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11.25.01 Sybex.A.Plus.Virtual.Test.Center 1cd

The A+ Complete Virtual Test Center, dynamic software from Sybex, is the most efficient and cost-effective way to practice for CompTIA's A+ Operating System (OS) Technologies Exam and A+ Core Hardware Exam. The testing engine contains over 500 sample questions, each with answers and explanations, and can be customized to meet your exact exam simulation needs. With this extensive, hands-on preparation under your belt, you'll go into the exam with complete confidence. Tools That Strengthen Your Knowledge, Boost Your Confidence, and Help You Pass the Test!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 使用高速网,学习计算机专业的朋友请进!使用猫或者是大侠级别的朋友就免了。
    1 你必须使用DSL,Cable或者类似的高速网。每次下载时间限制在20小时以内,过时文件即删除。
    2 更新软件将在这里公布,请自行查看。需要者请事先用伊妹儿通知我,并且内容必须使用中文,台头(即标题Subject)为:netedu


    • 呵呵,勇气可嘉。鼓励鼓励!
      • 最近风头正紧,FBI到处抓,小心呀。
        • 你别说今天还收到一个电子邮件,说是免费提供学习资料很软件的。嘿嘿这年头天有多大风,人有多大胆
        • 请最近多留意天气预报,风小的时候在提供服务。
    • u r so brave! my server is open all the time, but I didn't dare to post it here.
    • 疑问:既然是要大伙自己在ROLIA查看,为何还要事先用妹儿通知你呢?我==事先==怎么知道你什么时候要POST呢?Thanks for sharing software with us, good man good luck!
    • 解释几个问题
    • 我愿逆流而上!
      1 请用多线程的FTP下载工具,比如FlashFXP。
      2 请看清文件后,决定好要不要之后再发伊梅尔给我。我回信告诉你下载方法。
      3 每次限制5个人同时下载,所以不需要的话,就不要凑热闹了。这也是我要大家事先用伊妹儿通知我的原因。
      4 更新软件后,新软件的名字会在这里(rolia)通知大家,所以请大家在信中写明所需软件的名称。

      NETg Microsoft Windows 2000: Planning and Implementing Active
      Courses: 72402, 72403, 72404, 72405
    • 11.25.01 Sybex.A.Plus.Virtual.Test.Center 1cd
      The A+ Complete Virtual Test Center, dynamic software from Sybex, is the most efficient and cost-effective way to practice for CompTIA's A+ Operating System (OS) Technologies Exam and A+ Core Hardware Exam. The testing engine contains over 500 sample questions, each with answers and explanations, and can be customized to meet your exact exam simulation needs. With this extensive, hands-on preparation under your belt, you'll go into the exam with complete confidence. Tools That Strengthen Your Knowledge, Boost Your Confidence, and Help You Pass the Test!
    • Borland.JBuilder.v5.0.Enterprise 重新上传,怕了你们.
      怎么没有人帮忙 UP啊?
      • ..
        • 何必费劲搞这个呢?用SUN的免费的FORTE 4J 3.0 多好啊 ?
    • Perfect! It take me 30minutes to finish. However, the files I downloaded are like this: 72402.bin. How can I convert it to something I can read? tks a lot.
      • ok, i try to use english:
        u should get two files in one folder. one is .cue,another is .bin,pls use the software like daemon, mount the .cue, so u get the file in your virtual cdrom.use the cd copy, keep it. enjoy, do not forget up this everytime. Thanx
        • Thank you very much!!! I use bin2iso.exe and winISO to extract your gifts. Wonderful and helpful! thank you!
    • 先透露一下都有什么东东啊? :-)
      • 有没有Rational Rose 的东东?
    • 进不去呀!是不是已经客满了。刚回家打开信箱。
      • 服务器 死掉了 ,已经恢复,一个小时就下完了的东西,不用急。
    • 那到底应该怎么样作才能去你那儿下载呢?
      • 前面写得清清楚楚,拜托你看看行吗?没有按照要求的伊妹儿不会得到答复的。另外通知大家,今天系统崩溃,明天早上3点以后才能恢复下载。(12月20日)
    • 恢复下载,后两组IP数字为112.48,其他 照旧
      • Hi, netedu! I find there's a course Developer/2000 in netg. I need it urgently. Would you please upload documents related Developer2000? My mail: toesonly@yahoo.com thank you very much!
        The Active Directory is very very very good for me. I'm just looking for it.

        • 非常抱歉,每个人的时间和精力都是有限的,我无力提供个人服务..
    • 再次恢复下载,后两组IP为: 112.212
      • 怎么还需要密码,另外还是昨天那个软件吗?
    • 贪心不足蛇吞象......
      一位大虾,不知道出于什么目的,最近对我的电脑频频发动攻击,安装了大量的后门软件,,,, 连我的个人资料都不放过,,,幸好我留了一手,否则肯定损失惨重.
      只好安装了防火墙, 但是这个人还是不善罢甘休, 所以我只好暂停为人民服务了. 很遗憾.
      Security Alert created for modified default system-wide rule.
      At 16:22 on 2001-12-21, the following communication was detected:
      Protocol: UDP (Inbound/Outbound)
      Remote Address: : bootpc (68)
      Local Address: : bootps (67)
      You are seeing this Security Alert because you have configured a rule using the tracking tab to create a Security Alert.

      • 有这兴趣的真应该找些别的电脑试试。