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I know some friends who majored in Bio or Med before. Most of them work in labs of hospitals or universities. The pay varies from $25k to $35k per annum. You don't have to worry about your son's education, since not much expense associated unless you want him to learn extra skills, e.g., piano. If your wife enters a graduate program somewhere, she can usually get financial aid from her professor. If your wife enters a college for part time study, you won't have problem in affording her courses either. However, if she goes for the undergraduate study somewhere, your budget may be tight. It also depends where you find the job. In Toronto, the living expense is higher. But, still, you'd better start in Toronto since there are more opportunities out there.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / hello everyone!maybe I'll land canada in not a log time.I'm hardworking but not successful,and I'm already 36 years old,who can tell me it's right or not to go to canada?
    • I am afraid that nobody can give you right answer. You have to at least make up your mind about what your short run life goal is.
    • 36岁意味你必须化在较短的时间内去适应新生活,我的建议是,目标不要定的太大,然后义无反顾的为之努力,你会成功的!
      • thank you !
    • 36岁不算老。来吧。大多数新移民都是三十多岁。还有很多四十多岁来创业的呢。他们来了以后,学英语,学本地技术,学怎么找工作。只要下定决心,持之以恒,在一到三年之内,最多五年,完全可以安顿下来。
      • North York, you won't join us this weekend? Too bad.
        • hi thank you very much,i hope we becom friend and hope meet you in canada.
          • sure. let's do lunch.
    • It's not so difficult to find a lab job in the bio field, but the pay is not great. Anyhow, your kids at least benefits from this move. I would come if I were you.
      • hi,are you work in biology field?月薪大约是多少?够供我儿子上小学、老婆上学院吗?你能帮我吗?我做的红烧肉很不一般呐,真的,我会帮你储备的,如果我能land canada。
        • There is an non-profit organization which is called SkillsForChange, it conducts workshops for foreign trained technologiests. They have special program to scientists in biotech. I have taken one, very excellent.
          • hi thank you,nice to meet you,but how can i find it address.please tell me.
            • www.skillsforchange.org
        • 昨日聚义,归来懒睡,醒来即有红烧肉,可守肉待MM,看来春天真的到了耶。
          I know some friends who majored in Bio or Med before. Most of them work in labs of hospitals or universities. The pay varies from $25k to $35k per annum. You don't have to worry about your son's education, since not much expense associated unless you want him to learn extra skills, e.g., piano. If your wife enters a graduate program somewhere, she can usually get financial aid from her professor. If your wife enters a college for part time study, you won't have problem in affording her courses either. However, if she goes for the undergraduate study somewhere, your budget may be tight. It also depends where you find the job. In Toronto, the living expense is higher. But, still, you'd better start in Toronto since there are more opportunities out there.
          • Londoner, could you tell me how to find a family doctor in London. Thanks.
            • There are several Chinese family doctors available in London, if you prefer a Chinese doctor. But I don't think they like the idea of publishing their #s here. Give me your email, then I will send you their names and #s.
              • Please send the information to xiaoyunfang@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot.