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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hello NetZero Member,

We have discovered that you are accessing NetZero without The
ZeroPort loading and displaying advertisements. Without effective
advertisements, we are unable to provide FREE Internet and FREE
e-mail. Therefore, we have employed technology that disconnects
any member who does not have The ZeroPort loaded within several

If you are experiencing trouble with the ZeroPort not loading and
want to continue enjoying FREE e-mail and FREE Internet access,
please follow the instructions listed later in this message.

Please note that failing to run a properly functioning version of
the NetZero software is a violation of NetZero's Acceptable Use
policy, which states: "Any action to defeat or disable, or conduct
that facilitates defeating or disabling, any functionality of the
NetZero Services or alters the look, feel or functionality of the
NetZero Site or user interface is prohibited. This includes,
without limitation, altering or blocking the display of any
advertisement, banner or other promotional materials appearing on
the NetZero Site or through the use of NetZero Services."

Please act quickly as your account will be terminated in 7 days
if you do not upgrade your software.

Thank-you for helping NetZero keep the Internet FREE!

The account in question is: ********


NetZero, Inc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-mail is for informational purposes only.
Please do NOT reply to this address. If you need technical support,
please click on the link below to send an e-mail to the NetZero
Technical Support team.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / NTZERO的终极解决方法



    Good luck!
    • *67的方法最好找一个有来电显示的手机,*67+手机号,看手机能不能看到你的固定号码。多伦多是可以阻塞你的主叫号的,且免费。
      • 谢谢提供这么好的方法。我有一个问题:NETZERO上的接入号码好象是选了地方以后自动产生的,没法改。怎么才能将*67加到前面?
        • 破解的方法是不用netzero的软件.
          不是在netzero里加,我简单的介绍一下 netzero的工作原理。


          所以你只要知道它加密后的用户名和密码,就根本不要用他的软件,直接建立拨号网络就可以了. netzero是如何控制10小时的,两个可能,一个是他的软件本身控制计时,一个就是netzero根据你的电话号码和帐号来控制.


          http://www.antinetzero.n2v.net/ 的download里下载JAcKED 或NetZ4 ,呵呵,看看说明,就知道如何作了。


          Good luck!
          • 谢谢你的方法.用这种方法确实可以拨号上网,不过用上大概十分钟就会断掉,要反复连,太麻烦,如何解决?
            • 这是偶然现象,过一两天就好了。
              • 这不是偶然现象
                • 我这都过3天了,可还是掉线,而且有时连10分钟都不到 :(
          • 你说:http://www.antinetzero.n2v.net/ 的download里下载JAcKED 或NetZ4 ,呵呵,看看说明,就知道如何作了。 但找不到了,你能提供给我吗? 谢谢
    • up,thanks.
    • 自己 up一下
      • 我对你的崇拜如滔滔江水!
        • 我晕!!!
    • but why 67? how about in vancouver? when I dialed *67, it shows the busy tone -- wrong number
      • *67是和交换机有关的,不是每个地方的交换机都有这个功能的.
        • thanks
          • 你拨*67后,再等一下,听到拨号音再拨电话号码试试。不行的话,我也不知道了。
            • thanks, the screen show: invaild number. it couldn't work in vancouver
    • 哇,www.antinetzero.n2v.net/ 已经没有了,下午还有的,一下子就被干掉了。
    • 非常佩服老兄,问题已经解决,新问题求教
      你好,我看了你的NETZERO终极解决办法,然后已经到你说的那 个 www.freeaccess.com 去看了一下,找到了 netzero的 encrypter,再加上*67 的秘诀,现在已经在爽爽地使用 netzero了。但是的确,netzero比较容易吊线,我又试了那里提供的juno的用户名和密码,也搞定了,不过juno的速度好象不是很快。而且那上面还提供了 3web的用户名和密码,但是没有电话号码,我有个朋友在用 3web,但是使用的时候看不出来电话号码,请问在哪里找出web拨号的电话号码呢??


