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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

As a whole, if you're healthy, You can travel, but take precautions, and make sure you request aisle seat so that you can stretch your legs to prevent from swelling.

Most airlines have strict rules for pregnant travellers, wherein they are not permitted to travel if they are more than 32 weeks pregnant. Air travel may involve risk since the change in pressure may cause damage to the membranes of the uterus. Before embarking on a plane journey, You should take care to dress easily and follow the rules of the airline. It is also better not to take the non-pressurised cabins in the aircraft since a change in pressure is dangerous. AND THE MOST IMPORTLY, YOU SHOULD TELL AIRHOSTESS THAT YOU'RE PREGNANT IN CASE OF ANY EMERGENCY.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 国内传来外婆病危的消息,外婆把我从小养大和我很亲,想飞回国陪她最后一程。我已怀孕26周,请问有姐妹在这种时候飞过长途吗,如有要注意些什么?我想在国内待两三周再飞回来。
    • 26周还是算了,危险啊。在这边多祈祷吧。
    • 不过怀孕36周以内的孕妇,其实只要经过医师评估,还是可以搭乘飞机
    • As a whole, if you're healthy, You can travel, but take precautions, and make sure you request aisle seat so that you can stretch your legs to prevent from swelling.
      Most airlines have strict rules for pregnant travellers, wherein they are not permitted to travel if they are more than 32 weeks pregnant. Air travel may involve risk since the change in pressure may cause damage to the membranes of the uterus. Before embarking on a plane journey, You should take care to dress easily and follow the rules of the airline. It is also better not to take the non-pressurised cabins in the aircraft since a change in pressure is dangerous. AND THE MOST IMPORTLY, YOU SHOULD TELL AIRHOSTESS THAT YOU'RE PREGNANT IN CASE OF ANY EMERGENCY.
    • 我飞过,不过是去美国和墨西哥,最长的一次加转机大概有七八个小时,那时30周。医生建议每隔一小时起来走走。建议你问一下你的OB。
      • 我28周从国内飞来的,挺好,当然还是要根据各人情况的。问一下医生吧。
    • 每个人的身体条件不一样,根据自己的情况量力而行。我怀老大30周从沈阳-北京-温哥华-多伦多,中间飞机晚点5个小时,没事。怀老二16周多伦多-首尔 (汉城)-沈阳28周沈阳-首尔 (汉城)-多伦多,没事。目前,2个宝贝身体都不错
    • 好像都是从大人的角度考虑,怎么坐飞机的,但是对肚子里的小baby呢?即使楼主可以应付路途的颠簸,但是有没有想过妈妈的心情其实对baby也很重要。太emotional会不会对宝宝有影响呢?
    • 其实如果你的身体状况很好,回去了; 但万一你外婆真的走了,你难免要悲伤哭泣导致流产,还是小心.我是能理解你的,当时我奶奶在我怀孕10个月时病危,家里人没告诉我,父母来这里后才告诉我,心里难过了很久,到现在都没完全原谅他们.
      • 是可能导致流产. 不小心漏了.
    • 我的外婆现在也是病重,很难过。
      • 一起抱抱吧。
    • 除非你可以在国内分娩,不然,你回来坐飞机就太危险了:=(
      • 为了孩子千万别回去了,回去触目伤情会很难过 ,加上旅途劳累可能引发早产,你的外婆一定会理解的,她肯定也希望你在这边好好养身体,生个胖宝宝.
    • 谢谢各位姐妹的信息和关心。老公和国内的爸妈都不赞成我回去,怕过度悲伤影响肚子的小孩。昨天给外婆打电话了,她就说了一句你好吗就没力气再讲下去,我的眼泪花花地流啊。她是糖尿病引发的并发症,腿脚心肺全感染了,天天浑身疼痛不好受啊。
      • 还是回去吧,否则以后会后悔的,我怀孕2个月的时候也是外婆不行了,
    • mom sick during my preganancy and passed away one month after my baby was born. That is a miserable year for me. .
      Due to preganant complication, no chance to go back to see my mom. I'm so so so sad and feel very depression. Life is so cruel to me. Not sure if there's anybody have the same experience, I would like to get in touch with you to support each other.
      • 树欲静而风不止,抱抱JJ
        • 医学上讲的确是36周前都可以飞行的。你可以看你的医生。你要是能控制自己的情绪,就回去一趟吧。控制不了,就别回去。