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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛*** 最初:
所有"坏" 纪录在VIN 历史上报告? 任何维护纪录, 英里证明? 多少个早先所有者? 为什么他们卖一辆汽车- 疲倦于定象它? 任何事故, 引擎, 传输修理? 汽车通过了前个放射测试吗?
*** 开始以外部。可能的问题的征兆:
外部线不是平直的吗? 波纹? 没对准的盘区? 司机的门有自由戏剧在铰链? 麻烦关闭? 空白是在盘区之间太狭窄的(太宽) 在汽车的一边吗? 许多生锈的斑点? 被配错的颜色? 绘画结束浪花? 汽车的任一个盘区似乎被重漆? 为什么? 事故? 腐蚀? 拖车铰链? 汽车使用为拖曳? 可能的引擎问题的
*** 征兆:
任一油或蓄冷剂漏从引擎? 引擎是肮脏或油腻的吗? 油面是低吗? 油是在量油计太黑暗的吗? 质量差修理工作/缺乏的任何征兆维护? (即非常被腐蚀的电池终端, 非常低油面, 等。)
*** 开始引擎:
这参差不齐地有效吗? 任何敲, 砰地作声, 吹口哨? 任何烟? (轻微的水蒸汽是赞成) 任何警告灯进展当引擎跑? "检查引擎" 光? 机器润滑油压力是太降低在懒惰吗? 任何犹豫在加速度? 引擎是足够强有力的吗? 它看非常肮脏在油盖帽之下吗? 被烧的油的气味在敞篷之下?
*** 可能的自动传输问题:
任何早先传输修理? 它被重建了吗? 传输流体嗅到烧吗? tranny 流体是在量油计太dark/dirty 吗? 发动引擎和设法交换从P D 和从P R 拿着闸- 时间是在转移并且片刻之间传输太长期踢? 任何强的噪声或反射?
*** 在test.drive 期间:
任何延迟或麻烦转移? 任何发抖? 传输苛刻地滑倒或急拉吗? 转移似乎被延迟? kick-down 作用运作吗? *** 手动传动: 任何泄漏? 任何噪声当驾驶? 任何麻烦变速? 传动器滑倒是吗? 任何麻烦转移入相反?
*** 悬浮问题:
任何缓冲器漏吗? 任何是缓冲器起动打破吗? 指点有知名之士释放戏剧? 汽车弹起太多当您推挤角落的当中一个下来? 轮胎有不规则的穿戴? (对准线问题) 做汽车坐平实?
*** 在驾驶测试期间:
任何敲的或咯吱咯吱响的噪声当驾驶结束爆沸? 汽车拉扯在旁边吗? 方向盘是在中心外面吗? 车感到不稳定在高速公路吗? 任何哼唱着或咆哮噪声?
*** 闸。可能的问题
: 制动液容器是漏的吗? 制动液水平是太低吗? 刹车踏板下来地板? 断裂脚蹬是太软(吸水)? 太艰苦? 任何制动液泄漏在汽车之下? 非常被腐蚀的闸线? 闸电动子看上去腐蚀? 在test.drive 期间。任何刹车踏板或指点脉动当刹车? 车拉扯在旁边当刹车吗? 任何研的噪声? 闸警告灯或吸收光进展当驾驶吗?
*** 轮胎:
任何镇压, 挫伤? 踩看上去降低? 被配错的轮胎? 损坏的外缘? 振动在高速? 哼唱着噪声? (参差不齐的轮胎穿戴?) *** 内部: 驾驶席是/方向盘过份地被佩带吗? 潮阴阴在地毯之下或在树干? 无线电/CD/磁带运作吗? 有测路器所有被窜改的证据? 空调提供真正地冷空气吗? 力量锁、窗口、镜子、sunroof, 等运转吗? 加热器, 后窗defogger 运转吗? 风噪声当驾驶? 任何警告灯进展当驾驶? 您感到舒适在司机的地方吗? 位子, 安全带, 镜子, 控制, 指点, 可见性? 备用轮胎, 起重器, 轮子板钳?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 购买二手车DIY检查项目
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛*** Initially:

    Any "bad" records in a VIN history report?
    Any maintenance records, mileage proof?
    How many previous owners?
    Why do they sell a car - tired of fixing it?
    Any accidents, engine, transmission repair?
    Has the car passed last Emission Test?