      • Could you please email me the JAcKED 或NetZ4 to my email account: jzyang0209@yahoo.com? Thanks very much
        • 去 http://briefcase.yahoo.com/lusifer3300 打开 my document 下载一个叫 Inhuman’S NZ tools.zip的文件,下载,安装后,就可以破解netzero的密码了,没有广告,也没有时间限制。
          • I already installed the INHUMAN,but it doesan't work. Could u please introduce it in detail.Anyelse know s, pls tell.
      • 另外,你可以用JAcKED来检测软件的拨叫号码。祝你好运。
    • I dial *67,it is ok,but i still see the advertisement.Could you tell me why.Looing forward t your reply.Tel:416-469-3562.Thank you very much.
      • 谢谢你!朋友!我搞定了!有问题我会多向你请教!
        • 广告也搞定了?那你再教教我:)
          • Sorry, expect AD. I need further test and see if it is ok by over 10h
      • 我用Win2000, 在拨号里面输不进“*67“号,有办法吗?
    • 请问谁有 http://www.antinetzero.n2v.net/ 的download里下载JAcKED 或NetZ4 。 我今天才看见这个帖子, www.antinetzero.n2v.net已经完蛋了。5555。。。 我苦。
      • up
        • 你不是用cable吗?
    • 贴一张老外解决这个问题的贴子吧.另外netzero老断线,我也不知道为什么,以前我只遇到过一次。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Cracking the Netzero (Free ISP) Dial Up Password

      Today, the number of Internet Service Providers (both free and the not so
      free ones) has really reached a very high figure. All of them aim at
      providing better services and making the process of connecting to the
      Internet easier for the user. One common practice amongst both Internet
      Service Providers and popular browsers like Internet Explorer, have this
      option called 'Save Password', which makes life easier for the user, as it
      allows the user to not type in the password each time he has to connect to
      the Internet.

      Although, like all other software, as soon as the developer tries to add a
      user friendly feature or make the software easier to use or more efficient,
      he has to make at least some compromise in the security or safety field. One
      popular example would be Outlook Express, ever since the Preview Pane has
      been introduced within the email client, Outlook Express users have become
      prone to Email-Borne Viruses.

      Anyway, getting back to the subject of this tutorial, even including the
      'Save Password' feature has made the User's Password unsafe. Now, what
      happens is that, when you check on this option or enable it, then the
      concerned software (Browser or Internet Service Provider Software) takes it
      passes it through an algorithm to encrypt it. Once, the Password is
      encrypted, it is then stored in the Windows Registry or in some .ini or .dat
      or a similar file. Now, this system sounds quite safe, however, if you look
      deeper, then you find that it is trouble waiting to happen.

      The very fact that the encrypted password has to be stored somewhere, makes
      this feature vulnerable. Also, almost all software providing this feature
      does not use a strong algorithm. This makes the work of a hacker really
      easy. Some software even stores the password as plaintext in the registry!!!
      So, basically the weakest chain in this feature is that most software
      developers are weary of the fact that the encrypted password can be easily
      decrypted, once we study the software inside out. So, what I mean to say is
      that using this feature although surely makes life easy, for those of you
      who cannot remember passwords, but it does leave your Internet Account
      vulnerable. However, if you are one of those people who needs to write down
      your password on a piece of paper and stick it to the front of your monitor,
      then this feature is definitely for you.

      So how do I crack the Netzero Dial Up Password?

      Anyway, Netzero is a free ISP, which asks only for a advertising bar in
      return for Internet Access. It too provides this 'Save Password' feature,
      however, it too like most services, uses an extremely weak algorithm to
      encrypt the password. The following process of decryption works on Netzero
      version 3.0 and earlier and requires Win 9x, NT or Win 2K to be running.

      For this exploit, you need to have local access to the machine, which has
      the Netzero software installed.

      This vulnerability cannot be exploited unless and until you get the required
      file, for that you either have to have local access or need to devise a
      method of getting the file, which contains the password.

