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买车的噩梦经历和最终退车的过程 - 两个参考资料

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛------------- 这是卖车的合同背面的文字, 不知道多少人签字前认真读过, 这是保护卖主利益的。 ------------------

1. PURCHASER’S OFFER: By singing this form I have made an offer to purchase the vehicle described above (“the vehicle”). I understand that this offer becomes a binding contract between the dealer and me when it is accepted by the signature of an authorized official of the dealer.

2. VEHICLE SOLD “AS IS”: I agree that if the appropriate space below is initialed by me, the vehicle is sold “As Is” and is not represented as being in a road worthy condition, mechanically sound or maintained at any guaranteed level of quality. The vehicle may not be fit for use as a means of transport and may require substantial repairs at my expense.
________________ (Purchaser’s initials) if this space is not initialed by me, this clause does not form part of this agreement.

3.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TERMS: I acknowledge having read all terms of the contract, including those on the reverse. I understand that they form art of this agreement. I also agree that no verbal promises have been made to me by the dealer or its employees. I agree that the written terms contained in this contract make up the entire agreement.

4.TRAD IN VEHICLE: Any vehicle I trade-in shall be equipped and in the same condition, other than reasonable wear and tear only, at the time of delivery to the dealer, as it was at the date of this agreement. I agree to be responsible for any repairs or maintenance needed to maintain this condition until the delivery date. If the trade-in vehicle has been damaged between the date of this agreement and the delivery date, or is in need of repair, the dealer may cancel this agreement and deduct any damages from the deposit or, if I agree, may reduce the amount of the trade-in allowance to compensate for the repairs needed. I also agree that I will be liable to compensate the dealer for any loss suffered because of any misrepresentation by me about the declared distance traveled. The declared prior use, or the condition of the vehicle traded-in.

5.DISTANCE TRAVELLED: To the best of the dealer’s knowledge, the distance the vehicle has traveled is as shown in this agreement.

6.WARRANTIES: I understand that there are no warranties or representations given by the dealer regarding the vehicle or affecting my rights or those of the dealer, other than those contained in this agreement or sat out in any applicable legislation or manufacturer’s warranty.

7.TAXES AND FINANCING: I agree to pay the dealer an amount equal to any increase in taxes payable relating to the purchase of the vehicle, between the date of this agreement and delivery of the vehicle to me. Should the amount of tax payable to reduced, the dealer agrees to deduct this amount from the total amount owed by me.

I agree that I will be responsible for any damages suffered by the dealer if a financing contract cannot be arranged because of any default or misrepresentation by me.

8.LEGAL OWNERSHIP AND PURCHASER’S OBLIGATIONS: Legal ownership of the vehicle shall not pass to me until the entire purchase price has been paid in full. I agree that until that time, I shall:
(a)maintain insurance on the vehicle with the dealer as the named beneficiary in the event of a loss.
(b)not sell or transfer the vehicle to anyone else
(c)not allow any lien or other interest to be taken in or against the vehicle
(d)not allow the vehicle to be used in the commission of any illegal act; and
(e)reimburse the dealer for any costs the dealer may incur due to my failure to comply with any of (a)(b)(c)(d)

9.CREDIT INFORMATION: I authorize the dealer to obtain credit information on me from any credit reporting agency or any credit grantor and to disclose credit information on me to any credit reporting agency or to any credit grantor with whom I have financial relations.

10.SECURITY INSTEREST: If the entire amount owing by me is not paid at the time I take delivery of the vehicle, or if any vehicle traded in by me contains an encumbrance of any sort, so that I connot pass clear title to the dealer, I grant the dealer a security interest in the vehicle being sold to me up to the amount owing and understand that the dealer may register this interest under the Personal Property Security Act.

11.DEFAULT IN PAYMENT: If I miss any payment due under this agreement, then the entire purchase price shall immediately become due and payable. The dealer, or anyone assigned by the dealer, shall then have the right too repossess the vehicle without notice to me.

On seven (7) days notice to me by registered mail, sent to my last address known to the dealer, the dealer may resell the vehicle by private sale or public auction. The dealer shall have the right to make whatever repairs are deemed necessary to put the vehicle in adequate condition for resale.

I agree to pay the dealer the difference between the balance of the purchase price still owing by me and the amount obtained on resale…as well as any expenses incurred by the dealer in repossessing and reselling the vehicle.

12.CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT: This agreement may not be cancelled by me. If by mutual consent, the dealer and I agree to cancel the contract, the dealer shall return any deposit or vehicles traded in as part payment of the purchase price. Should any vehicles traded-in by me be sold prior to the mutual cancellation of this agreement, the dealer agrees to pay me the amount of the trade-in allowance shown on the front of this agreement.

13.ACCEPTANCE BY PRUCHASER: If refuse to take delivery of the vehicle when it is made available to me, or on the delivery date specified in this agreement, the dealer shall notify me, by registered mail, sent to my last address known to the dealer, that the vehicle is available for delivery. If I fail to take delivery to the vehicle within seven (7) days of signed receipt of this notice, or if the notice is returned to the dealer unclaimed. The dealer may resell the vehicle with no further notice to me.

When the dealer resells the vehicle, I agree to pay the dealer the difference between the agreed upon purchase price and the amount obtained on the resale…as well as any expenses incurred by the dealer in reselling the vehicle. Any deposit or vehicle traded-in may be kept by the dealer to apply against any loss suffered by the dealer. If the loss is greater than the total of the amount paid as a deposit any the value of the trade-in, I agree to pay the difference to the dealer.

The dealer agrees to provide me with a detailed accounting of the resale and a list of expenses incurred. These expenses may include, but may not be limited to, advertising, insurance, daily interest, etc. The dealer shall maintain the right to use any legal means available to collect any sum owing by me under this agreement.

---------- 这是商业行为法第二款, 罗列所谓不公正行为。 这是保护买方利益的。 原文 --------------------

Unfair practices

2. For the purposes of this Act, the following shall be deemed to be unfair practices:

1. A false, misleading or deceptive consumer representation including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing,

i. a representation that the goods or services have sponsorship, approval, performance characteristics, accessories, uses, ingredients, benefits or quantities they do not have,

ii. a representation that the person who is to supply the goods or services has sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation or connection the person does not have,

iii. a representation that the goods are of a particular standard, quality, grade, style or model, if they are not,

iv. a representation that the goods are new, or unused, if they are not or are reconditioned or reclaimed, provided that the reasonable use of goods to enable the seller to service, prepare, test and deliver the goods for the purpose of sale shall not be deemed to make the goods used for the purposes of this subparagraph,

v. a representation that the goods have been used to an extent that is materially different from the fact,

vi. a representation that the goods or services are available for a reason that does not exist,

vii. a representation that the goods or services have been supplied in accordance with a previous representation, if they have not,

viii. a representation that the goods or services or any part thereof are available to the consumer when the person making the representation knows or ought to know they will not be supplied,

ix. a representation that a service, part, replacement or repair is needed, if it is not,

x. a representation that a specific price advantage exists, if it does not,

xi. a representation that misrepresents the authority of a salesperson, representative, employee or agent to negotiate the final terms of the proposed transaction,

xii. a representation that the proposed transaction involves or does not involve rights, remedies or obligations if the representation is false or misleading,

xiii. a representation using exaggeration, innuendo or ambiguity as to a material fact or failing to state a material fact if such use or failure deceives or tends to deceive,

xiv. a representation that misrepresents the purpose or intent of any solicitation of or any communication with a consumer.

