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【潇潇语言实验室 No. 6】—— TRANSLATION & INTEPRETATION (笔译&口译)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛俗话说三句不离本行,我今天就讲回我的老本行翻译-TRANSLATION & INTEPRETATION

Translation 为笔译,要咬文嚼字,是件苦差。 Interpretation为口译,分为consecutive interpretation(连续翻译)和 simultaneous interpretation(同声传译)

所谓consecutive interpretation是指speaker讲了一会儿,停下来等interpreter翻译完他刚才讲的话再继续说。

朱*g基总理的新闻发布会就属于这一类。 要做好consecutive interpretation要有很好的note-taking skills和short-term memory

simultaneous interpretation则多用于UN 和EU的国际会议。interpreter要在speaker开声后两三秒就开始翻译。两者几乎是同步的,所以称之为同声传译。 同声传译需要interpreter每分每秒都集中精神,否则无法根上speaker,所以同声传译员承受巨大的精神压力。





在我的眼里,成功的同声传译都是很有趣、很有魅力的人。 我们的笔译老师已修炼得连骂人也是慢条斯理,从来不会脸红脖子粗,不愧是在联合国泡过。 笔译老师才是这样,教口译的老师通常都是讲话、反应极快,并且很有个性的那种人。

就翻译而言, 机器或软件是无法完全代替人的。否则我们翻译系的人真的连谷种都没得吃。

我有一次用东方快车翻译猫王的 LOVE ME TENDER, LOVE ME TRUE 结果东方快车翻译为"爱我嫩的,爱我真的" 让人喷饭!

说起笔译,可能最难翻的就是诗了。 钱钟书曾说过"诗是翻译中唯一遗失的东西" 我有一次翻看一本中诗的译本,笑话连篇。

"借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村" 翻译把"牧童"翻译成cowboy,一讲起cowboy我总会想起万宝路广告里策马扬鞭的牛仔。

"抬头望明月,低头思故乡" Head up, I see the moon Head down, I think of my hometown 唉,真是让人喷饭! 听起来像是广播体操的命令。head up、head down。。。

我从来都不会去翻译诗,一是没那么好的语言功底,二是就算翻译出来了已失去了原有的味道。 我很难想象"寻寻觅觅,凄凄惨惨戚戚"翻译成英文读起来还会不会有那种凄美。

诗是一个文化特有、内在的东西,很难和别的文化compatible。 上笔译课时老师曾叫我们翻译很多外国的广告,in my humble opinion, 很多广告都是不可译的。


因为中英文行文习惯,中西方思维方式、文化背景都很不一样。 没有放之四海皆灵的广告。如果广告和当地的文化因素和国民性情抵触,广告必定失败。

有一次,广东省的首席翻译来我们学校演讲,当被问及翻译必备的东西是什么。 他建议我们买一本好的英英字典。

真是Great minds think alike. 我从高一开始就用英英字典。我早年学英语时相当刻苦,每次见到生词都会把生词的英文解析、例句、各种搭配关系抄一遍。现在一直保留这种习惯。

英汉或是汉英字典通常都无法给我们最准确的词义。只有英英字典才能比较准确地提供原意。所以我上笔译刻时,即使是汉译英也很少动用汉英字典。 不要被应英英吓坏,实际上字典里用来解析单词的词汇都很简单,在2000词汇内。





这种方法我没试过,但爱玲的英文习作我看过几篇,确属上乘! 爱玲为了苦练英文大学三年不用中文写东西,曾经效仿过爱玲,用英文写了本日记,不过自己看回那些日记,一眼扫过去,不知道发生了什么事,需细看才明。 毕竟没有母语那种最直接的感觉。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / English / 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 1】
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛毕业的日子一天比一天近,收拾抽屉时看到自己的很多习作,最显眼的是老师红色的评语。毕业后作文写得好也没有人给A, No one will give me a pat on the shoulder and say "well-done", 写差了也没有人给我打C, and say "Hey, you need to put in more effort!" 工作又不太需要英语,真怕自己一点一点地淡忘。 于是想起建立一个Xiaoxiao's Language Lab,回忆整理以前学过的东西,并永远保持一种学生的心态。

