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在网上找了一篇文章(其实有好多啦),希望对你更加有帮助。 Flagyl (Metronidazole) use when pregnant

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Flagyl (Metronidazole) use when pregnant
by Peg Plumbo, CNM

I have recently found out that I am about 4-5 weeks pregnant and my doctor had me take Flagyl (Metronidazole) for a infection I had. He prescribed it to me prior to knowing that I was pregnant. Well I missed a period and I went to the doctor and had a test done which said I was pregnant

My question is will that drug hurt my unborn child? My doctor said that it shouldn't harm the baby but on the bottle of pills it clearly states do not take if pregnant. Any information to this matter would be appreciated. I am 26 and this will be my third child.


Dear Kaye,

I wish I could convince all care givers to acknowledge that all drugs that they provide to women are potentially given to pregnant women. Why don't they consider what phase of the cycle a woman may be in or how likely a pregnancy would be before dispensing drugs. It will always be in the back of your mind throughout your entire pregnancy, no matter how much I try to reassure you, but try to be reassured anyway!

Metronidazole (Flagyl) has always had a warning label related to pregnancy because of high dose studies in animals that show that it may be a carcinogen and some birth defects were noted in rats.

These effects have never been seen in humans. It is a FDA Class B drug which means that no controlled studies have been done in pregnant women but no evidence of fetal risk appears to be present. (By the way, Tylenol is also a Class B drug).

In an article in the journal, "Obstetrics and Gynecology" in September, 1993, a study was reported which demonstrated no mutagenic or carcinogenic effects. Although it is still not recommended for use during the first trimester (very few drugs are), its use may helpful in preventing some of the complications (preterm labor and premature rupture of the membranes) that have been linked to bacterial infections such as bacterial vaginosis.

In addition, a statement from an article in the American Journal of Ob/Gyn, 2/95: "Metronidazole (Flagyl) is not generally used during 1st trimester but does not appear to be associated with an increased teratogenic (fetal defect) risk". Clindamycin vaginal cream or Metronidazole gel has been used in pregnancy with less systemic absorption.

Try not to worry, although concern is inevitable. I would be reassured by the studies.

Peg更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 紧急求助: 朋友怀孕, 误服甲哨挫, 该怎么办?
    朋友三十三岁,在怀孕31天时服用了三次甲哨挫(口坐)(打不出这个字), 每次0.6g.