2. An unconscionable consumer representation made in respect of a particular transaction and in determining whether or not a consumer representation is unconscionable there may be taken into account that the person making the representation or the person's employer or principal knows or ought to know,

i. that the consumer is not reasonably able to protect his or her interests because of physical infirmity, ignorance, illiteracy, inability to understand the language of an agreement or similar factors,

ii. that the price grossly exceeds the price at which similar goods or services are readily available to like consumers,

iii. that the consumer is unable to receive a substantial benefit from the subject-matter of the consumer representation,

iv. that there is no reasonable probability of payment of the obligation in full by the consumer,

v. that the proposed transaction is excessively one-sided in favour of someone other than the consumer,

vi. that the terms or conditions of the proposed transaction are so adverse to the consumer as to be inequitable,

vii. that he or she is making a misleading statement of opinion on which the consumer is likely to rely to his or her detriment,

viii. that he or she is subjecting the consumer to undue pressure to enter into the transaction.

3. Such other consumer representations under paragraph 1 as are prescribed by the regulations made in accordance with section 16. R.S.O. 1990, c. B.18, s. 2.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 买车的噩梦经历和最终退车的过程
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Haishang Auto Sales沪光车行
    1215 Kennedy Road, Scarborough
    Ontario, M1P 2L2
    Tel: 416-751 1888
    Fax: 416-751 7921

    沪光车行, 座落在 Kennedy 路东, 401南五个交通灯, lawrence 北两个交通灯。 从名字看来主人似乎是上海人。

    我曾经在那里买了一辆车, 后来演成一场梦魇。我决心把事情原原本本的讲出来, 和大家共享经验教训。

    当时, 我看中 Haishang 的一车, 具体型号等细节就不说了。开价 6500加币。

    车身外观完好,亮晶晶, 内部后箱清洁。磁带音响, 驾驶座气囊, 无电动门窗, 无天窗和前座顶灯。 排气管没有液体, 积碳也不严重。 打开前盖, 发现 99年,150,000km 时更换 timing belt 的标签。 马达锈蚀略微严重,有机油渗出的痕迹, 冷却液和机油都是满的, 然而停留的地面没有滴漏。 轮胎磨损严重, 恐怕过不了冬天了, 四角按下去浮上来不动了,说明四轮的减震器正常。 趴下来看, 底盘锈蚀也比较严重。 切换档位, 平滑准确。 发动马达, 声音清脆, 挂在空档上轰油, 转速轻松的达到5000。

    [注:10年 17 万公里, 是个偏低的里程。 应该是这部车的主要优点。 我心存疑虑, 直到我看到更换 timing belt 的标签,推算起来合理。这才放心。 事实上后来一想这个念头幼稚, 有胆量rollback里程表的人, 当然能做出标签一类的小伎俩。里程主要还要从UVIP上判断。]

    下面要试车了, 感觉马达工作非常好, 噪音低。但是发现空调吹出的都是热风。高速时驾驶车窗发出啸叫。 回到停车场重新检查, 确认压缩机转动, 但是没有冷风。 车窗玻璃穿出密封条外。

    决心买, 但是空调和车窗一定要修。

    事实上从一开始, Car dealer 就参与在整个过程中。 接待我的dealer 是个名叫 Maqsood Saleem 的印度人, 每说三句话, 必夹杂一句: “你把驾驶执照给我, 我们再谈” 拿到了我的驾照, 就可以开始填写正式的合同了。 有一段我们嫌他总催个没完很烦人, 就说:“我们能自己看看车吗”把他支开。 他巧舌如簧的说了好多话。 从后来的经历反思, 关键的对话是:

    我问为什么车里程这么低? 他说: “who knows, I guess may be some housewife drove locally to supermarket or somewhere, see how clean inside !”

    这是一句误导的话, 给我的印象是此车是在多伦多城区内转的。 如果我知道这车是从外地运来的, 我就不会考虑购买。

    [注: dealer 对车的基本历史是绝对是清楚的,有多少从前的车主,曾经在哪里驾驶过, 甚至每个车主手里的开的里程, 这些都从旧车信息 (UVIP)上看的很清楚。 当问及这些问题时,如果dealer突然使用: 不知道, 可能, 大概, 我猜 之类含糊其辞的话, 多半就是他想回避的关键问题。]

    谈到我关注的车窗和空调, Saleem 表示车窗一定修好,空调是好的, 只是需要充雪种。 “give me you driving license , I can guarantee you all of this. ”

    我想,也许真的充雪种就好了。 空调是要定期加雪种的。 两年或三年。 那算正常。 但是我留了一个心眼, 我说: 必须在合同中写明车窗必须修好。空调正常工作。 取车时我要到把车开到我熟悉的修车师傅那里检查空调。 如果那时空调不能正常工作, 我就不付款。 Saleem 一一答应。

    后面是讨价还价的过程。 价格讲到5500。 Saleem 说无法再降了。 但是如果我付一部分现金的话, 比如 2000 现金, 就可以省 300 加币的税。 最後我接受了:500加币订金, 2000加币现金, 其他加税再付 4100支票。 总共6600。

    [注:关于付现金省去税款的建议, 最好不要接受。 如果dealer 真心实意要减价, 就在基本价格里减。 因为法理上, 这是你在逃避销售税。结果把交易的过程和总额变得复杂化。但这是一柄双刃剑,因为车行肯定不报这部分营业额来逃避营业税。如果被揭发出来麻烦更大。 所以这部分现金车行绝对是要不留一点痕迹的。一旦冲突起来, 这成了车行的一个弱点。 ]

    谈妥后, 我递上驾照, Saleem 眉开眼笑的填写合同, 飞快的在合同的 comments 一栏里添上:
    “air-con fixed, driver door window fixed”

    另外还有免费换油, 免费加刷窗户水之类我们从来没有谈过的内容, 把comments一栏添得满满的。 然后我签字, 付订金。

    Saleem 告诉我, 安检, 尾气, 过户一类的手续三天后办好。 让我三天后取车。 我坚持先让检查, 他说: OKOK. 热情握手告别。

    [注:关于合同中的comments, 实际上是买车的条件, 一定不能懒, 要自己填写。 哪怕自己英文不好, 字迹不漂亮。 自己填写能明确表达自己的意思, Dealer 填写就会巧妙的写上对他们有利的内容。
    比如如果我写的话, 我会写:
    “air-con is functional, driver door window sealed” 但是他写成了 air-con fixed。 很快我就领教 fixed 这个词的威力了]

