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这是我从CIC网站上的资料里读到的, 先贴一部分, 给我你的邮件地址, 我发给你全文.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以下这段的重点是你有权利进入加拿大, 即使你的PR已经过期, 因为你还有LP来证明你的obtained permanent resident status in Canada
7.8. Examining permanent residents at a port of entry
When a permanent resident appears at a Port of Entry for examination, the officer must first
establish if the person has obtained permanent resident status in Canada. At that time, if the
officer establishes that the person has obtained permanent residence, the person has the right to
come into Canada without having to answer any further questions relating to the residency
obligations set out in A28. The person can volunteer the information, allowing the officer to
determine if there is compliance or not, but the officer cannot compel the person to answer nor
order the person to complete a questionnaire for determination. If the person volunteers the
information and the officer is able to determine compliance or non-compliance of the residency
obligations, he can do so at that time. In the event where the officer establishes that the person
does not comply with A28, they can then write a report under A44(1). (See ENF 4 for additional
guidance.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 咨询关于枫叶卡过期的问题.
    本人2003年10月短登然后回国, 现在国内已经过了3年了, 但是枫叶卡是到2008年的10月到期, 现在想今年11月底过来旅游一下, 入境处是否会拒绝我入境啊. 急啊, 票已经买了.
    • 打电话去CIC问一下(1-800-255-4541),或则打加拿大驻北京使馆的电话问,如果成功进入,上来通报一下。很多人有这种问题
    • 我曾经拜读过官方网站对次类事情的处理办法, 可以和你分享, 但你一定要答应我把最后的结果告诉我.
      • 没问题,当然可以把最后的结果告诉你们啦. 那请问lipstick你拜读过的官方网站是如何说的, 谢谢.
        • 这是我从CIC网站上的资料里读到的, 先贴一部分, 给我你的邮件地址, 我发给你全文.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以下这段的重点是你有权利进入加拿大, 即使你的PR已经过期, 因为你还有LP来证明你的obtained permanent resident status in Canada
          7.8. Examining permanent residents at a port of entry
          When a permanent resident appears at a Port of Entry for examination, the officer must first
          establish if the person has obtained permanent resident status in Canada. At that time, if the
          officer establishes that the person has obtained permanent residence, the person has the right to
          come into Canada without having to answer any further questions relating to the residency
          obligations set out in A28. The person can volunteer the information, allowing the officer to
          determine if there is compliance or not, but the officer cannot compel the person to answer nor
          order the person to complete a questionnaire for determination. If the person volunteers the
          information and the officer is able to determine compliance or non-compliance of the residency
          obligations, he can do so at that time. In the event where the officer establishes that the person
          does not comply with A28, they can then write a report under A44(1). (See ENF 4 for additional
          guidance.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 还有一段是关于决定你是否丧失PR的内容
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛重点是决定你是否丧失PR其实是个非常复杂的过程, 根本就不想某些人想象的那样在进加拿大的时候官员就能决定了, 在整个的决定过程中还有考虑很多人道的因素...如对你本人生活的影响, 对你子女的影响... 你自己读吧...

            所以我的理解是, 你可以进入加拿大, 但你的情况会被FILED 到CIC, 然后会有一个PROCESS 来决定你最后是否可以维持你的PR而继续留在加拿大.

            7.7. Humanitarian and compassionate determinations
            A28 provisions require the consideration of humanitarian and compassionate factors before
            making a determination that may lead to a loss of permanent resident status.
            Specifically, A28(2)(c) provides that when an officer determines that humanitarian and
            compassionate considerations relating to a permanent resident justify the retention of permanent
            resident status, then such a determination will overcome any breach of the residency obligation
            made before the determination.
            Accordingly, each decision-maker involved in a residency obligation determination case should,
            as part of the decision-making process, assess any humanitarian and compassionate factors
            brought to their attention to determine whether such factors justify retention of permanent resident
            status, notwithstanding a breach of A28.
            Note: The best interests of a child directly affected by the determination must also be considered when
            assessing humanitarian and compassionate factors; and as a result, may justify the retention of
            permanent resident status.
            Officers should consider whether sufficient humanitarian and compassionate factors have been
            brought to an officer’s attention to justify the retention of permanent resident status before making
            a decision that there has been a failure to comply with the residency obligation. Officers should
            remember that the onus is on the permanent resident to satisfy an officer that there are grounds to
            justify retention of status. Officers are not required to satisfy the permanent resident that such
            grounds do not exist. Officers should consider the objectives of the Act and that paragraph
            A28(2)(c) exists to allow flexibility for approving deserving cases not anticipated in the legislation.
            Factors for consideration
            The range of factors to be considered can not be restricted by these guidelines. Officers are
            obliged to consider all the information presented by a permanent resident.
            Humanitarian and compassionate factors must be reviewed on a case by case basis. Permanent
            residents are free to make submissions on any aspect of their personal circumstances that they
            feel would warrant retention of their permanent resident status.
            ENF 23 Loss of Permanent Resident Status
            2004-11-17 20
            The following are examples of the kinds of factors or combinations of factors that an officer might
            consider in determining whether humanitarian and compassionate grounds justify the retention of
            permanent resident status. Officers are to examine circumstances and events that occurred in the
            last five-year period which led to the permanent resident’s breach of the residency obligation. As
            required by A28(2)(c), officers are also to take into account the best interests of a child directly
            affected by the determination and the degree of hardship that may be caused because of a loss of
            permanent resident status.
            Examples of factors to weigh and consider:
            • Extent of non-compliance
            ♦ How many “days of physical presence in Canada” within the five-year period under
            examination, has the permanent resident spent in Canada?
            ♦ Was the permanent resident outside of Canada for more than three years in the last fiveyear
            period because of a medical condition or the medical condition of a close family
            ♦ Could alternative arrangements for the care of the family member have been made or
            was it the permanent resident’s choice to remain outside Canada?
            ♦ Circumstances beyond the permanent resident’s control: Are the circumstances that led
            to the permanent resident remaining outside of Canada compelling and beyond their
            ♦ Was the permanent resident prevented from returning to Canada; and if so, by whom and
            by what event?
            ♦ Is the permanent resident now returning to Canada at the earliest possible opportunity?
            ♦ Did the permanent resident leave Canada as a child accompanying a parent?
            ♦ Is the permanent resident who left as a dependant returning at the earliest opportunity?
            ♦ Is the permanent resident dependent on the parent they are accompanying because of a
            mental or physical disability?
            • Establishment in and outside Canada:
            ♦ Is the permanent resident a citizen or permanent resident of a country other than
            ♦ Has the permanent resident taken steps to establish any permanence in a country other
            than Canada; or the country they resided in immediately before becoming a permanent
            resident of Canada (that is, any third country status)?
            ♦ To what degree has the permanent resident established in Canada?
            ♦ What linkages and ties has the permanent resident maintained in Canada?
            • Presence and degree of consequential hardship:
            ♦ A loss of permanent resident status will have the consequence of either having to
            voluntarily leave or be removed from Canada. The removal of a status-less person may更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 麻烦给我发一份,Thank you so much! 我的email地址: peter00378@hotmail.com
              • 麻烦给我发一份CIC允许入境的条文,谢谢. jessie_hu2000@hotmail.com
      • 我有一个朋友也有同样问题,你的官方文章能和我分享吗?谢谢。他们一家也打算11月来,我会把结果告诉你的。
    • 我也想知道!!!!!
    • 放心来吧, 这是加拿大, 会让你人道入境旅游一次的.
    • 什么情况了??
    • 怎么样?你进入加拿大了吗?记得通报结果啊!
      • 下周来,到时一定通报情况的。谢谢大家
        • 静候佳音
    • 此人加拿大境内还有老婆孩子,顺利入境,身份没丢失,不算意外

