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He who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛色不异空,空不异色;色即是空,空即是色
Form is not separate from Emptiness, Emptiness is not separate from Form;
Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form

All reality makes no difference from a phantom, neither do all phantoms make difference from the real

.空.. Emptiness, impercetibles

色. Form: Our perception of the impercetible. Due to our limited senses,
"form" is only a "distorted" image of reality constructed by our mind from a
limited set of sensory inputs.

相 :Symbolification is the "representations" we made from the "forms" we have in our minds.

Example: Question: What is the universe really like ?

.空. The actual state of the universe. This is impercetible to us
due to our limited sense of perception.

色 Our perception of the universe as based upon our observation through our
eyes (optical spectrum) and our instruments ( other parts of the electromagnetic

相 Words and expressions of colour, shape, size etc..that we employ to describe
our "perception" of the universe..

An Aside:
In the early days of Quantum Theory, many physicist, including notables like
Oppenheimer, were drawn by the curious parallel between the way the Copenhagen
school of of Quantum Theory interpreted reality and that of Buddhism's. In the Copenhagen
school of interpretation, the state of a system is unknown (imperceptible.空. ) until
a measurement is made. The process of measurement yields a result which is
but one of many possible state the system co-existed in before the measurement was made.
The [(process of measurement)= ( perception 色 )] yields only a "modified"
picture of nature; a picture that is biased by our senses (instruments included).

佛教认为“空”乃天地万物的本体。“色”乃万物本体(空)的瞬息生灭的假象。“空”相当于道教中的“道”,基督教中的非人格化上帝或哲学中的终极实在(Ultimate Reality),乃“虚无之系,造化之根”,道可道,非常道,却又是万物生成的母本。God created the world, but God is never separate from His creation and is in everyone and everything.


另外,用phantom和reality (non-existence)对译“色”“空”在意思上没错。现在,英译佛典多用Form和Emptiness。仅供参考。
用form代色,能够说明问题。好象参照了某家西方哲学。可资参照的哲学肯定不止一家。只要能说明问题,百家争鸣也无妨吧?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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    • 英语每日一句(17)(ZT)
    • 英语每日一句(18)(ZT)
    • good!
    • 英语每日一句(19)(ZT)
    • 哈哈,来了个阶段总结,正好把以前漏过的看了一遍。
    • 英语每日一句(20)(ZT)
    • 英语每日一句(21)(ZT)
    • 英语每日一句(22)(ZT)
    • 英语每日一句(23)(ZT)
    • 英语每日一句(24)(ZT)
    • 英语每日一句(25)(ZT)
    • 英语每日一句(26)(ZT)
      Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.
      Marcel Proust, French writer 愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。法国作家 普鲁斯 M 

      A good book is a good friend.

      March 26, 2005
      - : - : - : - : -

      There is in the body a current of energy, affection and intelligence,
      which guides, maintains and energizes the body and mind.
      Discover that current and stay with it.

      Nisargadatta Maharaj

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
    • 英语每日一句(27)(ZT)
      • 建议你把那个“图零奖”和这个“英语每日依据”收入你自己的专辑,好让大家查找(因为到现在还没有进“精华”,恐怕今后难找),有时间我会认真拜读。谢谢!
        • 谢谢你的建议,但rolia只能放原创进专辑,所以大家也就只能慢慢在这看了.我发这个也是逼自己每天看点英文,希望大家也有点收获,一起进步.
          • 有毅力! ding,
    • 英语每日一句(28)(ZT)
      To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. By Camus 要幸福快乐的话,我们就不要太在意别人的意见. 法国散文家,小说家 加缪

      A good conscience is a soft pillow.

      March 29, 2005
      - : - : - : - : - : -

      Home is oneness, home is my original nature.
      It is right here, simply in what is.
      There is nowhere else I have to go, and nothing else I have to become.

      Tony Parsons

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997

    • 英语每日一句(29)(ZT)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A good fame is better than a good face.

      The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart. 世界上最美好最漂亮的东西是看不见的,也摸不着的。它们必须用心去感应。

      March 30-31, 2005
      - : -

      If you dont relate to nature then you dont relate with man.
      Fields, forests, rivers, trees, all wonders and beauty of earth, this
      is Nature.
      If we dont relate at all with this then we will never relate to each


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997


      克里希那穆提(J.Krishnamurti 1895-1986)是印度的著名哲学家,在西方有着广泛而深远的影响。
        他主张真理纯属个人了悟,一定要用自己的光来照亮自己。他一生的教诲皆在帮助人类从恐惧和无明中彻底解脱,体悟慈悲与至乐的境界。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 英语每日一句(30)(ZT)
      Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.不要因为它的结束而哭,应当为它的发生而笑。

      A good husband makes a good wife.

      Solve the problems that life sets before you, and you will find that solving them contributes to your inner growth.

      Peace pilgrim


      皮尔葛林姆(Peace Pilgrim)著名的漫游者,他在20年间步行穿越非洲超过25000英里,借以传达维护和平的讯息。
    • 英语每日一句(31)(ZT)
      Make new friends and keep the old, for one is silver and the other is gold. --Anonymous 结交新朋友,保留老朋友.前者是银,后者是金. 

      A good medicine tastes bitter.

      April 01, 2005
      - : -

      Everything exists according to its own nature
      - our individual perceptions of worth, correctness, beauty, size and
      value exist inside our heads, not outside them.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
    • 英语每日一句(32)(ZT)
      In nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences. Horacl Annexley Vachell, British writer 自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。英国作家 瓦谢尔 H A

      A good wife health is a man's best wealth.

      April 02, 2005
      - : -

      Every person is an instrument of the universal law.
      Never once think yourself not so.
      By practice you will assuredly have direct experience of it.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
    • 英语每日一句(33)(ZT)
      Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth.人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。         

      A great talker is a great liar.

      If you know that you don't know, that is a great beginning. Then it is possible for you to know.


    • 英语每日一句(34)(ZT)
      A hedge between keeps friendship green.

      A fool always finds a bigger fool to admire him. Boileau Nicolas, French poet and critic 傻瓜总会发现有比他更傻的人在赞美他。法国诗人、批评家 尼古拉斯 

      April 04, 2005
      - : -

      one day we come
      one day we go
      there is nobody above
      and nobody below
      celebrate yourself


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
    • 英语每日一句(35)(ZT)
      A hedge between keeps friendship green.

      Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. by Confucius 真正的认知是知道自己的无知. --孔子 

      Right now, from this moment on, I am free, I am unbounded
      by limitations.
      I'm leaving
      For the sake
      of Love

      Steinar Almelid
    • 英语每日一句(36)(ZT)
      A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.

      If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins. ~Benjamin Franklin

      April 06, 2005
      - : -

      The deepest words of the wise man teach us the same
      as the whistle of the wind when it blows
      or the sound of the water when it is flowing.

      Antonio Machado

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997


      马恰多(Antonio Machado,1875-1939)是西班牙二十世纪最优秀的诗人、当代诗歌的鼻祖。他受到现代主义(象征派)的影响,但他的诗作是对社会严肃和深刻思考的结果。诗句优美而简明质朴,发自内心深处。出版的诗集有《孤独、长廊和其他诗》、《卡斯蒂利亚的田野》等。
    • 英语每日一句(37)(ZT)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A leopard cannot change its spots.

      You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you've got something to say. By F.S. Fitzgerald 不是因为想说话而写作,而是因为有话要说而写作. 