    以前看过李敖的一本书,收集了他在狱中给他的小女儿写的80封信,信里主要是教他的女儿一些英语的典故,习语,还有一些小知识。第一次发现李敖也可以渊博而不嚣张。 若自己也可以拼凑80篇这样的小文章,也可以自诩"渊博"。 唉,其实我写东西通常只是为了排遣苦闷的情绪。 聊以为序。 --潇潇

    心情不好,就先从心情讲起吧。 MOOD:a state of the feelings at a particular time. 中文可解作"情绪"或"心情" "心情好"叫做"be in a good mood" "心情不好"叫做"be in a bad/lousy mood" "没有心情去做某事"叫做"not in the mood" "Hey, Yvonne, wanna go to the beach?" "Tempting, but I'm not in the mood."

    "情绪化" 叫做"moody"。 "笑容满面"叫做"all smiles" "洗耳恭听"叫做"all ears" "笨手笨脚"叫做"all thumbs",想象一下十个手指都变成拇指,弹钢琴多不方便。

    中文的"实习"该怎么说呢? 对,叫做"internship"。 在英语角经常听到一些大学生说"I went to practice in that company..." 其实英文中的实习不叫practice,可以说 "serve one's internship" 或"I worked as an intern there." 深究practice的含义,其实用practice表示"实习"是相当错误的。

    practice: to do the work of a lawyer, a doctor ,etc. 而这种practice通常是指读法律和医学的人在学校苦读好些年后,通过苛刻的资格考试才有资格去执业,也就是practice,而不是像我们这样当没什么社会经历的小学徒。有资格practice的人都是很了得了。 即使是法学系的学生在律师楼实习也不能称为practice,他必须通过bar examinations才有资格称自己practice。

    She's passed her law examinations and is now practicing (as a lawyer). A practicing doctor.

    顺便提一下老掉牙的俗语"Practice makes perfect"-熟能生巧 其实我并不赞同"Practice makes perfect"的说法。 因为"It is not practice that makes perfect, it is perfect practice that makes perfect." 方法不对头只会越努力越觉得自己笨。

    另一习语,"Practice what one preaches." (to do oneself what one advises others to do) 可以用来形容"言行一致"的人。

    我们常说"It's raining cats and dogs",是因为猫狗打起架来特别凶,雨大的就像猫狗在打架,吵吵闹闹。但是人们往往会忘记最初的意思。 一天正在下倾盆大雨。 妈妈:"It's raining cats and dogs" 女儿:"No, it's raining pigs."

    "It never rains, but it pours."意即"祸不单行"。

    "天看起来会下雨"叫做"It looks like rain"或"It looks as if it is going to rain." 高考常考这句话怎么说,刻骨铭心。

    "as right as rain"意为身体很健康。 "Yvonne's been ill, but she's as right as rain now."

    "as natural as rain"--Heineken 广告词 Also, "as natural as curiosity" By the way, "curiosity kills the cat." 我们说猫有九条命,西方文化中也有这种说法,but sometimes curiosity is bad enough to kill a cat.

    "rain or shine"(whatever happens, whether things are good or bad)-风雨不变,风雨无阻 "I will always be there for you, rain or shine." "take a rain check on something" rain check 其实是旧时球赛的门票(记不清是什么球),如果下雨比赛取消,可以凭rain check天气好时再看比赛。

    Rain check:(American English)an act of accepting something when it is offered, with the condition that one may claim it later. "Yvonne, can I invite you to a movie?" "I'd love to, but I have so much to do these days, can you give me a rain check on it?"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 2】
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛潇潇语言实验室 No. 2

      "fat cat"是指那些富的流油的有钱人。

      无论是在中学还是大学,身边都有人的花名叫做猫,或许是因为猫敏捷,乖巧吧。 自己高中时也有个外号叫Supercat,听起来很super,其实那只是"Kinder"朱古力广告里面的大肥猫而已。

      但其实在西方文化中,cat是有些不太好的含义的。cat也可指 A mean and unpleasant woman.



      有人将"欲擒故纵"译为"play cat and mouse"字典的解析为 "let someone think that they are getting or doing what they want, then prevent them from getting or doing it. 意思模糊近似吧。

      俗语中说的"吊高来买"在英文中为"play hard to get"

      I'm sure it is not that Juliet doesn't want to date you. She's only playing hard to get. -我肯定Juliet不是不想和你约会。她只是在吊你胃口而已。

      人有时就是这样,给他他不要,得不到的他偏要苦苦地去追。 玩玩"play hard to get"的游戏,可以刺激征服欲强的他/她.