      • 他情况不同:“老婆和孩子在加拿大, 老婆有正式的工作”,应该没问题!谁听说过没有亲人在加境内这种情况下离境超过3年仍然成功入境的?
    • you should have no problem to enter canada, but you have to answer some question on the border.
      • 顺利进入谢谢大家
        • 海关啥也没问?
        • 请说详细点儿!就是用过期的枫叶卡和中国护照就进来吗?入境那个申报单上次入境日期填的是真实日期吗?官员没问你什么吗?
          • 填的都是真实的情况。
            • .
            • 加拿大政府太令广大“人民群众”失望了。怎么也得弄进局子里面好好盘问,老虎凳辣椒水的伺候;或者铐在洗手间的水管上猫上一夜嘛。
              • 想必你有过这不堪回首的往事.
                • 做人太嚣张不杀不足以平民愤啊。这些讽刺习惯了,早就死而无憾,生死边缘都闯过几次。民不畏死,奈何以死惧之。明年在去鬼门关闯一闯,看看会不会命丧共产党中国啊。
            • 是只用的枫叶卡和中国护照吗?
              • 你认为还可能用什么?
            • 把过程说详细点啊,海关问你些什么?你是否说了你老婆孩子在加境内就顺利放行了?
              • 就是。楼主怎么这么吝啬回答问题呢?好多人在眼巴巴地等你的回答呢。要不咱们给你出个题目,你好好写一下,也让大伙明白一下。题目就叫《枫叶卡过期后顺利入境记》,然后,把你入关时的详情好好写一下旧行了。谢谢。
                • #3355887@0
                  • 谢谢分享.并祝你在加拿大能心想事成.
        • 那理论上来说,你如果想继续呆下去,够3年,也能成功拿到公民?
          • 不是理论上,而是法律保证一定可以申请入籍。
            • 不好意思,近来没上网。
              其实非常简单,海关什么都没问,而且填表的时候我还填错了,填了访问旅客(太粗心了,呵呵),海关还发现了,给我划掉了,从新写上,然后就是问带了什么东西,唯一的问题就是带了什么东西,其他什么都没问。真的这么简单。 后来问了其他朋友,朋友的lp也是同样情况, 什么都没问。
              • 如此看来,实际情况跟我给你提供的政府材料里说明的是一致的。但接下来的问题是你该怎样申请新的枫叶卡!愿意就这个问题和你继续讨论,我相信我对政府材料的理解对此还会有帮助.
                • Hi, do you know how to apply NEW PR card? or renew the PR card? mine is going to be expired in Nov 2007.....and I am in China now.. many thanks
                  • 我不了解如何RENEW PR卡,但我想移民局会用某种方法来考察你是否符合了5年内居住满2年的要求。如果不满足,你应该拿出一些有说服力的理由。即使你的理由不充分/没说服力,移民局也不会轻易取消你移民资格......
                    如果你在加拿大有孩子,这点对你会有利。移民局要考虑如果让你失去PR 的资格会对孩子有什么影响。在直接一点,那就是,你不能在加拿大了,这对你孩子不好。
            • 来之前打过电话给CIC,问过这个问题的,他们说原则上不能进来,但是要海关的人当时才能决定。在飞机上有个旅客也是同样的情况,也进来了。没事的,应该,来吧。
              • 请问是从温哥华入境还是多伦多?急!我老公也是这样的,能不能回信给我wangmarlin@yahoo.com.cn 非常感谢