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Well, my thoughts on this.

It is the famous pyramid of needs theory.

At the bottom, humans are trying to survive with needs of food, then shelter, then financial security, last the self-satisfaction is on the top of the pyramid of needs!

For poor people, individuals fight to survive, therefore, shows more human or maybe animal instincts. When individuals reachs the top of the pyramid, they no longer worried about food, shelter or financial security, therefore, self-respect and self-satisfaction become their top priority.

That's why the rich donate when they have accumulated so much wealth, yet the poor still fight a street corner to sleep.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 看完The Pursuit of Happiness的感想。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛幸福是一瞬间的事,而去寻找幸福的过程也许是漫长的。



    机遇是自己创造的,有很多人哪怕机遇就在面前都没有能够好好把握。其实,移民加拿大又何尝不是机遇? 既然认准了这条道路,就要走下去。回国也是机遇,但是去了回,回了去。这就是在折腾自己了。

    anyway, 上面大话说完了。想总结一下Chris Gardner的成功要点:
    1。 interpersonal skill, the key to success
    2. instinct to numbers, the survival skills in finance.

    Chris Gardner did not wait at his home and send out resume on the internet. He didnt' have a home to go back to and there was no internet at that time. Instead, he created opportunity by personally meeting prospective employers and clients face to face. His relentless pursuit of what he wanted created opportunity for himself. THAT IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS.

    Once he was offered the opportunity, his determination and instinct to numbers helped him to be successful in the finance industry.

    Anyone can do a job, but not everyone can do a good job and not everyone can do a good job and be a good leader.

    Random mumbling.... welcome discussions..更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The Pursuit of Happyness
      • Quite interesting, the book and movie particularly chose the word Happyness, instead of using the correct grammar: Happiness. Might have some meaning behind..
        • 影片几次CHRIS在送CHRISTOPHER去唐人街的DAYCARE的时候,告诉CHRIS,甚至是不会说英语的扫地老伯:墙上涂鸦的'幸福HAPPYNESS'拼错了,应该用I代替Y. Maybe this is the reason.
          • very interesting observation. Thanks!! Quite a movie, and a true story, isn't it? Should be quite motivational to everyone who is struggling for a better life!!
            • 对不起,是CHRIS(DADDY)告诉CHRISTOPHER(SON).因为christopher的昵称也是CHRIS,刚才就自己都说蒙了.//这是一个根据真实的故事改编的,结尾说2006年,CHRIS把自己的FIRM给卖了,赚了好几百万入袋.
              我觉得CHRIS GRAND是个比较LUCKY的人,他可以通过不懈的努力,认识到贵人,也找到了他所有丢失的MECHINE. 而且他本身就是数学非常好,和记忆力非常好的人.即使天道酬勤,也要有灵活的个性,和天生不笨的头脑.

              另外我欣赏他的忍耐力,控制自己情绪的能力超强.没有喊叫,也没有倒下. 在和孩子奔波了一天以后,回到汽车旅馆看到自己的行礼被扔出了房间,他能很好的控制自己的情绪.只是在地铁的洗手间里,捂着儿子的耳朵,悄声哭泣.....无论经受什么,都没有看见中国电影中人物常出现的出离愤怒地斯声力竭.只是忍受和坚持...

              这是一部非常好的电影,我会把它珍藏起来,经常看看. 因为每个人的阅历有限,我们更要吸取别人的经验. 失志的时候不至于迷失,胜利的时候不至于菲薄.
              • Thanks for sharing. Chris Gardner, www.chrisgardnermedia.com,
                Chris Gardner, www.chrisgardnermedia.com, his official website has his picture there as well. Not as handsome as Will Smith! ha!

                Anyway, I have to say that I respect the way he treated his kids. He did not release his frustration or anger at little Chris at all when he was on the street looking for shelter. It was amazing that he could pass exams, while working full time with no pay for 6 months and no where to live!
              • not whole firm, just minority stake.
          • 就我的理解,Happiness实际上不应该有I在里面.因为Cris最后说了:this part of my life,a little part of my life call 幸福.在追寻幸福和得到幸福的结果中,I 并不在幸福中.他身边的人他儿子CHRISTOPHER和其他人最幸福.
            Happyness是要提醒追求幸福的人可能他们自己并不在幸福中,更多的是Hardship.追求幸福的人自己要想清楚.如果为了追求一个没有I的幸福值不值得经历那么多HARDSHIP.如果值得,就不要complain.Chris说了if you want something,go get it period
        • I think the reason is it is the process of pursuing the happiness that matters, not the happiness itself, so it doesn't matter whether the spelling is correct or not, çoz it is not the key
      • Chris是一个非常负责任的人,无论是对家庭,对客户,对朋友. 从来没有糊弄别人,
        而自己实在揭不开锅了才去找朋友催债. 那么大的生活压力下苦苦求存, 看着他大街上飞奔实在辛酸. 以当时他的情形,最容易和最懒的解决莫过于放弃家庭,放弃孩子(交给政府),自己找个短工得过且过. 我非常欣赏Chris教育孩子的方法和努力,辛酸的生活中展现温馨。
    • 建议所有新移民看一下,PPSTREAM上在放映,中文叫 当幸福敲门
      • The journey to pursue happiness is long, yet the moment of joy is sooo short! That's life. We set a goal and we go achieve it!!! Good Luck Everyone!!
        2 thumbs up!! Highly recommended.
      • 严重不理解这个中文翻译!
        • 对,我也觉得中文翻译有点MISLEADING,对大多数人来说幸福从来都不会自己跑来敲门,而是我们要去敲幸福的门
    • 有2点我没有看明白:1)以前主人公还有一些积蓄买机器,说明过去的工作和生活还过得去,可买了机器之后,卖机器的钱还不足以糊口,不知道这生意时怎么做的,还不如继续干以前的工作,part-time卖机器呢;2)穷的叮当响的时候,儿子白天在哪里?
      • my interpretation
        His job as a medical equipment sales person is not on payroll. It was kind of high stake games. He used his saving to buy those bone density machine. How much he sells and how many he can sell is all his problem. He is not paid by the medical equipment company.