      April 07, 2005
      - : -

      Be all you can be.
      Everyone has his own strength and unique qualities.
      Why care about other people's respect or disdain?
      If one lives according to other's values, one is guaranteed to die in
      one's own dissatisfaction.

      Heart Sutra

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997

      般 若 心 经 Heart Sutra


      般 若 心 经

        故知般若波罗蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是无上咒,是无等等咒。能除一切苦,真实不虚。故说般若波罗蜜多咒,即说咒曰:“揭谛!揭谛!波罗揭谛!波罗僧揭谛!菩提萨婆诃!”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 羞怯如兔: as timid as rabbit: 胆小如鼠?
        • FULL cup, steady hand: 实者沉稳,稳者充实
          • 化剑为犁:Turn swords into ploughs:化干戈为玉帛
            • 刀枪入库Bury the hatchet:飞鸟尽,良弓藏
          • 一石双鸟:Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕
          • The pot calls the kettle black:五十步笑百步
          • All good things come to an end. 天下没有不散的筵席 The best of friends must part [No feast lasts forever.]
          • Anger is only one letter short of danger.忍字头上一把刀
          • Faults are thick where love is thin.一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼
            • 你不要一天给我贴完了,慢慢来呀。。。
              • :D i'm always too rush, blood type B.
                • 我有500句,准备贴500天。。。顺便测试一下rolia这个软件 哈哈。。。
    • 英语每日一句(38)(ZT)
      A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.

      Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor)
      有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。( 美国发明家 爱迪生. T. )

      April 08, 2005
      - : -

      Why do you look at me? Look at your own self.
      Why do you listen to me? Listen to your own self.
      Why do you believe in what I say? Do not believe in me or any other
      teacher, rather trust in your own inner voice.
      This is your guide, this is your teacher. Your teacher is within not
      Know yourself, not me!

      Peace Pilgrim

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997

      • You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,but you cannot fool all the people all the time.骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难
        Yesterday is history.
        Tomorrow a mystery.
        Today is a gift.
        That's why it's called the present!


        Embracing every stream, the Ocean becomes the widest span of water on earth;

        Lacking the interest occupancy desire, the Rock rised up the precipice for the longest time
        • 喔,原来还是你,差点没认出来,欢迎,欢迎.
        • 海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚 Like ocean open to every stream, a person is made great by embracing all criticism; like rock standing tall and steady, a person can be tough and firm for being free of desires.
    • 英语每日一句(39)(ZT) A light heart lives long.静以修身。
      Histories make men wise ; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend .(Francis Bacon , British philosopher )
      历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辨。( 英国哲学家 培根. F.)

      April 09, 2005
      - : -

      The things we are afraid of seem to be like high mountains to climb.
      When we have gone through them they were in fact very small hills.
      Tricky mind.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      • the going gets tough, the tough gets going. 沧海横流方显英雄本色? 狭路相逢勇者胜? []此地无银三百两 The more is concealed, the more is revealed.
    • 英语每日一句(40)(ZT)A little body often harbors a great soul.浓缩的都是精品。
      Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet . (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker)
      忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 (法国思想家 卢梭. J. J.)

      April 09, 2005
      - : - : - : - : -

      He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not,
      but rejoices for those which he has.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997


      • 海内存知己,天涯若比邻:If you have a friend afar who knows your heart, distance can't keep you two apart.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A very successful lawyer parked his brand-new Lexus in front of his office, ready to show it off to his colleagues.

        As he got out, a truck passed too close and completely tore off the door on the driver's side of the Lexus. The counselor immediately grabbed his cell phone, dialed 911, and within minutes a policeman pulled up. Before the officer had a chance to ask any questions, the lawyer started screaming hysterically. His Lexus, which he had just picked up the day before, was now completely ruined and would never be the same, no matter what the body shop did to it.

        When the lawyer finally wound down from his ranting and raving, the officer

        shook his head in disgust and disbelief. "I can't believe how materialistic

        you lawyers are," he said. "You're so focused on your possessions that you don't notice anything else."

        "How can you say such a thing?" asked the lawyer.

        The cop replied, "Don't you know that your left arm is missing from the elbow down? It must have been torn off when the truck hit you."

        The lawyer looked down towards his missing limb and began screaming, "My God! Where's my Rolex?"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 英语每日一句(41)(ZT)A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。
      Kind words are the music of the world.善言是世间的音乐。

      April 11, 2005
      - : -

      The challenge for the 21 century is the Silent Revolution of the Heart.
      It is not a revolution within an organization or a land in the
      traditional sense with violence, madness and blood shed.
      It is a revolution in human consciousness.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      • 妻管严He's a hen-pecked husband -|- 戴绿帽 Diana cuckolded Charles who is therefore a cuckold ---
        "A henpecked husband is a domestic animal trained to wash up and dry up, but never to act up."

        The man who is afraid to think for himself usually chooses the wrong woman to think for him.

        "Marriage brings out the animal in some men, usually the chicken."

        A henpecked husband is the only species of worm that's afraid to turn.

        "The man who won't admit he's henpecked, probably smokes a big cigar while washing the dishes."
    • 英语每日一句(42)(ZT)A little pot is soon hot.狗肚子盛不得四两油。
      Fools learn nothing from wise men , but wise men learn much from fools. Lavater, Swiss writer 傻瓜向聪明人学之甚少,而聪明人却向傻瓜学之甚多。瑞士作家 拉瓦特.J.K.

      April 12, 2005
      - : -

      The only decision you need to make is to open yourself and allow
      yourself to feel from your very core what is useful for your growth.
      You will not make a mistake.

      Beth Johnson

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      • The chip is the same wood as the block. 有其父必有其子Like father, like son.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛树欲静而风不息 2004/2/13


        读了伊丽莎白 泰勒的关于钱和年龄的名言就总是告诫结要趁年轻多赚点钱,要不老了谷种都没得吃。
        "You can be young without money, but you can't be old without money. --Elizabeth Taylor"

        "养不教父之过",孩子一出世父亲就对孩子背负着教养的责任. 父亲教出来的孩子自然有几分像父亲

        Like father, like son. -有其父必有其子。

        Like mother, like daughter. -有其母必有其女。

        take after somebody: to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character:相貌或是性格象家庭里年长的成员

        Shally really takes after her mother.-Shally 真象她妈妈。

        我的美国朋友看了我和妈妈的相片说,"You take after your mother a lot."




        英文的说法是be the spitting image of somebody:to look exactly like someone else -长得和某人一摸一样

        She's the spitting image of her mother.-她长得和她妈妈一摸一样。

        the spitting image从 "spit and image"演化出来的,意思是吐口口水照照自己的样子。

        中国人说,"撒尿照照自己的样子。" 比较损!