    三天后,给 Saleem 打电话。 他说车已经完全准备好了,
    “air-con fixed, window fixed” 让我快去付款。 我说我要先到 garage 检查, Saleem 突然变卦说: “朋友, 我不能让你没付款就把车开走。 有很多人把车开走趁机偷换零件, 我们车行已经发生五六起这样的事情了, 所以你必须先付款。付款后一个月内, 有什么问题都可以回来 to get fixed”简直莫名其妙, 如果我想偷换零件, 大概几天前开上高速试车时就换了, 还用等到今天? 我和他争论了好久, 这一轮, 他是三句话必夹杂一句 “pay in full”我坚持先查车。 最后他含糊的说你先来再说。我打电话约好了修车师傅,然后再次请我的朋友和我一起去,为把车开到车库。

    等我到达沪光, 首先发现车窗被手抠进了密封条里面, 但是显然没有修过, 我把车窗摇下再摇上,玻璃重新钻出密封条。 我指出这问题, Saleem 马上又用手抠密封条, 一边说:“fixed, fixed, mechanic fixed it, I saw.” 打开空调, 手放在出风口上细心体会, 好像是有了点凉意。 “See, fixed” Saleem 欢叫, “pay in full please” 我惦记着我的预约, 不想和他争论, 要他给我临时黄色车牌, 我要去约定的车库。

    Saleem 板起脸, “my friend, I can’t let you drive car away until you pay in full. You want window fixed, air-conditioner fixed, we fixed them. That’s it” 说完, 收起钥匙, 锁上车门扬长而去。 我这才意识到我碰到流氓了。 “Fixed”可以用作形容词:修好了;也可以用作动词表示: 修过了。

    我追着他到办公室, 他钻进经理室, 告诉我: 在外面等, 就关起门打电话, 不出来了。

    我在外面坐了将近一个小时, Saleem 常常进进出出, 但就是不理睬我。

    后来 Haishang 的另一个Dealer, Simon Xu 走进来, 此人大概就是上海人吧。 皮肤黝黑, 高大健硕, 脸黑亮黑亮的直泛油光。 看来 Car dealer 是个滋养人的职业。 我向他投诉, 他反问:“你们不是决定买车了吗?还检查什么? 你们这些人哪。。。”直摇头。 流露出恨铁不成钢的神情。

    我讲明原委, 声明我必须验车。 Simon 进了经理室和Saleem 谈了谈。 出来说:“今天手续没有办好, 你周六来吧。车门那时也准搞定” 我再次强调我要验车, 现在的车窗和空调绝对不能接受。 Simon 也点头同意。 被晾在一边一个小时以后, 有这样的承诺, 我象穷孩子见到党一样激动的说:“周六我来找你, 我再也不和 Saleem 打交道了, 他不诚实”


    到周六,我自己先来到车行, Simon 一见到我, 就笑容满面迎上来递上黄车牌和钥匙。 多么通情达理的人!车到修车厂, 架起看底盘, 糊满了黄泥。 再看到发动机的锈,修车师傅问我这车原来在哪里开? 我不知道。修车师傅说这么严重的锈和黄泥, 好像不是在城市里开的。 查空调, 发现泄漏, 但是不严重, 冷风也不强。其它也没有看出更多的问题, 所有意见供我参考。

    我回到沪光, 问这车是从哪里来的。Simon 说他不知道, 他是从丰田的车行买来的。

    [注: 车行是不可能不知道车的来历的, 如果说他不知道, 一定是有隐情。 “我从丰田的车行手里买的”又是含糊不清的话,柬埔寨也有丰田的车行呢。 用不着他撒谎, 仅仅这种模糊误导的话已经违反了商业行为法。 ]

    我关注空调的事情, 把车的来历问题轻轻放过了。 我指出空调制冷不强。 Simon 立刻让我先去取钱, 等我去后来, 空调一定搞定了。 于是我去银行取钱, 等回来时一试空调, 果然冷森森。 遂欣然付款。

    [注:现在看来, 此车的空调压缩机正常, 但管道有严重的泄漏。虽然我一直关注空调, 空调, 但是还是疏忽了。 这空调和我打了个时间差。 到修车厂测试泄漏的时候, 内部的氟利昂几乎漏光, 压力不足。 所以虽然不制冷, 可也测不出多少泄漏。 后来在把氟利昂加足。取得了好的制冷效果, 但是我已经不能再去测泄漏了。如果是无意中创造的机会, 那真是机缘巧合, 如果是有意制造这个时间差, 那真是深谋远虑。 ]

    既然空调好了, 我再没有多余的问题, 就付款。 付了两千现金后, Simon 拒绝开收据, 甚至白条都不开一张。 因为 “如果有收据, 那么付现金就没有意义了” 我也就没有坚持。 接着开我的支票。 当时处于买车的兴奋状态中, 头脑不太清醒。

    [注: 付钱了一定要证据, 否则, 现在我的这笔车交易, 只有4500元记录在案。]

    ------------- 冲突 --------------------
    激动了一夜, 把我原来的破车上的各种装饰, 工具, 纸巾,饮料等等全倒腾到新车上。 第二天早上, 发现空调有没有冷风了。 把手放在出风口良久, 试图说服自己, 但最终还是认定: 没有冷风出来了。 打电话给 Simon, Simon 说过两天把车开过来修吧。

    我提醒此车原来说是有空调的, 现在折腾了许久, 证明空调是坏的。
    Simon 说合同上写的是空调修好嘛, 我们不是在给你修吗?

    现在明白了吧, 为什么Saleem 那么喜欢 Fixed 这个词了吧。 Fix 是个可持续的动作。 某些功能也许永远修不好, 但是绝对可以永远不停的修下去。 而车行讲明只负责一个月。

    两天后, 星期二, 把车开去沪光修。 正好Simon 向我这边走来。 我堆出笑容迎上去,Simon 突然黑下脸 (我的意思是说比原来的黑脸更黑)大喝一声:“你别把车停这, 我要开后面的车, 你赶快开走。” 我脸上的笑容还僵着就赶紧手忙脚乱的倒车。 觉得很没趣。 感觉很明显: 你交了钱, 你是孙子了。

    第二天取车, Simon 和 Saleem 都没有好脸色。 当然我也知趣, 试试冷风强劲, 赶紧从人家眼皮底下消失了。然而再过了一天, 空调的冷风再次消失。

    打电话给沪光, Saleem 告诉我等周日我休息的时候才把车开来。 “We will fix it”。 失灵空调的热风呼呼的吹在我目光呆滞的脸上。 我呆呆的想这样下去什么时候是个头呢? 其实尽头很明显, 就是一个月。 从我付订金到现在已经两个星期了。 再过两个星期, 我就没有资格再去找沪光了。我就自己对付着个空调了。

    空调的毛病无非是压缩机损坏, 冷凝器堵塞或管路泄漏。 压缩机损坏最昂贵, 但是泄漏却是很难很除的毛病。 空调的管路长, 压力大, 经常由粗管进入细管做热交换, 然后汇总成粗管。泄漏防不胜防。 而现在沪光每次得修理就是重新充一下雪种, 挺两三天而已。 他绝对没有更换管道。 而只要过了一个月, 他们就可以不管了。 但是我买的是有空调的车!

