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其实你可以THINK POSITIVELY. Your life before must be easy: good job, good salary, etc. Same as you, I did not really have any hardship before I came here. I even rarely cooked any meal though I have been married. After I came here, I had to cook every meal and made plan for every penny as they all went from our savings. It was hard, but I told my mother: now I don’t waste money on things I rarely use (such as cloths worn only once or twice), I am becoming a good cook (I can do dumplings, Baozi, some fancy dishes…), and I am stronger because of some short period labor work. I said, I’ll cook for you when I go home, she’s very happy with my changes. Also, I always told her it’s not bad for us to experience something like this when we are not that old, so we can really grow up, and they won’t need to worry about us later. Actually, what we experienced here is not as hard as the experienced before. Don’t cry, they’ll happy if you feel happy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 妈妈今天回国了,真的好舍不得她走。昨晚和妈妈抱头痛哭,感谢妈妈帮助我照顾宝宝3个多月,又因为刚来加拿大,经济没有稳定,也没让妈妈过什么舒服日子,每天很无聊又很操劳,心里很过意不去。希望下次妈妈来能让她过上好一点的日子。
    • PatPat, 别哭啦,下次妈妈还会来的。
    • 我也有同感,让老妈老爸来加拿大,而你们的经济情况又不好,老爸老妈是如何的心疼?你让他们勒着肚子和你们一样吃不饱?穿不暖?我不知道大家是怎么想的,你这是让你的老妈老爸给你拿钱哪还是你想给老人们难堪?
      • 你怎么可以这样说话呢?奇怪。
        • 估计他是在用这个话问他自己。也许他心里也很难过。
        • 妈妈来之前,给了她2万元路费汇到她帐上,可来了4个月后,看到我们的状况,一个劲地说想把我的钱换成美元还我。我出国前给她赞助买房子的10万块,她也琢磨着怎么还我。让我心里真不是滋味。
          • 没关系,反正横竖都是一家人。钱可再挣,情挣不回来。你妈妈来一趟看见你和宝宝不知道多高兴呢。我爸我妈吃我用我十几年,从来没有琢磨过要还我,:)不过我也知道,有一天过不下去了,爸爸妈妈就是我的家。
            • 喜欢你说的话。:)也安慰安慰小桃子,你有那份心意已经令人感动了。
            • 不是没有关系,而是大有关系。父母老了,应该给他们一个快乐和安详的晚年,但是这个时候让他们和你一起找罪受,你的良心哪里去了?
              • do you know what seniors want?
        • 为什么不能够这样地说?我看有些人就是不懂事,总想着让老爸老妈帮助他们什么,而不想想你可以为老人们做些什么。比如,生孩子的事情,一旦怀孕了,就开始琢磨老爸老妈了。我就知道有一些生孩子的女士,
          • 唉呀,求求你不要找我说话,我早就知道我和你是一点儿思想的火花都擦不出来的。
            • 看到老家的帖子,我每次都可以擦出怒火花来。。。
              • :D
              • 好多relationship就是这样开始的。
                • lol.
            • 忘记他吧,他就是鲁迅狂人日记的现实版,整天都觉得全世界都在迫害他。
              • 他在迫害全世界
    • 下次让你妈妈再来,带她出去旅游看看。
      • 给她找了个伴,去了加东3日游,可老天不作美,连下三天雨。
      其实你可以THINK POSITIVELY. Your life before must be easy: good job, good salary, etc. Same as you, I did not really have any hardship before I came here. I even rarely cooked any meal though I have been married. After I came here, I had to cook every meal and made plan for every penny as they all went from our savings. It was hard, but I told my mother: now I don’t waste money on things I rarely use (such as cloths worn only once or twice), I am becoming a good cook (I can do dumplings, Baozi, some fancy dishes…), and I am stronger because of some short period labor work. I said, I’ll cook for you when I go home, she’s very happy with my changes. Also, I always told her it’s not bad for us to experience something like this when we are not that old, so we can really grow up, and they won’t need to worry about us later. Actually, what we experienced here is not as hard as the experienced before. Don’t cry, they’ll happy if you feel happy.
      • 作父母的都怕子女受苦, 你不觉得苦的话,他们会好过一些.
      • 谢谢你的劝慰,真的很有共鸣。
    • 一定会好的!不难过...应该感谢成年后还有和妈妈朝夕相处的三个日子.下一次一定比这次快乐很多.
      • 是啊,这样想起来好过多了。真的是机会难得。