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没有坏的例子,也找不到好的例子。毕竟英文不是我们的母语,不能随心所欲的想表达什么就能表达什么的。 所以,只要以后有机会看到坏,指出就行,不需要用这么多的时间来讨论该不该用英文。有些人因为某些情况不能写中文,难道就不让他们说了吗?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 成立英语俱乐部--我看这个坛子中有几个哥们姐们儿的英语不错.有没有兴趣在英语 学习的栏目下定期的聚会.发表些得意之作供大家品评.我们也可以定期的搞一些英 语的朗诵会.这样一能交朋友,还能提高英语水平?--请顶和砸
    • .
      • Are you too bored? Today is Jan 1st 2006!
        Today is Jan 1st 2006! P.S.: Sorry, I can't input Chinese now.
        • 没有,我是想正确引导各位的学英语的积极性.方法正确才能事半功倍.不然只能事倍功半.我的一个英国同事说北美人:"You are corrupting my language." 我只是不希望看到更多的国人corrupting the already corrupted language.
          • But...
            from my point of view, for us Chinese, oral English is more important for now comparing to written English. I don't see why to discuss English on line? Why don't we go to your house to practise oral English? :) if that is the case, I go! :)
            • 练口语要找受过教育的老外.
              书面语很重要, 因为我的工作是面向客户的,因此必需写大量的书面报告.书面英语很能看出一个人的教育水平.非常之重要.你看我能看出英语比我差的人的英文教育程度.翻过想,老外也能看出我的英文教育程度.但是我认为我的实际能力没有完全反应出来.

              • 你看我能看出英语比我差的人的英文教育程度? How? Just by online chatting? I cannot help bursting into laughter.You are such an adorable and confident person, just that you may be too confident to be true.
              • Just because westerners have college or university education doesn't mean they can write good academic English. Yes, they can write fluent English.
                It seems that you over-trust westerners' English just because their first language is English.
          • 06年第一贴:英文是工具,没什么对与错。一种说法说得人多了,就成了贯用法


            做完美主义者,是自己找罪受 :-)
          • 吹毛求屁!
            如果你把语言当一门艺术研究, 那确实应该追求这些: 简练, 精辟, 准确, 美感...... 但如果只是在Rolia上聊天, 有点语法, 句法, 用词错误没什么大不了的, 相互能懂不就行了. 否则,每个帖子不是都要找人proofread后才能post. 就是汉语聊天你也不能保证你的用法都是正确的.
            • 大力提倡Chinglish:英文很多东东搞得太复杂,应该简化:比如,number 11,12... should read as one-one, one-two... instead of eleven, twelve....

            • 跳出来看这个问题. 不要只在聊天上下功夫. 想想聊天怎么能促进事业. 我来了六年了, 天天和客户交流, 我的口语比来了十年的程序员都强. 但是要想在北美继续向上走, 成为Team Leader和项目经理, 语言实在是个瓶颈!
              • 这个同意. 但前提是"跳出来看这个问题". 怎么跳啊?
                • 你先跳?
                • 我不已经跳出来?希望大家共同组织个俱乐部.做一些命题的英语论文,然后帖到英语 学习栏目中共同品评.不计荣辱的共同促进学习.最后达到写一手漂亮的英文的水平 .大家各有长处.趣长补短
                  • 英语论文? I don't think anyone at Rolia is eligible for evaluating 英语论文, because some people including you may not have much idea of what 英语论文 is. I prefer to send my 英语论文 to professors.
              • 程序员做得退休语言也可能不会好,他们没有那个需求。做Team Leader和项目经理则要求语言技术两手过硬。
              • I suggest that you take some academic or business English writing courses. Discussing grammar with you is a very trying and tiring process, because you need professional training on that part as well.
              • You are not an English teacher, even though you very well-intentionally help some Rolians to improve their English. But as you may know, good intention may not mean good knowledge or great insight. Please...
              • 见过好几个英语有口音的经理。他们英语都不是完美的,但他们说事情都很清楚。觉 得一个基层经理或TL英语要求不是那么高的。第一能写,第二说出来别人能听懂, 就够了。
                • Right. They are not CEOs or professors.
              • The worst thing might be that Mr. Fullmoonnight seems to think whatever he says is right, and he is an English grammar book. This kind of stubborn attitude may not be good for a club or discussion.
          • I don't agree what your colleague said. I don't think British English is better than American English or whatsoever. They are somehow two different styles of English with British English as the original.
            • don't agree to...
          • I personally love American spoken English which sounds cozy, humorous and expansive; while British spoken English sounds just like Queen Elizabeth II---quiet outside, cold inside and rational like a stone.
          • Don't trust whatever your western colleagues have said so quickly and so easily. You have your own brains, don't you?
            Have some of your own ideas instead of quoting their words, or think that those comments are right just because they are spoken by your colleagues.
            • or thinking that those...
    • 我的一点浅见


      没有坏的例子,也找不到好的例子。毕竟英文不是我们的母语,不能随心所欲的想表达什么就能表达什么的。 所以,只要以后有机会看到坏,指出就行,不需要用这么多的时间来讨论该不该用英文。有些人因为某些情况不能写中文,难道就不让他们说了吗?
      • 只要以后有机会看到坏,指出就行? Right, but what is the definition of 坏? Different people may have different ideas, because all people at Rolia may not be professional English teachers.
        I mean professional English teachers,not some ESL teachers.
      • By professional English teachers, I mean those who have at least Master degrees of English language and literature as well as English language teaching experiences for many years.
    • 我觉得你的提议挺好的,如果有这样的俱乐部请算我一个,我很想加入。
    • I like the idea and would like to join!
      My email address is sszhao@yahoo.com, please let me know if such club is established!