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******If he is allergic to milk (beast milk or fomular), stop feeding him. Watch him carefully and see if he is allergic to milk. If he does you can give him soy based fomular that is also designed for infant.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If he is allergic to milk (beast milk or fomular), stop feeding him. Watch him carefully and see if he is allergic to milk. If he does you can give him soy based fomular that is also designed for infant. My baby had that when he was small and became more serious after. I found that he was allergic to milk. He even had hives right after he had milk or Cereal( step 2 after) .

My baby had eczema after he was born a few days. It was worst and worst. I was just breast feeding him the first 4 months. Afer that I tried to give rice cereal with fomular. I even found that he had hives right away. Then I stopped feeding breast milk and anything containing milk. I gave soybased fomular designed for infant instead. his eczema turned better. Then I tried to add very small amount milk back. Step by step he was ok with milk. He mainly had soy based fomular for 3 months.

My suggestion and experience:

1. Do not try to put lotions on him. Eczema will cause his skin dry. You can try the doctor's prescribe it will temporarily help. Lotions can only moisturize his skin but can not help to remove eczema. Since you do not know what cause his ezcema, please do not use any lotion. He might be allgergic to those lotions too. The skin of those babys who have eczema is more sencetive than others. My baby is even allergic to Vaseline. I tried lotions too which people mentioned in your message but they did not help.

The most important thing is that you need to find out what cause his eczema.

2.You can try to give soybased fomular for a week. No beast milk, no regular fomular and no
cereal (step 1 after). You can give rice cereal with water or soybased fomular only. All most all cereal except rice cereal contain fomular. As you said you tried to avoid taking many foods but the baby sitll has eczema. Probably he is allgergic to milk. And also no eggs, penut for his age.

FYI, Good luck更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 宝宝今天6个月,从3周大起到现在湿疹不断,近2个月越来越严重,请问,谁有从国内带来的可以治疗湿疹的药,愿意转让给我,多谢了。(不论什么药都愿意一试,听说还有郁美净)。
    • 或者,给我介绍几种特效药吧。已经知道了一些,国内的家人也正在四处找,准备托人给带过来,但还需要一些时间,宝宝的情况实在很严重,所以,哪位妈妈有药愿意转让给我们也行,愿意借给我们,我们再从国内带来还也行。多谢了。
      • 我有郁美净,不能保证治愈,因我宝宝目前为止没有湿疹过,但你可以try一下
      • 湿疹没有特效药,慢慢熬吧.
        快1岁会好一些.BUT IT DEPEND.我儿子BABY时湿疹很严重,现在3岁多还有,不过不严重了.不要用国内的药膏,激素含量不明确,有的号称无激素(不可能).那个郁美净肯定有激素.虽说这医生开的药也有激素,可你知道激素含量和副作用呀,我感觉比受骗好.另外试试中医,对我儿子有点用.(SHERPARD/MIDLAND 那个女中医,中文报上有广告)
      • 湿疹总是反复的,用了药只会慢慢的减轻,不能去根的.
      • 1室温不要超过21度。2.湿度保持在60%左右。3.不要每天洗澡,洗澡水温尽量低。4.不管是否洗澡,每天多次擦LOTION。5.母乳喂养,母亲仅吃猪肉青菜。海鲜,牛羊肉,坚果,牛奶都要停。孩子好了之后可以一样一样加,注意观察。如果出现反复就停掉。
    • Try to lower your room temperature to about 20 degree C.
      • 我家有一袋郁美净前天刚开封,用了一次在宝宝的脸上,刚买了其他的,你需要可以来拿。当擦脸油。我家在north york,PM如果需要 . +
    • 谢谢。大家说的我没有一条不照做的,就差只喝水不吃饭了,唉,宝宝的湿疹依旧汹涌的来。因为痒,宝宝的小手已经习惯性的不停的在她接触到的任何东西上抓、挠,妈妈的胳膊,脖子和她自己的头脸腿,到处伤痕累累。唉。
      • 我也心疼了。有没有看医生阿?不知道aveeno可以不可以。
        • 谢谢.带宝宝看了,开了可的松给宝宝涂,涂了就好些,可还是会不断的长,涂药好了的皮肤明显的和正常的皮肤不一样,可也顾不了那么多了.AVEENO我觉得不怎么样,粘粘的,感觉不吸收.我给宝宝用国内买的AVENT的BABY LOTION,一瓶200ML没2个星期就要用完了这里又买不到.一个字:唉!
          • 北京首都儿研所的硅霜很不错,平时当润肤露用,湿疹严重的时候在上面薄薄涂一层肤乐霜就行了,希望你的宝宝早日从痛苦中解脱出来!
    • 我儿子没生过给你找廖些别人的方子,不同的孩子不同的疗法,你试试吧。都是很简单的。


