首付越少,MORTGAGE INSURANCE的保险金要交的就越高,这个保险是干嘛用的?就是在你无力还贷,银行拿你的房子去变现,但资不抵债时,由CMHC或GE(这是加拿大两家经营MORTGAGE INSURANCE的公司)来付差价。所以即使在你REFINANCE MORTGAGE(续贷款)的时候,你的房子跌了20%,银行也不会要你补钱的,那时如果你还没还够原来房子总价的25%,银行还会照常贷给你款,但REFINANCE时,你的MORTGAGE INSURANCE的保险金要比原来高了(大约至少高一倍)。为什么CONVENTIONAL和HIGH RATIO的界限要定在25%? 就因为历史上房价下跌的幅度没有超过过25%(个别特例的房子除外)。正是基于此,作者的举的那个买20万房子首付25%以后,房价跌20%,银行要让他补四万的例子根本就不成立。
        • 你说的很对
        • Refinance and Renewal are totally different.
          • it's different for sure! Refinancing is borrowing money from another bank after you purchased the house through the previous bank (you can even do that before the term ended, with some penalty).
            When the term is ended, you can choose to renew with current bank, or change to another bank(refinancing). Actually at time of renewing, if you financial status was improved during last couple of years, you will have a better position to shop around. Otherwise, banks may choose lend you the money or not. It's really not only related with how much your house worthing. For housing, people are not treated equally by the bank!!
      • 换个角度说,原文举例也没有错。本来就想住三年半的移民监,想买房挣一把,结果海龟时赔了四万要想自己的小金库补款。或者是给别人洗钱,想买房挣一把,结果向吃人不吐骨头补款四万。
      • It depends. If you don't have a good credit, for example, you happen to be jobless for a while before renewal, 银行 may likely 拒绝 15万的贷款 on a 值16万的房子.
        • if as your said, they lost their job and there is no savings, they will sell the house anyway not matter the mortgage got renewed or not.
          • No. They could rent a room or two out to cover the cost. However, the bank does not consider that as their credit.
        • 如果你的情况没有什么改变,只是房子跌价了。只要没有跌到比downpay还多,renew应该就没有影响。
          • The thing is, how can you make sure 你的情况没有什么改变? Many high paid IT professionals lost their job over night. What if it is just time to renew their mortgage?
    • 单身买房后的风险,若后来结婚,不久又离婚时,房子就没了一半.因为加的离婚法不管婚前还是婚后的不动产,好象都平分.
      • 婚前协议。