    我想起的第一件事就是打电话停止我的支票的兑现。 我就这个问题咨询一个据说很有名气的律师。 律师斩钉截铁的说: “你现在唯一的出路是和车行合作, 继续修。 因为你已经签了合同, 合同背面的条款你没看吗? 你不懂英文还是怎么着。 对不起, 电话里我只能说这么多了。 我已经回答了你的问题。 ”

    说实话, 我真的这时才仔细看合同背面的条款。 细读下来, 简直是不平等条约。条条是对买方的限制。消费者的地位真的可怜。 基本上如果签了字, 就是签了卖身契。

    捱到周六,再到沪光, 想认真商量一个解决办法。Simon 的回答和那个律师如出一辙: “你把车开来, 我们给你修”
    我说:“你已经修了三次了, 这样修下去怎么样算修好? 既然超过了一个月你就不再负责了, 所以再修就要有个保证, 多长时间内保证空调不坏”
    “我没法保证, 空调就是这样”
    “这空调管道有泄漏, 你不能每次就充一下雪种就完了。 必须换管道。 否则这车我不要了。我买的是个有空调的车 ! ”
    Simon 一声冷笑, “不要, 那是没有可能的, 你签了合同,唯一的出路就是和我们合作。 就算打官司到法庭, 你也不过是拿车来给我们修。”
    我无可奈何的强笑,“可是你这样修下去, 永远也修不好。。。这不是骗人吗”
    Simon 突然拍案而起, 黑脸上横肉块块饱绽, 我吓得连脸都白了, 以为他要揍我。 还好他只是指着我的鼻子大喊:
    “你说我骗人, 那我不谈了, 你去找律师, 你去上法庭告我! 不谈了, 你们这些人呐, XXX, XXXXX”
    说完扭头就走, 我向他的背影喊:“我这不是来和你谈的。” 但是他理也不理, 钻进经理室。 我只好尴尬的坐在外边等。
    后来他出来一次, 冲我说: “你还在这儿干什么。我们没什么可谈的” 我又等了将近一个小时, 这已经是我第二次被尴尬的晒在这里了。毫无疑问, 一定有许多象我一样的人曾经被晒在这里。

    ---------- 准备诉讼 ------------
    回家路上, 我扶着方向盘都手都在哆嗦。 好久才定下神来。这下好了, 修也不用修了。 看来我只能自己认倒霉了。 冬天快到了,到明年夏天, 才需要重新修理空调。那时, 现在的这段屈辱或许已经早已淡忘了。

    但是我总觉的太不甘心。 难道加拿大也是那么一个丛林的环境吗?我决心试一试, 能不能用法律手段保护自己的利益。

    首先, 我去打印出 Used Vehicle Information Package. UVIP. 这本来是应该购买前干的事情。 奉劝各位买旧车的朋友, 在最后下决心前, 一定要搞到 UVIP. 别省这十多块钱。

    首先要知道车的 VIP 号码, 一般在车的驾驶座前面的车窗玻璃下面。 也可以直接向卖车的人问。这VIP 出现在 OWNSHIP 上。

    其实不止VIP号码, 就是 UVIP 本身, 卖车的人都肯定有。 如果车行拒不提供, 就不要吝惜金钱, 自己打一份出来。 $21。 到那种能更换驾照地址和付费等的机器上去打。

    这种机器 (service Ontario machine)有很多, 我知道的是 SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER, 和 EGLINTON 夹 VICTORIA PARK 的 EGLINTON SQUARE.

    从UVIP 上可以得到许多重要的信息。 以前的车主, 每次过户时登记的里程 和有关抵押的信息。 你一定不希望买到一辆别人用来财产抵押的车吧。

    我从 UVIP 上发现这辆车直到今年四月才到达多伦多。 以前都是在安省北面一个小镇上的。 城市里的车和农村的车到底哪个好, 这个问题说不清楚。 但是如果我知道这个问题, 我就不会买这部车。 Dealers 总用含糊的语言掩盖这个事实。

    接下来, 我发现了 www.omvic.on.ca. OMVIC, Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council. 安省汽车行业理事会。 是管理所有安省内 car dealer 的自律组织。

    从这个网址可以连接到安省的商业行为法:Business Practices Act. 此法律列举了所谓 “unfair practices”不公正行为。 全是约束卖方行为的。 任何一条 unfair practices 都可以导致合同取消。

    OMVIC 网址上还提供了他管辖下的车行和售车人的搜索服务。 我一搜之下, 发现那个和我签合同的 Sleem 竟然还不是注册的 saleperson! 告他没商量。

    OMVIC 推荐的程序是:首先必须取得 UVIP. 然后必须用挂号信 (register mail)和车行先行联络。 如果达不成协议再投诉到 OMVIC. 如果OMVIP 不能调节车行和买方的矛盾。 就只好通过法律了。
    10,000 以内, 属于小额民事诉讼, 可以自己出庭。 10,000以上, 就必须雇律师代表自己。

    随后几天, Simon打电话留言说: 他们发现了我的支票被停止支付了, 如果我拒绝付款, 他们就要拖车!打官司输了, 我还不得不付款, 并且还要付 8-10% 的利息。 并且将来会搞坏我的信用记录。 那意味着申请信用卡, 贷款买车, 房都回出问题。


    1.把车停到安全的地方。 反正不能停在家门口, 因为车行知道我的地址。幸好我当时没有Trade-in 我的车, 否则这一段就麻烦了。 合同赋予车行拖车的权利, 一旦车被拖走, 我就被动了。
    2.把车开到正规的丰田车行做空调检查。 这时诉讼必须的手续, 至少两家。 丰田的专营店为我检查的结果是:要修好空调, 要更换冷凝器, 高压管, 蒸发器。 一家报价 1200, 另一家报价 1700。

    这些都是 OMVIC 教的程序。 网页上甚至有投诉信的模板。照着填上自己的内容就行了。 我写了四条理由:
    1.代表沪光签合同的人不是omvic注册的 salesperson.
    2. 沪光隐瞒此车的真是来历, 属于用模糊语言误导买方。
    3.空调屡次修不好, 还拒绝提供质量保证。
    4.态度粗暴, 属于用不适当压力迫使交易完成。

    不知道我的胜算是不是象他们说的一点没有。 不知道要花费多少时间和精力以及最终败诉的损失。 我决心走下去。 就算增加一种经历。
    我们经常痛感华人商家不如西人诚信,甚至同一家公司的中文热线电话服务也比英文热线态度恶劣。 也许就是我们自己太不回保护自己的权益。事前太轻信, 事后常常忍气吞声。

    我在想如果一个本地长大的白人问沪光:“这辆车以前在哪里开?” 我不相信他们敢不据实禀告!

    每天晚上, 我埋头研究 《小额法庭诉讼指南》, 从小额法庭的网站上下载的。 http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/。

    ----------- 私了 --------------
    当我查询挂号信, 确认沪光收到了信后, 沪光的 sleem 突然后打电话来商量解决的办法。
    我坚决的说: “我要取消合同”我打算如果他说不同意, 或讲其他的条件。 我就不谈了,马上去给 OMVIC 打电话。
    对方回答: “那好, 你可不可以明天把车开回来, 我们办取消合同的手续”

    到约好的那天, 只有 sleem , 出面, 那个Simon不见踪影。

    Sleem 这次一句废话没有, 首先就要收回那份他签字的合同。 然后, 检查了车, 还了我定金和 2000 元现金。还让我保证从此后不能在因为此事到汽车协会告状。

    我告诉他, 如果我那么 aggressive, 我就不会来和他们私了了。 我只是想快一点结束这个噩梦而已。

    实际上我列的四条只有第一条是真正有效的。 Sleem 不应该签字。 当时他大概认为我很冲动, 等到 Simon 等人回来那段时间我可能就会改主意。 所以就擅自签字了。 结果不巧出了麻烦, 最后成为不得不退车的把柄。

    后来我一直好奇, 如果我真的拿着这个 Sleem 签字的合同告到 OMVIC, 汽车协会能怎么处罚沪光呢。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 那个车行很无赖的
    • 干的好!
    • 东西都准备好了,钱也拿到手了,还等什么啊,告他们啊!不要手下留情
      • 如果你有时间,告他们,为民除害。否则,他以后还会骗别人。不是每个人都能象你一样从噩梦里走出来。
        • 是啊,不能就这么算了
          • 痛打落水狗!
      • 合同都还回去了,怎么告?车行有这么傻的吗?
    • 听说会吊销dealer执照。
      • 车行并不简单的等于DEALER。两者概念不同。
    • 写的真好,真是很好的经验。
    • good. support
    • 前面还是雄纠纠,气昂昂的,这么最后就缩了.一点也不aggressive....干活干了一半....没劲..
    • 如果我真的拿着这个 Sleem 签字的合同告到 OMVIC, 汽车协会能怎么处罚沪光呢????告到 OMVIC, why not?
    • 你的噩梦就没了? 你花的功夫那?再花点时间, 把噩梦给他
      • good idea
    • 保留一切文件, or copy.
    • 你把这事做完, you have more canadian experience. that is valuble. keep on going.
    • 坛子里的能人请出来, 帮他把这流氓赶走, (想了一点)
      坛子里的能人请出来, 帮他把这流氓赶走, (想了一点)
      1 赔偿时间损失
      2 精神受惊吓(he yell to you) 那时大忌! (明天就go to clinic and sat to doctor: 记忆力不好, 睡不好觉, ..........)先有记录在(doctor--几年后都好使)(最好有人陪你). doctor will ask to you, you (or your wife )said: 收惊吓, (sb want to beat you and yell to you)(强调: 以前很好), 三五天后, 再去, 加重, (您要是打工, 停, )
      3 欺负新移民的, 让他得不到好抱 (现在我还咬牙切齿)
      • That's fancy. the most important thing is make sure the dealer stop cheating. One solution is send complaint and close it. (I know another fancy word, 'terminate')
    • 写的好!记入黑名单。不过还车的时候,应该向油箱里加一斤白糖!
    • 刚刚查过,SALEEM 注册到今年8月22号,如果他吓得赶紧注册并且注册期是一年的话,你应该是8月10几号买的车吧?谢谢分享。强烈要求精华!!!!!
    • 退了呀,那丫不是还能拿那车虎别人?!告,不告怎么行?!
    • 你花了那么多精力,不能就此结束,否则他们也没有任何损失。
    • 这里面的人看热闹叫别人打狗的不少啊,怎么没有一个说给楼主帮助一起打狗。愤怒的看客啊。反正别人打狗费力费神,大家都是正义的看客。
      • another one.
      • 能办到这个程度就不错了,还写了贴来.我不信这个DEALER只骗过一个这样的新移民,可谁来吱一声了,大多吃哑巴亏认倒霉了.我看这哥们儿还真有两下子.大家学学吧.另外,人家也怕结外生枝,告什么告,哪有精力?
      • 我可帮不上什么大忙,下回搂住换油我请客。作事情是需要鼓励的。支持楼主继续的都之一声。
    • mark 退车,牛,鼓掌
    • 应该顺手把准备好的材料给OMVIC寄去一份,就算complain好了,也算出口气,也算给大家做件好事,就花你一张邮票,大家都会感谢你的,而且也表明了中国人不好骗,对你自己以后也有好处。
    • 非常感谢
    • 既然车行要求私了,或者官司输的面大,或则不想负担律师费用,私了的价格可不是这样的。
    • 偶琢磨着这可能是一辆烤肉啦, 唉, 你就把她的芳名说出来嘛
      决不尿任何大小dealer. 天下的乌鸦一般黑.沪光是香港人开的的吧, 更不要尿它了.偶还没有真的确定买车的时候,曾经在那里看过热闹,只觉得他多半卖日本车德国车, 车贵.后来陪朋友去沪光旁边的一车行看一老雅阁.试车漏滑油, 后来退定金了事.从此对dealer不感冒.你想啊, dealer是吃专业饭的, 人家是刀, 你是他砧板上的肉啊. 对他们来说, 最简单的增加利润的方法就是......哈,知道了吧.更何况还要交GST.
    • 这个沪光早就是臭名远扬的了,那个SIMON就是老板,上海人,没发现HAISHANG反过来就是上海吗,他们曾经坑骗了很多没经验的新移民和留学生.
      • yes, my friend bought a 99 Camry 4cylinder from that garage 2 years ago, it costed him around $15,000. you would feed the car shaking whenever it get the speed more than 120km/hour.
        • 2003年11月也差点上当了,当时也是试了一部车后,除发现ENGI NE有渗漏机油的迹象,其他还行,他们也是保证修好,幸亏同去的朋友,劝我别买了,要不我也得经受相同的遭遇。谢谢楼主!
      • 他们做广告的名字是haisheng.
    • 转贴到51上了,让更多的人认识这家车行
    • ding
    • Well done. Ding!
    • good.
    • 写得好!坚决曝光不良车行,修车厂。我们支持华人的有良知的公司。
    • support
    • 买车的噩梦经历和最终退车的过程 - 补充材料
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛补充一个交锋的细节。

      当沪光收到我的挂号信后, sleem 打电话给我, 问: “你真的不要车了?”
      我回答: “No”
      然后他慢条斯理的说: “OK then, since you changed your mind, we can arrange a time to discuss canceling deal”
      我马上义正辞严, 一字一顿的说: “I do not change my mind. I want to cancel the deal because of your unfair practice !”
      对方: “whatever, ………”

