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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

I called Babara minutes ago. She is very kind.

The 'Career Steps' is a 7 week program runs from 9am to
2:15pm every weekday. It teaches presentation and
communication skills, addresses culture issues,holds
field trips as well as instructs job search techniques.
A new course just started from today. Over the phone
I have registered my wife for the course. What she needs
my wife to do is to arrive at her office at 9:00am tomorrow.

For your information, her address is
780 Birchmond, Unit 3.

Just give her a call. I believe it is worthwhile to take such
a course. I would also suggest 'Fang', 'Fish likes water seeds'
attend the course.
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 给FANG的一点建议,兼谈面试中的SYMPATHETIC
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛FANG,你的整个面试过程给我的影像是:

    概公司招人, 也是求贤若渴, 你只要表现适当, 不管你是否符合要求, 他们该拿你当贵客才对. 所谓来者都是客也. 我们有一些技术人员, 明明是心地善良, 嘴上却不会说, 或着明明想表达客气, 对方听来以为你不客气. 最近有一个朋友请我介绍工作, 我电话打过去哏他聊了一会儿, 他哪儿有人要用电话, 因此话没说完就得停下来, 我在挂电话之前请他把简历发过来. 简历到是很快由E_MAIL发了过来,可是连一段客气话也没有, 也没有任何说明文字, 你都不能确定这是来自谁的简历. 随后也没有跟进一个礼节性的电话来表示感谢或将没结束的谈话做一个了结. 就这么不明不白的拉倒. 我当然知道他不是看不起我. 我只是说这么对我也一定这样对别人, 哪能人人都和汪激昂一个样哪?

    面试的关键是对方喜欢你这个人, 人不被喜欢其他一概免谈. SYMPATHETIC是沟通时的必要条件. 客气, 微笑, 糖衣炮弹到底该用那样.

    遵守所有礼节, 内心和脸同时笑

    可惜我打字太慢, 没办法把想说的全部说出来. 将就着看吧.


    *--SYMPATHETIC的技巧可以从很多书中找到.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好建议!可惜很多人不太把这些当会事儿。开始做起来很难,坚持更难。。俺决定从二妞开始,不再培养她朝白雪公主方向发展了。。
    • 激昂,我刚被 TD Bank 给拒了。估计是没有巴结好面视的老太太。下次一定跟您学好钢管舞再去。
      • TD BANK 竟敢锯DAVID. 真胆大妄为. 是用那把锯钢管的锯子锯的?
      • Will you pls share with us what job are you looking for at TD bank? Investment consultant or IT expert?
        • Front-line Customer Service
          • Did they give u any reason? No local experience, or no proper certificate? Have U got any banking experience before? Thanks in advance for ur advise. I feel interested in banking job as well...
            • No reason. But at least, I think I must improve my English speaking.
          • Regardless other reasons, I guess you are too senior for a Front Line Customer Service.
            Not because of age. But, your eductional background and experience. TD, as any other employer, would consider a candidate right for the position. They don't like employee being under-qualified. Neither over-qualified.
    • 谢谢WJIANG,
      你说的很对,我也觉得我在找工作的过程中处处处于被动,朋友的一些建议开始没当作一回事,但现在觉得很多人说的都是金玉良言.我很感激很感激在这里有这么多热心的人能帮我,至少他们能关注我的存在,来这之前有很多有所谓国外生活经历的人一再告诫我说国外的骗子比较多尤其是中国骗子,但我觉得这里的中国人比国内的好处多了,因为他们都经历了一番磨难过来的,将心比心谁有那么多闲工夫骗谁呢? 在ROLIA上我觉得象WJIANG和ROLLOA以及EGLINTON几位同志几乎对谁都是有求必应我真觉得有这么些好的同胞在这,我还怕什么?虽然以后的路可能会更长更艰难,我想我不会退缩的,要那样我还真对不起曾经帮过我的各位"前辈"了.还有那位没有向你道谢的朋友也许他是把你当自己人,也没有顾得上客气没准心里边向你说了无数声谢谢呢!您就大人大量别跟他计较吧.
      • 汪大侠名不虚传吧!
      • Please take a reference of messgae #32306. I think you can try such training to enhance your communication skills. Just give David Diao a call.
        • he let me call u, what to do?
          • call me then
          • Send an email to me for telling me how to contact with you.
            • my email
              u can contact me with thoseharddays@yahoo.ca, thank u!
    • 所以强烈建议去如果有时间去上BARBABA的课,她的课对北美生活太有帮助了,据我了解,这周刚开了新班,FREE的
      • where? ant how to contact there?
        • job
          baker dozen
          part time
          • Hi, are you saying there is a part time job in Baker Dozen? What kind of job? Thank you!
      • I am also very interested in the class. Please tell us the register number. Thank you!
        • 我在网上贴过一次,可能你们没注意,联系电话:416-757-7010,在BIRCHMOUNT和EGLINTON,780 birchmount road. barbaba人巨好,但首先你得是个好学生,切莫急工近利,踏踏实实,你会有意外收获。
        • hi, 丝路花雨,请问你是LADY吗? 到这来之后我一直都没有机会交上女性朋友,如果你愿意的话我们可不可以交个朋友呢?
      • I called Babara minutes ago. She is very kind.
        The 'Career Steps' is a 7 week program runs from 9am to
        2:15pm every weekday. It teaches presentation and
        communication skills, addresses culture issues,holds
        field trips as well as instructs job search techniques.
        A new course just started from today. Over the phone
        I have registered my wife for the course. What she needs
        my wife to do is to arrive at her office at 9:00am tomorrow.

        For your information, her address is
        780 Birchmond, Unit 3.

        Just give her a call. I believe it is worthwhile to take such
        a course. I would also suggest 'Fang', 'Fish likes water seeds'
        attend the course.
        • Babara的电话好难打老占线.