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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛若是单求长字,生字,看起来文雅好听的僻字,头一步便走错了

近年国内学英语风气甚盛 ,无论在中学,在大学,或在自修,多少莘莘学子都在用功夫,日求进益,我想据我个人的经验,谈谈这个中的关系。


有人以为目标在了解阅读,不在口讲,这是把问题看错了,学习英文的目标,只在清顺自然四字而已。凡不以口语为基础的人,一定写不出平易自然,纯熟地道的英文。前英国首相丘吉尔可算英文大家,他有名的句子:We shall fight on the hills. We shall fight in the streets. We shall fight blood and sweat and tears。这是多么矫健的句子!何尝有一个不是小学生所能用的字?又何尝有一字夸词浮句?中国人写英文,寻章摘句,多用深句,所以才学不好。例如对人十分佩服,你说I admire him profoundly。便是古人做文章的做法,因为英美人士并不这样讲,用admire greatly才是自然,而用I take off my hat to him.才是真正地道的英文。

你要明白英语言文一致,而骨子里是白话.愈平易自然愈好,愈少粉饰藻丽语句愈好,愈近清顺口语愈好,愈能念出来顺口成章愈好。中国人写英文,能写到这个地步的就不多,你写出来,外国人念下去象外国人写,就不容易,所以难能可贵,就在这一点.中国人要写英文,必先淘汰古人"做文章"的观念,才能打稳正当的英文基础.因此我们必须以口语入手 ,才能掌握个中窍门。

大家要注意常用字及口语的用法;英文那个"有"字,当然有have,而口语却是have got ( Have you got any money?) 老外这样说,我们只好这样写! Forget about it(算了)!也是一种口语. You are telling me (我还得等你说)?也是一种口语. Not a chance (绝不会)也是一种口语。这四个单字got, forget, tell, chance都是极平常的字,而运用在口语中,却是学好英文的最重要的部分!若是单求长字,生字,看起来文雅好听的僻字,头一步便走错了.所以说善于灵活运用平常的字,是学习英文的不二法门。

By 林语堂更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / English / 我有一些关于提高英语发音的心得和体会,原意分享给各位朋友。我个人认为,好的发音对你的口语提高以及找工作会有很大的帮助。如那位朋友感兴趣,可与我联系。
    • 很想要一份:D
      • me too
      • send me copy to: wjcareer@sina.com, thanks
    • 可以贴在这儿吗
      • 是啊,贴一个帖子出来吧!否则电话会被打爆的 :)
        • 1
          • Your point of can and can't is wrong. Here: http://colinzheng.is-a-geek.com/english/01.mp3
            • 'stress' is the most hard one for English learners.
              'stress' is the most hard one for English learners. Try these two words 'man' and 'land'. If you can pronounce 'a' sound right, you should feel that the tip of your tongue is tensed, otherwise, that's wrong. To pronounce the ending 't' sound in 'can't', you don't need to aspirate the way too hard; only to make sorta pause at 't', and quickly slide over. You are talking about casual speech while I am guiding ppl to the standard direction. You set up a high goal for yourself. But anyways, good luck!
              Try this link: http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=can%27t
        • 2
        • 3

        • 4
          发音必须开口说话啊 :)) 实在没法把我的声音贴出来呀。所以,只好贴上来一些常见的错误(见第一贴)
    • thx for sharing :)
    • Thank you . Please share!
    • very good!
    • "1) Can VS cannot (emphasize on ‘t’)"这个问题以前讨论过,好像应该是N的区别不是T的区别...有人贴过一个网上语音教程(台湾的),可惜那个网站后来不能访问了。
      • Agree with you.
      • Must articulate 't' as in 'cannoT', said my law course professor.
        Must articulate 't' as in 'cannoT', said my law course professor.
        • your law course professor must NOT know the law of American Spoken English!! It is misleading, MAN!
          • How about???
            Using this online dictionary you can hear almost all the English word pronunciation.
            Key in "can", "can't", and"cannot" respectively, click that little speaker icon, then listen to their different pronunciations. With fewer exceptions, ending consonants should be stressed. For example, in BlooR, cooL, and franK, if you miss 'R','L',and 'K', the listener will get hard time to understand you. As English learners our best bet is to make sure that people can hear the ending consonants.

            Either can you pronounce 'cannot' as 'kant' if you prefer a British accent, or you put an emphasis on the ending consonant 't'. Another simple way to approach this problem is just pronounce it like 'can not'.

