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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Amazon rain forest across boundaries of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Hard to tell without knowing where you will be going.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I was told by travelers that Madidi in Bolivia and Manu in Peru were among the best anywhere in Amazon. But I didn't go to these area so can't really compare. Have been said that, I think what matter the most is the type of tour you take. Once in the jungle you can't see really far, the surrounding looks same. The most popular type of Amazon tour is fly in or boat in to a jungle lodge and stay there for few days, the lodge can provide guided tour to the area. Another one is Jungle hike. Walk through thick forest for few days and raft down the river back to where you start. The one we did was 5-day river run. Hired a boat and guide, went through 4 branches of Amazon River, hike in to jungle during the day and camp on the beach at night. This way we were being able to go deep in to the Amazon forest where the sense of true wild and isolation can be experienced, hardly saw any other living soul in our entire trip except a couple of native communities. We were chasing the oaters; fishing the piranhas; catching the crocodile at night; watching hundreds of red-blue macaw hanging on a clay wall for breakfast in the morning, Amazing experience. Compare to that, the "Tambopata Biosphere Conservation" area we visited at the end of the trip was like "Amazon pavilion" of Metro Toronto Zoo, just too much sign of human touch.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 有谁去过南美亚马逊森林?
    • 在远景计划中.....................
    • 去年圣诞节刚去,您想了解什么?
      • More details. cost, safty, attraction, people, money exchange, transportation, time, how long is the best, any thing need to prepare Please help! anyone want to go there this year
        • Amazon rain forest across boundaries of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Hard to tell without knowing where you will be going.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I was told by travelers that Madidi in Bolivia and Manu in Peru were among the best anywhere in Amazon. But I didn't go to these area so can't really compare. Have been said that, I think what matter the most is the type of tour you take. Once in the jungle you can't see really far, the surrounding looks same. The most popular type of Amazon tour is fly in or boat in to a jungle lodge and stay there for few days, the lodge can provide guided tour to the area. Another one is Jungle hike. Walk through thick forest for few days and raft down the river back to where you start. The one we did was 5-day river run. Hired a boat and guide, went through 4 branches of Amazon River, hike in to jungle during the day and camp on the beach at night. This way we were being able to go deep in to the Amazon forest where the sense of true wild and isolation can be experienced, hardly saw any other living soul in our entire trip except a couple of native communities. We were chasing the oaters; fishing the piranhas; catching the crocodile at night; watching hundreds of red-blue macaw hanging on a clay wall for breakfast in the morning, Amazing experience. Compare to that, the "Tambopata Biosphere Conservation" area we visited at the end of the trip was like "Amazon pavilion" of Metro Toronto Zoo, just too much sign of human touch.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • That's your travel style. Same as me, I know. haha...........
            • 嗷,是你,这么多年了,大风大浪一起走过来的人啊,你还好吗?你要去南美哪个国家?我计划年底去啊根挺和智利,雨林不再去了。什么时候有机会碰个头详谈。
              • haha, 我想看看雨林,好像不值得阿
                • 专程去看雨林当然不值,你什么时间什么预算?
                  • 八九天,一两千,
                    • 如果就去亚马逊雨林的话,9天两千够了。就我看所到的情况,消费便宜得你都不好意思讨价还价。
                      最主要的支出还是来回机票和当地团费,热门线路的团费很贵。其他的食宿10美元一天可以搞定,还很舒适,长途汽车也便宜得不象话,几个美金可以坐一整天。去巴西智利阿根廷来回机票1200左右,秘鲁770,从首都直飞雨林城市的来回机票300左右大概。团费,MANU国家公园是6天700到800美金,隔壁波利维亚的食宿交通和团费要便宜得多,MADIDI国家公园的消费只要MANU的五分之一,据说是一样的精彩,巴西的马脑斯不清楚,问上面那个如花如梦。换钱用ATM,街上到处都是,你可以选择取美金或当地货币,信用卡也可以用,但好多地方要收手续费,还不如ATM。人口集中的大城市不安全,小地方就少一些担心。 要说去南美探险的话,我觉得,无论是去亚马逊雨林还是走安地斯荒山,心情都很轻松,到是快要进入城市时紧张忙碌的那个阵仗,反而象在准备一次大大的冒险,人比动物更凶猛。
              • China maybe better. haha
              • 我一直想去阿根廷,我指的是不跟团的个性化旅行,但不知道该怎么办签证,你有经验吗?还是你已经入籍了,没这个麻烦了。
                • 其实办签证还是其次,主要是我不会西班牙语,单身深入内地有点担心对付不了,阿根廷毕竟治安不太好,虽然不怕危险,但也不想找不必要的麻烦,强龙压不过地头蛇,呵呵,你打算怎么对付语言问题?
    • not yet :P mark