      The Netzero Username and Password are stored in an ASCII file named, id.dat,
      which is located in the Netzero directory. If the user has enabled the 'Save
      Password' option, then the Username and Password are also stored in the
      jnetz.prop file. The passwords stored in both these files are encrypted
      using a very simply easy to crack algorithm. Although the algorithms used to
      get the encrypted information (to be stored in the two files), are not same,
      however they are derived from the same main algorithm. Both the algorithms
      differ very slightly. In this manual we will learn as to how this weak
      algorithm can be exploited.

      The Netzero Password is encrypted using a substitution cipher system. The
      cipher system used is a typical example of a 1 to 1 mapping between
      characters where each single plaintext character is replaced by a single
      encrypted character.

      Are you lost? Well, to understand better read on.

      Say, the Netzero application is running, and the user clicks on the 'Save
      Password' option and types his password in the required field. Now, then
      what happens is that, the Netzero Application loads the encrypting file,
      which contains the plaintext to cipher-text database into memory. Now, for
      example your password is xyz and it is stored in location 'm' of the memory
      and the corresponding encrypted password abc is stored in the location 'n'
      of the memory, then the password xyz actually is stored as abc.

      Well it is quite simple, right? Well, almost. The part of the encryption
      algorithm used by Netzero which is difficult to understand, is that two
      encrypted characters replace each character of the plaintext password. These
      two encrypted characters replacing a single plaintext character, are however
      not stored together.

      When substituting character x stored in i of a password 'n' characters long,
      the first encrypted character would be stored in 'i' and the next in 'n+i.'

      The two encrypted characters are derived from the following table:

      | 1 a M Q f 7 g T 9 4 L W e 6 y C
      g | ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
      T | p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
      f | @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
      7 | P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
      Q | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
      M | SP ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /

      NOTE: SP represents a single space and the above chart represents ASCII

      To encrypt a string of length 'n', we need to find each character in the
      above table and place the column header into i and place the row header
      into n+i.

      For example:
      E(a) = ag
      E(aa) = aagg
      E(aqAQ1!) = aaaaaagTf7QM
      E(`abcdefghijklmno) = 1aMQf7gT94LWe6yCgggggggggggggggg

      On the other hand, while decrypting the password of length 2n, then I will
      be become the element in the element in the above table where the column is
      headed by i and the row headed by n+i intersect.

      For example:
      D(af) = A
      D(aaff) = AA
      D(aaMMQQfgfgfg) = AaBbCc

      Decrypting the password manually would be quite fun, but would definitely be
      a very time consuming process. Anyhow, I do suggest you try to decrypt the
      Netzero Password manually atleast once. For those of you, who do not enjoy
      decrypting passwords manually, I also have a C program, which will do it for

      The following C program demonstrates how the Netzero Password is decrypted.
      Simply compile and execute in the directory in which the jnetz.prop exists.


      #include <stdio.h>

      #include <string.h>

      #define UID_SIZE 64

      #define PASS_CIPHER_SIZE 128

      #define PASS_PLAIN_SIZE 64

      #define BUF_SIZE 256

      const char decTable[6][16] = {






      {' ','!','"','#','$','%','&','\'','(',')','*','+',',','-','.','/'}


      int nz_decrypt(char cCipherPass[PASS_CIPHER_SIZE],

      char cPlainPass[PASS_PLAIN_SIZE])


      int passLen, i, idx1, idx2;

      passLen = strlen(cCipherPass)/2;

      if (passLen > PASS_PLAIN_SIZE)


      printf("Error: Plain text array too

      return 1;


      for (i = 0; i < passLen; i++)




      case '1':

      idx2 = 0; break;

      case 'a':

      idx2 = 1; break;

      case 'M':

      idx2 = 2; break;

      case 'Q':

      idx2 = 3; break;

      case 'f':

      idx2 = 4; break;

      case '7':

      idx2 = 5; break;

      case 'g':

      idx2 = 6; break;

      case 'T':

      idx2 = 7; break;

      case '9':

      idx2 = 8; break;

      case '4':

      idx2 = 9; break;

      case 'L':

