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新警察了不是, 问清楚名字可以在 INTERVIEW 中用他的名字以缩短距离. 还有, 一些名字您听几遍也没用

For example, someone gives you an interview, and his name is Simon. Here're two identical answers, one of them starts with the name, and the other don't. You can tell the difference

1) Simon, from my position, establishing a long term relationship with your company will help both paties.

2) Establishing a long term relationship with your company will help both paties.

The first one sounds like a casual talk, and can relax Simon. If Simon is relaxed, you will get a better treatment during the interview
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 我的找工系列系列之 我的找工流水账
    • 写得挺好
      我一般agent/employer打过来的第一个电话都不接(陌生号码),让他们留言,然后再打回去。这样可以给自己一点时间准备。不过现在光凭MBA找财务工作不容易,因为这个文凭是给人锦上添花的,用它作entry level job的敲门砖不太适合
      • 谢谢鼓励。我也有同感。有时候也想把这个MBA去掉,先找个工作熟悉一下。可是又不能给人家解释这段时间干嘛去了。
    • I am sorry, I didn't catch your words at the beginning, could you please repeat your name?
    • 好象嫁洋人和是不是上海妞也没啥关系哈.
      • mmm, I think she's trying to pile out her job-hunting experience instead of showing off her marrige. Take it easy, man
      • 我把我老公带上的原因是想告诉大家,不是只要我们有这个问题。很多人都有。我们不用妄自菲薄的。
        • 谢谢.名字是我最头疼的英语问题,几乎想放弃了.
          • 是啊,当时我想到了人家那儿总不能说我有个appointment,和谁我不知道,好像叫T什么的。
    • Name is very important. I'll make sure I get the right name in the first place, then quote the name duing the interview
      Asking the other part's name is normal, and it can make him/her feel that you are really paying attention on him/her. Quote his/her name during the conversation can shink the distance between you and him/her.
      • 你说得很对的。我现在听电话最重要的就是听名字。普通的名字有进步了,但是有些名字还是不行。
        • Did you realize that even native people during the first business conversation, they will ask the other part to spell his/her name.
          Some names, especially in Ontario and Quebec, share the same pronounciation between French and English, but have a different spelling. Nailing down the exact name will help your further contact, like sending email, or replying a letter(some people use initial as the signature)
          • 现在我学会了勇敢的问他们的名字,有的时候烦了我上来就问。。。呵呵。管他呢。
            • 本来就应该这样,我找工作的时候接到这样的电话没听清楚就直接问,不行就让他们拼一下。
    • 这年头有心情码字的人是不多了,有空偶把很久以前的找工心得继续写完,也算是一个了断
      • 原来我两年前就读过了.哈哈.你发展得很好.真年轻!
        • 若干年前,有几个很年轻的程序员在彻夜通宵编程,偶是其中一个。墙上写着一张标语:

      • 还挺有意思的。我们几年前来得时候也不过24,25.

    • 名字听不明白可以买个2way recording answering machine吗,挂了电话爱听几遍都得。何必这么折腾呢?
      • 新警察了不是, 问清楚名字可以在 INTERVIEW 中用他的名字以缩短距离. 还有, 一些名字您听几遍也没用
        For example, someone gives you an interview, and his name is Simon. Here're two identical answers, one of them starts with the name, and the other don't. You can tell the difference

        1) Simon, from my position, establishing a long term relationship with your company will help both paties.

        2) Establishing a long term relationship with your company will help both paties.

        The first one sounds like a casual talk, and can relax Simon. If Simon is relaxed, you will get a better treatment during the interview
      • 理论上说,要想对电话进行录音,必须获得对方的许可。否则,如果被发现,就是非法的。
      • 写的很好,期待下文:)