    *** Start with exterior. Indications of possible problem:

    Are the exterior lines not straight? Ripples? Misaligned panels?
    Driver's door has free play in the hinges? Troubles to close?
    Are the gaps between panels too narrow (too wide) on one side of the car?
    Lots of rusty spots?
    Mismatched colors? Painting over spray?
    Any panel of the car seems to be repainted?
    Why? Accident? Corrosion?
    Trailer hinge? The car was using for towing?

    *** Indications of possible engine problem:

    Any oil or coolant leaks from the engine?
    Is the engine dirty or oily?
    Is the oil level low? Is the oil on the dipstick too dark?
    Any indication of poor quality repair work / lack of maintenance? (e.g. badly corroded battery terminals, very low oil level, etc.)

    *** Start the engine:

    Does it work unevenly?
    Any knocking, pinging, whistling?
    Any smoke? (slight water steam is OK)
    Any warning lights come on while the engine is running?
    "Check engine" light?
    Is the engine oil pressure too low at idle?
    Any hesitation on acceleration?
    Is the engine enough powerful?
    Does it look very dirty under the oil cap?
    Smell of the burnt oil under the hood?

    *** Possible automatic transmission problems:

    Any previous transmission repair? Was it rebuilt?
    Does the transmission fluid smell burnt?
    Is the tranny fluid on the dipstick too dark/dirty?
    Start the engine and try to switch from P to D and from P to R holding the brakes -
    Is the time between shifting and the moment the transmission kicks in too long?
    Any strong noises or jerks?

    *** During a test drive:

    Any delays or troubles shifting?
    Any shudder? Does the transmission slip or jerk harshly?
    The shifting seems to be delayed?
    Does the kick-down function work?

    *** The manual transmission:

    Any leaks?
    Any noises while driving?
    Any troubles changing gears?
    Is the clutch slipping?
    Any trouble to shift into reverse?

    *** The suspension problems:

    Is any of shock absorbers leaking?
    Is any of the shock absorber boots broken?
    The steering has notable free play?
    Does the car bounces too much when you push one of the corners down?
    Tires have irregular wear? (alignment problem)
    Does the car sit level?

    *** During a driving test:

    Any knocking or creaking noises when driving over bumps?
    Does the car pull aside? Is the steering wheel out of center?
    Does the vehicle feel unstable on a freeway?
    Any humming or growling noise?

    *** The brakes. Possible problem:

    Is the brake fluid container leaky?
    Is the brake fluid level too low?
    Brake pedal goes down to the floor? Break pedal is too soft (spongy)? Too hard? Any brake fluid leaks under the car?
    Badly corroded brake lines? Brake rotors appear corroded? During the test drive.
    Any brake pedal or steering pulsation while braking?
    Does the vehicle pull aside while braking?
    Any grinding noise?
    Does the brake warning light or ABS light come on while driving?

    *** Tires:

    Any cracks, bruises?
    Tread appears low?
    Mismatched tires?
    Damaged rims?
    Vibration at high speed?
    Humming noise? (uneven tire wear?)