      idx2 = 10; break;

      case 'W':

      idx2 = 11; break;

      case 'e':

      idx2 = 12; break;

      case '6':

      idx2 = 13; break;

      case 'y':

      idx2 = 14; break;

      case 'C':

      idx2 = 15; break;


      printf("Error: Unknown
      Cipher Text index: %c\n", cCipherPass[i]);

      return 1;





      case 'g':

      idx1 = 0; break;

      case 'T':

      idx1 = 1; break;

      case 'f':

      idx1 = 2; break;

      case '7':

      idx1 = 3; break;

      case 'Q':

      idx1 = 4; break;

      case 'M':

      idx1 = 5; break;


      printf("Error: Unknown
      Cipher Text Set: %c\n",


      return 1;



      cPlainPass[i] = decTable[idx1][idx2];


      cPlainPass[i] = 0;

      return 0;


      int main(void)


      FILE *hParams;

      char cBuffer[BUF_SIZE], cUID[UID_SIZE];

      char cCipherPass[PASS_CIPHER_SIZE],

      int done = 2;

      printf("\nNet Zero Password Decryptor\n");

      printf("Brian Carrier [bcarrier@atstake.com]\n");

      printf("@Stake L0pht Research Labs\n");


      if ((hParams = fopen("jnetz.prop","r")) == NULL)


      printf("Unable to find jnetz.prop file\n");

      return 1;


      while ((fgets(cBuffer, BUF_SIZE, hParams) != NULL) && (done
      > 0))


      if (strncmp(cBuffer, "ProfUID=", 8) == 0)



      strncpy(cUID, cBuffer + 8,

      printf("UserID: %s", cUID);


      if (strncmp(cBuffer, "ProfPWD=", 8) == 0)



      strncpy(cCipherPass, cBuffer
      + 8, PASS_CIPHER_SIZE);

      printf("Encrypted Password:
      %s", cCipherPass);

      if (nz_decrypt(cCipherPass,
      cPlainPass) != 0)

      return 1;


      printf("Plain Text Password: %s\n", cPlainPass);




      if (done > 0)


      printf("Invalid jnetz.prop file\n");

      return 1;

      } else {

      return 0;




      More NetZero Fun

      Reinaldo Trujilo Adds:

      Today we're going to tear apart the NetZero logon password.
      Things you must keep in mind.

      1. password format:0,n,i-n,1
      2. based on the 0 counting system..ie. 0,1,2,3,4,5,etc
      3. all passwords begin with a 0 and end with a 1


      a=a A=#
      b=? B=@
      c=> C=!
      d=< D=~
      e=/ E==
      f=. F=-
      g=, G=`
      h=" H=9
      i=: I=8
      j=' J=7
      k=; K=6
      l=| L=5
      m=} M=4
      n={ N=3
      o=\ O=2
      p=] P=1
      q=[ Q=0
      r=+ R=Z
      s=_ S=Y
      t=) T=X
      u=( U=W
      v=* V=V
      w=& W=U
      x=^ X=T
      y=% Y=S
      z=$ Z=R

      SPECIAL NOTE MUST READ: the letter "a" can be equal to "a" if its the first
      letter of the password,but anywhere else in the password it will take its N
      value's numeric value in the alphabet. I.e if "a" is the 5th letter in the
      password, its value would be the LETTER "e".(not e's encrypted value).

      Alright..so lets decrypt our first password, lets keep it simple. Our
      plaintext password is going to be the word "amore".

      1. Count the number of characters contained in the word.
      *in this case we have 5 characters
      Note: we are counting on a 0 based system so the the word amore would look
      something like this:
      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4
      Just keep that in mind

      Note: each character in the word is assigned a numeric N value.(as
      shown above)

      3. now write down the password like this:

      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4 <-N values
      0 1 <--encrypted password

      4.Now the chart says the encrypted character for "a"=a so we place that "a"
      under our plaintext "a"
      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4 <--N values
      0 a 1 <--encrypted password
      Note: every single first character of any password will equal
      its value in the chart

      5.now to get the second character we have a special equation"i-n=V" where
      "i" is the plaintext character, "n" is that characters numerical value, and
      V is the new encrypted value.