      我们说的"放电"在英文中为"turn on the charm"。

      "turn on"通常指打开电开关,所以"turn on the charm"解作"放电"也很贴切。 It is difficult to refuse Lara when she turns on the charm.

      相反,"turn sb. off"意为"让人恶心"或"让人兴趣全无"。

      The radio turned me off, so I turned it off.--电台(节目)让我恶心,所以我把它给关了。

      Back to "rain" again- 我们说的"未雨绸缪"在英文中也有相应的说法"save it for a rainy day"--to save something, esp. money, for a time when you will need it.

      "雨季"可译为"rainy days" or "rainy season"

      雨季总让人有少许的失落,"失落感"-"sense of loss" "这是我的损失"-"The loss is mine."

      我求职失败时总会用一句话来安慰自己,"这是他们的损失"-"That's their loss."

      "不知所措"-"at a loss"

      Yvonne is at a complete loss as to how to excel in her new job.

      "lost in thought"--"陷入沉思"

      "feel lost in the crowd"--to not feel confident about what to do or how to behave, esp. among people you do not know.

      "Get lost!"--"滚开!"

      "There is no love lost between them."--they dislike each other. -他们讨厌彼此。

      Well, to be continued...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 港台肥皂剧(soap opera)"放电"在英文中为"turn on the charm"。。。
        To begin to display, employ, or exude:
        turn on the charm.

        2.turn sb on: 往往有make sb sexually excited的意思,不是一般的兴奋,是“性奋”。
        When all of a sudden- (to the waitress that brought her coffee)Sweet 'n' Lo?- I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry!
        ——【Friends:Season 1 】episode101

        3.To cause to begin the operation, activity, or flow of:
        Turn on the light bulb.开电灯
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 4】
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛近日常看到一个减肥茶的广告,觉得特搞笑。 "能三十年都喝"更娇丽减肥茶"的就一定是妈妈."

      不知是哪个土豆想出来的广告词,一种减肥茶喝了三十年都不瘦,哪象人家民间流传的"西红柿洋葱七日瘦身汤",七日就瘦十斤。(我有此秘方,有志于减肥事业的同学可以电邮索取,p.s.本人很适合做减肥茶的代言人,请各大厂家注意:) 但是更娇丽减肥茶的广告也不是一无是处,起码说明这种减肥茶喝三十年都不会中毒,无negative effect(副作用)。

      By the way, 减肥在英文中为lose weight, 节食-on a diet. 如果你的裤子穿不下,you need to watch your weight. 如果你长得像潇潇那样苗条,you need to put on some weight.

      其实我认为中国人都没有必要减肥。一个比利时商人曾对我说,"This is a crazy country, there are no fat people in China!"

      "过胖"在英文中为obesity,As far as I know, many Americans are plagued by obesity and therefore obsessed with losing weight.


      因为"露露"在广州俚语中意为笨蛋。 我们最熟悉的笨蛋的英文说法为fool。实际上电视剧里较常用的说法是idiot/moron/jerk/nerd/geek

      在广州街头看见一日本啤酒的广告,啤酒的日文好像ASAHI,但是这种啤酒却译作"舒波乐", 输了波还乐。


      广告是件很有意思的事情。我们常说"这边风景独好",有一天看到一个楼盘的广告词,"这边风景也好" 让人会心一笑。

      "Familiarity breeds contempt."-亲不敬,熟生厌。

      我们常说"距离才是美"、"相爱容易同住难"可能就是这个原因吧更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Nice work.
      • 小声问问潇潇:我为什么找不到“No.3”?
    • Looking forward to reading episode No.5.
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 3】——This episode was left empty on purpose and should be written in by all of you who have strong interest in confronting intelligence challenge. You are expecting here......
      • 请问 You are expecting here 是啥意思哦?
        • Sorry for my typo. It should be "You are expected!"
        • BTW: I am not the original author and just reposted them. Hopefully these well-written episodes engage our imagination like nothing else.
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 5】
      刚才看TV B Pearl(香港明珠英文台)看到了Language Lab No.4中提到的日本啤酒的广告, 该广告用了三个英文单词:TASTY,HANDY,TRENDY 有点土气,马马虎虎了。

