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For new driver,used car is the better choice.1,cheaper insurance for more deductible or for droping the COLLISION and COMPREHENSIVE options.2,better and cheaper parts available.3,cheaper to fix in case of accident.

For new driver,used car is the better choice.1,cheaper insurance for more deductible or for droping the COLLISION and COMPREHENSIVE options.2,better and cheaper parts available.3,cheaper to fix in case of accident.

I know that there are lots of scams waiting for our Newcomers.I have seen some myself.

So ,how to save money and buy a reliable used car with a reasonable price?The answer is very simple:always have some one who knows cars to help you for the whole process of buying a used car (new car as well).CHECK THE CAR'S CONDITION! If you need professional or even half-professional advice and if you have to pay for that,just pay! Don't save a little at the begining and end up losing a lot more.Don't rush into buying a car that you don't know (the model's reliability,the parts and service' s availability,and the car's condition).

Good Luck!
Protect you money and our Newcomer's "face".Don't let the other people think little of we Newcomers!
Hold together! Fight back!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 我从未开过车,这是第一次买车,因此很困惑。到底买新车好,还是旧车好呢?同一款车,买旧车比买新车到底节约多少?年底新车贷款低,很诱惑。(我已经工作半年),请大侠们指点!谢谢!
    • New driver, used car.
    • consider the following factors Used car ----------- >Cheaper insurance >lower Tax >In case of accident,cheaper body work can get the satisfied job(for new driver ,there are very high accident rate)
    • 唉! 我和你有同样的困惑,因为我也是新手,一直考虑买旧车,可通过这段时间看了许多辆旧车后彻底失去了信心(几乎全在骗人).另外有无DX知道carfax.com的记录是否绝对可信?
      • up))))))
        • 有钱还是买新车,我被迫买了二手车,被无良车商气的要命。
          • 看来你有钱.
            • 教教我Linux.
          • 今天下午我花USD15查了下我想买的车,二十多万公里数竟被调到9万8, 真是骗人不眨眼,上午的那个更干脆,连AIRCARED报告都不敢给我看,其间耍尽了花招 真TNND,浪费了我整个christmas holidays.
            • judy几天不见要买车啦?我听人说在Vancouver Sun或网上有很多本地人的二手车,保养得好,也不会象dealer那么黑
              • 有许多骗人的人并不是dealer,我现在只敢相信本地老年人的车.
                • 今天又发现一例dealer在欺骗我,他给我看的那车的资料是"EX",但我回来查过后发现是比"EX"低两个档次的"LX",这还是一大车行r呢.
                  • 请问一下, 是二手车行还是新车行?
                    我也准备买二手车, 朋友建议去新车行看看他们卖的旧车, 说比较有保障.
                    • 就是你朋友建议去的新车行(有少量二手车),不过有些情况还是老老实实告诉我:此车曾有意外,但却不告诉我意外是在哪个部位.
              • 我在去年VANCOUVER SUN上查的广告,直接从私人手里买的车MAZDA 92年。我也是新手当初买车时对车几乎一无所知。刚去美国的LOS ANGELES,LAS VEGAS,SAN FRANCISOS兜了一圈回来。5000多公里。车子还真不错。
            • 你是怎么查出“做假”的呢?我也查过Carfax,但上面写no records in our database.
              • 是不是很新的车?还没有记录,我记得当我输入VIN号后就告诉我有九条相关记录,然后给出信用卡号后,马上就收到详细的资料和资料来源
                • 是96年的车,朋友帮我查的,具体的我没有看见。可否请你帮我再查一下 VIN: 2T1BA05E8TC119208, 谢谢你!
                  • 刚刚看过:1996 Toyota Corolla Body Style: 4D Sedan Subcompact car Engine Type: 1587cc L4 EFI 0 records found in our database .我也奇怪没有记录,据称CARFAX有十几亿车的资料.
          • Hold together! Fight back! !!!!!!!!!!!!! We are on your side!!!!!!!!!!!111
            For new drivers,used car is the better choice.1,cheaper insurance for more deductible or for droping the COLLISION and COMPREHENSIVE options.2,better and cheaper parts available.3,cheaper to fix in case of accident.

            I know that there are lots of scams waiting for our Newcomers.I have seen some myself.

            So ,how to save money and buy a reliable used car with a reasonable price?The answer is very simple:always have some one who knows cars to help you for the whole process of buying a used car (new car as well).CHECK THE CAR'S CONDITION! If you need professional or even half-professional advice and if you have to pay for that,just pay! Don't save a little at the begining and end up losing a lot more.Don't rush into buying a car that you don't know (the model's reliability,the parts and service' s availability,and the car's condition).

            Good Luck!
            Protect your money and our Newcomer's "face".Don't let the other people think little of we Newcomers!
            Hold together! Fight back!
      • 我觉得如果资金宽裕的话还是买新车好,新车可以省却很多的烦心事儿。车吗,哪里有不被撞得道理?因为大家都是新手,但是过了一段时间技术提高了就没有问题了,另外,车就是代步工具。
      • 汽车既然是代步工具,没有必要过于看重价格因素,要用起来方便和实用才是真正的道理。这是在加拿大,不是在中国。
        • 可一想到我和LG都要用新车来练习学开车,好象有点"浪费",而且我敢保证我不知道会磕碰它多少次,所以犹豫
          • 小心驾驶就是了,两个人开更好了,一个负责开,一个负责了望。。。
            • 不知道买新车可能有何陷阱,望DX们指点一二!
              • 还是输入关键词:JOHNNY 。他写的帖子真是不错了,可以参考了。
            • 乐!
            • 真是G---2 驾驶员。哈哈!
    • 若是新手, 但有时间多做调研, 还是买二手, 否则新车较好
    • For new driver,used car is the better choice.1,cheaper insurance for more deductible or for droping the COLLISION and COMPREHENSIVE options.2,better and cheaper parts available.3,cheaper to fix in case of accident.
      For new driver,used car is the better choice.1,cheaper insurance for more deductible or for droping the COLLISION and COMPREHENSIVE options.2,better and cheaper parts available.3,cheaper to fix in case of accident.

      I know that there are lots of scams waiting for our Newcomers.I have seen some myself.

      So ,how to save money and buy a reliable used car with a reasonable price?The answer is very simple:always have some one who knows cars to help you for the whole process of buying a used car (new car as well).CHECK THE CAR'S CONDITION! If you need professional or even half-professional advice and if you have to pay for that,just pay! Don't save a little at the begining and end up losing a lot more.Don't rush into buying a car that you don't know (the model's reliability,the parts and service' s availability,and the car's condition).

      Good Luck!
      Protect you money and our Newcomer's "face".Don't let the other people think little of we Newcomers!
      Hold together! Fight back!
    • 很简单,有钱就买新车,没钱就买旧车。我就是新手,公司里的同事都是买新车,我一开始也准备买一万左右的旧车,比来比去,还是买了新车。
      • 我的感觉就是新车开起来应该很舒服的,即使你的驾驶技术不搞,难道就永远不会提高了??开始要小心驾驶就是了,技术提高后,那些旧车你就会感觉到很别扭了,不是这里不舒服,就是那里有问题。
    • 还是买新车省心,无论新手老手,都要注意安全,如果只是因为怕撞而买旧车,还不如先租个车练好再买,免得过了两三个月后悔。
      • 没错,旧车是不安全。但二手车不等于是不安全。。
      • 新车的保险费很高,不值得,2-3年的车会低一点而故障率也不高。
        • Alway check the whole car before you buy.It doesn't really matter how old is the car.The condition of the car is the one we should pay attention to--the condition of the car,the performance and the safety of the car.