        另外一个说子女像父母的短语:be a chip off the old block:(informal)to be very similar to your mother or father in appearance or character

        从老木快上掉下来的碎片 -The chip is the same wood as the block. 也就是说孩子和父亲或母亲都是相同料子。

        有一句关于孩子和父亲的谚语:The child is the father of the man.-三岁定八十。

        father还可以做动词来用。father:(verb)become the father of a child by making a woman pregnant

        有一次看西片听到一个句子:I want to father your child. -我想做你孩子的父亲。



        birth father/natural/biological father -生父
        birth mother/natural/biological mother -生母

        foster father/mother -养父/养母

        foster daughter/foster son-养女/养子

        adoptive father/mother:养父/养母

        adoptive father和foster father的区别在于adoptive father是通过法律合法收养了孩子,foster father只是养着孩子,没有什么法律上的关系。

        adopted son/adopted daughter-养子/养女




        『Father -神父; founding father-奠基之父; Father Christmas -Santa Claus-圣诞老人』

        "生母不及养娘大", 十月怀胎自然是辛苦,但是将孩子抚养成人则是更加费力的事情。

        bring sb up: to look after and influence a child until he or she is grown up
        -synonym(同义词): raise
        He was brought up by his grandparents. -他是由祖父母抚养成人的。

        He was born and raised in Guangzhou.-他在广州出生长大。


        "不孝有三,无后为大。" 老人家多数都喜欢抱孙子,可是等孩子生了孩子后,孩子就忙着围着自己的孩子转了,无暇顾及老人家了。

        广东俗语:"老豆养仔,仔养仔"。 爱总是向下延伸的。


        Mother's Day-the 2nd Sunday of May:母亲节是每年5月的第二个星期天

        In 1907 Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia selected the pink carnation as the symbol for Mother's Day.

        -1907年费城的Anna Jarvis把粉红色的康乃馨选为母亲节的象征。

        Father's Day -the 3rd Sunday of June -父亲节是每年6月的第三个星期天


        也有些老人儿女不在身边,自己独居。也有的搬进了nursing home/old people's home -老人院


        人老了就喜欢唠叨(Old people like to nag),因为他们已经没有未来,只有缅怀过去-the good old days。(往日的 美好时光)

        应该给每个老人发一份Bertrand Russell的How To Grow Old

        1.Avoid absorption in the past.
        2.Do not cling to youth and let your children live their own lives.
        3.Develop strong impersonal interests.
        4.Do not fear death and embrace your last days.

        但是作为年轻人应该多尽子女的责任(filial duty)。

        同学给我发了个flash movie,觉得做得顶好,激发了写作的灵感。


        树欲静而风不息,子欲养而亲不在更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 晕,强,好,绝好,有内涵.
          • 你帖的这些东西,忘了多少了?
            • 大概全忘了吧。。。大至还是记的点,准确复述就可能不行了。语言的东西忘是正常的,靠积累,每天看小说和长文太累,还是不习惯,就从简单开始吧。
              • 别全忘了阿,总能记点什么。你贴的这些很合我的胃口,很多是think Chinese ideas or Buddhism in Engilsh, 既学了英文,也推销了文化。
                • 一定不全忘,你贴的也好,律师的好,这个第二小提琴手变成了二奶翻得也好。我是从www.deeshan.com转来的,deesan点心也,可见此网主对东方文化的热爱,他们又叫meditation.
    • 英语每日一句(43)(ZT)All are brave when the enemy flies.敌人逃窜时,人人都成了勇士。
      The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart. By H. Black 生活的视野主要是随着心胸的开阔而变得宽广的。

      April 13, 2005
      - : -

      To realize your true nature, you must wait for the right moment and the
      right conditions.
      When the time comes, you are awakened as if from a dream.
      You understand that what you have found is your own and doesn抰 come
      from anywhere outside.

      Buddhist Sutra

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      • play second fiddle. 二奶?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛-摘自潇潇语言实验室- -sarskiller 校编-
        Second Fiddle
        By Kay Starr

        I was playing second fiddle
        I was caught in a losing romance
        You were also second fiddle
        You, too, played the game with no chance
        We were losers, we were weepers
        They called us birds of a feather
        Now we're finders, now we're keepers
        Two aching hearts got together
        We were playing second fiddle
        Then we met and gave love a new start
        No more playing second fiddle
        Now that we're first in each other's heart


        play second fiddle: to take a less important and subordinate role to someone or something in a way often considered demeaning: 意思是扮演第二小提琴手的角色,处于次要位置。
        This means that both "I" and "you" were somebody else's 第二位情人, i.e., "We were (both) playing second fiddle", and that was why "We were losers, we were weepers". Then the two met (found each other), and "Two aching hearts got together" to start a new love, and became "first in each other's heart".

        “I” played second fiddle in my life, so did “You” in your life. We share the same story. “Finders keepers, losers weepers” is just a play of cliché, and doesn’t necessarily carry the dubious ethical merit in this song. It means we’ve found each other, our true love and we’ll keep each other for our own.

        英文中有"fiddle while Rome burns"这个短语: to do something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency; -意思是发生紧急情况时却在做一些无关痛痒的事情。(fiddle在这里是动词-拉小提琴)

        birds of a feather (flock together):(informal) used to say that two or more people have similar attitudes, beliefs etc -物以类聚,人以群分

        fiddle while Rome burns

        To do something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency; legend has it that while a fire destroyed the city of Rome, the emperor Nero played his violin, thus revealing his total lack of concern for his people and his empire. 1


        (NEER-oh) An ancient Roman emperor, famed for his cruelty. He had his mother and wife killed and kicked his mistress to death while she was pregnant. Nero also persecuted Christians, blaming them for a great fire in Rome. According to tradition, he put the Apostles Peter and Paul to death. 1
        ‡ A famous legend holds that Nero caused the great fire of Rome himself and played a violin while watching it. To say that someone is “fiddling while Rome burns” is to say that the person is indifferent to catastrophe.


        我是在The New Oxford Dictionary of English看到fiddle while Rome burns,但是它没有说明fiddle是什么意思。后来在Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English发现了这个短语的origin:This phrase refers to the Roman emperor Nero, who fiddled(=played the violin) during the burning of Rome in AD 64.
        -------------------------------------------------------------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • NOT REALLY, 二奶/二爷被包起来才算,自愿的没戏.
    • 英语每日一句(44)(ZT)All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The value of life lies not length of days, but in the use of we make of them. 生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些日子。

      April 14, 2005
      - : -

      I often compare the mind in meditation to a jar of muddy water:
      the more we leave the water without interfering or stirring it,
      the more the particles of dirt will sink to the bottom,
      letting the natural clarity of the water shine through.

      Sogyal Rinpoche

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      索甲仁波切 (Sogyal Rinpoche)




         索甲仁波切的传法足迹遍及美国、欧洲、澳洲和亚洲等地区,并创立修行中心,提倡奥妙的生死修行法门。西藏许多得道上师都认为,他是当今最重要的精神导师,在东西方的佛教史上,都扮演着极重要的角色。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • thanks for your contribution.
      • 谈谈妓女 the world's oldest profession -zt-
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛潇潇语言实验室-渔网丝袜

        今天回到公司看见公司的前台接待(receptionist)穿着一对渔网丝袜(fishnet stockings),一条超短裙(mini-skirt),和一双长靴子(boots)我告诉她外国的妓女(prostitute/hooker)常穿渔网丝袜,她说这是中国。既然这样,她喜欢穿什么就什么吧。She can wear whatever she likes.

        后来我的夏威夷同事见到我就对我招手,"Come here, let me teach you one word. Do you know fishnet stockings"?

        Xiaoxiao: "Yeah, are you talking about the receptionist?"

        Hawaiian girl: "Yeah, we call fishnet stockings "hooker's stockings."

        Xiaoxiao: "I told her so, but she said "This is China"."

        Hawaiian girl: "It's the same everywhere - in London, the US, and Australia, also in Guangzhou. The "massage girls" outside the Garden Hotel wear fishnet stockings too. Last night I saw five or six of them wearing fishnet stockings of different colors; It's their "official uniform". If she thinks "This is China", it's ignorance.(无知)。It's not fashion."

