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1. 化肥草坪健壮措辞
每星期: 浇2-3次水, 剪草一次.
每年: 要打孔 LAWN CORE AERATION 一次,人工 除虫, 施肥 4-6 次, 耙草 DETHATCHING, 补种OVERSEEDING.

2. 有机草坪健壮措辞:
每年: 浇水3-4次, 利用生物链自然除虫, 春秋各施肥一次, 蚯蚓等土壤生物和微生物自然打孔和耙草, 补种OVERSEEDING 一次.

杂草超过 1/3 以上:

1. 把割草机调到最低档, 割草.
2. 耙草 DETHATCHING, 把枯草拿走.
3. 补种 OVERSEEDING. 根据草坪面积, 按买来包装说明, 用手撒撒播.
4. 盖COMPOST, 每100 平方米 立方 YARD.
5. 如果是早春雨季, 就不用浇水.
7. 剪草:
春天等草长到9 CM 时, 剪第一次草, 留5-6 CM, 等杂草长的比草坪高时, 马上剪草. 经过 2 个月, 杂草就会失去优势.
8. 用盐: 把食盐装在空尖嘴蜂蜜塑料瓶内, 把盐集中到在CANADA THISTLE 或 DANDILION等阔叶杂草 的生长点上.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 我家草地成了癞痢头, 杂草多过正常的草。 如果让他从新好看:1, 除草剂? 2, 重新种植草坪?(如何操作) 大家都是怎样处理的 - 拔草太累人了:(
    • 杂草和草坪各占多少? 是什么杂草?
      • 蒲公英呗
      • 30%野草。 不知名的野草 - 叶片上有刺根特长。 这两天天天下午拔。拔过的地方一片秃地
        • That is Canada Thistle. 说明土壤板结, 综合治理, 恢复土壤结构,
          打孔, 用土壤活性剂和COMPOST, 来恢复土壤生物和微生物活性, 减少使用化肥,避免使用除草剂和杀虫剂,防止土壤板结,草坪根深叶茂, 使杂草竞争不过草坪. 还要补种, 结合用盐和剪草来除掉Canada Thistle, 并不难.
          • 是那个东西 - 去年刚买房, 现在提前任懒房主察屁股
            • 拔THISTLE会扰动土壤, 给杂草提供发芽的机会.
              • 难道不能拔么?
                • 能。用盐结合剪草的办法更有效。
                  • 能解释一下什么叫“用盐结合剪草的办法“吗?谢谢!
                    • “用盐结合剪草的办法“ 道理和方法都很简单, 但要根据具体情况来定。
                      你先找找我(蚯蚓:花木称知己)前几年在ROLIA上发的帖子。 给我点时间整理以下。
                      • 哈哈!原来是蚯蚓大侠!换个马甲没认出来!欢迎回来!
                        • 谢谢!
                      • 传说中的大侠啊, 多来指导一下。
                      • 是不是老大,一看回贴就知道。高人啊!
                    • 网游们有用过我摸索出的“用盐结合剪草的办法“吗? 请帮忙解说以下.
                      • 没有,试了几次,都找不到!发现这个“搜索功能”没有以前的好用。
                        • 彻底除掉THISLTLE, 必须从恢复健壮的草坪开始.
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛恢复健壮的草坪, 要从改良土壤结构开始. 不好意思. 我以前总结的中文电子文件不见了. 只有书面材料. 我在这里用Evan L Petee英文文章借花献佛.

                          Organic Lawn Care Guide: For a Vital, Healthy, Safe, and Living Yard

                          by Evan L Petee

                          Organic lawn and garden care is a safe, effective and responsible alternative to the use of pesticides, herbicides and commercial fertilizers, all which may pose a threat to human and environmental well-being. Advanced organic products can be combined with traditional techniques to support truly healthy, vibrantly green, lawns. Organic lawn care isnt perfect, but can be very effective against weeds and pests. And really, do you want to have a chemicalized "golf-course" lawn, or a living, healthy and safe yard where you and your family or pets, and the neighborhood birds and squirrels, can safely play, lie or walk on?

                          1. Use a High Quality Organic Fertilizer: Slow-release organic fertilizers provide vital nutrients to grasses without risk of burning or harming the grasses. These natural products help support the health and vitality of the grass and soil, lengthening and strengthening grass roots, and helping the grass fight off pests and disease. Commercial fertilizers may harm grass and environmental health, leach soil nutrients, and foster persistent lawn diseases like brown spot and snow mold. Most lawns only require a spring and fall feeding, though stressed lawns can benefit from additional applications. Organic fertilizers are cost-effective in the long-run, since they promote better growing conditions, decrease need for pest controls, and require fewer applications. Two recommended brands are Erth-Rite and WOW Plus. (See Sources, below)

                          2. Apply Seaweed: Bathing your lawn and gardens with a liquid seaweed is one of the best things you can do for them. Seaweed is loaded with trace elements like iron, magnesium and zinc which support plant health and root development, and help fight off fungal diseases. Whats more, seaweed is dirt cheap! Monthly applications are recommended, but even fewer sprayings will provide strong benefits. (See Sources, below)

                          3. Water Deeply and Early in the Day: Lawns require about one inch of water once per week. Light, frequent sprinklings encourage shallow roots. The best time to water the lawn is early in the day. Watering late in the day may encourage fungal invasion due to insufficient evaporation.