    *** The interior:

    Is the driver seat / steering wheel worn excessively?
    Dampness under the carpet or in the trunk?
    Does the Radio / CD / Tape work?
    Has the odometer any evidences of being tampered?
    Does the air conditioner provide really cold air?
    Are the power locks, windows, mirrors, sunroof, etc. working?
    Are the heater, rear window defogger working?
    Wind noise while driving?
    Any of warning lights come on while driving?
    Do you feel comfortable in driver's place?
    Seats, seat belts, mirrors, controls, steering, visibility?
    Spare tire, jack, wheel wrench?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • ^
    • MARK....
    • 谢谢sailor,收藏。
    • 谁要能译了再贴就是功德一件。
      • 那就作一件功德,八宝费事,没较对
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛*** 最初:
        所有"坏" 纪录在VIN 历史上报告? 任何维护纪录, 英里证明? 多少个早先所有者? 为什么他们卖一辆汽车- 疲倦于定象它? 任何事故, 引擎, 传输修理? 汽车通过了前个放射测试吗?
        *** 开始以外部。可能的问题的征兆:
        外部线不是平直的吗? 波纹? 没对准的盘区? 司机的门有自由戏剧在铰链? 麻烦关闭? 空白是在盘区之间太狭窄的(太宽) 在汽车的一边吗? 许多生锈的斑点? 被配错的颜色? 绘画结束浪花? 汽车的任一个盘区似乎被重漆? 为什么? 事故? 腐蚀? 拖车铰链? 汽车使用为拖曳? 可能的引擎问题的
        *** 征兆:
        任一油或蓄冷剂漏从引擎? 引擎是肮脏或油腻的吗? 油面是低吗? 油是在量油计太黑暗的吗? 质量差修理工作/缺乏的任何征兆维护? (即非常被腐蚀的电池终端, 非常低油面, 等。)
        *** 开始引擎:
        这参差不齐地有效吗? 任何敲, 砰地作声, 吹口哨? 任何烟? (轻微的水蒸汽是赞成) 任何警告灯进展当引擎跑? "检查引擎" 光? 机器润滑油压力是太降低在懒惰吗? 任何犹豫在加速度? 引擎是足够强有力的吗? 它看非常肮脏在油盖帽之下吗? 被烧的油的气味在敞篷之下?
        *** 可能的自动传输问题:
        任何早先传输修理? 它被重建了吗? 传输流体嗅到烧吗? tranny 流体是在量油计太dark/dirty 吗? 发动引擎和设法交换从P D 和从P R 拿着闸- 时间是在转移并且片刻之间传输太长期踢? 任何强的噪声或反射?
        *** 在test.drive 期间:
        任何延迟或麻烦转移? 任何发抖? 传输苛刻地滑倒或急拉吗? 转移似乎被延迟? kick-down 作用运作吗? *** 手动传动: 任何泄漏? 任何噪声当驾驶? 任何麻烦变速? 传动器滑倒是吗? 任何麻烦转移入相反?
        *** 悬浮问题:
        任何缓冲器漏吗? 任何是缓冲器起动打破吗? 指点有知名之士释放戏剧? 汽车弹起太多当您推挤角落的当中一个下来? 轮胎有不规则的穿戴? (对准线问题) 做汽车坐平实?
        *** 在驾驶测试期间:
        任何敲的或咯吱咯吱响的噪声当驾驶结束爆沸? 汽车拉扯在旁边吗? 方向盘是在中心外面吗? 车感到不稳定在高速公路吗? 任何哼唱着或咆哮噪声?
        *** 闸。可能的问题
        : 制动液容器是漏的吗? 制动液水平是太低吗? 刹车踏板下来地板? 断裂脚蹬是太软(吸水)? 太艰苦? 任何制动液泄漏在汽车之下? 非常被腐蚀的闸线? 闸电动子看上去腐蚀? 在test.drive 期间。任何刹车踏板或指点脉动当刹车? 车拉扯在旁边当刹车吗? 任何研的噪声? 闸警告灯或吸收光进展当驾驶吗?
        *** 轮胎:
        任何镇压, 挫伤? 踩看上去降低? 被配错的轮胎? 损坏的外缘? 振动在高速? 哼唱着噪声? (参差不齐的轮胎穿戴?) *** 内部: 驾驶席是/方向盘过份地被佩带吗? 潮阴阴在地毯之下或在树干? 无线电/CD/磁带运作吗? 有测路器所有被窜改的证据? 空调提供真正地冷空气吗? 力量锁、窗口、镜子、sunroof, 等运转吗? 加热器, 后窗defogger 运转吗? 风噪声当驾驶? 任何警告灯进展当驾驶? 您感到舒适在司机的地方吗? 位子, 安全带, 镜子, 控制, 指点, 可见性? 备用轮胎, 起重器, 轮子板钳?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 本想叩谢,读了两遍,舌头上都是血,所以犹豫。窃问:机译?你译?
          • 不是我,是八爪鱼干的
            • 被你害得我说话都结巴了,你还是把它删了吧,免别人之苦。
        • 高啊高