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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

have been using GPS for several years. have done some research b4.

there are so many kinds of GPS available, depends on what you will use it for: hiking, road navigation, fishing, marine....

what i have (bought a couple yrs ago, not state of the art already):

iPAQ 3900 with BT,
Fortuna GPSmart (BT, SiRF chip. cold start 45 sec, hot start 8 sec)
Mapopolis (pocketPC version, full US maps
MS MapPoint

Mapopolis is Okay for major canadian cities. High on the US side and city navigation, low on the Canadian side and cross-state navigation.

You may want to check out this link. This is the best website i find so far. You can find many reviews and a forum talking about all kinds of hardware and softeware.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 大家GPS都从哪儿买的?GPSCity口碑如何啊?想买个Garmin Legency C臭摆一下...大家觉得Garmin的盗版地图好弄吗?谢谢!
    • .
      • 我的GPS就是在那儿买的,不错。Metroguide canada应该很容易找到。
        • can you use your GPS inside the house?
          • 效果不是很好
            • but my piece never work, do i need return it and change another one? its GPS-360, from mcrosoft and made in china, its the reason i bought it.
              • 使用gps起码要看的见天空,gps的信号不强,稍有阻隔就收不到。房间里肯定没法用。
                • 车里怎么办啊?这高科技整的....
                  • 车里信号收的到, 没事。
                  • GPS信号可以穿透玻璃。
              • GPS收的是卫星信号,需要clear sky。在house里用,除非很靠近窗户,而且窗户外面没有遮挡,才有可能收到微弱信号。在车里用要靠近风挡玻璃才可以。
    • 我的Garmin Vista也是在这买的,觉得这个GpsCity还是比较可靠的。Garmin的地图在emule上很多。
      • 好久不见,现在是38还是39了啊?
        • 就没当过排长,一直在小兵堆里混来着。不过现在不玩那个了,改钓鱼了。知道你也迷这个,有空我们一起去。
          • 好也好也。我的GPS就是怕在湖上迷路的////
    • 俺在gpscentral.ca加上shipping,好像便宜几块钱。
    • 另外借你的帖子问一下,有没有人对iGuidance 感兴趣的?这是我知道的用于车载GPS导航的最好的软件了。新出的2.1版包括加拿大的所有省份。
      我现在用的是Routis 2004,相当于iGuidance 1.1。不知谁有iGuidance 2.0以上版本,或者想share一起买也可以。
      • i heard it's pretty good....
        i am using mapopolis which is not great on the canadian maps.... only works for major canadian cities. it basically didn't work when i went to NB, NS, and PEI. I had to use MapPoint, but it doesn't do navigation.

        i heard that the iGuidance is pretty good. a black horse in the GPS navigation market. but unfortunately haven't seen/used it yet.

        here is the iGuidance forum, you may be interested to have a look:
        • 谢谢!那个论坛我经常去看的。iGuidance绝对是目前Desktop/Laptop下最好用的导航软件。
          我目前正在使用的是Routis 2004,相当于iGuidance 1.1。其它我用过的PC上的导航软件有的,向Mappoint+AGPS,Destinator 3D+Front End等,都不如Routis好用。
    • 谢谢大家了。这就去gpsCentral订
    • have been using GPS for several years. have done some research b4.
      there are so many kinds of GPS available, depends on what you will use it for: hiking, road navigation, fishing, marine....

      what i have (bought a couple yrs ago, not state of the art already):

      iPAQ 3900 with BT,
      Fortuna GPSmart (BT, SiRF chip. cold start 45 sec, hot start 8 sec)
      Mapopolis (pocketPC version, full US maps
      MS MapPoint

      Mapopolis is Okay for major canadian cities. High on the US side and city navigation, low on the Canadian side and cross-state navigation.

      You may want to check out this link. This is the best website i find so far. You can find many reviews and a forum talking about all kinds of hardware and softeware.
    • 我是女生,超级喜欢GSP系统,因为我没有方向感。
      • 我是GPS,超级喜欢女生......
        Garmin Legend C系列,体积小,适合hiking使用,车里也能用,但是不能自动计算路线
        • 要是你说的那一款GPS能让我喜欢,你就可以喜欢女生了。。。
          • 我给你推荐一个吧, GARMIN 60CS,本墰大玩家黑暗,MK, 还有区区都买的这型号
            • 用PPC+gps receiver 始终灵活一点吧? 起码可以有5~6 套软件换着玩, 互相对比, 互补不足. 主要用来hiking 就另当别论.
              • agree, 要想兼顾hiking+navigation,我每次都推荐rino 130+pocket pc,可是没人相信
                • hiking 哪款好?
      • Garmin GPSmap 60CS 非常不错。eTrex手持系列所有的不足都弥补了。内置的螺旋型天线也比Legend,Vista这些的平板天线灵敏度高。就是外形太像手机了,经常有人问我怎么弄这么个big phone
        • 60CS的同好,请问哪里可以DOWN到CITY SELECT 6 或是类似可以在美国用的AUTOROUTING的地图? 车上的支架你们用那个?
    • 有谁用过“sportrak-mageiian”
      • 我用Magellan的Platinu,很好啊,信号强,屏幕大,可以加扩充卡,份量也足,关键时刻可以当砖头用,就是耗电大点,不过车上可以用Cable。
    • 我有地图 Garmin.Mapsource.Topo.Canada.V2 共4CD, 便宜一点就转让给你了:)
    • 没有AUTOROUTE的最好别买