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First I didn't call you bitch, I didn't even say if you are a bitch, you just jump out for that.

Second, who are "we" ? you can't represent others. Third, I have a doubt if you are that windsnowgirl, you signed up on Dec. 2 after this post appeared. But I am not sure. Although i don't like her, but I can feel that she is smart from reading her post. She can express her idea clearly althoguth i don't like it. But you, your post doesn't make any sense. You just jumped out and said something else. You difinitely got some intelligent problem. I am bored with this post and I don't argue with an idiot. I am out of here.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 在多伦多,都说找个女朋友比登天还难!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在多伦多,都说找个女朋友比登天还难!




    他,必须有一个深厚的家庭背景,世代经商也好,父母为官也罢。反正不能和大多数的留学生一样,生活在社会的最底层,辛辛苦苦攒钱只为在boxing week购尽所需。

















    我帮他们谢谢你们了更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 最终看懂了,可是“她“,"他”指代有点含混。
      • :)))
    • 搞得像自由市场买菜似的,没劲
      • :-)
    • 呵呵~~~好耶~~好耶~~~~,姐们快上PP~~~~:))))))
    • 别嚷嚷了,埋头挣钱才是正事,你让人听着人就听着了?
    • Totally lost...
    • 在多伦多, 找个男朋友比登天还难!
      I don't think girls in Toronto are like what you described.

      I know lots of single girls, they look pretty, have good jobs, and the only requirement is that the man having a professional job. but, still, they are still looking.

      The market seems too disappointing. what can you expect? You can't ask a REAL princess to lower down their social or financial status to marry a "nobody", right?

      even though they are not princess, they still have their basic criteria, right? i think they have lowered down enough that there is no more space to lower down. BELIEVE ME!

      Lots of them haven't complained here yet!

      One of my girlfriends once posted an ads and she said 8 people applied. one is an electrician, one is a car inspector, one is a truck driver, one says he has stable income cause he has a student loan to support his study, one lives 300 miles away, one does some kind of CNC or CRC or something, etc. She never post any ads again.

      Remember, all girls ARE princess!
      • 我替你说白一点吧,没有钱, you are nobody.
        • 找個男朋友比登天還難
          • 怎么都是繁体字?还有几个字出现乱码....:)
          • 真有这么夸张的人。。。。。。。。
            • 更夸张的还有呢,
              更夸张的还有呢,我有一女性友人在和一男性出去饮茶, 纯属普通朋友间的交往,吃完后结账28元,男性坚持付清账单,再回家的路上提出要将朋友关系发展为情侣关系,但遭拒绝。当天我女性朋友收到一份发自此男性的email, 内容是此男性的住址,要求我女性友人将14元支票寄至他家。
              • 编故事也要靠谱,这种男的存在但却很稀少,也让人鄙视,但怎么都让你碰上了?不要以为这里所有的人的智力都和你一样。
                • 为什么没有让你碰到,但你却认定是编的呢?什么样的智力的人才会认为有人有空在这里编故事,让我觉得奇怪的是为什么你又那么容易跳出来呢,怎么又那么承不住气呢?
                  我所写的事都是发生在我朋友中的,世界之大有很多事很多人都是我们不知道不了解的, 我们有机会都应该去了解,不管是美好的事物还是丑陋的,而不是盲目抵触,毕竟世界之大,无奇不有。我们来到这个网站就是为了通过聊天,来了解更多的移民生活,聊些轻松的话题,怎么会联系到智力的问题。
      • 在替你说白一点,男的没有好的工作,没有钱,就打一辈子光棍吧。
      • 什么电工,开卡车的,玩CNC的,这辈子你们就完了,回去做梦娶媳妇吧。下辈子争取投胎到有钱人家,或者做个手术,也当他个princess
        • 哎哟,你这个哥哥怎么这么不解风情啊。还说的这么明白,伤害了我们这个princess的纯洁,专情的小心灵,你要赔人家喔。。。。。。。
      • haha, so funny
      • 我相信物以类聚, 人以群分。我只想找跟自己条件兴趣差不多的, 我不会够不着葡萄就对葡萄说:你能不能放低点儿, 让我够到阿。 That would be too funny.
        也不会说, “葡萄, 你们听着, ... "

        What i wanted to say is that maybe you didn't treat the girls the way they should be treated. And also, i don't think girls in Toronto are so arrogant as you described. That's an insult to all girls here!
        • I agree. What's wrong with girls when they are looking for someone compatible?
          • Nothing wrong with that. But obviously some girls are looking for men's money, men's job, after that they will consider the interests and personality. SNOBBISH!!! I hope you are not one of them.
            • Frankly speaking, some men are snobbish too.
              They also consider the money, the job, the look of the girl more than the personality or inner beauty of the girls...so nothing to be taken hard on. Men and woman, you either compete or compromise.

