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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 摩西十誡的第七條不可姦淫.
    在最早的犹太人版本是"You shall not have sexual relations with another man's wife."基督教的版本是 "Neither shall you commit adultery." 怎么到耶稣口中就解释成了: "凡看见妇女就动淫念的,这人心里已经与她犯奸淫了。" ?



    • 嘿嘿. 不知道模范基督徒孙中山算不算犯了这一条.
      问过牧师, 与我玩太极推手, 没有答案.
      • No one can keep 10 Commandments perfectly except Jesus. 孙中山 has no exception.
        • 就是犯了全部十戒也没有关系. 耶稣的宝血会帮你们洗去的.
    • why 犹太人版本 is in English and Jesus is in Chinese? Maybe Jesus's Chinese is not so good and Moses is not so good at English.
    • Are you a sinner?
      • mssg同学,正面回答他的提问吧。
        • 亚当带来了罪,耶稣带来了救恩,当然如果你不认为自己需要拯救,救恩就和你没有关系。好像如果你不认为自己病了,你就不会去求医问药一样。
        • 读圣经:what does it say? what does it mean? finally and most importantly: what does it mean to you?
          • appears to me that's why YOU are caught up; luckily or unluckily
      • 再回答你一次,不是! 按照你们说法原罪是因为夏娃吃苹果,我不信圣经,我根本不是夏娃的子孙,不管她吃没吃苹果,我都没有原罪. 请以后不要再拿这个蠢问题烦我了.
        • okay, 我理解你的意思是:你是个健康的男人。
        • But why you keep asking such questions to someone who believes it? You don't have same baseline.You 不信圣经, why you want them to explain some story on 圣经
          • it's like a "healthy" physician asking the "sinner" how did he get a "sin" ?
            • "请以后不要再拿这个蠢问题烦我了"He doesn't believe this physician and he gets a "sin". How the "physician" can explain to him? Not same as your situation.
              • okay, 我理解你的意思是:你是个健康的男人。 -mssg(Wild_Killer); 15:27 (#2597034)Reply
          • 如果有人说我有罪,当然我要搞清楚啊..
            • 强迫症?:E
            • "我根本不是夏娃的子孙,不管她吃没吃苹果,我都没有原罪. "If you think so, that's it. What's not clear?
              • 我好象没有问问题啊,我是在回答No one can keep the 10 Commandments except Jesus. We all sinners. -wnms2000(乘风归去); 11:35 (#2596493)
            • You have confirmed this Bible verse: John 17:14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world
            • 你那罪别人怎么会知道?除非有某人窥视你。不过窥视你的人怎么会上这坛子上来让你搞清楚呢?俊杰,休息休息吧。这里的人不会告诉你的,也不会相信你没罪。你是有口难辩啊。但是我,相信你还有很多种罪都没犯过。
        • Do you mean "sinner = 原罪"? 
      • 有一次听一个议员讲道,他说sin 的意思是“imperfection"
        • 你觉得有可能有"完美"的事物存在吗?
    • God said Thou shalt not commit adultery. Jesus just explain what is adultery in God sight. In fact, if you 看见妇女就动淫念, you are not loyal to your wife.
      • 好色,喜欢看美女算不算adultery?
        • 有老婆的算。和老婆一起看的不算。看了不内疚也不告诉老婆的算。柳下惠的不算,花和尚的算。——这是俺的理解。
    • 早就说了即使犹太教也比基督教宽容的多。#2592943 犹太教认为任何一个道德正直的人都会上天堂。
      • I think it should be任何一个道德正直的犹太人
        • 再重复一遍,是任何一个道德正直的人,不是任何一个道德正直的犹太人。
          • Who tells you? Their bible is only written for Jews. If some Jews told you that, only because they changed the principle of their bible. Does bible say animal can't go heaven?
            Like Confucius in China, Kong Fuzi think foreigner is like an animal.So Chinese从来没有试图让别人也信奉Confucius. Only because Mongolia and Manqing came, the principle changed.
            • 自己去看去
              • So you think Jews' bible never changed? And did you read all of it? not some one's explain. This is just someone's understand. You have listed many mislead of Christ bible. Why this one not
                • 对不起,我不知道你想说什么。你的英文我看不太懂。
    • 很多基督徒的私人生活并不检点

      • 原来是有12个天主教徒的私人生活并不检点,你那标题怪吓人的。
        • #2597105
          • 你说的不算
    • ;-)