        我的外国同事告诉我在广州的五星级宾馆(five-star hotel)花园酒店外面常有一些妓女出没,一见到鬼佬就用变音的英语说 "massage"(按摩)。

        听说以前的一个加拿大同事晚上经过花园酒店外面给一个hooker相中,那个hooker一开口就说," You f**k me." 我的同事摇摇头,然后那个hooker说,"那I f**k you." 追在我同事后面,吓得我的同事拼命跑。 *LOL*


        正经女孩若不想给别人误会,最好不要穿fishnet stockings。

        我们还谈到Pretty Woman里面的妓女Vivian的衣着,想紧身衣服,超短裙(mini-skirt)靴子(boots)都是妓女比较喜欢的穿的东西。

        从Pretty Woman的剧本里找到一段描写Vivian的话:"She is wearing tiny shorts(非常小的短裤), a tight(紧身的) tube top, thigh (大腿) high boots. She stares at herself, not really liking what she sees."

        tube top: (American English informal) a piece of women's clothing that goes around your chest and back to cover your breasts but does not cover your shoulders or stomach - 只覆盖胸部,露肩露肚子的女上衣。

        本着认真研究的学术精神,我又向我的Los Angeles的朋友请教了fishnet stockings的问题。

        Xiaoxiao: "My co-worker(同事) said fishnet stockings are hooker's stockings. Is it true?"

        L.A.: "fishnet stockings...they have different styles. Well, hookers do wear them I guess, but hookers also wear lingerie(女内衣) and other things. So it's not just for hookers

        Xiaoxiao: "What's the typical hooker image?

        LA: "well...I guess it varies and sometimes, you might mistake some of the women walking around Los Angeles for hookers, the way they dress. but generally, lots of makeup(化妆很浓)...slutty(淫荡的) clothes that are very tight(紧身的) and very revealing(暴露的),lots of really gaudy(鲜艳俗气的) colors, and generally...not very attractive women.

        Xiaoxiao: "But some hookers are good-looking."

        LA: "Well, no...hookers usually aren't good-looking. Call girls, escorts...they are often very good-looking. usually they're also strippers.(脱衣女郎)"

        Xiaoxiao: how come hookers aren't good-looking while call girls can be very good-looking?

        LA: Hookers are "street walkers" - call girls (应召女郎) and escorts usually go through an agency. Hookers make very little money, escorts and call girls charge hundreds per hour.
        Basically the idea is, a hooker is just a "quickie" and a call girl is for the "fantasy".

        Xiaoxiao: what does "fantasy" mean here?

        LA: well, like pretending stuff. You know, the "naughty nurse" or "little princess" or whatever...or just a beautiful woman. The hookers are just there to do your business and go.

        Xiaoxiao: so more services aside from sex ? oh, does "little princess" have a derogatory meaning?

        LA: No, I'm just saying they're characters(角色) you can get her to play, etc... whatever you have in mind.

        Xiaoxiao: Can you tell me more words about prostitution?

        LA: there are actually a ton of slang terms used in that profession too. Whores, hookers, tricks, Johns, pimps(姑爷仔), etc...

        Xiaoxiao: John?

        LA: "John" is the customer...the guy. "turning tricks" is used to say "serving customers"

        Xiaoxiao: But why is the customer called John?

        LA: No idea. You know, I'm not exactly an expert in the area of prostitution I just know what I've seen on TV...hehe



        john:有两个很不好的意思:1.toilet -厕所 2.the customer of a prostitute -嫖客

        叫John的男生快的改名喔! hoho. ^___^

        escort(American English a prostitute), especially one who goes to social events or on trips with the person who pays them. -陪同客人参加社交出游的妓女

        妓女的说法还有很多,比如:sex worker/working girl/women of the night/ladies of the night.

        Prostitution is also called "the world's oldest profession." -卖淫这行当是世界上最古老的职业。


        "stripper: someone whose job is to take off their clothes in a sexually exciting way in order to entertain people " - 脱衣舞女

        "striptease: a performance in which someone takes off their clothes in a sexually exciting way-脱衣舞

        strip joint: (informal) a strip club -表演脱衣舞的地方

        quickie:(noun)a sexual act that you do quickly - used humorously - 很快完成的性交

        whore: 1.taboo an offensive word for a woman who has many sexual partners. Do not use this word.-荡妇 (这是朗文字典的定义。作为字典明文规定"不要使用这个单词",我觉得奇怪。)
        2 a female prostitute -妓女
        whore也可以用作动词,有两个意思1。卖淫 2。嫖娼

        courtesan: a woman who had sex with rich or important men for money in the past -courtesan就是所谓的给有钱男人包起来的高级妓女,象茶花女也属于courtesan

        call girl: a prostitute who arranges by telephone to meet men -应召女郎

        pimp:a man who controls prostitutes, especially by finding customers for them, and takes some of the money that they earn -控制妓女团伙的头目,香港电视把这种男人称为"姑爷仔"。

        以前看过一篇文章,说的是一个外国人到了上海看见很多穿这长靴和超短裙的女孩,以为是进入了巨大的红灯区 -red-light district: the area of a town or city where there are many prostitutes。



        想这种"淘金女郎"英文中叫做 "gold digger":an attractive woman who uses her looks to get money from rich men-以美色从有钱人获取钱财的女人

        不过gold digger没有妓女的意思。

        象那种用钱买来年轻貌美的女孩的老头英文中叫做"Sugar Daddy": an older man who gives a young person presents and money in return for their company and often for sex

        dirty old man -老淫虫

        gigolo: a man who is paid by a rich woman, especially an older woman, to have sex with her -男妓


        "Well, a goldfish guy, a guy who's sexually interested in children; it's something like a child molester."

        child molester: a person who tries to have sex with children

        paedophile: a person, especially a man, who's sexually interested in children - 有恋童癖的人

        最近美国歌星Michael Jackson就被怀疑是 child molester/paedophile.


        这是一个来自新闻的句子:"In his first interview since being arrested for child molestation, the pop superstar has told America's CBS network that he is not a paedophile."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 好帖!建议交枫下佳猿兄弟们传阅.
          • 你的fantasy应该多加一条吧!哈哈
        • 强帖, 不鼓励外传,哈哈。我记的John有“小弟”的意思,所以叫JOHN就很清楚了。
        • 一天不学习,赶不上刘少奇。顶。
    • 英语每日一句(45)(ZT)All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。
      Faults are thick where love is thin. 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼

      To find happiness in your life it does not matter what you do.
      What matters is to have the courage to be yourself:
      - without it you will always remain unhappy
      - with it you will find infinite happiness.

      • 咱俩贴的开始重合了?英文看来不够我们学的 : ) no wine matches that divine intoxication, no language is adequate for the text of the soulmates' heart 酒逢知己千杯少
      • 评论一下你这个帖子
        To find happiness in your life it does not matter what you do.
        What matters is to have the courage to be yourself:
        - without it you will always remain unhappy
        - with it you will find infinite happiness.