    现在非常为难, 不知该不该保留这个孩子. 保留吧, 医生说有5%的致残危险, 不保留吧, 年纪也大了, 加拿大医生堕胎技术又不好, 怕以后有问题. 看着朋友非常难过的样子又不知如何劝解. 想问问大家这种情况怎么好?
    • up
    • 什么都别想坚决不要
      • 有这么严重吗? 朋友年纪也不小了, 唉. 还是多谢你的回答.
        • 这种事宁信其有,33岁还年轻,我在深圳有个认识的朋友,吃了药(不记得是什么药)总是幻想没事,结果生的女儿天生聋哑(亚可能是后天)孩子的一生,一家人的命运都毁了
          • 多谢你的回答. 这下更加为她难过了.
      • 甲哨挫是什么药啊. 有些站着说话..
        • 是消炎药. 应该是甲哨口坐, 打不出那个字. 我有一个朋友在多伦多堕胎,三次都没做干净, 还是回国弄好的. 还有两个朋友, 差不多的年纪, 堕过胎后始终怀不上孩子. 所以...
          • 多问问. 没事的, 在12周好好做B超和血检之类的再决定. 在这儿流产做下病非常不力, 因为这儿在早期不给任何保胎的措施.
            • 有些病做B超是看不出来的,象楼上说的聋哑, 做流产还是早做好些
    • what is 甲哨挫?
      • 甲硝(口坐) 括号里应是一个字, 打不出来. 消炎药.
        • 甲硝唑
      • 治牙痛不错
        • 主要是只阴道炎:)
          • 朋友和我出去露营,着了凉, 嗓子痛. 当时只有这个药, 也不知道怀孕了. 还是我给她的药. 心里很别扭.
            • 哀... 帮你顶
              • 唉, 所谓荐医不荐药呀. 朋友父母又过不来, 自己情绪很不好.
            • 我想决定还是得他们做吧?消炎药别乱吃啊。。。即使没有怀孕
            • 中国乱吃药多了去了(特别是怀孕早期, 有许多孕妇不知是怀孕反映当感冒发烧值乱服消炎药), 不会有事的。少剂量不会有事的。
              • 我也希望没事. 觉得怀孕那么长时间, 保护得那么周全不是很容易呀. 特别是医疗不发达的时候. 不知他们会怎么打算哪.
                • 我妈妈的同学当年在吃了避孕药和减肥药的情况下怀孕了,结果生了一个弱智的女儿,好在加拿大福利不错。她的大儿子绝对正常,还是多大的学生。5%的可能性,看看当父母的有没有承受一切后果的准备吧?Bless them!
                  • 避孕药和减肥药属于长期服用的药物 - 出现问题可能性大。
                • 下次国内带的药自己偷着害自己就的了, 如果帮别人服药出了问题, 你可能要负责的。 在这儿有病看医生开药。 医生对消炎药控制的非常严是有道理的。
                  • 就是她看见我在害自己才要了两颗嘛. 我从小动不动就扁桃发炎, 年初回国又化过一次脓, 随身带消炎药.唉...
                    • 你应该去问医生啊,在这里问出的结果你敢相信吗?
                      • 不知道英文名字. 打电话问国内的医生就说5%可能性. 决定还是要自己做.
                        • 甲硝唑metronidazole(滅滴靈)原本是治療陰道滴蟲病的一種藥物,近年來發現,甲硝唑除了用於治療口腔尤其 ... 另有人用甲硝唑與硫磺洗劑配伍,治療酒渣鼻61例,總有效率為98.4%。 ...
                        • 网上search到的,用词霸查得好像是这个意思: Metronidazole
                        • 多谢大家的关心, 我会把相关信息转给她. 再问问这边的医生吧.
    • 有了英文名Metronidazole Suppositories,就去问医生吧。我当时也怀孕了,可不知道,只是尿急尿频。看医生后被当尿路感染服了好几个疗程的抗菌药约2个多月,就是不好才想起怀孕检查。
      • 谢谢你的留言. 我一定转给她. 决定要她自己做, 多听听大家的意见也是好的.
    • 在网上找了一篇文章(其实有好多啦),希望对你更加有帮助。 Flagyl (Metronidazole) use when pregnant
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Flagyl (Metronidazole) use when pregnant
      by Peg Plumbo, CNM

      I have recently found out that I am about 4-5 weeks pregnant and my doctor had me take Flagyl (Metronidazole) for a infection I had. He prescribed it to me prior to knowing that I was pregnant. Well I missed a period and I went to the doctor and had a test done which said I was pregnant

      My question is will that drug hurt my unborn child? My doctor said that it shouldn't harm the baby but on the bottle of pills it clearly states do not take if pregnant. Any information to this matter would be appreciated. I am 26 and this will be my third child.


      Dear Kaye,

      I wish I could convince all care givers to acknowledge that all drugs that they provide to women are potentially given to pregnant women. Why don't they consider what phase of the cycle a woman may be in or how likely a pregnancy would be before dispensing drugs. It will always be in the back of your mind throughout your entire pregnancy, no matter how much I try to reassure you, but try to be reassured anyway!

      Metronidazole (Flagyl) has always had a warning label related to pregnancy because of high dose studies in animals that show that it may be a carcinogen and some birth defects were noted in rats.

      These effects have never been seen in humans. It is a FDA Class B drug which means that no controlled studies have been done in pregnant women but no evidence of fetal risk appears to be present. (By the way, Tylenol is also a Class B drug).

      In an article in the journal, "Obstetrics and Gynecology" in September, 1993, a study was reported which demonstrated no mutagenic or carcinogenic effects. Although it is still not recommended for use during the first trimester (very few drugs are), its use may helpful in preventing some of the complications (preterm labor and premature rupture of the membranes) that have been linked to bacterial infections such as bacterial vaginosis.

      In addition, a statement from an article in the American Journal of Ob/Gyn, 2/95: "Metronidazole (Flagyl) is not generally used during 1st trimester but does not appear to be associated with an increased teratogenic (fetal defect) risk". Clindamycin vaginal cream or Metronidazole gel has been used in pregnancy with less systemic absorption.

      Try not to worry, although concern is inevitable. I would be reassured by the studies.

      Peg更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 太感谢你了. 这篇文章正合她的情况.
    • 由于甲硝唑metronidazole对厌氧菌的特效,所以用於治療牙周病,但因其致奇,致癌,致突变的副作用,所以一般连续用药不可以超过一周. 扁桃发炎效guo 不jia. Be careful to use this medicine.