      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4 <--the N values.(ie.N value for "m" is 1)
      0 a 1 <--encrypted password

      now we go to the chart and find "m". You'll find that m=} but since our
      equation tells us that i-n=V we get our answer like this. m-1=l so our
      encrypted value for "m" now equals "|".
      so our encrypted password now looks like this

      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4 <--N values
      0 a | 1 <--Encrypted password

      6.now we do the same thing for letter "o".
      o-2=m. "o" now equals "}"

      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4 <-- N values
      0 a | } 1 <--encrypted password

      7. do the same for "r".
      r-3=o. "r" now equals "\"

      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4 <--N values
      0 a | } \ 1 <--encrypted password

      8. an now our last value "e".
      e-4=a. "e" now equals "a"

      a m o r e
      0 1 2 3 4 <--N values
      0 a | } \ a 1 <--Our full encrypted password

      Result amore= 0a|}\a1

      I hope this has been useful. Enjoy.

      Now you can type your encrypted password into the password field of your
      dialup program instead of having to use netzero's software.

      P.S. one more thing.. the user name also has a special format.
      it goes:


      example if your user name is BigDaddy you'd put this in the user field of
      your dialup program


      P.S.S. very important..i almost forgot, say you get the letter "b" as the
      5th letter of your password, according to the chart(above) there is no more
      spaces to move to. so what you do is follow the chart below like this

      a a a a a b a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a <--original plaintext
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <--N values
      a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u <--password format

      so "b" is the 5th letter. now its N value should be equalto "f" but since
      there is a "b" is the second letter in the password format alphabet its N
      value gets shifted back one space (remember we're on the 0 counting system
      b=1 not 2). If 5th letter happened to be a "c" its N value would have been
      shifted back two spaces. etc etc. Then you would just go on encrypting the
      password as normal.

      *in short, you take the the original plaintext letter's N value (5 in this
      case) and you subract that letter's N (1 in this case) value in the password
      format to get the new N value (4 in this case, which would make the new
      letter "e").

      Hopefully this cleared up what i meant, keep in mind that you only reference
      this second chart below when you get a letter in the original plaintext
      format who's plaintext N value is greater than its password format N value更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 用以上各位大虾的做法,确实可以免费上netzero,但每隔几分钟就断。今天收到netzero的邮件(见下),才知真相!请教解决办法!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hello NetZero Member,

      We have discovered that you are accessing NetZero without The
      ZeroPort loading and displaying advertisements. Without effective
      advertisements, we are unable to provide FREE Internet and FREE
      e-mail. Therefore, we have employed technology that disconnects
      any member who does not have The ZeroPort loaded within several

      If you are experiencing trouble with the ZeroPort not loading and
      want to continue enjoying FREE e-mail and FREE Internet access,
      please follow the instructions listed later in this message.

      Please note that failing to run a properly functioning version of
      the NetZero software is a violation of NetZero's Acceptable Use
      policy, which states: "Any action to defeat or disable, or conduct
      that facilitates defeating or disabling, any functionality of the
      NetZero Services or alters the look, feel or functionality of the
      NetZero Site or user interface is prohibited. This includes,
      without limitation, altering or blocking the display of any
      advertisement, banner or other promotional materials appearing on
      the NetZero Site or through the use of NetZero Services."

      Please act quickly as your account will be terminated in 7 days
      if you do not upgrade your software.

      Thank-you for helping NetZero keep the Internet FREE!

      The account in question is: ********


      NetZero, Inc.

      IMPORTANT NOTE: This e-mail is for informational purposes only.
      Please do NOT reply to this address. If you need technical support,
      please click on the link below to send an e-mail to the NetZero
      Technical Support team.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 看来没人能解决?
        • actually netzero know all those tricks that you play, so if you don't load the ad, they will disconnect in 10 mins, and that account will be terminated in 4 days