        'Have the courage to be yourself' do award me a lot of happiness, but not enough, if you want more happiness, take challenge and overcome it, that is so happy.
    • 英语每日一句(46)(ZT)All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。

      April 16, 2005
      - : -

      Always rely on just a happy frame of mind.
      Don't think about anything that concerns others.
      Abandon all hope of results.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997


        阿底峡祖师生于印度东部现今称为“孟加拉国”(Bengali)的一个国度,其父为善胜王(梵名Kalyanashri),其母为吉祥光后(梵名 Prabhavati Shrimati)。祖师的俗家名是月藏(梵名Chandragarbha)。阿底峡祖师生为太子。在其出生前后,有许多神奇稀有的吉祥征兆。在祖师年甫岁半时,已显强烈的悲心。后来,祖师舍弃继承王位的太子名位,出家而依菩提贤祖师(梵名Bodhibhadra)、大智鹃祖师(梵名Vidyakokila)、小智鹃祖师(梵名Avadhutipa)、戒护祖师(梵名Shilarakshita)等许多大法师学习显密教法,后来更为求最高之菩提心法而不顾凶险,远渡重洋去到印度尼西亚(现今称为“苏门答腊”(Sumatra))的地方,依金洲大师学法。祖师一生中,曾先后依止一百五十七位大师参学,尽得广行、深观一切教法。在戒、定、慧三学上,祖师亦是人天模范,证得了共与不共诸种成就。在印度,祖师曾三次辩倒向佛法挑战的外道论师,令他们皈依三宝,维护了正法之地位。后来,祖师再次不顾凶险,远赴西藏,把一度衰落了之正法在藏地重新弘扬了起来,是为藏传佛教之中兴期。


        观音及度母等,在四部密续中皆有此相,但噶登派的四本尊传承,全都是事密部的。这几晚将依据而教授的仪轨,是出自印度的仪轨,而且极为短略易修,特别适合在座的居士众。这四个仪轨,是共通普遍的仪轨,不必一定要受过随许灌顶或口传才能修。大家学过修持方法后,便可修诵这四仪轨,只要改良自化本尊之观想为面前或顶上现出本尊即可。在以后,如果大家真的发心终生认真地依止这四本尊,则最宜进而依止明师接受口传及随许灌顶等,这样会令修持最有加持力量。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 问世间情为何物?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1) Love causes tension, Sex alleviates it.
        2) The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.
        3) Love's greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.
        4) Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible -- it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.
        5) Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
        6) Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love.
        7) Love is the beauty of the soul.
        8) Real love stories never have endings.
        9) For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
        10) The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.
        11) The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one.
        12) If you have it [Love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.
        13) To try to write love is to confront the muck of language: that region of hysteria where language is both too much and too little, excessive and impoverished.
        14) If you say, I love you, then you have already fallen in love with language, which is already a form of break up and infidelity.
        15) Young love is a flame; very pretty, often very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep-burning, unquenchable.
        16) Love is the river of life in the world.
        17) Love ceases to be a pleasure, when it ceases to be a secret.
        18) Love seeks no cause beyond itself and no fruit; it is its own fruit, its own enjoyment. I love because I love; I love in order that I may love.
        19) Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love. [The Song Of Solomon 2:5]
        20) We know that we have passed from death into life, because we love... [1 John 3:14]
        21) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
        22) Love is said to be blind, but I know some fellows in love who can see twice as much in their sweethearts as I do.
        23) Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life.
        24) When first we met we did not guess that Love would prove so hard a master.
        25) Love without attachment is light.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 我的comments:老了点。。。哥林多前书(有英文版吗?)
    • 英语每日一句(47)(ZT)All that ends well is well.结果好,就一切都好。
      A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight .(P. B. Shelley , British poet )
      伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱. P. B)

      April 16, 2005
      - : - : - : - : -

      The surest sign of spiritual progress is a total lack of concern about
      There is an utter absence of anxiety about anything like liberation and
      a sort of hollowness in one's being, a kind of looseness and
      involuntary surrender to whatever might happen.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      • kiss-your-sister“不痛不痒”,“装模作样”[To kiss your sister cannot be a real passionate kiss, but a ritual or courtecy kiss.]
        作者:古月 - 1999/11/26 12:04:06 ***

        I don't think it's in the dictionary already but in the culture. If you have a sister, you often kiss your sister good night. It's considered a daily routine for Americans, nothing exciting yet quite comforting. As you said, it's mostly used in sports reporting. When no side wins in a match, it's a kiss-your-sister tie, meaning: nothing exciting, an eventless match for both sides. You don't feel thrilled or upset. For some, it's kind of homely comfort, for others, it may be a waste of time, depending on the different levels of expectation. In Chinese, it could be "安慰性," "保个本," "保全面子," "给个台阶," "平安过关," etc.

        Gu Yue
        某期Fortune有一篇文章提到苏联的时候,说如今Soviet Union已经成了Soviet Disunion。这个Soviet Disunion怎么翻译才比较生动?
        1 苏裂
        2 苏解
        3 苏恋
        4 苏散
        5 苏不联
        6 苏乱
        • much better than me....I like it. 另外我喜欢叫苏散.
    • 英语每日一句(48)(ZT)All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 整个世界是个舞台,男男女女,演员而已。

      April 18, 2005
      - : -

      Meditation doesn't necessarily mean sitting cross-legged with your eyes
      Simply observing how your mind is responding to the sense world as you
      go about your business - walking, talking, shopping, whatever - can be
      a really perfect meditation and bring a perfect result.

      Thubten Yeshe

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      Lama Thubten Yeshe - Biographies

      Lama Thubten Yeshe was born in Tibet in 1935. At the age of six, he entered the great Sera Monastic University, Lhasa, where he studied until 1959, when the Chinese invasion of Tibet forced him into exile in India. Lama Yeshe continued to study and meditate in India until 1967, when, with his chief disciple, Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche, he went to Nepal. Two years later he established Kopan Monastery, near Kathmandu, in order to teach Buddhism to Westerners. In 1974, the Lamas began making annual teaching tours to the West, and as a result of these travels a worldwide network of Buddhist teaching and meditation centers—the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition—began to develop. In 1984, after an intense decade of imparting a wide variety of incredible teachings and establishing one FPMT activity after another, at the age of forty-nine, Lama Yeshe passed away. He was reborn as Ösel Hita Torres in Spain in 1985, recognized as the incarnation of Lama Yeshe by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1986, and, as the monk Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche, began studying for his geshe degree in 1992 at the reconstituted Sera Monastery in South India. Lama’s remarkable story is told in Vicki Mackenzie’s book, Reincarnation: The Boy Lama (Wisdom Publications, 1996).

      Some of Lama Yeshe’s teachings have also been published by Wisdom. Books include Wisdom Energy; Introduction to Tantra; The Tantric Path of Purification; and (recently) The Bliss of Inner Fire. Transcripts in print are Light of Dharma; Life, Death and After Death; and Transference of Consciousness at the Time of Death. Available through FPMT centers or at www.wisdompubs.org.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 男人不坏, 女人不爱 1 Faint heart never won fair lady
        2 Playboy, girl's toy 3 Ladies prefer gentlemen; but only part of the time 4 Ladies love the gentleman not so gentlemanly 5 Supple thighs favor rough guys 6 A guy not naughty, no gal's fancy
        • 确时好,自己贴的全忘了,你贴的全记住了。
          • 你贴的是如来神掌,学好了威力无穷,但暂时不易领会;我贴的是小擒拿手、螳螂腿之类的雕虫小技,防身用的,威力一般,易于上手;
            • 好久没这么舒服了.........................
    • 英语每日一句(49)(ZT)All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事总是由难而易。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. By Camus 要幸福快乐的话,我们就不要太在意别人的意见。
      April 19, 2005
      - : -

      Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise men;
      seek what they sought.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      Basho 松尾芭蕉 (1644~1694)