      2, 主题:人奶或额罗纳英





    • URL - http://baobao.yaolan.com/jsp/blog/BlogAction.do?actionName=blogDocListView&id=151890&view=2&BlogDocTypeId=BT2006112501128
    • Try "Glaxal Base Moisturizing Cream". It's very good. You can find it in Costco.
    • 谢谢大家.这两天有这么多好心的爸爸妈妈给我留言出主意,给我电话介绍经验,还有给我送药,真的太感谢大家了.祝全天下的宝宝都健康快乐,茁壮成长.
      • 小胖宝宝的腿弯弯,肘弯弯处容易出汗,一出汗奶癣会加重。尽量保持低温,弯弯处保持干净,干燥。
      • I have it from china.I will call you if you have phone.
    • 我侄儿的湿疹曾经特别严重,看了国内很多家医院,包括儿研所,这是我嫂子总结的经验,希望对你有帮助:
      1. 检测一下过敏源. 湿疹是因为过敏. 我侄儿当时在儿研所检测的过敏物质除了各种高蛋白以外,还有对小麦制品过敏. 所以先要找家庭医生帮你推荐一个能做检测的地方.用排除法不能发现所有的敏感物质.
      2.不要用各种沐浴露,香波和LOTION. 这是儿研所的医生叮嘱的. 因为里面的化学成份可能会导致敏感. 用儿研所的硅霜就没有副作用. 这个你可以问一下家庭医生.
      4. 所有的药包括"肤乐霜"都有激素, 能少用就少用,但如果太痛苦了,就用吧. 我侄儿从一出生用到了五岁,皮肤是不太好,但那些药的副作用也没有想象中那么大.

      • 谢谢,谢谢。
    • ******If he is allergic to milk (beast milk or fomular), stop feeding him. Watch him carefully and see if he is allergic to milk. If he does you can give him soy based fomular that is also designed for infant.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If he is allergic to milk (beast milk or fomular), stop feeding him. Watch him carefully and see if he is allergic to milk. If he does you can give him soy based fomular that is also designed for infant. My baby had that when he was small and became more serious after. I found that he was allergic to milk. He even had hives right after he had milk or Cereal( step 2 after) .

      My baby had eczema after he was born a few days. It was worst and worst. I was just breast feeding him the first 4 months. Afer that I tried to give rice cereal with fomular. I even found that he had hives right away. Then I stopped feeding breast milk and anything containing milk. I gave soybased fomular designed for infant instead. his eczema turned better. Then I tried to add very small amount milk back. Step by step he was ok with milk. He mainly had soy based fomular for 3 months.

      My suggestion and experience:

      1. Do not try to put lotions on him. Eczema will cause his skin dry. You can try the doctor's prescribe it will temporarily help. Lotions can only moisturize his skin but can not help to remove eczema. Since you do not know what cause his ezcema, please do not use any lotion. He might be allgergic to those lotions too. The skin of those babys who have eczema is more sencetive than others. My baby is even allergic to Vaseline. I tried lotions too which people mentioned in your message but they did not help.

      The most important thing is that you need to find out what cause his eczema.

      2.You can try to give soybased fomular for a week. No beast milk, no regular fomular and no
      cereal (step 1 after). You can give rice cereal with water or soybased fomular only. All most all cereal except rice cereal contain fomular. As you said you tried to avoid taking many foods but the baby sitll has eczema. Probably he is allgergic to milk. And also no eggs, penut for his age.

      FYI, Good luck更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks a lot!
    • 一个偏方:每天用金银花煮水洗澡。
      • Thanks a lot!
        • 朵朵妈,我女儿和你家朵朵同一天生的,一直关注你家朵朵,以前还看过她的相片,挺漂亮的BABY,几天没上网,怎么长湿疹了呢,我女儿没有,我也不懂,但当妈的心情我理解,听说用橄榄油涂,没副作用,要不你试一试,帮你顶一顶,也祝朵朵早日康复!
          • 你好,我们朵朵是今年6月15号晚上10点生的,呵呵,6月15号是我们这两个妈妈的受难日啊。不过,我没有公布过我家朵朵的照片啊,可能你记错了。有机会让我们的宝宝做朋友吧!