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Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth Find the tooth. Handle the tooth by the top (crown), not the root portion. You may rinse the tooth, but DO NOT clean or handle the tooth unnecessarily. Try to reinsert the tooth in its socket. Have the child hold the tooth in place by biting on a clean gauzeor cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, transport the tooth in a cup containing milk. See a dentist IMMEDIATELY! Time is a critical factor in saving the tooth! Permanent teeth can be saved, do not try to reimplant baby teeth.
Broken Tooth Rinse dirt from injured areas with warm water. Place cold compresses over the face in the area of the injury. Locate and save any broken tooth fragments. Immediate dental attention is necessary.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / BB才9个月被爸爸磕到刚长出来的2只牙掉了一只,很让我伤心..哭了很久,为什么一个爸爸可以这么狠心让一个BB弄成这样..满口血
    • vivian让我安慰安慰你,别伤心了,反正这些牙以后都会换掉的。这两天注意点,别发炎什么的。
      • 谢谢你与VIVIAN的关心...真是身心疲惫啊.
    • 8585
    • 不要怪他了,最难过的是他,记得我女儿两三个月的时候,自己指甲划破了脸,大哭,他爸爸就帮她剪指甲,剪得太里面,出了好多血,女儿又大哭,看着老公自责心疼的样子,我一句都没讲他。
      • BB 爸倒没怎么自责.才让我气愤.直到今天才觉得BB要6岁才会出那只牙才觉得亏欠儿子,好不容易长最长的牙给掉了..现在有一个大的血窟窿.BB到还好不知道发生什么事.就怕以后BB在DAYCARE会被人笑.心理不好受.
      • 我在BB满100天的时候也犯了同样的错误,流了半个多小时的血,我握着女儿的手大哭,老公则心疼地说不出话,女儿依旧手舞足蹈地依依呀呀。现在我吓得不敢再给女儿剪指甲了。
    • 很同情BB. 难过.
    • 不合格的父亲,fire him.
    • 千万找个时间看牙医, 看有没有伤到牙根.朋友的小孩小时侯摔掉门牙,伤到牙根,现在前面三颗都不长了.
      • 请问哪有给BB看牙的医生..还是普通牙医就好了?谢谢.
        • 我不太清楚.我准备下次看儿科医生时要问这个问题.知到后告诉你.
    • Com'on, it was just an accident...
    • 我也认识你的,在去年BB赏枫聚会.安慰一下,小孩子总要长大的,我家BB最近也总受伤
      • 谢谢你的关心..请问你是?
    • 小可怜!嘴唇没磕坏吧。
    • 怎么会磕到那么厉害啊?
    • 很同情父亲. 难过. 一不小心就被说成阶级敌人蓄意破坏,还到处谴责。。。
      • he he
    • 我一个朋友的娃娃的一个门牙也很小就摔掉了,然后很快就有另外一个长出来了,但是后来长出来那个在换牙的年龄的时候没有换。
      • 还有,想问一下..BB掉的那只牙背有被奶粉侵蚀的现象..不知道另一只有没有,想知道你门都怎么帮BB清理口腔,有时侯BB有口气我只以为是上火了.现在看来应该不是.
        • 其实拿着刚掉下来的牙齿立即送医急症的话,那颗已经掉下来的牙齿还是可以接回去的。对他以后没有影响的。请看联接。这样的急诊,OHIP好象也是cover的。门诊看牙医,baby好象也是cover的。网羊补牢,
          Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth Find the tooth. Handle the tooth by the top (crown), not the root portion. You may rinse the tooth, but DO NOT clean or handle the tooth unnecessarily. Try to reinsert the tooth in its socket. Have the child hold the tooth in place by biting on a clean gauzeor cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, transport the tooth in a cup containing milk. See a dentist IMMEDIATELY! Time is a critical factor in saving the tooth! Permanent teeth can be saved, do not try to reimplant baby teeth.
          Broken Tooth Rinse dirt from injured areas with warm water. Place cold compresses over the face in the area of the injury. Locate and save any broken tooth fragments. Immediate dental attention is necessary.
          • 现在才知道有点太晚了.BB伤口已经愈合了.牙我倒是有保留.谢谢.但想知道哪有帮BB看牙的牙医?
          • It is for "Permanent Tooth" NOT baby tooth.
    • 理解你的心情,不过爸爸不会是故意狠心的,对他也多点理解吧。