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You can try to land and you will be questioned by an immigration officer for hime to decide if you have intented to give up PR status.

If you can demostrate that you have no such intention by giving evidence such as houses and stocks you have remained in Canada. You may be granted entry. But the decision is made by the immigration officer. If you failed, you can hire a lawyer to appeal to the court. An alternative is to apply for visa as an previous immgrant to Canadian Embassy, you will assessed again. The whole idea of no more than 183 days away form Canada is a yardstick to measure your intention. There is possibility that you will be refused to entry with in 183 days, according to immigrantion law, although I do not think I happens. If you really want to know the detail, find immigration laws supplied on line.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 求助,,如果我不能在183天内返回加拿大,而且又没有申请到返加证,我还能回加吗? 对我将来会有什么影响?
    • You can try to land and you will be questioned by an immigration officer for hime to decide if you have intented to give up PR status.
      If you can demostrate that you have no such intention by giving evidence such as houses and stocks you have remained in Canada. You may be granted entry. But the decision is made by the immigration officer. If you failed, you can hire a lawyer to appeal to the court. An alternative is to apply for visa as an previous immgrant to Canadian Embassy, you will assessed again. The whole idea of no more than 183 days away form Canada is a yardstick to measure your intention. There is possibility that you will be refused to entry with in 183 days, according to immigrantion law, although I do not think I happens. If you really want to know the detail, find immigration laws supplied on line.
      • 可是我现在已经在中国,返加证被拒,距离183天还有一周的时间........呜呜
        • Why do not you fly now?
          • 因为我该得的报酬还没有拿到.至少可以让我在加多生活一年呢
            • 你可以马上回加,在加拿大待一两周,然后回国. 下次你在入境时,移民官通常不会把你上一次离境的天数与这一次加起来,这样你会得到较多的缓冲时间.
              • 不要误人, 就算移民官当时没有抓住你, 移民局早晚也会查出.
      • Anybody had such experience to share?
        Hi I am in the similar boat. How to prove our intention to stay if no house nor stocks available? Will the immigration officer buy our story? Pls share with us if anyone had such successful experience. Thanks a lot!
      • If my wife is in Canada, can this be enough prove for my intention to keep PR status? In this case, I can get out of Canada as longer as I like and no problem to get back, right? Please confirm.
        • I dare not confirm, I said what I heard from a lawyer promoting his service in Singapore, He show audience the capter of immigration act for what I said.
    • 偏方:多买点烟酒,超过免税的额度,很容易闯关的。因为海关忙着收税了。:P
      • 海关和移民局是两会事吧
        • 一般是海关官员兼做移民官员,由于职业的原因跟注重课税问题。 海关位置比移民局还要更里面。
      • 就算你闯关成功, 移民局以后肯定仍会查. 到时把你公民取消驱逐出境, 再给你一个犯罪记录, 永远不可能再来买北美.
    • 加拿大每年都有几百人因为这个原因被驱逐出境
      有一老印七十多岁, 几十年的加拿大公民, 查出后照样驱逐出境
      • 扯了吧,公民根本没有这个限制,这个只对永久居民有效。
        • 漏了一句, 老印是几十年后被查出当年还是移民时在居住时限上不诚实而驱逐出境.
      • 我证实,是有这么回事,大概在一年半以前,就是因为老头在申请移民时做了假。也许以后大家会听到更多的例子。
    • 我晚了一个月,经过半小时的解释,总算过关。
      如有亲人在加拿大,让他们给你寄一些信件和照片。证明你和他们一直有紧密联系。准备好你办理RRP过程中的所有文件(当然包括你提出办理RRP的理由),证明你不是不想回来,只是想晚一点回来。然后跟他们讲你不知道办理RRP要这么长的时间,现在RRP没等到,你就赶回来了。如果移民局的人说“You should know."你就说“Sorry"就行了。当然越早回来越好,超过两个月的就没有参考价值。