      本名松尾宗房,别号桃青、泊船堂、钧月庵、风罗坊等。生于伊贺上野(今三重县上野市)。他的父亲是伊贺上野诸侯家臣之长藤堂新七郎的臣属。他自幼为良精之子藤原良忠(俳号蝉吟)的侍童,立志于俳谐的创作。良忠师事学者和俳谐诗人北村季吟,芭蕉也就学于季吟。23岁时,由于良忠逝世,他离开主人之家。在以后的 6年间,以京都为中心,学习贞门俳谐(松永贞德派),过着放荡不羁的生活。1672年赴江户,所作俳谐起句集《贝炊》出版。这部起句集除芭蕉的起句外,还收载其同乡多人的作品,由他撰写评语。此书在风格上受到谈林派(西山宗因自由奔放的革新派)的影响。当时,芭蕉年仅29岁,已成为一代俳谐宗匠。
        1684年,芭蕉结束东海道上方一带的游历后,完成俳谐纪行集《风雨纪行》(1685),他的俳谐选集《冬日》也于1684年出版。从此逐步树立一般称为“蕉风”的独特风格。1687年秋季起程,游历常陆的鹿岛、东海道上方一带,并经木曾路观赏更科的明月,1688年返回江户。这次游历的成果,就是后来陆续出版的俳谐纪行集《鹿岛纪行》(1687)、《笈中小札》(1709)和《更科纪行》(1704)。翌年三月,他又开始历时 7个月的陆奥各地的漫游,并有著名的俳谐纪行集《奥州小路》(1689)问世。随后,再以故里伊贺为中心遍访伊势、奈良、近江一带。1690年住进石山深处的幻住庵。当年秋季,著有俳谐文集《幻住庵记》。

      参考书目 井本农一:《芭蕉》,东京,1962。
                                             (李芒)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • He who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛色不异空,空不异色;色即是空,空即是色
        Form is not separate from Emptiness, Emptiness is not separate from Form;
        Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form

        All reality makes no difference from a phantom, neither do all phantoms make difference from the real

        .空.. Emptiness, impercetibles

        色. Form: Our perception of the impercetible. Due to our limited senses,
        "form" is only a "distorted" image of reality constructed by our mind from a
        limited set of sensory inputs.

        相 :Symbolification is the "representations" we made from the "forms" we have in our minds.

        Example: Question: What is the universe really like ?

        .空. The actual state of the universe. This is impercetible to us
        due to our limited sense of perception.

        色 Our perception of the universe as based upon our observation through our
        eyes (optical spectrum) and our instruments ( other parts of the electromagnetic

        相 Words and expressions of colour, shape, size etc..that we employ to describe
        our "perception" of the universe..

        An Aside:
        In the early days of Quantum Theory, many physicist, including notables like
        Oppenheimer, were drawn by the curious parallel between the way the Copenhagen
        school of of Quantum Theory interpreted reality and that of Buddhism's. In the Copenhagen
        school of interpretation, the state of a system is unknown (imperceptible.空. ) until
        a measurement is made. The process of measurement yields a result which is
        but one of many possible state the system co-existed in before the measurement was made.
        The [(process of measurement)= ( perception 色 )] yields only a "modified"
        picture of nature; a picture that is biased by our senses (instruments included).

        佛教认为“空”乃天地万物的本体。“色”乃万物本体(空)的瞬息生灭的假象。“空”相当于道教中的“道”,基督教中的非人格化上帝或哲学中的终极实在(Ultimate Reality),乃“虚无之系,造化之根”,道可道,非常道,却又是万物生成的母本。God created the world, but God is never separate from His creation and is in everyone and everything.


        另外,用phantom和reality (non-existence)对译“色”“空”在意思上没错。现在,英译佛典多用Form和Emptiness。仅供参考。
        用form代色,能够说明问题。好象参照了某家西方哲学。可资参照的哲学肯定不止一家。只要能说明问题,百家争鸣也无妨吧?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 多谢好文
          • U r very welcome.
    • 英语每日一句(50)(ZT) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。
      Happy is the man who is living by his hobby .(G. Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )
      醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G .)

      April 20, 2005
      - : -

      What is to laugh,
      but a sparkling of the pleasure of the soul,
      meaning a clarity appearing outside according to what happens inside?


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997

      Dante 但丁?
      • 临时抱佛脚 To seek help at the 11th hour
        The term "11th hour" started as a military jargon, in Military operations, the Zeroth hour is the scheduled time for the start of a military operation, especially a combat operation of substantial scope, like D-day.
        The 11th hour refers to 1 hr before the Zeroth hour. When you are at the 11 th hour, you are at a critical point before the start (or cancellation) of the operation .Pass that and you are at a point of no return, so to speak.

        At the eleventh hour: at the last possible time; just before it's too late. (It's originally from Bible, Matt. 20:1-16.)

        In addition, the following keywords can also be used depending on the context: crisis-driven; ad hoc; improvised or improvising; fire-fighting.

        Some organizations are crisis-driven.

        Their decision-making processes are ad hoc, improvised, and they often resort to fire-fighting.
    • 英语每日一句(51)(ZT)A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There are too many people, and too few human beings. ~Robert Zend

      April 21, 2005
      - : -

      Let go of what may come.
      Let go of what is happening now.
      Don't try to figure anything out.
      Don't try to make anything happen.
      Relax, right now, and rest.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997

      (988 - 1069) 帝洛巴出生在印度东孟加拉邦的婆罗门家族中。当他还是牧童时,偶遇龙树菩萨,从其处获得大乘佛教的基本启示,并被龙树菩萨封赐为当地巴联塔小国的统治者。帝洛巴过了几年奢侈的宫廷生活后,决定离开王宫,剃度出家修行。帝洛巴在孟加拉邦的索玛布里密乘寺院受具足戒,然后开始接受传统训练。


      往后的十二年里,帝洛巴专心而坚定地修法,并且将一位瑜伽女纳为修行伴侣,然而此举使他被传统僧团逐出师门。虽然帝洛巴被公认是位伟大的大师,但是人们仍无法接受他有一位女性伴侣。从此,帝洛巴便隐居起来。在他众多门徒中,那洛巴成为延续其传承的嫡传弟子。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 见微知著: A straw shows which way the wind blows.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛见微知著:
        A straw shows which way the wind blows.
        From the tiny acorn one sees the mighty oak.
        Recognize the whole through observation of the part.
        From a tiny drop of water, one sees the mighty ocean.
        "Unsatisfied needs motivate" or "poverty motivates change"
        Poverty begets the hope for change.
        a hungry person can not be picky and choosy for his food
        too hungry to choose
        "Beggars cannot be choosers," or "Necessity knows no law."
        Hungry and choosy don't meet.
        Without critical resources, don't make a commitment.
        Don't take on a job without the right tools
        without a stone, don't start building a castle.
        without a nickle, don't buy a castle.
        a deaf man shouldn't go to a concert.
        no money, no buy.
        Don't take on a job without the right tools.

        As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.
        As well be condemned for an affair as for a kiss
        Stick to a thing once begun.
        Shot for a sheep, (as) shot for a lamb.
        The early bird that catches the worm"

        The latecomer fares better.
        The race is not always to the swift.
        "the last shall be the first" or "a come-from-behind victory"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 英语每日一句(51)(ZT)A man can do no more than he can.凡事都应量力而行。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow .
      (Emerson, American thinker )
      进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。 (美国思想家 家默生)

      April 22, 2005
      - : -

      What's the difference between a life of comfort and security and a life
      of risk and total insecurity?
      One is just being like everyone else.
      The other is a great thrill, and furthers something unknown and
      unlimited that's ever-present.
      And that's what living the spiritual life is.

