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Ontario's Land of the Lizard and Spotted Moose Kawartha Highlands by Kevin Callan

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Must See - the waterfull halfway along the portage from Rathbun lake to Anstuther Creek - Refreshingly cold water tumbling over moss-covered granite.
Best day hike - Blueberry Mountain on the southern end of Crab Lake, for fruity snacks and mountain views.
keep eyes peeled for- the rare five-lined skink, Ontario's only lizard. Also, free-range cows, aka spotted moose, wandering the portages of Serpentine Loop.
How to do it
Begin Serpentine loop from Anstrther Lake, just south of the town of Apsley. to reach teh access, turn left off Highway 28 onto Anstuther road and drive about 10km. As teh main road veer to the left, take teh marked dirt road straight down to the government boat-launch on Anstuther lake. Anstuther links up with Rathbun, Copper, Serpentine, and North Rathbun lakes. the most secluded are Cooper and Serpentine. To access ther easier Crab lake route, turn left off Anstruther road, 5KM in from Highway 28. Access at WolfLake government Launch. A mere107 metre portage takes you from Wolf to Crab. the park is currently in "non operateing" status, which means no camping fee is required. this also means that you are not guaranteed a site, so you might want to stay clear of the place on a long weekend, especially the more accessible Crab Lake.

I also remember this route was recommended by another book written by a lady from Peterborough, she was a councilor/mayor, I don't remember, but seems the route is good. I never been there. I can't do portage with my wife, so I always pick the easy route. I did try holland river last year, not much to see, but it is easy, I was regret that I didn't make it to the simcoe, otherwise will be perfect. I put in at soldiers' bay, check the make you will find it, right under a bridge.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 想搞个river canoe trip, 在多伦多附近,难度是intermediate的。问题如下:1。选grand river如何?2。要在水温不太冷和水流充足之间取得平衡,什么时间合适,7月初可以吗?3。水流10立方/每秒是什么概念,20立方呢?请有经验的大侠指点
    • 1.Grand River不错,但应该是属于Easy的.2.可以.3.慢
      • 有什么别的river推荐?水流多少才觉得刺激,或者说有挑战性?
        • Grand River 比较平缓, 在Paisly 的 Saugeen River 流速快些, 比较刺激.
          • 没看到水流报告。哪一段好玩?希望5,6个小时的
            • Paisly Up 10 KM to Down 10KM. Can go to Southpton
        • 分不同级别,ottawa river漂流那里大约3级,能找到4级流域就酷了。未经专业训练玩不了5级。独木舟应该在2级以下缓流中玩吧?卡亚卡可以跟漂流一样玩猛的。
          • 谢谢。要是能凑到paddling好手的话,想试3级。有没有网站list安省河流的level?
          • 我觉得Ottawa River应该有4级的Rapid,这附近最猛的应该是Niagara river(瀑布的下游),但好象在那玩儿Canoe是非法的.
            • 4级是不敢想的,3级已经硬着头皮了。BTW,3级的会不会有drops啊,应该怎么处理
            • 问过漂流的guide,他们说那里一般是3级强的水平,如果雨量大,会增至4级。比较好的漂流地点好象多在BC和落基山。独木舟不稳,玩3级应该会落水,要在平静水域练习把船翻回来和如何再爬上船,不涌意哈 :P
              • 落水,帆船,上船都有思想准备。我在ottawa river 漂流过,有点远,我还担心在那access point不好安排,划船时怎么找到停车点呢?有美有别的resorce 可查更多的河流?
                • 你可以试试到图书馆去找一个叫"Kevin Callan"的写的书,他有很多关于附近的Canoe route的书,书店里也有的卖.
                  • 好,我去找找。兄弟能不能说说你的经历
                    • 没啥经历,canoe说白了还是做交通工具的多,想学whitewater的kayak但还没......
                    • 偶前两天刚刚在Fairview Mall一层的书摊上买了一本他写的 White Water,因为旧了,才卖5.99
                      • PM please.
    • 这么多爱好者呀,我以前有好多canoe route的网站,找找看,我是叶公好龙,不上等级的,humber river 出安大略湖听说还行,不在难度,在方便和出湖的景色。
      • Welcome to the Canoe Kayak Chinese
      • PM please.
        • 收到你的PM,有空联系你。我在另一边线有点不如意,讨论问题可能也得罪了一些朋友,我就先不露头了。今年夏天也忙,可能也出不去,我在联络你。回头我转点手头的资料,算补偿。
          • Ontario's Land of the Lizard and Spotted Moose Kawartha Highlands by Kevin Callan
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Must See - the waterfull halfway along the portage from Rathbun lake to Anstuther Creek - Refreshingly cold water tumbling over moss-covered granite.
            Best day hike - Blueberry Mountain on the southern end of Crab Lake, for fruity snacks and mountain views.
            keep eyes peeled for- the rare five-lined skink, Ontario's only lizard. Also, free-range cows, aka spotted moose, wandering the portages of Serpentine Loop.
            How to do it
            Begin Serpentine loop from Anstrther Lake, just south of the town of Apsley. to reach teh access, turn left off Highway 28 onto Anstuther road and drive about 10km. As teh main road veer to the left, take teh marked dirt road straight down to the government boat-launch on Anstuther lake. Anstuther links up with Rathbun, Copper, Serpentine, and North Rathbun lakes. the most secluded are Cooper and Serpentine. To access ther easier Crab lake route, turn left off Anstruther road, 5KM in from Highway 28. Access at WolfLake government Launch. A mere107 metre portage takes you from Wolf to Crab. the park is currently in "non operateing" status, which means no camping fee is required. this also means that you are not guaranteed a site, so you might want to stay clear of the place on a long weekend, especially the more accessible Crab Lake.

            I also remember this route was recommended by another book written by a lady from Peterborough, she was a councilor/mayor, I don't remember, but seems the route is good. I never been there. I can't do portage with my wife, so I always pick the easy route. I did try holland river last year, not much to see, but it is easy, I was regret that I didn't make it to the simcoe, otherwise will be perfect. I put in at soldiers' bay, check the make you will find it, right under a bridge.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 想搞个river canoe and CAMPING trip, 在多伦多附近, yeah, can i go? thanks
    • blackfeather.com有个两天RIVER FATING 训练,我有点动心思,但一个人学没什么意思,最好两人的程度差不多。有人想去吗。
      • river fating 是什么东东?网站上看不到详细信息。我原来想过学whitewater kayaking,但还没有实际行动。安全起见,水上运动至少要2人。以后大家可以交流交流。
    • 试试这个网站,看好不好。Humber River 我就是在这看来的。
      • 这个网站好,正是我想要的。谢谢。
    • 这里有一些canoe作者名,方便大家去图书馆找书。
      kevin Callan 楼上有人说过
      Brian Duplante
      Jeff Jackson
      Bruce Hodgins
      Gwyneth Hoyle
      Bruce kirkby
      Becky Mason
      Michael Peake
      Bryan Poirier
      james Raffan
      Wally Schaber
      Alister Thomas
      Hap Wilson
    • 如果你没有wetsuit,建议你先投资,加拿大的水不是玩的。我有一次下水拉船,在阿刚群,5分钟,脚完全麻了。不管几月,不论水温,安全第一。不下水是有点热,所以也可以考虑短的。
      • costco 的wetsuit挺便宜,是短的。我当时犹豫是买短还是买长,就没买成。BTW,买wetsuit有什么讲究吗?
    • 原来同好都藏在这里了。我们是渥太华的一群 CANOE爱好者。
      • 找到组织真好,虽然远了点 :) 请查PM