      今天讲几个名词。 第一个为baby-kisser。 大家肯定知道baby-sitter是保姆的意思, 但是baby-kisser则指那些在搞竞选时大搞亲民形象,见到baby就抱,就亲的政客。不消我多说,大家都知道这个词为贬义。 前些天还在报纸上看见Hilary的女儿为了帮母亲竞选,抱着个bb玩。

      第二个词是name-dropper。 name-dropper是指那些喜欢说自己认识某某名人,和某某名人很熟的人,这种人的居心也不用我多解析了。 我中学有一个老师就是这种人,一会儿说陈开枝是他的校友,一会儿有说这份试题是我在山东的某某高层朋友 帮手弄来的,结果一节课三十分钟在drop names,剩下十几分钟来讲课。

      第三个词是lame duck lame duck:a political leader official whose period in office will soon end-一个任期快满的政府官员。 克林顿就是一个lame duck。 美国宪法规定总统任期不超过两届,唯有罗斯福例外,连任四届,不过很大原因是时势造英雄吧。 So much for today.
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 6】—— TRANSLATION & INTEPRETATION (笔译&口译)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛俗话说三句不离本行,我今天就讲回我的老本行翻译-TRANSLATION & INTEPRETATION

      Translation 为笔译,要咬文嚼字,是件苦差。 Interpretation为口译,分为consecutive interpretation(连续翻译)和 simultaneous interpretation(同声传译)

      所谓consecutive interpretation是指speaker讲了一会儿,停下来等interpreter翻译完他刚才讲的话再继续说。

      朱*g基总理的新闻发布会就属于这一类。 要做好consecutive interpretation要有很好的note-taking skills和short-term memory

      simultaneous interpretation则多用于UN 和EU的国际会议。interpreter要在speaker开声后两三秒就开始翻译。两者几乎是同步的,所以称之为同声传译。 同声传译需要interpreter每分每秒都集中精神,否则无法根上speaker,所以同声传译员承受巨大的精神压力。





      在我的眼里,成功的同声传译都是很有趣、很有魅力的人。 我们的笔译老师已修炼得连骂人也是慢条斯理,从来不会脸红脖子粗,不愧是在联合国泡过。 笔译老师才是这样,教口译的老师通常都是讲话、反应极快,并且很有个性的那种人。

      就翻译而言, 机器或软件是无法完全代替人的。否则我们翻译系的人真的连谷种都没得吃。

      我有一次用东方快车翻译猫王的 LOVE ME TENDER, LOVE ME TRUE 结果东方快车翻译为"爱我嫩的,爱我真的" 让人喷饭!

      说起笔译,可能最难翻的就是诗了。 钱钟书曾说过"诗是翻译中唯一遗失的东西" 我有一次翻看一本中诗的译本,笑话连篇。

      "借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村" 翻译把"牧童"翻译成cowboy,一讲起cowboy我总会想起万宝路广告里策马扬鞭的牛仔。

      "抬头望明月,低头思故乡" Head up, I see the moon Head down, I think of my hometown 唉,真是让人喷饭! 听起来像是广播体操的命令。head up、head down。。。

      我从来都不会去翻译诗,一是没那么好的语言功底,二是就算翻译出来了已失去了原有的味道。 我很难想象"寻寻觅觅,凄凄惨惨戚戚"翻译成英文读起来还会不会有那种凄美。

      诗是一个文化特有、内在的东西,很难和别的文化compatible。 上笔译课时老师曾叫我们翻译很多外国的广告,in my humble opinion, 很多广告都是不可译的。


      因为中英文行文习惯,中西方思维方式、文化背景都很不一样。 没有放之四海皆灵的广告。如果广告和当地的文化因素和国民性情抵触,广告必定失败。

      有一次,广东省的首席翻译来我们学校演讲,当被问及翻译必备的东西是什么。 他建议我们买一本好的英英字典。

      真是Great minds think alike. 我从高一开始就用英英字典。我早年学英语时相当刻苦,每次见到生词都会把生词的英文解析、例句、各种搭配关系抄一遍。现在一直保留这种习惯。