        His kid, little Chris, was at Chinese day care in China town while he is working his butt off.
        • 我的意思是:他在卖机器前一定是有工作的,而且还会有积蓄,卖机器如果连糊口都难,还不如把机器放在一旁或part-time卖,干回原来的工作,这才是合理的选择;孩子在daycare,哪里来的钱?
          • Navy, he was in Navy.
            • 那可是很久以前的job。呵呵,我认为精神是值得学习的,但是凭满嘴流油的推销员+证券经纪+好莱坞的噱头,把故事编的太夸张了。
              • It is a true story, not a fiction.
                • inspired by true story which was described by a salesperson / securities broker. it should be more than a fiction. hehe
                • 人理解人有时候真的很难。
      • 1)当时CHRIS以为这是一个非常好的发财的路子,所以买了很多.但是卖起来才发现:这个机器又贵又没有用.2)儿子就在唐人街的那个DAYCARE,一个月才100多元.所以CHRIS告诉那个DAYCARE的老奶奶不应该给他们看电视,想看电视可以回家看.但是老奶奶说:你找不到别的DAYCARE.
        • 因为是积蓄买的,即使积压在那里也不会影响生活
        • 只有真正做过生意的才更能理解其中的不易
    • 看完电影,我很沉默。朋友问我还要不要再看一遍,因为有些细节她没抓住。我说,我没有勇气再看第2遍了。chris的故事让我联想起了很多事情,刚移民来时的一些事情,一些已经好像已经淡忘了的事情。可惜的是,我有和chris一样的pursuit的过程,但没有他的结果。
      • 我看了一遍又一遍,他的过程跟我的一模一样.其实懂得了happYness的正确拼法,也没有什么遗憾的了
    • 我欣赏他的坚韧,但很不欣赏这样的爸爸:为了理想把家庭和孩子牺牲了。(haha, 受Dr Laura影响太大了)
      • I disagree, without a proper job, how could he offer his kids the future they deserve? staying at the cheapest day care in China Town does not offer anything to little Chris. He tried to so hard to protect his son and I highly respect that!!
        • 对,连CHRISTOPHER也跟Chris说:you are good PA PA.不是每个DAD都有这种称赞的
    • 最深的感受就是要和有钱人混才有机会。
      • 我有些少少的看法,借这个贴,勇敢地说出来.

        富有的人和蔼地邀请不认识的他在包厢里一起看球.看球时候认识的人可以在街道上再见面时候问候并问他为什么不打电话给他. 工作上稍微有权力的人可以给他工作的机会至少是实习的机会,并且乐于帮助别人.让我们看到的都是美好的一面.


        阅历有限,世界上各种人穷尽一生也不可能在现实生活中接触到.所以在ROLIA很多事情也同样让我迷惑. 网上见到的,不知道什么原因就指责别人甚至叫骂的,每次我都想...什么使得他如此的愤怒或者把自己不堪容忍的丑恶的一面公布于众?即使不能理解别人的生活轨迹,也不至于如此地不加掩饰的找借口来发泄自己愤恨和痛苦? 是贫穷或者曾经的生活痛苦么?一个人快乐并且幸福,无论如何,如果也想象不出出离愤怒的咆哮.
        • 你不理解不奇怪!

          No offence though, 满月!
        • 人穷志短!至于看球时认识的人让他打电话,我看完全是因为他在包厢的和老板一起看球的缘故,还是应了我说的要和有钱人混的断言。呵呵。
        • Well, my thoughts on this.
          It is the famous pyramid of needs theory.

          At the bottom, humans are trying to survive with needs of food, then shelter, then financial security, last the self-satisfaction is on the top of the pyramid of needs!

          For poor people, individuals fight to survive, therefore, shows more human or maybe animal instincts. When individuals reachs the top of the pyramid, they no longer worried about food, shelter or financial security, therefore, self-respect and self-satisfaction become their top priority.

          That's why the rich donate when they have accumulated so much wealth, yet the poor still fight a street corner to sleep.
          • and,The riches know the simple secret of success:all from just giving.It is a great way of doing business.So let's start giving and start growing our business and our personal lives!
        • 没错,你的观察相当的入微。不过这个问题是电影刻意回避的,毕竟这是一部商业片。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这叫“仓禀实而知礼”。







          不过,我对影片觉得最有趣的地方是:关于Pursuit of Happiness的解释,就是《独立宣言》那一段,而不是i和y的来由。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 今天电影院看了, 感觉chris有非凡的冒险精神, 如果是一般人绝对等不到那种财务状况就早已放弃追求了。 因为有太多的添饱肚子的方法.
      他的压力很大,来自家庭和财务状况, 涉及心理(老婆/女友失去信心离家)和生理(无家可归), 但他没退而求其次, 甚至电影中丝毫没透露其他的生存之道的诱惑。 比如象他老婆一样的工作机会。。。


      回想起我来加拿大找工经历, 曾经说过如果半年找不到专业工作就去打labor,即使银行户头还有足够的生活费。 幸亏找到了, 不然现在可能在生产线上班呢(丝毫没有贬低的意思)。这样的心理素质或风险选择注定俺是普通人, 当然俺觉得也挺好的。
      • 影片中另一个不能忽视的是宗教的力量,也就是说信仰