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################################ HERE IS THE PLAN ################################

It looks like that it is time for us to meet each other. I believe some of you have known each other because I see some IDs which are familiar to me. Anyway, here is the plan to meet:
Date and time: 3:00pm this coming Saturday (Feb 12, 2005)
location: A bar called VIVA CITY, 3820 Victoria Park Ave., south side of Steels Ave.

The reason why I choose a bar is that we can focus on talking instead of eating. After we finish, we can go somewhere to eat if we want. If anyone live in Scarborough or Markham and need a ride, let me know.

If most of you guys live far away from this address, we can change the place to meet

Thanks and happy chinese new year to you!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 以音乐会友
    1. 希望对音乐的兴趣不是一时热情.
    2. 聚会时带上几首自己最喜欢的歌曲或乐曲,再加上这些歌曲或乐曲演唱或演奏者的BACKGROUND / PHOTO / VIDEO,所表现的意境和你自己听后的感受.无论什么样的歌曲或乐曲,只要你想介绍给大家的就行.


    • 我听得少,杂,不容易介绍给别人,可是我喜欢学,能参加吗?
      • You are welcome, but I think everyone should share something with others during the meeting, otherwise there is no way we can benefit from each other, right?
        • 那我来梁祝,N年前能背下来。
          • Excellent! Please collect some info on this, like the story behind it, the name and background of the players and this music has been played by how many instruments, etc. Thanks for your input!
    • 我有25年前小提琴家isaac stern 访问中国的纪录片“from mao to mozart",愿意和大家分享。
      • Wow, 这可是经典. 这为老先生在电影"music of the heart"中还客串出场过, 他当年从中央音乐(附中)学院, 挑选了一些才华横溢的年轻人去美国, 后来很多人都很有出息.
        • got your PM, Shaolinbulk, thanks!
      • Excellet! Please collect more info on this. We will "wash our ears and listen to you with great respect". :) Thanks alot!. Would you email me your phone #?
    • 报名
      • 我也起哄吧
      • Good. please make sure you have something to share. email me your phone # please.
    • 有興趣,就怕興趣更不相同,東方紅遇上了黑金屬。 要求也有點象是要交功課。一般就是喜歡聽著音樂,發著小呆,即慶的聊上兩句,每次的心情都會不同。
      • same here. :-)所以縂覺著音樂适合一個人獨處時聼。
        • same here.:-),我还想知道别人听啥,和他为什么喜欢听那啥。
          • Ha, come to the meeting and you will get what you want. :)
      • 有同感。听音乐就象茗茶,是要独自细细品的。不同的人会品出不同的味道。同一个人随兴致心情也会让自己亦苦亦甜。。。
      • I totally agree with you guys. As we get familiar with each other, we'll open our mind, share our thoughts with others. Don't you think this is wonderful? Anyway, if interested, email me your # please. thanks!
        If you really love your music/songs and want to share with others, I don't think it is like homework to you. Am I right?
    • 非常感兴趣,可惜我不在多伦多。 ~>_<~
      • Oh, that is a pity.......
    • 非常感兴趣,报名参加.届时请提前通知.愿意分担费用.谢谢你!
      • again, email me your # and I'll contact you. thanks!
    • 报名,建议找一个发烧友的家里聚会,大家可以交点费用, 也好饱饱耳福 :),
      • The most important thing is the source, not the equipment. If you have high quality music, I think my stereo will do the good jobs. (Receiver: SONY 945, Speaker: Polk Audio RTI 800 5.1).
        But this is not my point. What I want to do is to meet friends with music, as what it says in the title of this post.
        • 看看我的配置:speaker: Piega C8 LTD, Pre-amp: Pass Lab X1, amp: Granit-audio A60, CD player Carry 306-200.
          Power conditioner: equitech 1.2.
          interconnect : Harmonic-tech magic link ,
          powercord: 5 * cardas golden reference
          Speaker cable: cardas golden reference
        • my system has great sound staging and image. I only play high quality CD, because if the CD is recorded poorly, my system can tell the difference.
          • Holy Cow! Very expensive Swiss speakers!
            Around $14000/pair, right? Compared to your spearkers, mine are garbage. Anyway, would you join us? Listening music from high quality stereo system makes us more enjoyable, but just like I said, this is not my point, very few people can afford expensive stereo systems. What I want to do is to meet people with the same hobby. If you want to join us, you are welcome to the meeting next saturday afternoon. Thanks!
            • I will have friends come over on Saturday at 5:00. But I think I can drop by around 3:00. I know you will like my speaker.
              • The Saturday you mentioned is next Saturday (feb 19,2005), right? I have changed the first meeting from this coming Saturday to the next one.
                • 02/19, I don't have any plan yet, so same place?
                  • see my new post "以音乐会友-II" . Because many people will be busy on celebrating Chinese New Year this weekend, I changed date. The time and location is the same.
    • 还要讲感受, 好难...hoho
      • 你感受的很好呀。
      • 经典!
      • yeah, that is key point of this meeting....
      • hoho...
    • 太小资了?
      • Can't say this is "XiaoZi". We are still far away from it. :)
    • 不会是巧合吧?心想事成?? 就当作是春节的礼物 - 多谢!第2个条件有一点儿那个。
      • Sorry, I insist the second condition. That is the key part of this meeting.
    • 好主意! 有时间一定参加
      • I'll let you know the date and time.
    • 好主意大力支持。建议是以后每次活动是不是限定个题目(第一次无所谓大家见见面)因为每个人口味不一样,古典、摇滚、爵士。。。感兴趣的带着自己的CD与大家分享。活动也可以轮流在各家举行
      • yeah, as long as you want to share with others, whatever it is is fine.
    • Thanks to all for your replies. again, like I said, the second condition of my post is the key part, otherwise there is no difference between this kind of meeting and listening music in your car.
      • Totally different !!
    • 有什么主题?哪一类的音乐?声乐?器乐?
      • All kinds of music or songs would be fine, as long as they are your favorite and you would like to share with others.
        There are no so called 'beginners" or "experts" here. Any kinds of discriminations are NOT allowed.
        • No Discrimination, for sure. But it would be good to have a theme each time.
          • We can talk about it at our first "get-to-know-each-other" meeting. Everyone will have a chance to give out his/her suggestions
            • no, 还是以音乐划分比较好, 作为爱乐先锋, 离开音乐怎么介绍自己,:))
    • 唉,也不知道聚会是几时,我先抛一砖,你们看这路子对不对。#2115316,#2115333,#2115377,#2115384。唉,大家都来听啊,过年想家的就来吧,保证你掉眼泪呀,不掉泪不要钱呐。
      • Good. Thank you. But I think we should do more than just listening the song. To enjoy a song or a peice of music better, we need to know the story it based on........
    • 我们夫妇也是音乐爱好者,但还是门外汉,只限自娱自乐而已,愿交朋友,分享好的音乐.
    • I'd like to join, will PM you. Thx.
    • 看了大家的建议.本人也有些想法了.拿出来大家看看行不?
      每次活动是要有个主题:比如说港台流行歌曲,大陆流行歌曲,电影插曲,外国流行歌曲,器乐等等.每一类也可以分的很细,比如说再分年代,男女歌手等等.我们可以先从较简单的开始. 大家可以在第一次聚会时讨论