      英汉或是汉英字典通常都无法给我们最准确的词义。只有英英字典才能比较准确地提供原意。所以我上笔译刻时,即使是汉译英也很少动用汉英字典。 不要被应英英吓坏,实际上字典里用来解析单词的词汇都很简单,在2000词汇内。





      这种方法我没试过,但爱玲的英文习作我看过几篇,确属上乘! 爱玲为了苦练英文大学三年不用中文写东西,曾经效仿过爱玲,用英文写了本日记,不过自己看回那些日记,一眼扫过去,不知道发生了什么事,需细看才明。 毕竟没有母语那种最直接的感觉。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • That is fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
    • It's okay now. Google can translate all your posts into English...
    • Are you really "XiaoXiao"? Or You just ZT? These articles was posted probably 4-5 years ago on lots of web sites, as I know.
      • #2476154
    • 说明作者没有到过美国留学。留学结束时有一年时间做practical training. 有人说practice 是实习有根据。
    • It's wonderfu. 很精彩, 谢谢!!!
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 7】
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛要做一名出色的翻译必须有过人的short-term memory(短期记忆)。 读书时为了练short-term memory曾经背过The House That Jack Built 我可以一口气从头背到尾,而且越背越快,如果你也可以,放马过来,挑战潇潇! 这篇文章其实是由一组定语从句组成,理清起关系其实很容易背。 考考你的记忆和舌头。

      The House That Jack Built (杰克造的房子)
      This is the house that Jack built.
      This is the malt--
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the rat--
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the cat--
      That killed the rat
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the dog--
      That worried the cat,
      That killed the rat,
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the cow with the crumpled horn--
      That tossed the dog,
      That worried the cat,
      That killed the rat,
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the maiden all forlorn--
      That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
      That tossed the dog,
      That worried the cat,
      That killed the rat,
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the man all tattered and torn--
      That kissed the maided all forlorn,
      That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
      That tossed the dog,
      That worried the cat,
      That killed the rat,
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the priest all shaven and shorn--
      That married the man all tattered and torn,
      That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
      That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
      That tossed the dog,
      That worried the cat,
      That killed the rat,
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the cock that crowed in the morn--
      That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
      That married the man all tattered and torn,
      That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
      That tossed the dog,
      That worried the cat,
      That killed the rat,
      That ate the malt
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      This is the farmer sowing the corn--
      That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,
      That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
      That married the man all tattered and torn,
      That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
      That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
      That tossed the dog,
      That worried the cat,
      That killed the rat,
      That ate the malt,
      That lay in the house that Jack built.
      怎么样,不是很难背吧?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good good, up up.
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 8】
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我们的一生由出生到死亡是一辈子,我们要面对的也是出生和死亡,也是一辈子。 第八集讲的就是生和死。 LIFE & DEATH

      从出生到死亡-from the cradle to the grave (从摇篮到坟墓) 死不瞑目- to turn in one's grave 自掘坟墓-to dig one's grave

      It is a matter of life and death.-这是一件生死攸关的事情。


      I was scared to death.-害怕死了。 I was embarrassed to death.-尴尬死了。 I was worried to death.-担心死了。 I was bored to death.-闷死了。

      我在这里全用一般过去时,是因为这些句子一般用于叙述过去发生的事情。 for example:

      Where have you been? -你去哪了? I was worried to death.我担心死了。 能熟练地运用一般现在时以外的时态,我们才算比较熟练地掌握这种语言。

      想必很多e-fans都看过Roberts主演的"留住有情人"-DYING YOUNG

      to die young 从语法的角度来分析是指人死时的状态为年轻,意即"英年早逝",所以这里用形容词不用副词来修饰die。 to die happy 是幸福地死去。 to die poor 死时两袖清风。

      如果是语法考试,千万别选 to die happily/ to die poorly 关于死时的状态还有另外一种表达方法: to die a wretched death- 死得悲惨 to die a heroic death- 死得悲壮

      He's dying. -他就快死了。 然而be dying for sth/ to do sth 却和死无关, 该词组表示非常渴望做某事 He's dying to see his high school sweetheart again.