              And for woman, because of physical limitation and body structure, we need to be more selective in choosing our mate. Face it, there's nothing wrong with a woman to be more selective because she demands a more secured environment for the responsiblities she will take in future (talking about giving birth and raising child)!
              • I agree some men are snobbish too, so what is your point? You mean it is right for a girl to look for a man's wallet more than personality?
      • 还是真的Princess比较爽快
      • Hey, look no more. Here is a good one ^_^
      • 写了啥没注意,8过你的段落,标点,大小写还是很不错的。看得出文学素养粉高
      • Seems some guys here are expected to look for a REAL princess!
        Apparently I'm already one of those girls who only care about a man's wallet! And i already regard myself as a princess?! Maybe some people don't speak or don't read English, i can understand that.

      • 姐姐,偶认识一个当电工的朋友,年薪80k,不错哦:p
      • :) why not better utilize your resource, and do sth good for the community. i can be your client.
        why the heck people always first ask P(retty) from girls, P(ro) from guys ?!
        another P(ersonality) is the key to make it last. i want and need 2+P :)
    • 还是登天比较难
      • ; )
    • 大家都是老百姓,老百姓长得漂亮/难看点,钱赚的多点少点,住在大房子或地下室都很正常。老百姓之间相互掐架,结婚都都很正常。别以为自己是什么人。大叫三声“我是猪”,天下就太平了。
      • I actually agree with you. Everybody is a "nobody", and everybody is also a Prince or princess. At least every "nobody" likes to be treated as a "somebody".
        But nobody won't be so glad to meet somebody who is ugly and has no money and has no manner at all and ... except you have something special that attracts others, something to show that you are not "nobody", right? Actually my point is not about "pretty" or "money".
        • 建议你别描了。。。。。。。。
          • Apparenly you are one of those guys as i described, which is "don't SPEAK, don't READ English! " . ---- which is why you are still you! I'm just curious, what is your profession? Why you are so mad about what i said? !
            • 哇,你的英语这么好啊!!!!!对你的仰慕有如滔滔江水奔流不息,又如黄河决缇,一泻万里。。。。。。。。。
            • There is nothing to do with your english, you don't have to show off your english althgouth it is not too bad, but it is not that excellent either.
            • Hahaha, you are curious about man's profession again, if he is a rich man, are you going to beg him to marry you?
              • 不敢,不敢,兄弟,你太抬举我了。就我这穷酸样的怎么也不像有钱人啊。。。。。。。。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
                • 在穷酸也没有我穷酸,还both economically and mentally 呢
        • 还真有这么势利的女的,让人鄙视!!!What a little princess!!!
          • 哥们说个真事,我前两个星期去见一个女孩子。没落座多久,人家端直就问我,你一年挣多少啊,每个月到手的多少啊;听说你买房子了,房子多少钱啊。。。。。晕
            • hey, man, don't be too upset -- don't you always ask whether a girl is pretty before you meet one? don't you often judge a girl by her look? what is wrong if she did judge you by your checkbook? it is fair.
              • At least men care about the girl herself, but the girls don't care about what kind of men she is going to meet except his wallet. Our princess only care about how much the guy can earn.
            • 也说一真事。我以朋友去见一女的,没多久就开始问收入什么的。看见我朋友开的是一旧车,就说你该换新车了。我朋友说了,你换人吧,还真把自己当princess了,长得跟倭瓜似的,哈哈哈
              • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,同乐。其实我当时就想走了,后来想想,看看她怎么把戏演完。笑翻了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
                • 问一下,戏是怎么演完的?
                  • 然后人家跟查户口一样啊。。。。。。最后就一拍两散呗,人家看不上我那穷酸样。。。。。。。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
                    • 这里男的看来全是穷酸样,哈哈哈
                      • 都没有你穷酸! both economically and mentally!
                        • 哈哈哈哈哈哈,小姑娘急了。
                        • 我穷酸,我最穷酸,both econonically and mentally, but I still look down the type of girls like you, no matter you care or not.
            • Not every girl is like that, right? Plus, knowing what she is after for at the begining is good for you.
              • sure,you are right. thanks for your information.
              • Of course not all the girls are like that, otherwise what kind of world it is?
                For sure some girls care about the person more than his wallet. But there are some girls when they know you don't make good money, when they know youare electrican, truck driver or something, they just ingore you in no time.
          • 你好象除了会骂人再没别的本事了!
            • I know lots of things except swearing, i only swear to the people who deserve that. How come this time you didn't show off your "excellent" English?
          • 男人都優秀點,女人不就不勢利了嗎
            • 高,这理论实在高。。。。。。。。。。无限敬仰啊。。。。。。。。
        • Oh. Somebody agree with me? Normally, my words is hardly get response/agree from other. haha, that's nice.
          • "Somebody" just made a mistake and thought somebody is worth talking to! Oh, Gosh, see, it IS a disappointing market!
    • 大家加油啊
      • 这是一起哄架秧子的
        • UP UP
          • 小姑娘,起一大哄啊
            • 好玩啊
    • 怎么觉得LZ象是个男留?
    • 中午电视里讲,you can be poor, you can be old, you can't be both
    • 只想对这两位“绅士“说三个字“真没劲“!No other words can describe you better!
      I'm not here to fight, ok? All of us are here to discuss something. Everybody expresses his own feelings, his individual opinions, his unique perspective point of view.... What's your problem? 非要变成人身攻击你就解气了? 真没劲! I feel shamed to have argued with you like that. Maybe i have some prejuce on profession. but i don't deserve all those words from you two guys. Don't feel so desperate that you have to accept such a cruel reality!

