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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

刚刚跟STATE FARM的一个经理通了EMAIL。解答了关于“夫妻用同一辆车”及“骑单车被撞”的事。内祥:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I will try and answer your questions, however please remember all insurance companies are different and I am only really in tune with State Farm, however we all follow for the most part the same guidelines.

With respect to your questions, here are my notes:
Insurance companies no longer rate drivers as individual, they rate as a household, so if there are 2 drivers and only 1 car, both licences determine the rate of insurance, therefore the wife's accident will play a part in the rate even though the husband may be the only driver. The only way around that is to have the wife surrender her licence, but can't say that I agree with that as she would then have to start all over in the licensing process again.
Most companies will not "exclude" a wife as a driver - what that means is that she keeps her licence but if she touches the car, there is no coverage. That is a thought...

If they separate, he would need to prove separation. We normally request drivers licence showing another address - however, again if she touches the car, no coverage as technically, she is considered an excluded driver in this manor as well.

A bike is considered a vehicle (not motorized) but falls into the same category with respect to tickets issued by the police. A careless ticket is considered a major driving offence and they are quite steep in price. This type of ticket stays on his record for 5 years (as it is a major conviction) and yes, would effect his insurance rate on a car quote for the full 5 years.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 刚刚跟STATE FARM的一个经理通了EMAIL。解答了关于“夫妻用同一辆车”及“骑单车被撞”的事。内祥:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I will try and answer your questions, however please remember all insurance companies are different and I am only really in tune with State Farm, however we all follow for the most part the same guidelines.

    With respect to your questions, here are my notes:
    Insurance companies no longer rate drivers as individual, they rate as a household, so if there are 2 drivers and only 1 car, both licences determine the rate of insurance, therefore the wife's accident will play a part in the rate even though the husband may be the only driver. The only way around that is to have the wife surrender her licence, but can't say that I agree with that as she would then have to start all over in the licensing process again.
    Most companies will not "exclude" a wife as a driver - what that means is that she keeps her licence but if she touches the car, there is no coverage. That is a thought...

    If they separate, he would need to prove separation. We normally request drivers licence showing another address - however, again if she touches the car, no coverage as technically, she is considered an excluded driver in this manor as well.

    A bike is considered a vehicle (not motorized) but falls into the same category with respect to tickets issued by the police. A careless ticket is considered a major driving offence and they are quite steep in price. This type of ticket stays on his record for 5 years (as it is a major conviction) and yes, would effect his insurance rate on a car quote for the full 5 years.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 表扬一下,干了一件大好事
      • 前两天你还说人家“整个在胡说,请不要不懂装懂,误导别人!“。不过,该了就是好同志。
        • 这很正常,我从来对事不对人。
    • 我来做好事,把大概意思说一下:(1)汽车保险以家庭为单位,所以一个家庭夫妻2人只有一辆车的话,就默认两个人是相联系的;如果分居,一般以一个驾照是另外的地址来区别,这个人可以不在保险范围内,不受保;
      • 这句啥意思
        The only way around that is to have the wife surrender her licence, but can't say that I agree with that as she would then have to start all over in the licensing process again.
        Most companies will not "exclude" a wife as a driver - what that means is that she keeps her licence but if she touches the car, there is no coverage. That is a thought... [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
        • XB您看帖仔细!


          • "是她保留自己的驾照、但是不动汽车,如果动了就没有保险保她。" 这里的'动' - 'Touch' 是什么意思? Touch 是指开车还是"摸"一下就算...
            • 是指开车。
            • 当然是摸。Touch 就是摸的意思,不是开车。例如:Final Touch —— 最后一摸,Touch Up —— 向上摸。呵呵。
              • 还有Touchy --- 摸不得
          • 这种情况和如没驾照的骑车人被警察拿下是一样的,到时候他考了驾照,保险一样受影响,而且在办保险时人家要你填以前拿过tickets吗?你敢说不吗?所以我想你不用冥想了,驾照取消也不行。
            • 所以,骑自行车外出时不要带驾照,带了也不给警察看。违章之后,姓名地址乱说一通,谁也拿你没办法。不过,如果被撞了想要得到赔偿,就要权衡利弊了。
              • 罪加一等“伪造文件”, 那就变成刑事罪了。亲眼所见。
                • 说说详情。我只是听律师说,只要没开车,警察无权查阅你的证件,除非他有搜查证。
                  • 我在学校的时候认识的一同学。平日酷爱滑板。但学校有很多bylaw,这里不能滑、那里不能滑。平时没人管,无所谓。这一天偏偏有个警察盯上了。告诉他不能在这里滑。他答应了一声就过去了。

                    于是就有了第二天惊心动魄的一幕。警察冲进实验室抓人,那个光景只有在COPS里面才见识过。他还想跑被警察按在墙上铐上手铐带走了。被指控document fraud. 后来的事情我了解得不多,听说是plead guilty了。什么deal我不知道。
                    • 这么恐怖?以后我要加上一句:不要在家门口撒谎。
                  • 说老实话,这加拿大有时候也有些挺邪门的事情。前几年看过一个叫Jaggi Singh的活跃分子被RCMP的便衣警察从校园劫持的事情,跟TMD秘密警察似的,恐怖/。
    • 谢谢!昨天还有人说我误导听众,看看!人民日报都这么说!
      • 难得呀,现在还不明白
        • 别急。慢慢来
    • 5年!?
    • more reading regarding insurance risk points
    • 表扬阿. 我还有疑问:我有G牌有一车, 上保险时我LP没有车牌, 后来她考笔试了G1, 因为不能开车也没有通知保险公司. 想等她拿了G2再通知, 这是否也算干了隐瞒的坏事啊?
      • 没有问题。但有G2后要把她加上去。
        • 谁说的要加???? 你也可以不加,..如果她开你的车撞死人, 她又没保险, 车主你得付全责..之后她再与你离婚...
          • 不知是否各省不一样,BC省和你说的差不多,但和楼主的信息正好相反
    • 两项都明显是保险公司最大化自己利益的典范
    • 这么有用的帖子就精华了吧。记号。
    • COOL~