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You are right, however...

You are right in that to file claim against your insurer or not is totally up to you the driver. But CRC will have a copy of report to your insurer once you report accident to them. This means insurer will have record of any major loss by all means even though you do not file claim. Will this have an impact on your premium upon renewal? Most likely.

In my case, i elected to claim because i also need to rent a car when my car is under repair. We are talking about another $500. or around for it. Total cost is thus easily up to $2,500. On the other hand, we are going to face premium increase in 2002 even we do not have any claim in the past, thanks to Sept. 11 and the hardening market. The extream story I heard is a guy in NS with 25 years driving experince without claim had an increase of 100% to have his policy renewed. Go back to my case, I do not think the increase will be as simple as 20% plus 20% or whatsoever, but will be somewhere in between. So, why not?
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 撞车保告和修车
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛LP12月28日驾车不慎与另一辆车轻微追尾,幸好双方人都是毫发未损,被撞的那车也没什么大事, 俺们的新车表面看去也只是发动机盖有凹下,边缘微微翘起。LP自知理亏。看损失不大想就此各自走路,但对方司机还是留下了他的姓名电话及保险单信息(现在回想真要多谢此公)。

    俺与LP定下计谋,,不打算劳烦保险公司,而如若修理车盖费用超过$1,000刀就不修.。岂料经车行检查发现,但发动机盖要彻底更换,头灯与车身一处连接已断裂,散热罩有一个地方也断菜,都要换新的,费用至少在$2,000刀以上,念在车是新车,遂决定GO THRO 保险公司,来年要加保费也在所不惜了。此时才知报保险公司前必须先报CRC (Collision Reporting Centre)方可所须资料是: 1) Pink Card 2) Ownership Certificate 3) Insurance Infomation of the other party (现在诸位应该明白为什么要多谢对方那位司机了)。

    报完CRC, 又致电保险公司,再次描述车祸经过,因为有LOSS OF USE 保障,遂告诉他们车要留在车行修,要租辆车代步,以确认租车费用也将由保险公司支付。车行随后电招其关系户载俺们去办租车手续。 可恨租车行给了一辆全新的Chrysler,因为俺的现有保险单虽可Cover此车但有免赔,怕在短短的一两周租车期刊间又搞出个划伤什么的,于是通过租车行又现买了个每日$6.00无免赔额的保险来承担现有保单所不负责的免赔额以下的那部分损失(希望不会发生)。

    所有以上足足花了3个多小时才搞定。 得到的经验是万一不幸发生撞车,除非100%SURE 损失超过$1,000,务必要留下对方车有关信息(法例要求涉及人员伤亡或物质损失超过千元的车祸必须报去CRC);立即找专业人士评估损失程度以决定是否自扛或报保险公司,否则得有个合理的解释为什么迟了好几日才报告CRC(象俺就迟了5天);最后,也是最重要的,开车一定要小心,特别是冬日路滑,急踩刹车要不的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Good!!
      • EGG大虾的发言,越来越言简意赅、惜墨如金了……
        • 拍马屁浪费网络资源。
          • 您真实在,连反话都听不出来。
        • 上班呢,哪有时间多写呀
    • It wasn't worth to go through insurance company.Reason:They will increase your premium by 160% for the coming year.The increasing will last 3 years(the increase % will be reduced once a year).After that,
      the driver will get back his(her)3 star status,same as a new driver with a full training course.
    • “急踩刹车要不的“,反之不会追尾?
      • 不踩刹车会把对方撞翻,不算追尾。
    • This experience is very good, but there are some bugs in your 胡侃.
      1:"LP自知理亏。看损失不大想就此各自走路." ? Can you?
      2."得到的经验是万一不幸发生撞车,除非100%SURE 损失超过$1,000,务必要留下对方车有关信息"
      "(法例要求涉及人员伤亡或物质损失超过千元的车祸必须报去CRC); "
      Which one is right?
      Hi, guys, shotting your bugs firstly, then post it.
      • 我记得是700元以上必须报警处理。至于是否找保险公司,倒是看各人了。
    • 我觉得亏了,不应该claim。追尾一定是你100% fault. 明年的保险幅度会有35~40%的涨幅度(如果你是和我一样的之有不到一年G2经验)。
      • It's against the law not to claim it.
        • if the accident involve crime, injure, or over 1000, you have to report police or collission center. But it doesn't mean you have to claim the insurance. It's totally two different story.
          • I see. seems the insurance company is useless, unless I killed or injured some one. 可以大胆开啦, 哈哈
            • 你不claim不代表别人不claim, 如果事故中是你的fault,另一方十有八九会claim, 一旦他claim了,你的case在insurance company也就自动open了。 所以说象patpat这种情况,对方不claim,自己跑去claim的,我会觉得比较亏。
          • You are right, however...
            You are right in that to file claim against your insurer or not is totally up to you the driver. But CRC will have a copy of report to your insurer once you report accident to them. This means insurer will have record of any major loss by all means even though you do not file claim. Will this have an impact on your premium upon renewal? Most likely.

            In my case, i elected to claim because i also need to rent a car when my car is under repair. We are talking about another $500. or around for it. Total cost is thus easily up to $2,500. On the other hand, we are going to face premium increase in 2002 even we do not have any claim in the past, thanks to Sept. 11 and the hardening market. The extream story I heard is a guy in NS with 25 years driving experince without claim had an increase of 100% to have his policy renewed. Go back to my case, I do not think the increase will be as simple as 20% plus 20% or whatsoever, but will be somewhere in between. So, why not?
        • It's against the law not to report it, to either police or CRC.