      • 好主意.想问一下如何PM你?
        • see below, we'll meet this saturday
      • 刚看到主题时眼前一亮,怎麽越发象学术讨论了? 对不起,本人学识浅薄,见笑了。
        • No, no. just like I said, there is no "beginners" or "experts" here. As long as you want to share something with others, that would be fine.
          • 会长好像不大接受我这类fun-不守规则。 我以为share的形式-enjoy (rather than express). Anyway, I would have to work overtime this Sat. Have fun, guys!
      • 我曾經有過的想法是,就著音樂寫點東西,或者錄點什麼。倒真是沒想過當眾說什麼的。anyway,先報個名吧,具體形式再討論。希望大家能在活動中結識到志趣相投的樂友。:)
      • 也许这里多时做学问出身的,所以做什么都有点“学术”的味道,我觉得应该是音乐分享,不管是什么风格,只要是有点特色的就可以拿来分享,谈谈自己的感觉。
        • This is what we are trying to do.
      • ################################ HERE IS THE PLAN ################################
        It looks like that it is time for us to meet each other. I believe some of you have known each other because I see some IDs which are familiar to me. Anyway, here is the plan to meet:
        Date and time: 3:00pm this coming Saturday (Feb 12, 2005)
        location: A bar called VIVA CITY, 3820 Victoria Park Ave., south side of Steels Ave.

        The reason why I choose a bar is that we can focus on talking instead of eating. After we finish, we can go somewhere to eat if we want. If anyone live in Scarborough or Markham and need a ride, let me know.

        If most of you guys live far away from this address, we can change the place to meet

        Thanks and happy chinese new year to you!
        • 好,一定去.这次只是为了大家认识,谈谈以后的活动内容,所以暂时不用带相关的音乐资料,对吧?
          • yes. you are right.
          • the date has been changed to next Saturday. The time and location is the same.
            • Next Saturday? Feb. 19?
              • yes. because many people will be very busy this saturday to celebrate chinese new year. sorry about it.
          • 真遗憾! 老板今天通知,这周六要加班,所以可能去不了聚会,能不能把聚会的内容在会后POST 出来,非常感谢.
            • OK.
        • 老大,這個和OK黨的時間湊一起了,偶兩個都想攪和,兩個都是第一次會議怎麼辦吶
    • 在大年初一,我谨祝大家快快乐乐, 大吉大利,事业有成,聚会圆满成功,:P
    • 我经常晚上听fm96.3, 感觉说不出, 就是愿意听。 我想音乐每个人听感觉都不同吧。
      • 如果你要知道每首歌曲的来龙去脉,你就更愿意听了.
    • 提议:喜欢用语言交流的一起聚;喜欢意会的一群另外找个舒适浪漫的地方慢慢品。怎样?皆大欢喜。
      • 好主意.我想我是想用中文交流音乐的.所以属于用语言交流那一种
    • Count me !