      我不知道他是不是在玩偷偷录音的把戏, 但我当时学了点法, 知道这是原则问题,安省汽车买卖没有不满意可以退的保护, 也没有所谓的冷静期。 一签那个合同, 交易就生效了。 以后再想取消交易, 除非对方违反了商业行为法的某条款。 如果仅仅是自己改了主意是不能取消交易的。 所以一旦想取消交易, 坚决不能承认是因为 “change of mind”

      下面的话引自 www.omvic.on.ca.安省汽车行业理事会的网站。

      “Only when they have been victims of such practices -- and not out of a change of mind -- are consumers entitled to request the cancellation of an agreement. ”

      搜索注册dealer and salesperson 的地方现在竟然找不着了, 但就在这个网站上。 不过当时我是打电话确认了一下搜索结果的。



      仔细研究第二条下的各条款, 然后在信中上纲上线。

      Item 1:
      卖我车的人不是注册的 salesperson, This practice was against Business Practices Act, CHAPTER B.18, Section 2, 1, ii:
      “a representation that the person who is to supply the goods or services has sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation or connection the person does not have”

      Item 2:
      This practice was against Business Practices Act, CHAPTER B.18, Section 2, 1, xiii and V:
      “a representation using exaggeration, innuendo or ambiguity as to a material fact or failing to state a material fact if such use or failure deceives or tends to deceive”

      “a representation that the goods have been used to an extent that is materially different from the fact”

      Item 3:
      This practice was against Business Practices Act, CHAPTER B.18, Section 2, 1, xiii and V:
      “a representation using exaggeration, innuendo or ambiguity as to a material fact or failing to state a material fact if such use or failure deceives or tends to deceive”

      “a representation that the goods have been used to an extent that is materially different from the fact”

      Item 4:
      关于他态度粗暴, there was yelling.

      This practice was against Business Practices Act, CHAPTER B.18, Section 2, 2, Vii and Viii:
      “that he or she is making a misleading statement of opinion on which the consumer is likely to rely to his or her detriment”

      “that he or she is subjecting the consumer to undue pressure to enter into the transaction.”

      这个信要用挂号信寄, 这样对方不能耍赖说没收到。

      到还车的那天, 我的一个朋友和我一起去, 他要开车带我回来。 车行里面的人就问我那个朋友: “你是不是律师? 这信是你写的吗?” 看来如果找个律师写这封信, 也差不多就是这样。

      其实仔细看这四条, 只有第一条是要害, 其他三条都是公说公有理, 婆说婆有理的事情, 纠缠不清的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 买车的噩梦经历和最终退车的过程 - 经验教训总结
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛谢谢各位的热烈回复。 我在枫华潜水多年, 这还是头一次做贡献。

      事实是, 这件事发生在 2003。很久以前了。

      大家能发现, 上文前半部很详细, 因为我曾经一度坚定的要诉讼到底。 所以一笔笔写下经过准备上网寻求支持和帮助。

      但是后来对方提出和解, 我接受了, 于是文章就煞然收笔。 以后很长时间更是想都不想再回忆一点点。

      直到这个春节期间我整理旧文章, 才把材料整理出来发表。

      ------ 诉讼的可能 ------

      我是不是应该不接受和解坚持诉讼下去呢? 事前事后都常常想这个问题。

      从出一口气, 让沪光领教新移民不可辱, 制止他继续如此欺骗, 维护公益等等角度, 就应该告到底。

      然而诉讼,即使赢了, 也是有代价的。要考虑个费效比。 看过 <Ally Mcbeal> 这部剧的人都有印象, 那些老奸巨猾的律师总是提醒自己的当事人, 或者威胁对方的当事人关于诉讼的成本问题。

      举例来说一个女职员诉讼她老板性骚扰, 假如证据确凿, 律师也会提醒如下事实:
      1 老板可以轻松的找到方法把案子拖上 2-3 年。 在这期间, 为不妨害司法公正不能把涉案情节公之于众, 这就使原告的主要目的之一: 让被告声名狼藉, 无法实现。
      2 这期间原告没法正常工作,按揭没法偿付,2-3 年后,房子和车都被银行收走了。
      3 假使官司最后赢了, 原告获得 30万元的赔偿。 公之于众后, 事实上没有人会再雇佣她。 就是说失去了再工作的可能。
      如果这些后果原告都愿意承担的话, 就继续告。 否则还是大家 “pick a number”. 一笔钱和解了事。

      1 对方和解的条件是我还车, 沪光全部还钱。 那么我耽误了一些时间,沪光损失了一笔生意和已经进行的过户手续费等等。我精神受了些骚扰, 估计我要告他非法售车的事情也让他吓了一跳, 而且我也白开了他的车达三个多星期。 所以也算是合理的和解。

      2 如果我坚持诉讼, 势必要提出更高的条件, 比如为精神原因索赔等等。 其实没有必赢的把握。闹不好象那个律师和沪光说的那样, 最后判决是额外赔偿没有, 车还是我的, 沪光再修空调而已。 这个空调现在是漏得太快了, 一天就漏光。 如果换了根管子变成一个星期才漏光, 我要不要继续告?

      3 现在这车 $6600, 如果我索赔的金额 $4000, 那么就高于一万元, 按照我的理解就必须请律师。 和律师打交道又是另外一台戏。 北美三大职业骗子:政客, 律师, car dealer.

      4 交易过程中我也有不光彩的行为, 交 $2000 现金, 这是车行逃营业税, 我逃销售税。 如果扯出来狗咬狗两嘴毛。

      5 全过程要多少时间, 这中间能不能保持平和的心态? 在我终止支票后, 到沪光收到我的挂号信之间的一段时间, 沪光每天都要打三四个电话来, 威胁交易没有完成, 他们有车的一半 ownership, 他们随时要来拖车。 搞得我对电话都有恐惧症了。 当时我正要全身心投入工作, 做出成绩来保住职位。 这个时候怎能开辟第二战场? 精力如何分配?

      所以最后, 我还是按照华人一贯的传统, 息事宁人, 接受和解了事。

      也不能说我的准备都白费了。 毕竟没有这些准备, 连目前的和解都拿不到。 而如果继续诉讼下去, 要准备的东西还很多很多。

      ------- 额外索赔的可能 --------
      能不能除了我付的钱之外, 和解时候直接要求额外赔偿呢?
      这要取决于我手中这份 sleem 签字的合同能给沪光造成多大的伤害。

      - 要是仅凭这一单, OMVIC 就能关了沪光, 那么我勒索 $20,000 也喊得出口。

      - 如果 OMVIC 仅仅是第一次警告, 第二次严重警告, 第三次罚款 $5000, 那么恐怕我能要求的就不能超过 $2000.

