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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

困惑的原因还在于看到hrdc网站的这么一段字:How we calculate the amount you will receive? 1.We look at the total earnings you have been paid in the last 26 weeks ending with your last day of work.

请问:这26周是指从从申请人那天开始往前26周呢?还是从最后一天工作日往前算26周呢? 如果是前者,那么我太太一怀孕就休息,过5个月再去申请maternity EI,岂不是只有一个月的收入算在这26周里面?


How we calculate the amount you will receive
The amount of your weekly benefit payment depends on your total earnings before deductions including tips and commissions, in the last 26 weeks, and is calculated in the following manner:

1.We look at the total earnings you have been paid in the last 26 weeks ending with your last day of work.

2.We take into consideration the number of weeks in which you have worked in the last 26 weeks.

3.We determine the unemployment rate in your region and the minimum divisor that applies at that unemployment rate.

4.We determine your average weekly insured earnings, by dividing your total earnings in the last 26 weeks by the greater of:

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 有没有过一怀孕就辞职休息,然后生孩子前8周再去申请maternity EI的?不少人说这样拿不到什么钱,最好一直工作到生孩子前8周,是这样的吗?太太身体差,刚怀孕打算马上辞职,可是又听说拿不到什么EI,困惑。
    • 如果有医生给你太太开病假单,你太太可以在休产假之前拿15周病假EI; 否则她有两个选择 --total 50 weeks regular EI +Mat EI + Parental EI; 或者等到生产前8周直接申请Mat EI + Parental EI, 这样拿不到什么钱。
    • 困惑的原因还在于看到hrdc网站的这么一段字:How we calculate the amount you will receive? 1.We look at the total earnings you have been paid in the last 26 weeks ending with your last day of work.
      请问:这26周是指从从申请人那天开始往前26周呢?还是从最后一天工作日往前算26周呢? 如果是前者,那么我太太一怀孕就休息,过5个月再去申请maternity EI,岂不是只有一个月的收入算在这26周里面?


      How we calculate the amount you will receive
      The amount of your weekly benefit payment depends on your total earnings before deductions including tips and commissions, in the last 26 weeks, and is calculated in the following manner:

      1.We look at the total earnings you have been paid in the last 26 weeks ending with your last day of work.

      2.We take into consideration the number of weeks in which you have worked in the last 26 weeks.

      3.We determine the unemployment rate in your region and the minimum divisor that applies at that unemployment rate.

      4.We determine your average weekly insured earnings, by dividing your total earnings in the last 26 weeks by the greater of:
    • 为了这个问题我去问过好多次了, 详细情况..
      我的是去年10月怀孕的,到12月底辞职的,今年7月底的预产期,他们说了我最早可以申请的时间是6月初,那么计算方法就从2005.6初-2006.6月初这52个星期中最后连续工作26个星期的工资来算. 就是从2005年12月底离开工作的最后一天往前推算26个星期,因为我当时的年薪在5万以上了,也就是EI INSURED那26个星期的计算已经超过413的WEEKLY MAX, 他们不在乎你是之前的26个星期还是之后的26个星期,关键看你在PAY EI的薪水是多少. 以上的信息我是可以确定的,但是每个人的情况可能不同, 大家可以参考和讨论.因为我是从来没有拿过其他的EI,CASE比较简单,每个人的情况可能不同.
      • 太感谢了,这正是我想知道的。
        • 如果你还有疑问,最好有时间的时候去一个人少的HR GOVMT CENTER问一问.你把你的问题都写下来,如果怕到那里忘记什么...这样我想就不会有问题了.这个时候咨询他们还是最可靠的.
      • 必须是预产期前8周时才能去申请,还是前8周时可以开始拿钱? 如果是后者,是不是可以在前8周再往前2周递交申请?因为好像有2周的hold期。 thanks
    • 辞职没关系,但你要保证在生之前的一年内有六百个小时的EI上交纪录。我1月份预产期,之前一年九月份辞职的。不影响领EI。
      • 终于大家都CONFIRM了。。。
    • 谢谢rachelmama、babypig等网友的关于maternity EI的热心解疑。