      Anyway, I'll go somewhere else to laugh and relax. You guys keep fighting here. I feel sorry for you! I always feel sorry for men without manner! bye - bye!
      • Poor girl, you said you are here not for fighting, but read your words, BS!!!. I am only a gentleman with good manner to the right person.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Not maybe, you do prejudge people by profession, that is why you are so superficial. i am sure you know the meaing of "SUPERFICIAL" since you can speak some English. I am not desperate, I got manything I want in my life and still struggle to get more. Even I am a electrican or truck driver or something else like what you described, I won't feel it is a shame. Oh yeah you won't talk to the men with that kind of profession and you will look down them, I won't feel superised, because you are so superficals, I got this idea from reading your "English" words. See, I can read some English, what a surprise, a lower class Chinese guy in your eyes know some Egnlish. Unfortunately I am not one of those men like what you said, I got a cruel life, not an electrican or truck driver's life as you think, some life that you SUPERFICAL girl won't understand. I just want to defend for them, and beat those SUPERFICIAL girls like you.

        Dont' come back since you said bye bye, go to somewhere and find a rich man for youself, married or not is not a big issue for you, as long as he can give your money, then you can laugh and relax like a SUPERFICIAL girl. Sorry, not just like, you are.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • a really gentleman will not talk to a lady by using this way!
          • Please don't call me gentleman tho, I feel embrassed if a b*tch call me that.
            • do you feel comfortable if we call you son of b*tch?
              • First I didn't call you bitch, I didn't even say if you are a bitch, you just jump out for that.
                Second, who are "we" ? you can't represent others. Third, I have a doubt if you are that windsnowgirl, you signed up on Dec. 2 after this post appeared. But I am not sure. Although i don't like her, but I can feel that she is smart from reading her post. She can express her idea clearly althoguth i don't like it. But you, your post doesn't make any sense. You just jumped out and said something else. You difinitely got some intelligent problem. I am bored with this post and I don't argue with an idiot. I am out of here.
                • First i didn't call you son of bitch, i didn't even say if you are a son of bitch, you were the only one who jumped out.
                  Second, the only reason i come here is just for fun, so i could write anything whatever i like. Third, i did not read you guys' previous post when i wrote mine, i declared again that i come here is just for fun and write whatever i want, why you were the only one who jumped out?
                  One more thing i want to confirm with you, i have noted that you would like to use rude words in your post, such as "idiot", and doubt other's intelligence even if you don't know this person, from my point of view, usually a person's bad behaviour reflects on his miserable life. my major is psychology, do you want to tell me your problems? maybe i can help you.
      • 没劲,真的没劲。我以为这帖子早都沉底了。。。。。。。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
      • I forget one thing, you felt shamed to argue with us? No I don't think so. You are shameless when you mentioned electrican, truck driver, CNC operator, etc. in that way.