      我曾经试图搞清楚 OMVIC 惩罚的力度, 知道了, 才能有的放矢的提出索赔金额。 但是 OMVIC 在电话里不说, 我问, 他就要求我提供详细情节。 而一旦我供出详细情节, 就没有了任何和解的可能。

      也可能有些律师知道, 或者有 OMVIC 执照的其他人知道。风闻的说法很多, 但就是没有准确的。

      最后我放弃了这个想法。 这种事情迹近讹诈, 实在不是我能干得出来的。 不是说我道德水平有多高, 可是干一种从来没有干过的事情, 这心理障碍有多高? 心理素质能承受的住吗? 恐怕卖车的人蒙骗买主的种种伎俩, 也是一点一点培养起来的。 不会一开始就那么黑。

      况且想想那黑大汉一蹦三尺高的样子, 也有些害怕, 把对方逼急了, 他知道我的住址, 干出什么邪的来, 就更狗咬狗两嘴毛了。

      所以认真考虑, 额外索赔的企图也放弃了。

      ---------- 买车的经验教训 --------------

      象我这样能抓住车行的致命疏忽的情况很少。 大多数情况下一旦签字了, 交易就无法取消了。

      所以朋友们, 在买之前发现问题才重要。 教训上面都写了, 再总结一下:

      1 OVIP, 旧车信息, 一定要充分利用。 自己看中的车, 就到车窗前把 PIN # 抄下来。

      OVIP 上面有什么信息呢?

      首先是以前的车主在哪里, 比如农村路况差, 多伦多冬天撒盐。 如果在温哥华买多伦多开过的车就会少 $2000 左右。 如果真有这些状况, 车行的人是不会主动告诉你的。 当然如果是相反的情况,比如在多伦多买车, 以前的车主在温哥华, 那么车行的人一定会主动告诉你并且加价钱的。

      其次能看出车经过了几手交易。 一般交易越少越好。 车行每转卖一次, 也曾经做过一次 owner.

      第三是看每次交易时的里程纪录。 如果上次交易历程是 12万, 现在是 11万五, 那肯定有人调里程表了。 如果上次 12万, 现在过了三年, 里程是 12万三, 那就太可疑了, 最好也别买。

      第四是看最后一个 section, (好像是第六 section). 上面是银行抵押的信息。 如果这车上有 lien , 绝对不能买。

      这些信息车行的人肯定都知道, 如果你问, 他在某个问题上突然含糊其词, 比如: “我不知道有没有抵押, 让我回头查查看?” 那就可能有问题。

      强烈建议买旧车的朋友, 下最后决心前投资上 $21 打出来这个 OVIP. 至少落个心里踏实。

      2 空调
      空调是车里面除了 power, trans, 之外最贵的系统了。 还容易坏。 因为压缩机是个小马达, 管道系统复杂而且有内部压力。

      如果买的车是有空调的, 最好天热的时候买, 以便能试验。 如果冬天买了, 夏天发现空调不好, 就只好自认倒霉了。

      请修车师傅验车的时候, 师傅看压缩机转不转, 然后用个仪表量了量有没有氟利昂泄漏。 没有检查管道内部的压力。 不知道其他的验车师傅怎么验证空调。 可是我这个情况就正好出现问题, 压缩机正常, 但是管道里面的氟利昂已经基本漏光了, 压力很低。 所以测不到什么泄漏。 回头车行一充气, 好像冷森森的。 就蒙混过关了。 前面已经有详细叙述。

      所以教训是: 验空调的时候, 一定要在空调制冷很好 (氟利昂充足) 的状态下测泄漏。

      3 现金
      不要接受交现金减价的方案。 如果诚心减价, 就从本金里减。 交了现金, 不清不白的。

      祝各位买旧车的朋友走运 !更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 欢迎转载
      • good!
      • 好文章!!
      • Great job. Support.
      • Well done! Mark.
      • 不得不说两句,修车师傅是。。。咋说呢?
    • 唉,为啥只看到。。烤肉拉。。。烤肉拉。。。烤肉拉。。。
    • 写的好, 干的好! 不能吃哑巴亏认倒霉. BTW, 4100支票 you given it to the dealer is a personal check? (not certified check?). If the dealer accepts personal check, this dealer 够傻的.
      • 确实, 车行这一单办了几件傻事
        因为金额小没有要求 certified check,
        收到我的 personal check 后没有马上入帐。
        在这方面沪光显得很大气。 不象一般偷鸡摸狗的收钱马上就揣起来。

        可是从后来的情况看, 他们确实也有恃无恐, 并不怕你赖帐。

        但是最大的错误是, 还没有取得资格的 sleem 擅自签字了。 其实后来很快 Sleem 就收到资格了。 他们没想到这一点能被抓住。

        有了这一条, 即使他们兑现了我的支票也一样要吐出来。
        没有这一条, 最终我还是不得不付支票。
    • i know most of the cars sold there are japanese cars. even if you do not mention the model, i can make a correct guess.
      • 跑题了,没看出楼主买的是不是日本车跟他的经历有什么关系
    • 买车的噩梦经历和最终退车的过程 - 两个参考资料
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛------------- 这是卖车的合同背面的文字, 不知道多少人签字前认真读过, 这是保护卖主利益的。 ------------------

      1. PURCHASER’S OFFER: By singing this form I have made an offer to purchase the vehicle described above (“the vehicle”). I understand that this offer becomes a binding contract between the dealer and me when it is accepted by the signature of an authorized official of the dealer.

      2. VEHICLE SOLD “AS IS”: I agree that if the appropriate space below is initialed by me, the vehicle is sold “As Is” and is not represented as being in a road worthy condition, mechanically sound or maintained at any guaranteed level of quality. The vehicle may not be fit for use as a means of transport and may require substantial repairs at my expense.
      ________________ (Purchaser’s initials) if this space is not initialed by me, this clause does not form part of this agreement.

      3.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TERMS: I acknowledge having read all terms of the contract, including those on the reverse. I understand that they form art of this agreement. I also agree that no verbal promises have been made to me by the dealer or its employees. I agree that the written terms contained in this contract make up the entire agreement.

      4.TRAD IN VEHICLE: Any vehicle I trade-in shall be equipped and in the same condition, other than reasonable wear and tear only, at the time of delivery to the dealer, as it was at the date of this agreement. I agree to be responsible for any repairs or maintenance needed to maintain this condition until the delivery date. If the trade-in vehicle has been damaged between the date of this agreement and the delivery date, or is in need of repair, the dealer may cancel this agreement and deduct any damages from the deposit or, if I agree, may reduce the amount of the trade-in allowance to compensate for the repairs needed. I also agree that I will be liable to compensate the dealer for any loss suffered because of any misrepresentation by me about the declared distance traveled. The declared prior use, or the condition of the vehicle traded-in.

      5.DISTANCE TRAVELLED: To the best of the dealer’s knowledge, the distance the vehicle has traveled is as shown in this agreement.

      6.WARRANTIES: I understand that there are no warranties or representations given by the dealer regarding the vehicle or affecting my rights or those of the dealer, other than those contained in this agreement or sat out in any applicable legislation or manufacturer’s warranty.