      The die is cast.- 木已成舟、大局已定。

      Never say die!-永不言败! She is someone who does not admit defeat easily.- 她不是容易认输的热人。

      to die down-灯火逐渐熄灭 to die out- 绝种 to die hard-根深蒂固(diehard也可做名词-顽固分子)

      按时间顺序我似乎应该先说"生" 一个婴儿诞生了-A baby was given birth. 玛丽生了孩子- Mary gave birth to a baby. 天生丽质- She was born beautiful. 天生如此- I was born this way/like that. 天生的演员-She is a born actress. 天生的赢家-He is a born winner. Some people believe interpreters are born not made. -有人认为优秀的口译是天生的不是造就的。

      天生一对-They are made for each other. He is not made for it/he is not cut out for it.- 他不是做这事的料子。 Come on, don't give me that, I wasn't born yesterday.- 我不是三岁小孩(你别想骗我。)

      first-born (n) 是指第一胎。French-born-法国出生的 baby boom 是指生育高峰期,据说克林顿就是一个baby boomer。 family planning是计划生育。现在中国在城市实行one-child policy, 我在想n年后"哥哥、姐姐这些词汇岂不是要从我们的语言里消失。 不过每当我在挤饭堂和挤车时都会衷心赞美我们伟大的基本国策。

      Death是一个生命的结束,一个旅程的终结。对于the dead它可能是新生的开始,对于the living它可能是个悲剧。是的,in a sense,"死亡"是活着的人的悲剧。 reincarnation-再生、轮回 说起再生,想起传说中的不死鸟 -PHOENIX- an imaginary bird of ancient times, believed to live for 500 years and then burns itself and be born again from its ashes. -like a phoenix from the ashes- 仿如风凤凰再生 想起席慕容的那首小诗"是否鸟必得自焚才能变成凤凰,青春必得愚昧"。。。 中学时看过一部日本卡通片"圣斗士星矢",这里面我只欣赏两个人物:不死鸟一辉和冰河。 我不明白为什么星矢会是主角,或许是因为星矢是日本民族性情的代表-死缠烂打-die to the end。

      以下是一些和死亡有关的词: matricide-弑母罪 patricide-弑父罪 fratricide-弑兄/妹罪 infanticide-弑婴罪 genocide-种族灭绝 homicide-谋杀罪 suicide-自杀 犯罪-commit crime 自杀-commit suicide

      我没听人说过自杀是种罪 但我听说自杀枉死的人会被打进畜生道,永不超生。 或许上天认为,没有勇气面对今生的人不配有来生。 勇者无惧 不负我心 只问今生 Seize the day, the eternity is here and now...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 9】
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛大二时我们有一个来自Alaska的写作老师Barbara. Alaska天气严寒,气温低至零下40度。大冬天的,我们穿两件毛衣她却穿件短袖,不停地扇扇子,一个劲叫热。今天无意中发现自己在大二时的习作,我想 现在要我写这样的文章肯定写不出来。当时我一定是很爱看小说所以才写得出那么flowery的文。现在要抽时间出来看一本纯文学作品简直是种奢侈。 当时Barbara列了一系列描写人的音容笑貌的词语,要求我们用这些词语描写两个正反人物。

      褒/贬 fair skin/sallow skin large eyes/tiny eyes melodious voice/squeaky voice deep voice/ husky voice small white teeth/ decaying teeth smile/smirk


      As Eliza stepped into the dance hall, everyone's eyes turned to her. There was something in her appearance remarkably beautiful and engaging. She had eyes that were large and dark, shining with the glow of youth, full of fire and softness, her black hair fine as silk, naturally curling; fair soft skin, cheeks of a warm rose; red moist lips; when she smiled she showed her small white teeth. A gay dress of blue and white plaid, exquisitely made and neatly fitted, set off to advantage the youthfulness and simplicity of her beauty. She walked with a sinuous grace that charmed all beholders. Her air of assurance, blended with shyness, showed that she was not unused to admiring glances.

