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maybe your opinion is somewhat correct, since I have never read that agreement clearly and thoroughly. but

the fact is that, for @home customers, Rogers strictly restricts all uses except personal one. in another word, Rogers should be to prohibit any use of routers, because the use of routers means no personal but business or other uses. Rogers has its business package for those users. if what you said were true, would Rogers cancel his business package, because everyone can connect a router to set a intra-network, since Rogers cannot detect the network of a user.

do you think Roger may do such a deficient thing.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 从纯技术角度看,如果要想把自己家里的两三台电脑共享高速上网,应选用ROUTER还是SWITCH,OR HUB,各有何优缺点(或曰技术特色,不考虑金钱因素)?请高手指点!多谢!
    • SWITCH,OR HUB没有技术特色,就是SWITCH号称速度快一倍。router一般有硬件防火墙,可以抵抗相当的攻击。看你的情况要弄个4ports的router
    • 很多时候上网,瓶颈并不在于家里用的是hub, swtich or router
    • 纯技术的说,当然是router好啦....
      • why?
        • 功能不一样嘛...Hub是physical layer collision的,switch无collision,当然比hub强;router是到network layer,自然比switch又好了。
          • but for a falimily,I cant distinguish the difference between router and switch,even switch and hub. 100MB is enough even sharing.
            • 不是说不考虑金钱因素嘛...
    • 问个很蠢的问题:买个ROUTER是不是就不用给ROGERS$9.95 for 2nd IP了?会不会被抓住?
      • 不用,不抓。
        • 三块肉喂了马吃! 那不是显得ROGERS太蠢了? Unbelievable.
          • They are not stupid, they just can't control. BTW, using a router has its downside too, most noticeably, you can't use netmeeting and the alike which need connection back.
            • Make sense. Does that mean I cannot use MSN if I deploy a router at home? BTW, how to choose a good router for family usage? (A tutorial-style stuff would be great)
              • www.cnet.com has a review for popular routers. To me SMC seems the best, but I am using Netgear and I have friends using Linksys. We are all satisfied.
            • The downside you mentioned is not exactly true. The firmware of your router should allow you to open certain ports for Netmeeting or any other applications.
              • I know. But from the attached MS knowledge article, in order to pass through secondary connections you'll need to open up UDP port 1024-65535. That doesn't look very nice to me.
                • Interesting. I guess M$ is talking about those corporate routers which close ports for both directions. For a $100 router, they only close the ports from outside in. So you only need to open those for primary.
    • Router是最佳选择。
      我用Linksys Router w/ 4port 10/100M switch,感觉很好。
      '用锤子也可以打开罐头' switch, hub就是这样的'锤子'

    • 俺用SMC BroadBand router/4 port swtich+ print server, $89.99 after $40 rebate. 经过三个星期的测试,效果不错! 强烈推荐!
      • 你何时买的, 我上周futureshop买的, 要$139, 没有$40的rebate啊, 你在哪里买的?
      • 是阿,真不错,哪买的?
    • 我们的经验,硬router效果最好,软router需要一台稳定的机器,装个winXP最便宜,还比软router好。
    • no matter what you are using, router, switch or hub, only if you are sharing Rogers internet access without paying what you should pay,
      the trouble will constantly stay with you, No mistake, Rogers 100% know what you have being done. the uncertain is only when they will terminate their service to you.

      one more thing, is the cost for each multi-IP is far cheaper than a router.
      • Really? I don't think so.
        • some one had the experience
          this guy is me.
          so, you should believe me now.
          they clearly told me " please remove your IIS from you pc" and they also reminded me to read their service agreement thoroughly.
      • Incorrect. You are talking about two completely different things.
        You should still be able to run IIS as long as you do not allow anybody outside to access it through the cable modem. For instance, if you have IIS for your own private development or testing purpose, it should not violate the service agreement. However, if you let public access your web server, then you violate the service agreement. The technology to detect what kind of webserver running on your site is very simple.

        Router is a completely different thing than a server. ISP may be able to determine you are using a router, depend on the implementation of the router, but they have no way to tell whether you have more than one machine connected behind the router.
        • maybe your opinion is somewhat correct, since I have never read that agreement clearly and thoroughly. but
          the fact is that, for @home customers, Rogers strictly restricts all uses except personal one. in another word, Rogers should be to prohibit any use of routers, because the use of routers means no personal but business or other uses. Rogers has its business package for those users. if what you said were true, would Rogers cancel his business package, because everyone can connect a router to set a intra-network, since Rogers cannot detect the network of a user.

          do you think Roger may do such a deficient thing.
          • Rogers has no way to prohibit the usage of routers. They cannot stop you from protecting your machine from hackers by using a router.
          • they can't tell the difference between the NAT packages and normal packages, if they really want to know, they had to come to my home to exam.
    • 我觉得节约是第一选择,用个hub就可以了,只有两台机器的话,做个交叉网线,连hub也省了.
    • 我用一个rogersID,怎么用wingate设置两台机器呀,请高手指点一下啊。 不能将wingate的server指定IP呀?
    • 当然是router+switch好,理论上说router和hub,switch工作在不同的网络层。组合起来工作可以发挥各自的特点。
    • 用Hub。通过代理共享。windows2000本身有代理功能。
    • 说是ROUTER接BELL的DSL高速上网老掉线, 有没有这回事,(打算换BELL的,半价省点银子)