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My version of the story

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One of my lady friends just told me her story, it's about her landlord. There were some dozen peoples lived in a small house she and the landlord couple occupied the third floor, "The wife had a boyfriend," she said, and I go: "Well... It doesn’t surpass me...", then she goes: "but they do that in front of us...", " Do WHAT???@%&...", "... they touch each other on that place, you know...", "Hehe, I thought they do THAT, it doesn't suprise me either, I've seen my engaged friend did that with a married man in front of us when we camp out together, where did you see that?", "living room, when we play majon...", "where is the husband then? Did he know his wife hang out with someone?", "oh, he was upstairs, I think he knew...", " poor guy..." I expressed my sympathy and really didn’t know what else to say, 20 second silent and she goes again "You know what the wife told me when I moved in?"," what?"," She want me go out with her husband... that way she would be feel better...", "What the F@&*|#$!!!!" I was really freaked out this time, " ...but I refused, and the wife had to go after another girl who lived in the basement", "Did she get it?” " Of course not, that girl was busy went out with different man every night. ", "huuu...so you tell me you still safe after 7 month living with these jungle bitches?” " Yeah, the only time I feel the danger is when I with you" that ends our conversation... oh, did I forgot tell you the wife is a POGRAMMER and the guy has no job? And every one in that house is from China of course.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 加拿大:中国新移民离婚率步步高 “高达60%!!!”(转别人贴)大家发表看法或亲身体验


    • Just wonder how they conduct this statistics, like how many new immigrant did they survey, is the survey focus on certain group, etc.. But I do not consider the data authantic.
      • how can they got the sample to make such stupid statistics, what is the mean error, or the Standard deviation? I doubt about it, Neither did the statistic for immgrant from China last.it is a fake!
    • 60%?好象没那么多。不过女的要是英文好,工作好,十有二三会在家里织造点麻烦。以后加拿大妇女的地位有望提高了。
      • 是!!!认识一对夫妇. 女的比男的混得好. 女方父母以办好移民. 男方父母连办探亲都不允许. 真为他落泪呀. 十足只许洲官放火不许百姓点灯之现代版.
        • My version of the story
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One of my lady friends just told me her story, it's about her landlord. There were some dozen peoples lived in a small house she and the landlord couple occupied the third floor, "The wife had a boyfriend," she said, and I go: "Well... It doesn’t surpass me...", then she goes: "but they do that in front of us...", " Do WHAT???@%&...", "... they touch each other on that place, you know...", "Hehe, I thought they do THAT, it doesn't suprise me either, I've seen my engaged friend did that with a married man in front of us when we camp out together, where did you see that?", "living room, when we play majon...", "where is the husband then? Did he know his wife hang out with someone?", "oh, he was upstairs, I think he knew...", " poor guy..." I expressed my sympathy and really didn’t know what else to say, 20 second silent and she goes again "You know what the wife told me when I moved in?"," what?"," She want me go out with her husband... that way she would be feel better...", "What the F@&*|#$!!!!" I was really freaked out this time, " ...but I refused, and the wife had to go after another girl who lived in the basement", "Did she get it?” " Of course not, that girl was busy went out with different man every night. ", "huuu...so you tell me you still safe after 7 month living with these jungle bitches?” " Yeah, the only time I feel the danger is when I with you" that ends our conversation... oh, did I forgot tell you the wife is a POGRAMMER and the guy has no job? And every one in that house is from China of course.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • He he he! Funny! That's the reason why those people came here!
          • this is just a impressive story isn't it?
            • Don't know if it's impressive but sure it's TRUE, that conversation took place just feww hours before I post, seen a lots of this stuff already, and I have my own freaking experience too, if I count the the people I know 60% is no exagration.
          • Gee, that girl really sucks!!! My point is that she has the right to love somebody else, but she doesn't has the right to hurt her husband that way. The same applies to those husbands in love with others.
            • you read my mind, I am on your side definately .
      • Congratulations! Thanks for chinese woman to promote the statues of their Canandian sisters. Sound siliy don't you think so.
      • Don't think so. My English is better than my husband and I have a good job, my husband is studying... So what, we are still very, very happy, he is still the best husband on the world.
    • 我觉得这个新闻不可信,比例应该没有那么高。我只知道一对离婚的,是因为女方有外遇,一个一同打工的男人。我总觉得,深圳的离婚率应该比这里高。当一个人认为自己可以重新选择的时候,她为什么不重新选择?
    • 刚来的时候,我也不相信。但是陆陆续续,听到了看到了周围人的很多故事,慢慢相信了。但我想达不到60%这么高吧。
      • 能不能讲几个故事我们听听?简单点也行。
        • 我家楼上就有一个。



          • 看来他真是受了刺激了。可是我有两个好朋友,单身男性,都是最近刚刚回国,认识女孩,确定关系并结婚的。这种婚姻最终成功(以一两年为界)的概率大吗?好多海外交友网站上的大陆女孩真的好漂亮鸭!
            • 运气好的话,会找到心灵如外表一样美的girl.


