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The daycare expense

A. Bring the baby to Canada
1. Send the baby to day care, some daycare receive baby from 3 months. the expense is about 700 CAD/month. But sometimes it's not easy to find a daycare like that. The operation hours is normally from 7:00am or 7:30am to 5:30-6:30pm.
2. Look for a babysitter to take care of the baby in your home, hourly paid. Normally is about 4-5 CAD/hour for an infant, 3-4 CAD/hour for a toddlar. If your wife can take care of the baby part time, it's better to find a babysitter to look after your baby at home.
B. Leave the baby in China
Almost all the daycare receive 2.5 years old baby.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 大家新年好。我们有个5个月大的BB,正发愁不知该不该带他去登陆。大伙有啥好建议?我们经济上没问题,但我太太得读书。
    • 孩子太小,无论在哪,最好都是父母亲自带。带来后,母亲只能先看一年孩子,然后再读书。加拿大空气污染小,医疗保健全面,食品营养合理,对孩子成长有好处。大人现在辛苦点,以后不后悔。
      • Absolutely agree.
    • The daycare expense
      A. Bring the baby to Canada
      1. Send the baby to day care, some daycare receive baby from 3 months. the expense is about 700 CAD/month. But sometimes it's not easy to find a daycare like that. The operation hours is normally from 7:00am or 7:30am to 5:30-6:30pm.
      2. Look for a babysitter to take care of the baby in your home, hourly paid. Normally is about 4-5 CAD/hour for an infant, 3-4 CAD/hour for a toddlar. If your wife can take care of the baby part time, it's better to find a babysitter to look after your baby at home.
      B. Leave the baby in China
      Almost all the daycare receive 2.5 years old baby.