      From the corner of the hall, a pair of pale, gray eyes burning with jealousy was staring at Eliza. It was Ruthy, the mayor's daughter. She was a short fat woman, garbed in a very tight, very gaudy red dress. Her fingers bore several rings and dazzling long earnings were dangling from her tiny ears. Her eyes were too far apart, her piggy nose undoubtedly an eyesore, her big mouth hardly open without insulting somebody. When she spoke in her high-pitched squeaky voice, she showed her decaying teeth. She was so used to flattery and getting her own way, and simply couldn't bear the thought that she was not the center of attention at the dance. She walked up to Eliza with a stupid condescending air, "Well," she said, "Listen, I don't think you should be here among all these celebrities and somebodies. You know you are poor, ugly, a downright nobody!" Eliza was not daunted by Ruthy's rude remark. She answered with her melodious voice, "Even if I am a nobody, I paid and I have the same right to be here as you do." She said this with such dignity that Ruthy could not help feeling a sneaky awe. At that moment, a tall handsome young man came to ask for Eliza's hand.

      Ruthy, in aggravated jealousy, was left as a withered wallflower. (the end)

      现在看回自己的文章,觉得自己把美的写得太完美,把丑得写得太惨。 这世上还是相貌平凡的人多。


      西谚 "Handsome is as handsome does." 说的就是行为举止美,人自然就美。


      If you are not a handsome guy, never mind, handsome is as handsome does. Likewise, pretty is as pretty does. Xiaoxiao更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 【潇潇语言实验室 No. 10】
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛热烈庆祝Xiaoxiao's Language Lab创Lab第十集

      `~~`~~~ {&} {&} {&}~ ----//---§----§-{&}{&}{&} {&} WHITE ROSE {&} {&} {&} ~~ ----\-§----§---{&}{&}{&}{&}~~ ~ {&} {&}{&} {&}~ {&}~

      今天应该张灯结彩,狂欢庆祝 :)

      英文中的狂欢庆祝称为"paint the town red"不晓得为什么要把整个城市染红,可能西方人也认为red是一种喜幸的颜色吧。但也不尽然。 be in the red 表现一间公司正处于亏损、负债状态。 be in the black相反这是"盈余"的意思。 catch sb red-handed是指现场抓获某人。 The thief was caught red-handed.

      red-carpet treatment 是指一些重要人物来访时为此人铺上几百米的红地毯来欢迎。现在恐怕国家首脑出访才会受此礼遇。现在我们用这个词也不一定指真的用红地毯来迎接,也可用来指隆重的礼遇。

      我们都知道look up是抬头望的意思。但在下面这个句子中却是另一种意思。 Things are looking up. - 事情正在好转。 look up to sb 这是指你很尊重这个人,你仰望这个人。

      英文个"The Greatest love of all"中有一句"Everyone needs someone to look up to."

      在我们的生活中,我们总需要有榜样-role model,让我们不敢放弃自己,不敢放弃梦想。

      安慰朋失落的朋友可以说"Everything will turn out just fine." - 事情最终会好起来。

      turn out 在这里有"最终变成"的意思。

      同样"turn out to be"也有"最终变成"的意思,常指事情的发展出乎我们的意料。 Sometimes, the very thing we are looking for turns out to be the last thing we want.

      有时,我们发现,自己苦苦追求的东西却是自己最不想要的东西。 the last thing we want不是"我们想要的最后一件东西"而是"我们最不想要的东西"

      同样"He is the last man I want to see."意为"他是我最不想见的人"

      The factory turns out more than 1,000 chairs per day. 在这句话中"turn out"的意思是"产出" -这间工厂日产1000多张桌子。 以前在Reader's Digest上看过一篇文章"How to turn out terrific kids"意为"如何培养好孩子"。

      我们经常说股市有牛市和熊市,英文的说法也是一样的。 牛市-股票行情看涨-a bull market/ a bullish market 熊市-股市行情看跌-a bear market/ a bearish market a bear-hug一个字一个字翻译(word-for-word translation)是"熊抱",其实是指很有力的拥抱。 Give your friend a bear hug!

      By the way, 我们都知道也yellow 是黄色,green是绿色。但是颜色通常都有深浅和强弱。 有点黄-yellowish 有点绿-greenish 有点红-reddish


      Dream-梦想,曾经多么熟悉的字眼。 If you can dream it, you can do it.多么煽情的句子。 If something is beyond your wildest dream, 那么这样东西肯定是你做梦都想不会发生的。 It is too good to be true.

      梦中情人-dream girl/dream guy 理想的工作-dream job 做梦都想得到的靓车-dream car

      愿大家梦想成真。 May your dreams come true!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net