              • ai~~~~~~~~~~......
              • I can not catch your words, could you please clear your logic first. That is all what you mean lucky ?
                • 对不起,逻辑关系是有点混乱。当然也有好的一面。


                  • 象这样的女孩百里挑一都挑不到,可能要百万里挑一才有可能。相信难过中彩票。
                  • 但绝不是送货上门的那种
              • 这就是市场,有需求,就有供应. 如果没有送货上门,老博士怎么办?
            • 挖空心思想出国的女人绝大部分靠不住.尤其受过高等教育.
          • What new century bring us is just loneliness, while we strive for the compatbility to the evolving society. .
        • 还有一个可怜的旅美的工程师的故事。


    • 环境是可以改变一个人,但我相信是你的总是你的,天要下雨,她要嫁人就由她去吧。
    • 移民导致离婚,不是理由,我认为如果想离婚,在哪都会离,早晚的事儿.问题不是移民离婚率上升,而是中国人离婚率上升.原因在于中国人已经找不到生活的真正意义.
      • 大错特错.环境是可以改变人的.除非你品德高尚.不过这种人越来越少了!!
    • 悲惨故事: 北大高才生, 风华正茂, UWO经济系全奖。
      出国前,校花苦苦追寻, 得之。 高才生在加, 省吃简用,
      千辛万苦, 将校花办好手续。 那潘金莲二世, 赴加后
      从此绝无音讯。 想来目前正被她第587个老外男朋友再次
      遗弃吧。 阿门!万呢的主呀!
      • 她可能在跳钢管舞。
      • 这样的故事并不新鲜。
      • 给所有单身汉的忠告: LP不要太PL, 太PL的话红杏出墙的机会..嘿嘿,,别人也是在老打你LP的主意.
        • what is pl?
    • 问题:我们如何进入那40%!
      • 听主的话,照主的吩咐去做吧
      • 每天都说I love you.持之以恒。
        • What if she says "but I no longer love you"?
      • I don't mind to try that, I do think it will be a good business for insurance.
        I will make my experience on it, whatever, it can make me involed into that 60%. if you won't try your own , you will never know.

        What you mentioned are all what happend, it won't be the last choice for you, but it will exactly perfect for them, we got the right to choose our life, it doesn't matter where you are in, Canada or China.

        who care? make fun on it, your right is always right.
      • Spend more time with your wife and baby.
    • 从各位的帖子来看,离婚率肯定连50%都不到,不然,大家的例子就该是:“我有一个朋友,竟然还没离婚”,或者,“我也知道一对夫妇,感情还挺好”等等。


      • 看来你的逻辑思维挺好,如果做GMAT逻辑题,你肯定比我分高。
        • hahaha
        • 我现在就在为我的婚姻担心,虽然我结婚才3个月,但是一个在国内,一个在加拿大,实在是让人担心。其实也很后悔,结婚就是为了跟一个所爱的人长相厮守,现在这样很没意思。确实后悔移民了
          • 我也一样才三个月,不过我已经申请了她过来,虽然也要等半年,总是有盼头了么。坚持一下就过去了。现在每天打工累的要死,也顾不上想那么多了。HEHE。
    • Is it correct?None of my friends divorce here.
    • 那些离弃别人的人,他/她的新的选择90%都不会给他/她想象中的幸福。他/她带给别人的伤害也会全部报应在他/她自己身上。稍微有点阅历的人就都该知道什么是报应了吧。一句话,不珍惜你的爱,就是烧包,活该,欲离婚者都要三思!
    • 没这么多吧,我认识的人咋没一个离婚的!那些‘活耀分子’,或者俊男,或者倩女,在 哪儿都是不安分的,跟移民没关系,患难夫妻还是很多的。
      • 说的对,该离的在国内也得离,只不过在这表现的明显一些罢了。
    • 60%的比例如果是真的,其中很大一部分也是"结伴移民",本来就是假的.