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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Really an easy thing

Accept the offer without any bargains! Then keeping hunting for a better offer. Once you get the new offer, say bye-bye to the agent. That's it.
This is my philosophy. I am ready to be kicked off by the client anytime, but I am also ready to fire the agent and the client. You guys seem not to understand the rule of game. The keypoint is one word: INTEREST.
Once you get a better job, leave that agent and his client relentless.
Don't think you can add some glory to the Chinese community or you will defame Chinese programmers. Actually, the agent helps you for their own interest. The client hires you for their own interest. Once they find you are no longer useful to them, they can get rid of you without an eye-blinking!
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 中介究竟能有多黑!!!

    在面试这前中介报的hour rate 还比较合理,等通知我们拿到offer之后,却少了几乎四分之三,没有任何的benefit,negocitate整整一天,中介没有做一点让步。让人心情不免有些沮丧,我先生差一点一赌气,把offer拒掉了。我虽然也很生气,但还是要安抚他,有工作总比没有工作好,特别是在现在整个就业形势这么不好的情况下,总不能坐吃山空么。而中介往往抓住了新移民的这种心理,就把价格一压再压,唉!
    • Really an easy thing
      Accept the offer without any bargains! Then keeping hunting for a better offer. Once you get the new offer, say bye-bye to the agent. That's it.
      This is my philosophy. I am ready to be kicked off by the client anytime, but I am also ready to fire the agent and the client. You guys seem not to understand the rule of game. The keypoint is one word: INTEREST.
      Once you get a better job, leave that agent and his client relentless.
      Don't think you can add some glory to the Chinese community or you will defame Chinese programmers. Actually, the agent helps you for their own interest. The client hires you for their own interest. Once they find you are no longer useful to them, they can get rid of you without an eye-blinking!
      • 谢谢你!这也是我们的想法。我觉得你这个亮黄色的条条挺希奇的~~~
        • 回答你的帖子就变黄。
    • 不怪别人,怪你把加拿大想得太好了,不过少了3/4听起来都玄,是不是你搞错了?
      • 我当然没搞错,如果只是少了一点,我们也不至于找到工作还心情郁闷,就是因为这个agent做的太玄了!!
      • 噢,对不起,是少了四分之一,还留下四分之三。
        • 赫赫
          • 知道我是谁么,我是lumlum说的那个“林心如”,吃饭时坐你斜对面。原来每次到这,都是随时取个名字,今天终于注册了一个。
            • 哇~~~~~~~~~~~!欢迎欢迎!
          • 我这里的中介只是问公司要钱的,公司面试答应给多少钱,你一分钱也不用给中介
            • 公司把这个contract以一定价钱包给agent,中介负责给我们发薪水,他当然从我们身上榨的越多越好,我们不需要负任何钱,他只要从薪水里拿就好了。
              • A little thing is better than nothing. You earn the priceless Canadian working experience!!
    • 还有一个建议,不要在乎agency能拿多少,只在乎你拿到的是不是合理.
    • 不要拿钞票意气用事嘛。
      are ur husband an employee of the agent but working for another company? then it's "contractor". agent will extract some money from the payment by the company/client. if it's not negotiable, forget about it. he can seek jobs inside the company after he starts to work there. - 不要拿钞票意气用事嘛。
      • 有道理,跟谁过不去,也不能跟钱过不去。
    • 请告诉我怎末找中介呀?那家中介比较有效?
      • 告诉你一些中介的网址。
        • 谢谢,我试试。