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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

What my friend say: but there needs to be proof of the communal relationship. / that the two people are involved on more than a fraternal relationship./he more than likely won't get it. /

first off is she still married to the guy that went back to taiwan?

the address is explainable. / if she is married then she cannot be in a common law relationship. /

but if she is not married then all she has to say is that he lived in his own room, that it was not a communal relationship.

in otherwords, he did not sleep with her and that there was no 'relationship' between them.

Well she should not say it on its own, she also needs friends to confirm her story.

Also, at least here in Ontarion, the communal property is assets acquired after marriage. so he would still not be able to claim it.

but her friends should also confirm that the relationship was strictly that he rented a room.

if he wins, then that would be an extremely dangerous precedent.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请要买房出租房子的同胞注意:一个发生在温哥华的真实故事!!!
    作者: RoseZhang
    日期: 01-23-02 14:16

    东离婚(Common Law Living)的要求,在法庭上,这个白人男房客向法官出示了他的一年来所有的账单(bill),地址与女房东的完全一样,而女房东也没有将其房租收入报税,女房东发是(swear)没有与男房客有任何不正当的关系,她的丈夫也非常相信她.由于法官认为同居证据充分,结果法院还是判定将这
    • 同居一年就算事实婚姻?不会吧。
      • Maybe this woman is divorced, and couldn't give proof......
      • 不会!
    • BOY!征求异性同住的DX们注意了!!!
      • 同性租也不行, 加拿大同性那什么合法
      • 你不觉得问题不是出在同住上,而是房东没有把房租报税吗?
        • 房东没有把房租报税其实很常见,问题出在为什么WHITE MAN 知道房东没有把房租报税?
          • 我知道有些中国房东出租房间的时候,先和房客说好的,不给收据,这样房东才能不报税。我想他们也是事先说好的吧。
            • 若真没有UNDER TABLE 的东西,不是房东够钝,就是房客够阴险
            • 再者,为何房东在衡量补税与损失名誉、房子之间,选择的是后者不是前者?
              • 如果这件事是真的,直接原因之一是房东拿不出房客付了房租的证明。既然不能证明收了房租,怎么可能补税?我想她那时一定想补税,只是没人收她税了。:)
                • 问题是---她本来是已婚的身份呀?@@再"同居",这个重婚的嫌疑怎么解释?不懂:D
      • about SEX.......Actually, my friend told me: that there is a precedent happened between two who have same sex. coz he said, in canada, common law doesn't have to be different sex. like two women!
    • 有趣:>
    • 真,,,
    • 无论如何也不会相信这样的判决是真的,如果是真的,和中国的法院有什么区别?
    • 俺看出来了白人男子真坏。
      • 就是,就是,
        • 不嫁,坚决不嫁。
    • 一看到什么“一个真实故事”,就本能地怀疑是假的。都是耸人听闻而已。倒想诚心请作者(big-robot (robot))给个原消息来源,也好让我们开开眼。。。这年头被道听途说,断章取义的“新闻”误导得都怕了。。。
      • 这个,我觉得可信,几年前,一鬼婆在律师男朋友的帮助下,起诉中国邻居的油烟味,竟然赢了2万块!另外,早上收音机里又听到OJ SIMPSON的消息,他的女朋友又‘自个儿’失踪了,哎,法律有时候是别有些人耍着玩的
    • What my friend say: but there needs to be proof of the communal relationship. / that the two people are involved on more than a fraternal relationship./he more than likely won't get it. /
      first off is she still married to the guy that went back to taiwan?

      the address is explainable. / if she is married then she cannot be in a common law relationship. /

      but if she is not married then all she has to say is that he lived in his own room, that it was not a communal relationship.

      in otherwords, he did not sleep with her and that there was no 'relationship' between them.

      Well she should not say it on its own, she also needs friends to confirm her story.

      Also, at least here in Ontarion, the communal property is assets acquired after marriage. so he would still not be able to claim it.

      but her friends should also confirm that the relationship was strictly that he rented a room.

      if he wins, then that would be an extremely dangerous precedent.
      • 明眼人果然一针见血。讲出了我们心里话。
    • 编也编得象一点啊倒是。
    • 以前也看过一片类似的报道。不同的是:1. 2年;2.从同住发展到同居(同床)。3.房东还在上诉。
      • 这才听着有点象。。。"新闻"误导害人啊。
    • 这个故事不可能是真的
      要造成事实婚姻, 必须两个人共同交过税. 也就是说双方必须在税表上说明过对方是COMMON LAW MARRIAGE, 婚姻关系才会受法律保护. 否则是不可能的事情. 分财产哪有那么容易?
      • 就是就是。法律要真有这么多漏洞,那些单身的也不用工作了,找机会分人家房产算了。
        • 9494,前两天找人同房不同居的MM们,心里正打鼓呢:哈哈,是不是该搬到温哥华去?
    • 不论真假。遇到这事咱同胞们要多留个心眼。以下是作者的说明:(摘自心意)
      作者: RoseZhang
      日期: 01-24-02 17:43

      First of all, I am not trying to make up some kind of story. This is my 1st post in this web site, even though I have been reading the postings from this good site for 1.5 years. I heard this story from my realtor, she knows the lady, I won't doubt the truth of the story, my descripiton of the story might not be that accurate. From my understanding, the house was only registered under the lady's name, did they appeal or not, I have no idea.

      I main thing I want to say is that I want to let us (Chinese people) in Canada know, there did some funny things happen if you are new to Canada (I am new too), especially you don't know about law, be careful when you do things here, anything colud happen. People can cheat you even if they looks like nice. That's my point.

      Be careful, take care.