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真心感得真爱 - Looking for a soul mate toward harmonious marriage and a peaceful life.

金秋的枫叶又红, 油然而生异样的感觉. 生活象高速公路, 带你到想要去的地方. 我们往往忽略了时空的变换, 错过了沿途的风景. 如果上天赐予我一位相知相守的先生,我会倍加珍惜,愿每个朋友都能找到自己的心灵不冻港.

如果说恋是一种让人怦然心动的感觉,那麽爱就像Bible上所说,是一种对“恒久忍耐”的考验。 希望到了漫天飞雪的季节, 能找到一个有默契的人, 分享感觉, 怀着幸福和思念,寄托一份美好的牵挂.

Unmarried, Chinese-Canadian girl in her 30's, working in the GTA.

If you are a Chinese gentleman in your 30's, Unmarried, with a professional job and ready to settle down, I'd like to hear from you. Hopefully, we will share similar views on life, work, family and future. I believe we will improve each other through the journey of life.

Please email to sinceregta@hotmail.com or add me on MSN. Thanks.