                          4. Control Weeds Naturally: Improving lawn health will greatly reduce weeds as grass can better compete against aggressive weeds. Weeds can be removed by hand, or there are quality organic products which can control crabgrass, dandelions, lambs quarters, purslane and other weeds, by way of preventing the spread of feeder roots. (See Sources, below)

                          5. Thatch or Rake and Aerate: Use a thatcher or iron rake to remove thatch, which is compacted dead grass and grass clippings which interfere with water reaching the roots. Ideally, this should be done in the spring or early summer. Aeration, which removes plugs of dirt, helps increase water retention and supports air circulation to grass roots. Once a year aeration in the spring or very early summer or the fall is sufficient. Aerators can be rented at rental stores and some garden centers, or alternatively hand aerifiers are available. Walking in the yard while wearing golf shoes may provide some mild benefits.

                          6. Mow High: This is one of the most crucial steps you can take to improve the health of your lawn, as a lawn mowed high supports grass health, through shading the roots and preventing the drying out of soil, and leads to lengthening of grass roots, strengthening the lawn. Perhaps most importantly, longer grass blades discourage invasion by weeds and insects. Set mower cutting height at 2.5 to 3 inches. Also, keep mower blade sharp and avoid mowing wet grass. Leave clippings on lawn, unless they are very long, to reduce fertilizer needs.

                          7. Control Bugs Naturally: There are many safe ways to control lawn and garden pests. Simply mixing dishwasher soap (try Seventh Generation or other "natural" brands) with water and spraying on plants will take care of many bugs. Grubs, fungus larvae, weevils and borers and other pests can be eliminated with nematodes, a natural, biological control (See sources, below). Put in a birdfeeder and birdbath as birds also eat up bugs. Vinegar (3 tbsp. per gallon of water) can help control fungus.

                          8. Overseed: Sprinkle grass seed throughout your lawn in the spring and fall. This will help fill in bare spots and help choke out weeds. If filling in bare areas, first loosen soil and spread peat moss, compost or top soil. Walk over lawn to help push seeds into soil, then water.

                          9. Check Soil pH and Add Lime (if needed): Soil pH may be contributing to weed problems or poor grass health. Checking soil pH (once every four years)--inexpensive testing by the county extension office is available--may be worthwhile. Many Ohio soils (about 70%) could benefit by adding lime to counter excess acidity. (Note: Elsewhere, if soil is too alkaline, sulphur is usually recommended). Your county extension service wll usually make suggestions based on testing. Having at least 10 earthworms per square foot of soil is an indicator of soil health.

                          10. Topdress: Adding compost to your lawn will greatly supports its health. If you dont have your own compost, buy cow, sheep or chicken manure and spread at a rate of about 100 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Should be done once or twice a year, June through August.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • 急需大侠指点。去年俺对付这个加拿大蓟手都起泡了!今年再接再厉要彻底剿灭这东东。
                        • 先试试美国名牌园艺大学教授的办法, 然后再用我的简单实用土办法.
                          • 用盐结合剪草控制杂草的办法

                            1. 化肥草坪健壮措辞
                            每星期: 浇2-3次水, 剪草一次.
                            每年: 要打孔 LAWN CORE AERATION 一次,人工 除虫, 施肥 4-6 次, 耙草 DETHATCHING, 补种OVERSEEDING.

                            2. 有机草坪健壮措辞:
                            每年: 浇水3-4次, 利用生物链自然除虫, 春秋各施肥一次, 蚯蚓等土壤生物和微生物自然打孔和耙草, 补种OVERSEEDING 一次.

                            杂草超过 1/3 以上:

                            1. 把割草机调到最低档, 割草.
                            2. 耙草 DETHATCHING, 把枯草拿走.
                            3. 补种 OVERSEEDING. 根据草坪面积, 按买来包装说明, 用手撒撒播.
                            4. 盖COMPOST, 每100 平方米 立方 YARD.
                            5. 如果是早春雨季, 就不用浇水.
                            6. 施有机肥 OGARNIC FERTILIZER
                            7. 剪草:
                            春天等草长到9 CM 时, 剪第一次草, 留5-6 CM, 等杂草长的比草坪高时, 马上剪草. 经过 2 个月, 杂草就会失去优势.
                            8. 用盐: 把食盐装在空尖嘴蜂蜜塑料瓶内, 把盐集中到在CANADA THISTLE 或 DANDILION等阔叶杂草 的生长点上.

                            • ha..haven't seen u for a while..everything goes well?
                                • everything is good...always busy...:D
          • 土壤活性剂英文叫什么? COMPOST有卖的吗? 为什么不能用化肥, 除草剂和杀虫剂?
            • 土壤活性剂 = MICRO ORGANISM CONDITIONER.
              是模仿天然土壤的生物活动习性和规律, 专为长期使用化肥农药的土壤配制的. 因为长期使用化肥农药使天然的土壤生物和微生物大大减少. 长期使用化肥就象, 长期给成年人吃婴儿奶粉一样, 削弱了吃五谷杂粮的消化系统功能, 这样的成年人是弱不经风, 要用很多人工措施来维持生命. 同样, 草坪长期使用化肥, 必须要打空、耙草、除虫、拔草、治病等, 问题多多。整天买这买那, 为发展经济做贡献。模仿天然土壤的生物活动习性和规律,能免去很多麻烦。
    • 今年包给人家做,民年就会好很多,我一般3年外包一次,省心省事
      • 请问一般外包需要多少银子?多谢
        • 骑着驴看书, 走着瞧.