      Andrew Cohen

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997

      Andrew Cohen has been a teacher of enlightenment since 1986. He is the author of twelve books on the spiritual life, and founder of the award-winning magazine What is Enlightenment?

      Born in New York City in 1955, Cohen discovered his passion for truth at the age of sixteen, when a spontaneous revelation of "cosmic consciousness" opened his eyes to the spiritual dimension of life. Some years later, as a result of that experience, he gave up aspirations to become a musician and dedicated himself wholeheartedly to its rediscovery. After several years of intensive spiritual pursuit in the U.S., including the study of martial arts, Kriya yoga, and Buddhist meditation, Cohen followed in the footsteps of a generation of Western seekers to India. It was in India that he met his last teacher, H.W.L. Poonja, in 1986, and experienced a life-changing awakening. Shortly afterwards, Cohen began to teach.

      In his eighteen-year odyssey as a teacher, Cohen has forged an independent path in pursuit of truth. His own teaching has been lauded as one of the most original and complete contemporary expressions of awakened understanding. And perhaps most notably, he has captured the imagination of the modern spiritual world by igniting a dynamic international dialogue in the pages of his groundbreaking magazine What Is Enlightenment? Ceaselessly questioning his own experience and observing the examples of others, Cohen has emerged as a defining voice in the quest to understand what it means to seek—and attain—enlightenment in the twenty-first century. He continually travels the world giving talks and extended retreats and meeting with spiritual leaders and visionaries from every tradition.

      In addition to his work as a writer and public speaker, Cohen is spiritual mentor to hundreds of students around the world who have come together to form the International Fellowship for the Realization of Impersonal Enlightenment. Inspired by Cohen's teachings, this network of communities is united in a commitment to living the spiritual life not for personal gain but for the purpose of discovering a different possibility for humanity. Centers dedicated to this vision can be found in Europe, Asia, and the United States, including an international retreat center in the Berkshire mountains in western Massachusetts where Cohen now has his home.

      Cohen's latest book, Living Enlightenment (Spring 2002), has received accolades from many respected voices in the spiritual, academic, and philosophical worlds. His other works include the acclaimed Embracing Heaven & Earth (2000), Freedom Has No History, An Unconditional Relationship to Life, and Enlightenment Is a Secret.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你的这段话怎么翻译?
        What's the difference between a life of comfort and security and a life
        of risk and total insecurity?
        One is just being like everyone else.
        The other is a great thrill, and furthers something unknown and
        unlimited that's ever-present.
        And that's what living the spiritual life is.

        Gossip-mongers, troublemakers 来说是非者,便是是非人
        show amorous looks
        make eyes at sb
        give out a come-hither look
        make goo-goo eyes at

        Beware of men who tattle, for they are snakes that rattle 多舍的男人,图谋不轨

        Finding faults with others with a magnifier while zooming up my own virtue with a microscope.
        • 不好翻.


    • 英语每日一句(52)(ZT)A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。
      Nobody sees with his eyes alone; we see with our souls.
      --Henry Miller

      Life doesn't require that we be the best - only that we try our best.

      H. Jackson Brown Jr.
      • Reading makes a profound man; practice, a competent man 读万卷书 行万里路
        In addition to burying himeself in volumes of books,a consummate scholar frees himself by traveling great distances and meeting various people
        古人修身三要:读万卷书 行万里路 交四方友。
        A true scholar balances his studio learning and outdoor practices
    • 英语每日一句(53)(ZT)A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。
      A man has his hour, and a dog has his day. 人有称心时,狗有得意日

      April 24, 2005
      - : -

      Ordinary men hate solitude.
      But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he
      is one with the whole universe.

      Lao Tzu

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997

      Lao Tzu老子
    • 英语每日一句(54)(ZT)A man is known by his friends.什么人交什么朋友。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart. 世界上最美好最漂亮的东西是看不见的,也摸不着的。它们必须用心去感应。

      April 25, 2005
      - : -

      To learn to meditate is the biggest gift you can give to yourself in
      this life.
      Indeed, only meditation will allow you to discover your true nature and
      find balance and roots to live well.
      Meditation is the way that leads towards awakening.

      Sogyal Rinpoche

      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      Sogyal Rinpoche


      索甲仁波切所言确实开启人心,……他恳切踏实的论调,加上诸佛菩萨的箴言开示,除却人们对死亡的“大恐惧”,甚至使人们视死为相伴一生的老友。---洛杉矶时报更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 生命诚可贵,爱情价更高 Liberty, love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life, for liberty I will sacrifice my love
        In Hungarian:

        Szabadság, szerelem!
        E ketto kell nekem.
        Szerelmemért föláldozom
        Az életet,
        Szabadságért föláldozom
    • 英语每日一句(55)(ZT)A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。
      Darkness closes two eyes, but darkness opens a thousand others within us. Those unseen eyes are sometime troublesome. Yes, night brings strange fears and longings.
      --Louis Danz

      April 26, 2005
      - : -

      I am not talking about forcing anything, or repressing,
      but about bringing the quality of awareness to every moment.


      DAILY and WEEKLY Wisdom from different sources since Dec, 1997
      • 君子之交淡如水 A hedge between keeps friendship green // The friendship between wise men is crystal clear like pure water
    • ? Something wrong here.1 Time order messed up. 2 I posted something under one post #2259420, but it show up under another one #2256076
      • 摸着石头过河:Crossing a river by Feeling stones.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛纽约时报驻京记者Seth Faison在前天(十一月十四日)的纽约时报上撰文谈论中国成语,文章标题是Not-so-Ancient Chinese Proverb: Glib Truisms Gloss over Reality.


        鹿死谁手:Never know at whose hand a deer will die.

        摸着石头过河:Feeling stones while crossing a river.

        鳞次栉比:Packed in as tight as teeth of a comb.

        一人得道,鸡犬升天:When one man finds the way, his chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.
        Meaning: When a man is promoted to a position of authority, all his friends and relatives benefit.

        八仙过海,各显神通:Eight immortals cross the sea; each shows a saintly passage.
        Meaning: Different individuals can achieve the same goal in different ways.

        天高皇帝远:The sky is high; the emperor is far away.
        Meaning: Far from a central authority, one enjoys relative freedom.

        说曹操,曹操到:When you mention Cao Cao, he soon arrives.
        Meaning: I was just talking about you!

        瓜田李下:Never pull on your shoes in a melon patch; never adjust your cap under a plum tree.
        Meaning: Don\\\'t act suspicious if you want to avoid being suspected.

        姜太公钓鱼-愿者上钩:Lord Jiang casts a line, a fish wants to be caught.
        Meaning: Someone who is trapped willingly.

        看来贵坛的古月讲得有道理,这类直译的中国成语,老外还很津津乐道呢:“Chinese wisdom!”


