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Friday dinner plan ...

Friday Dinner plan:
Time : 6:30 or 7 o'clock
Place : temperarily decided a restaurant in the plazza of Highway 7 and Kennidy( exact restaurant will be finalised later, there are quite a few good ones there)

After dinner , two options : bowling or playing cards . Will vote at the dinner , majoraty win :)

Please PM me if you're interested in joining the dinner, so I can count and book the restaurant when finalised.
Please also indicate in your PM what time you prefer to meet , 6:30 or 7 .
I'm let you know the final plan of time and restaurent

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Looking for friends in north Toronto, to go as a group , for dining, movies, bowling ....
    If you're interested in joing a group of friends to meet from time to time and go dinning, movies, etc , raise your voice or pm...
    • 顶!
    • I'd like to join.
      • good
    • Great ! For folks interested and people who IMed me....
      How about dinner together on Friday ?
      • What time ? Where?
      • support. hope any place along hwy 7
      • Any plans after dinner?
    • Friday dinner plan ...
      Friday Dinner plan:
      Time : 6:30 or 7 o'clock
      Place : temperarily decided a restaurant in the plazza of Highway 7 and Kennidy( exact restaurant will be finalised later, there are quite a few good ones there)

      After dinner , two options : bowling or playing cards . Will vote at the dinner , majoraty win :)

      Please PM me if you're interested in joining the dinner, so I can count and book the restaurant when finalised.
      Please also indicate in your PM what time you prefer to meet , 6:30 or 7 .
      I'm let you know the final plan of time and restaurent
    • PM you my phone already.
      it is better begin bowling around 10:00
    • Update : there are four of us have confirmed for tonight (including me). Plus one is pending. Most likely he will come though. I'll see u there by 7pm. :) I may get more if you need to . heehee..
    • Have fun guys. If have time, would like to go next time.
    • 阿紫(紫玫瑰)又要参与?完了,挺好的活动,又给糟蹋了
      • 我什么时候得罪你了. 你谁啊? 不来更好, 还少个人和我们抢吃的呢. Anyway, I don't care. It's your call.
        对了, 我高兴了可能哪儿都掺一脚, 有本事, 你就都别来啊. 哈哈.
      • -bewitched(厚德载物); SIR, take it easy!
      • 你这个人,真么能这样不尊敬你阿姨那,以貌取人,大家都是单身,人长的再难看也有参加活动的权利,BS你
        • ni geng hen, haha
        • 真TM搞不懂是什么原因让几个大老爷们对紫玫瑰一个女人如此刻薄,手段如此之卑劣,你小子英俊多金还在rolia混?
        • 我知道你是谁. 如果你真觉得我是个难看的'阿姨', 那怎么我的活动你总来啊. 你累不累啊. 我想见过我们的人, 应该会觉得你老过我吧. 叔叔!!!
          我不就是在你每次抽烟的时候让你离我远点吗. 我对烟过敏, 没办法啊. 你用的着这样吗.

          还有啊 我看见过我们的人, 应该会同意'难看' 这两个字更适合你吧. 我平时对你也算挺客气的. 你用的着这么老在这里敲敲打打的吗?
      • 阿紫是个热心人,不要说风凉话。“厚”德载物
      • 虽説我没見過阿紫,也没見過厚德,但凭我直覺覺阿紫可能有些做得不太妥當的地方,不然厚德何出此言?岂不是空穴來風?苍蝇不叮無縫的疍啊。另外單車最看不慣這种群攻的做法嘞
      • 我说Alan啊,你这穿个小马夹跟紫玫瑰背后扎小刀子实在是很龌龊啊,不多说了,再看见你跟这里煽阴风点鬼火的我就把我知道的紫玫瑰以前搞活动碰到的龌龊中年男国移的故事一个一个来写一写,我可不怕错杀一千噢
        • Alan是中年龌龊男国移嗎?Alan不是一個十分女性化的名字嗎?我怎麽越看越糊涂呢?
          • 你以为是HELEN吧
        • 人身攻击???Alan???不会把?
      • 你们这样攻击别人, 以后谁还敢得罪你们呀.
      • 一晚上没上来, 就怎么热闹了. 我真的不知道怎么得罪你了. 请你说出我做错的地方. 如果真的是我错了, 我当众道歉. 怎么样?
        今年我已经很少办活动了.以前每次和朋友搞活动,我们都是费心费力的,我觉得每个出来搞活动的人都应该得到尊重.因为我们本不用这么做的.不是吗..我们花了自己的时间和精力来为你免费服务.就算你不喜欢,值得你说句谢谢吧. 每次来的人都是20人以上.我要照顾到大多数人,不可能面面具到.我真不知道做错了什么让你这么恨我.我只听说,现在有好几对是因为我们办的活动而找到另一半的.有的已经结婚了.可没听说我让谁那么不痛快了.

        我想你也是受过高等教育的人,做事光明磊落点好吗.与其你每次在我背后骂我,不如让我知道我到底是那里错了.如果真的是我不好,我肯定当众道歉. 如果是你没事找事,拿我开涮,那你也欠我一句对不起. 公平吧!!! 

      • 您是不是Alan我不知道,但是紫玫瑰是谁我还挺清楚,善良热心,开朗乐观,另外还做的一手好菜。您这么说已经不是不厚道了,是太不厚道了。


        • 谢谢你
          • 那你做一桌好菜来谢她吧,我先报名:P
          • 站出来说句公道话而已,太气人了
            • 我觉得也是,所以需要J一次消消气
      • 我只见过紫玫瑰一次,感觉她是一个热情开朗,非常大气的一个女孩,挺不错的。