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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

You have to complain to the company management first. write out your complaint,

stating you feel insulted because you were the only one being searched. Demand for apology and compensation. If not resolved, you can go to a small claim court or the Ontarion Human Rights Commission to file the complaint. You don't need a lawyer at this stage. Your company may resolve the issue with you outside of the court by offering you some apology and money. If they want to go to small claim court with you, you may go to the legal clinic of the Chinese community, (be careful, don't get a female lawyer called "Wu Yaoayo"). The better is to go to York University student legal service, they offer free legal srevice for such small cases. Also there is community legal services, open the yellow book you will find them. They are free of charge. call them and make an appointment. Do these after you complained to your company and get no resolution. good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 结果怎么样,听说小法庭可以告.真不知道该怎么办??请各位给我出个注意.多谢了!!
    请问各位:我在一个西人超市做volunteer,下班出总门时被总店的人把我叫住说让我签以下字,他让一个小姐把我叫在一边,问了我以下名字然后说让我把包打开搜了以下我的包,记下了我的名字(也没有签字),但是他也没有发现什么(我的包里是我的饭盒和我的书).由于没有发现什么异常,什么也没有说,我就出门了.等我回到家后越想越不是滋味,我不知道是怎么回事?因为我回想的当时就搜了我一个人的包,是对我们中国人的歧视.我不知道该怎么办?我真想告他们,但是又不知道 结果怎么样,听说小法庭可以告.真不知道该怎么办??请各位给我出个注意.多谢了!!
    • 不管怎样, 千万不要随便签字。
      • 谢谢回的这么快
        谢谢回的这么快,我是在一个西人college 学的technician 马上就要毕业,但是我在这一家是作的volunteer  我在另外一家做毕业实习.我现在感觉我没有反什么错,随便让人家搜包不舒服.因为他们没有发现什么异常,也没有让我签什么字,我看签字是假,其他目的才是真
    • 歧视谈不上,说句残酷的话,干简单的LABOUR工,让别人尊敬你是不可能的,学好英语找专业工作吧。
      • 谢谢你的回信,那我现在该怎么办?就这样我实在是憋气, 不知道该怎么办???
        • 不怎么办,要么离开,要么继续干,这种事没什么具体证据,没什么好告的。
          • 可他们搜我的包是事实呀 我实在是闷气
            我是在一个西人college 学的technician 马上就要毕业,但是我在这一家是作的volunteer  我在另外一家做毕业实习.我现在感觉我没有反什么错,随便让人家搜包不舒服.因为他们没有发现什么异常,也没有让我签什么字,我看签字是假,其他目的才是真
            • 现在的问题是你当时如果不同意他们搜,他们要硬来,你可以报警,如果你默认或允许,那就没办法,就算你没允许,当时没有冲突,那你也无法证明他们强行搜查
              • 签字表明你同意查,以后不明白的字不能签。
                • I don't sign my name.
      • 在这已经是接近我的专业了,也是我学了1年的专业
    • 既然是窝輪贴,想幹就幹,不想幹拍屁股走人就是了,犯不上同他們治氣啊
    • volunteer不做也把. 其实有些公司出门要查包的. 习惯了就好了. 我以前的公司美国总部就这样.
      • 就这样算了?闷气呀?关键是我不知道错在那?
        • 刚才没有看清楚. 以为是公司规定,所有人都要查的. 要是只查你一个.有歧视的成分. 找证据......把事情搞大.
          • 那怎么把事情搞大?? 谢谢你的关心! 反正我现在不是滋味
    • TNND,什么世道,帮人白干活受歧视。明天不用去了,临走时告诉他们你感觉不爽。同时把他公司名字贴出来最起码我们中国人不再去那儿
      • 谢谢各位的指点,不上班去了!!!
        • you got the point!
          • What's your point??
            • 罢工,反正也是义工,你可以明天上班的时候先要个说法,为什么只检查你而不检查别人,让他给个理由,如果得不到合理的理由,让他当着全体职员的面向你道歉,否则向上反映,我想他会向你道歉的,否则他职位难保!记住,这是在加拿大!
              • 那他上头是什么机构??
                • manager
                  • 谢谢各位的指点
        • 跟丫死磕。 不能就这么算了。 明天还去,而且故意装做装了点东西出来,让你朋友门口 守着,他要搜你包时,你作坚决不同意状,高声喧哗,引大家侧目,然后你朋友当作路过, 拍下照片,扬言告他,要经理出面。
          • I don't know how to do nest step??? thanks
            • 文的来,就直接找店里的头COMPLAIN,就说他歧视你,让当时在场的人作证,因为最后你 没有签字,他就没有权利搜查你,所以你占理,正常讲,经理会息事宁人,骂对方一顿,给 你些补偿。

              • 我觉得这个方法可行性好。找完后你就别去上班了
                • 怎么个行法?? 谢谢 具体办?
                  • 就是你找到MANAGER,告诉他你被无礼搜包,你觉得受到了伤害,要求那人向你道歉。MANAGER处理完后,不管他道歉还是没道歉,你都不干了.法庭告他不怎么可行,太费力
                    • 谢谢 我也是不想干了 就按你的意思吧
    • 给你一个连接.www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca.官方网站,有你要的所有信息.能看懂,打小法厅不难,看不懂的话,就算了吧.
      • thanks! What is your point?
    • 理論上小額法庭是可以告﹐而且手續也不難﹐但是在這裡﹐小額法庭一般會要求看你的DAMAGE,and prove your damage.這一點你怎麼證明呢﹖
      • 我现在挺郁闷的,当天一晚上就没有休息,这几天也总是麻烦
      • 英语搜身怎么翻译??我现在怎么办?? 
        • "Body search". Usually, one has to obtain a warrant from a judge or justice of peace to search your body. Stress the fact he only searched you when you make the complaint.
          • 非常感谢 那你说现在具体该怎么办?? 挺郁闷的 结局会怎么样??
            • You have to complain to the company management first. write out your complaint,
              stating you feel insulted because you were the only one being searched. Demand for apology and compensation. If not resolved, you can go to a small claim court or the Ontarion Human Rights Commission to file the complaint. You don't need a lawyer at this stage. Your company may resolve the issue with you outside of the court by offering you some apology and money. If they want to go to small claim court with you, you may go to the legal clinic of the Chinese community, (be careful, don't get a female lawyer called "Wu Yaoayo"). The better is to go to York University student legal service, they offer free legal srevice for such small cases. Also there is community legal services, open the yellow book you will find them. They are free of charge. call them and make an appointment. Do these after you complained to your company and get no resolution. good luck.
          • thank you lot of
      • It's not damage to properties, but damage to feelings and pride, "causing mental anguish".
        You can go to small claim court, better still, go to the Ontario Human Rights Commission to file discriminatin complaint asking for apologize and compensation.
    • 你要花钱请律师,没意义.别在去了.
      • 谢谢 就这样算了??