        那钓鱼的姜太公是不是汉英的渔夫?Lord Jiang casts a line, a fish wants to be caught. Meaning: Someone who is
        作者:trapped willingly - 1999/11/16 20:09:52 ***

        作者:Mrs Geoff - 1999/11/16 21:38:14 ***


        So you\\\'re the first to be caught, or willingly trapped:-)
        作者:-:0 - 1999/11/16 21:45:59 ***

        作者:Mrs Geoff - 1999/11/17 01:01:44 ***

        请问,那位高手能把文中的“Glib Truisms Gloss over Reality”译成中文?
        作者:一时没词了 - 1999/11/16 22:44:22 ***

        作者:砖头 - 1999/11/16 23:15:16 ***

        作者:有这么点意思 - 1999/11/17 07:47:54 ***


        You mean \\\"A glib tongue can resurrect the dead\\\"? Good!
        作者:砖头 - 1999/11/17 13:02:20 ***


        作者:砖头 - 1999/11/16 22:50:17 ***

        鳞次栉比的高楼大厦:bristling high-rises


        proverbs for \\\"摸着石头过河\\\"
        作者:yuki - 1999/11/16 23:22:03 ***

        Look before you leap.
        Forewarned, forarmed.
        When in doubt, do nowt.
        Good watch prevents misfortune.
        Hear twice before you speak once.

        Do they all carry the meaning of \\\"blazing a trail\\\"?
        作者:not-sure - 1999/11/16 23:52:45 ***

        \\\"Feeling stones while crossing a river,\\\" imho, essentialy means to do something for the first time without any prior experience or expertise. So \\\"blazing a trail\\\" would be its closest synonym. All the proverbs you\\\'ve offered, on the other hand, seem to empathize cautiousness which might be only a byproduct of the original Chinese saying.


        play by ear:
        作者:Leroi - 1999/11/17 02:56:32 ***

        perform step by step according to results(OED);
        act in a situation as seems best while it is developing, rather than in accordance with some plan(Webster\\\'s).


        So it has been entered in those dictionaries already? Interesting!
        作者:not-sure - 1999/11/17 09:06:05 ***


        Crossing a river by feeling the stones
        作者:野草 - 1999/11/17 10:30:52 ***

        tang(足+尚)水过河的,一般都不难体会其中的感觉:吃不准哪深哪 浅,只有靠脚探摸,有确实牢靠的石头好下脚时才踩下去,接着再往前挪步。国内讲改革开放,常说它表示“路得往前走,但因为没走过,只好一步一步探索。”怎么译?我以为最好保留特色直译。
        “Feeling stones whilecrossing ariver”,是该洋“中国通” 的译文,尽管体现了其汉语理解不太够火候,却足以表明“摸着石头 过河”不用脚注直译也可使人明白无误。可惜译文不够好,恐怕会令 人误解为:“过河的时候感(摸)到有石头”。如改为 “Crossing a river by feeling the stones” 意思大概就准确了。

        Leroi君提出的 play it by ear, 意思有点象,说的是边干边改进 ,根据实际效果随时调整。但远不及过河形象,再说它源于音乐家作曲的improvisation,普罗大众恐怕不易体会,邓大人也不会用这种 阳春白雪的语言号召全国人民跟他走改革路。

        至于trail-blazing,只强调了“开拓先锋”性,不准确。其它过于 强调“三思后行”的一类英语成语俗话,还没见一个可同“摸着石头过河”比美的。我还是喜欢光脚丫过河,摸到了石头心踏实。



        Exactly! That\\\'s what was on my lips as well.
        作者:砖头 - 1999/11/17 10:52:31 ***

        \\\"Crossing a river while feeling the stones\\\" has a much clearer focus than \\\"Feeling the stones while crossing a river.\\\"


        Crossing/Fording/Wading the river
        作者:Leroi - 1999/11/17 15:11:25 ***

        \\\"Crossing ...\\\"不甚妥,因为 这不仅指“光着脚丫”[足+堂]过去,坐船过去或做汽车火车从大桥上风驰而过也都行,又哪儿能“摸着石头”过去?用 fording ... 可表明过的是浅水,但坐在汽/卡车里或骑在牛/马/驼背上照样可以 ford. Wading ...如何?

        另者,play be ear 原义指不看或不会看乐谱而弹/吹奏乐器,与阳春白雪无关。西洋古典音乐中有“即兴曲”(impromptu), 本来也许是作曲家灵感汹涌随意发挥的即席创作,事后再记录下来发表的。Improvisation 或 extemporisation 都指没事先计划安排的活动,如演奏,演戏,演讲等。在一般口语或不太正式的书面语里,play by ear 是可以用来翻译“摸着石头过河”的。


        说说曹操 比 DEVIL
        作者:野草 - 1999/11/17 14:10:11 ***


        我就不信作者以后(哪怕在中国的正经场合)说英文也要用When you mention Cao Cao, he soon arrives。其实英语里有现成 的 Talk of the devil (and he is bound to appear),和它一模 一样,干嘛偏要说“曹操”呢?保持文化特色?效果恐怕适得其反。洋人有谁知道曹操?就连咱这些所谓的炎黄子孙,又有几个真能准确道出“曹操到”的典故?对中国绝大多数说“说曹操,曹操到”的人来说,“曹操”无非是个虚的历史人物,谁都不知其模样,其实就和 devil 对洋人差不多。 真的要说 CaoCao,可别忘了它那发音,洋人 听到的、联想到的,可就不是曹操或鬼了,而很可能是chow-chow, 是狗儿狗食什么的,更糟了。所以,遇到该用“说曹操,曹操到”的时候,说Talk of the devil 最好。

        作者:古月 - 1999/11/17 17:02:07 ***

        其实口译时,Faison给的解释“I was just talking about you!”已经够好了。还免得当事人忌讳“Devil”。

        精辟!泛化民族色彩过浓 时代地域特征过强的形象的又一范例 谢谢!
        作者:xd - 1999/11/17 20:12:08 ***


        Idiom translation
        作者:Fanghuzhai - 1999/11/18 22:02:12 ***

        Sorry no Chinese input method today.

        In idiom translation, there is a tendency to find English equivalent idioms, equivalent in referential meaning rather than in the image. The reason is that the target text must be idiomatically English, therefore, literal translation of Chinese idioms are often considered non-idiomatic.

        But of course there is another view that says literal translation can introduce Chinese culture to the world.

        Both are justified to some extent. Of course in practice, it depends on if the translation makes sense and causes no misunderstanding.

        I prefer literal translation more to the replacement method as long as the translation conveys a vivid image and the referential meaning is not distorted. Many of the examples here are OK to me.

        Indeed om discussing translation, we can hardly reach an agreement concerning idiom translation. But one thing that I would like to mention here is that recently I thumbed some books on translation studies and have come across a new idea that says we should not think translation as a way to \\\"faithfully\\\" render the souce text. This idea actually echos my idea in the 80 when I was a postgraduate school student in China and was considering translation as my thesis topic. I had the idea that translation is not a theory about \\\"faithfulness\\\" but one about \\\"unfaithfullness\\\". It is about how meaning, image, discourse etc get transformed in circulation across language boundaries. I dropped the plan and wrote on syntax instead, because I felt it was difficult to explain clearly the problems of translation.

        (not spell checked, too busy)

        I know you\\\'d agree with me in view of your past performance. Thanks!
        作者:古月 - 1999/11/18 23:30:43 ***

        I have often heard people use the term \\\"Halo Effect\\\", I wonder if that is a good translation for \\\"一人得道,鸡犬升天:\\\"
        作者:ds - 1999/11/19 21:54:51 ***更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 英语每日一句(56)(ZT)A man without money is no man at all. 一分钱难倒英雄汉。
      The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; and the realist adjusts the sails. by William Arthur Ward 悲观者埋怨刮风;乐观者静侯风变;现实者调整风帆。