            The above is my 2 cents worth.
            • Words might be pronounced different way when they are in a sentence.
              • Thanks for the sharing.
            • I 肯 DOOOO it. it is the american way. the M-W is word by word.
      • can vs cannot ,
        在ESL中级课程有专门的语音练习,cannot发音是[ka:n],奇怪的是t不发音,本质区别在于语句中的重音不一样,i can do,,, 重音在i上, i cannot do,,,, 重音在[ka:n]上。记得那老师(英国人)说英国人更爱说[ka:nt].昨天看到过这个帖子,觉得那位楼主是热心助人,没好意思多嘴。
        • "i can do,,, 重音在i上", I think 重音在do上.
          • I 肯 DOOOO it. it is the american way. you got it!
      • can 一般应该读成 肯, 而can't 就是[kant]. 这样就能成清楚地分开了。
        • 但是如果can在句末的话,还是应该发成[kan]。
        • good good, easy to manage
        • sounds complicated:(
    • would you please give me one?thanks
      • Free pronunciation seminar this Friday.
        Time:6pm-8pm, Friday, 22 April, 2005
        Location:Queen Street East & Jones
        Contact: 416-460-3168

        My room can only accommodate up to 8 ppl so that if you are interested in this activity, please book a seat either by email or telephone ASAP

        Free material, and free refreshment.
        • it sounds so nice oof you
    • Thanks! /记号.
    • I'm sure the first immigrants from India had to fight hard to live here since nobody was used to their unique and then-strange accent. Now everyone born here or living here long enough is used to "Indian English".
      So, try your best fixing your accent but the much more important thing is to be *fluent* (not shy or sluggish) in expressing yourself as well as in your thoughts!
      • Definitely Correct! 语言是发展的, 用的地道并不等同发音的地道。 Anyway, try our best.说实话,港英,印英,还有韩英,基本上都还比不上我们的大(陆)英呢。
    • 不收费了?
    • Me too. Can you plese PM me a copy? Thanks
    • www.soundsofenglish.org
      • fight fire with fire -- 以牙还牙
        • a leering dose of comic relief named Landlord 这句是形容电影中的“包租婆”,因为她经常斜眼看人,所以用了leering,不知道整句怎么翻译,关键是dose,relief的用法。
          a leering dose of comic relief named Landlord

          大概意思是:有这麽个一惊一乍,闹腾腾, 打圆场的人物:'Landlord'.

          'dose' implies 'Landlord'
          'relief' refers to ' 圆场(似的人物)'

          leering : an adj.
          of comic relief: a prepositional phrase
          named Landlord=(that's named Landlord): a clause
          然后, 只留下:
          a dose(暗指Landlord)
        • 2,which is when the Axe Gang decides to fight fire with fire. 这句是某一段的第一句... 谢谢。
          2,which is when the Axe Gang decides to fight fire with fire.
          这句是某一段的第一句,因此应该排除which 是先行代词,上一段的最后一句说猪笼寨的高手们杀了一个斧头帮的小混混,因此本句说斧头帮决定发动战争。不知道整句的语法该怎样分析,另外,fight fire with fire 也不知怎么理解。

          1) fight fire with fire -- 以牙还牙

          2) 'Which is when...'equals 'That's when....' or ' it is that time ....'

          Also, we can rephrase it as:
          "The Axe Gang decides to fight fire with fire, which is yesterday (when)."

          Again, 'which is when' is a clause. It functions as a time adverbial phrase, ie, a type of independent structure. To fast scan the sentence you can just disregard it.
        • Jack, are you there?

          Please contact me ASAP. I think you left your messenger bag at my home last night.

        • 又学了一个谢谢
    • Thanks for the free session last night.
      Hell Longfor,

      Thanks for the free session last night. I was impressed by your passion and willingness to help others. The 2-hour session lasted more than 3 hours.

      Yes, it is my lunch bag. :-) I will call you tomorrow.

      The two books I mentioned yesterday are: The sound and Style of American English & American Accent Training. They could all be found in the library. Hope they would enrich your teaching materials.

      Good luck in your advanture!

      • Thanks, Jack. I hope those stuff can give your some help
    • Thanks for the free session, it was nice to know lots tips to improve the pronounciation, and knew you have happiness with patience to help others:)
    • 好贴!我觉得发音时确定重音的位置也很重要,能否介绍一些规律性的东西,多谢!另外,我觉得s, z, ch, sh, th,j, 等的发音也很难,口型很难确定,多谢!
      • In reality these sounds are very easy to make. I would say that your only problemi is you might not know how to position your mouth. Grab a pronunciaiton book that will do you good. Cheers! Frank
    • Bob, thanks for driving me home after the free session.
    • i want one
    • 我的发音很好啊,但是怎么找不到工作? :-)
    • 谁可以很清楚地区分以下的词: 1. CONDO & CANDLE & CONDOM; 2. GEL & JAIL 3. WORK & WOK & WALK 4. WOOD & WOULD & WORD 5. COOK & COCK
      • 音标不是在字典里吗
      • WOK & WALK is a bit difficult. But if you put them into the context, ppl will understand you well.
        The rest shoudn't be the problems.
    • Hi, Everyone. I am considering to hold a 3-week-length pronunciation session.
      Hi, Everyone. I am considering to hold a 3-week-length pronunciation session ( We spend 2 hrs every Friday, 6pm-8pm). It will start on May 13th. However, I am gonna set up a minimum fee. Is anyone interested in that?

      And I am in the middle of exams now, so that until this Friday I cannot really talk over the phone. For particulars, draw me a line through:

      • Having got many calls. Thanks! everyone. I've made some little change about my tutoring service. $30 for 3 hrs at a time, totally 2 meetings Contact: 416-460-3168 likegoing@hotmail.com