      7.TAXES AND FINANCING: I agree to pay the dealer an amount equal to any increase in taxes payable relating to the purchase of the vehicle, between the date of this agreement and delivery of the vehicle to me. Should the amount of tax payable to reduced, the dealer agrees to deduct this amount from the total amount owed by me.

      I agree that I will be responsible for any damages suffered by the dealer if a financing contract cannot be arranged because of any default or misrepresentation by me.

      8.LEGAL OWNERSHIP AND PURCHASER’S OBLIGATIONS: Legal ownership of the vehicle shall not pass to me until the entire purchase price has been paid in full. I agree that until that time, I shall:
      (a)maintain insurance on the vehicle with the dealer as the named beneficiary in the event of a loss.
      (b)not sell or transfer the vehicle to anyone else
      (c)not allow any lien or other interest to be taken in or against the vehicle
      (d)not allow the vehicle to be used in the commission of any illegal act; and
      (e)reimburse the dealer for any costs the dealer may incur due to my failure to comply with any of (a)(b)(c)(d)

      9.CREDIT INFORMATION: I authorize the dealer to obtain credit information on me from any credit reporting agency or any credit grantor and to disclose credit information on me to any credit reporting agency or to any credit grantor with whom I have financial relations.

      10.SECURITY INSTEREST: If the entire amount owing by me is not paid at the time I take delivery of the vehicle, or if any vehicle traded in by me contains an encumbrance of any sort, so that I connot pass clear title to the dealer, I grant the dealer a security interest in the vehicle being sold to me up to the amount owing and understand that the dealer may register this interest under the Personal Property Security Act.

      11.DEFAULT IN PAYMENT: If I miss any payment due under this agreement, then the entire purchase price shall immediately become due and payable. The dealer, or anyone assigned by the dealer, shall then have the right too repossess the vehicle without notice to me.

      On seven (7) days notice to me by registered mail, sent to my last address known to the dealer, the dealer may resell the vehicle by private sale or public auction. The dealer shall have the right to make whatever repairs are deemed necessary to put the vehicle in adequate condition for resale.

      I agree to pay the dealer the difference between the balance of the purchase price still owing by me and the amount obtained on resale…as well as any expenses incurred by the dealer in repossessing and reselling the vehicle.

      12.CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT: This agreement may not be cancelled by me. If by mutual consent, the dealer and I agree to cancel the contract, the dealer shall return any deposit or vehicles traded in as part payment of the purchase price. Should any vehicles traded-in by me be sold prior to the mutual cancellation of this agreement, the dealer agrees to pay me the amount of the trade-in allowance shown on the front of this agreement.

      13.ACCEPTANCE BY PRUCHASER: If refuse to take delivery of the vehicle when it is made available to me, or on the delivery date specified in this agreement, the dealer shall notify me, by registered mail, sent to my last address known to the dealer, that the vehicle is available for delivery. If I fail to take delivery to the vehicle within seven (7) days of signed receipt of this notice, or if the notice is returned to the dealer unclaimed. The dealer may resell the vehicle with no further notice to me.

      When the dealer resells the vehicle, I agree to pay the dealer the difference between the agreed upon purchase price and the amount obtained on the resale…as well as any expenses incurred by the dealer in reselling the vehicle. Any deposit or vehicle traded-in may be kept by the dealer to apply against any loss suffered by the dealer. If the loss is greater than the total of the amount paid as a deposit any the value of the trade-in, I agree to pay the difference to the dealer.

      The dealer agrees to provide me with a detailed accounting of the resale and a list of expenses incurred. These expenses may include, but may not be limited to, advertising, insurance, daily interest, etc. The dealer shall maintain the right to use any legal means available to collect any sum owing by me under this agreement.

      ---------- 这是商业行为法第二款, 罗列所谓不公正行为。 这是保护买方利益的。 原文 --------------------

      Unfair practices

      2. For the purposes of this Act, the following shall be deemed to be unfair practices:

      1. A false, misleading or deceptive consumer representation including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing,

      i. a representation that the goods or services have sponsorship, approval, performance characteristics, accessories, uses, ingredients, benefits or quantities they do not have,

      ii. a representation that the person who is to supply the goods or services has sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation or connection the person does not have,

      iii. a representation that the goods are of a particular standard, quality, grade, style or model, if they are not,

      iv. a representation that the goods are new, or unused, if they are not or are reconditioned or reclaimed, provided that the reasonable use of goods to enable the seller to service, prepare, test and deliver the goods for the purpose of sale shall not be deemed to make the goods used for the purposes of this subparagraph,

      v. a representation that the goods have been used to an extent that is materially different from the fact,

      vi. a representation that the goods or services are available for a reason that does not exist,

      vii. a representation that the goods or services have been supplied in accordance with a previous representation, if they have not,

      viii. a representation that the goods or services or any part thereof are available to the consumer when the person making the representation knows or ought to know they will not be supplied,

      ix. a representation that a service, part, replacement or repair is needed, if it is not,

      x. a representation that a specific price advantage exists, if it does not,

      xi. a representation that misrepresents the authority of a salesperson, representative, employee or agent to negotiate the final terms of the proposed transaction,

      xii. a representation that the proposed transaction involves or does not involve rights, remedies or obligations if the representation is false or misleading,

      xiii. a representation using exaggeration, innuendo or ambiguity as to a material fact or failing to state a material fact if such use or failure deceives or tends to deceive,

      xiv. a representation that misrepresents the purpose or intent of any solicitation of or any communication with a consumer.

      2. An unconscionable consumer representation made in respect of a particular transaction and in determining whether or not a consumer representation is unconscionable there may be taken into account that the person making the representation or the person's employer or principal knows or ought to know,

      i. that the consumer is not reasonably able to protect his or her interests because of physical infirmity, ignorance, illiteracy, inability to understand the language of an agreement or similar factors,

      ii. that the price grossly exceeds the price at which similar goods or services are readily available to like consumers,

      iii. that the consumer is unable to receive a substantial benefit from the subject-matter of the consumer representation,

      iv. that there is no reasonable probability of payment of the obligation in full by the consumer,

      v. that the proposed transaction is excessively one-sided in favour of someone other than the consumer,

      vi. that the terms or conditions of the proposed transaction are so adverse to the consumer as to be inequitable,

      vii. that he or she is making a misleading statement of opinion on which the consumer is likely to rely to his or her detriment,

      viii. that he or she is subjecting the consumer to undue pressure to enter into the transaction.

      3. Such other consumer representations under paragraph 1 as are prescribed by the regulations made in accordance with section 16. R.S.O. 1990, c. B.18, s. 2.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 去dealer处买车,
      • mark
    • 好样的!好样的!好样的!好样的!好样的!好样的!
    • 写得好,办得漂亮。 这个车行五年前我也曾经去过,当时一辆8年的Camry要价8000,差点下了Offer。感觉不好的就是所有的车一概不知来历,统统说是从大Dealer那拿来的,再问就很不耐烦了。谁也不愿花钱当孙子,就算了。