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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

thank you guys, I have bought it yeaster day and will drive my car next month...

all your posts is importance to my choice.

I know the car is "开起来索然无味"(boring for driving) ( I have experience of driving Beijing Jeep and Lexus 400).
the forte of this car is 1. quite comparing to same class car.
2. very easy and comfortle to driving which is impportance to my wife.
3. the reputation of it reliability and duration. so its a peace of mind buy.
4. easy to buy it, I just made a call yearsday night and briefy negoation with the price and choice the collor. Then every thing is done. I will give the down payment and sign the contrace next time.

that's it.

think you.
By the way.
$3000 down payment
508S/mon 36 mon.
you can get a better price if you have more time to negoate. hope it can help you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / Help!! I want to but a new Toyota collola! Who know the invoice price. thinks in advance. BTY, How about this car!..
    No cash pay the used one, so just buy a new one!!
    • Sorry for posting on the worry group and mistake of "thinks in advance" THANK you in advance.
      The group can not display properly on my computer
      • mine is 2001 model, not bad on highway and local, but don't like it now, it is still too small, If give me one more chance, I will go for Honda Accord or RAV4
        • thank you! but which is better new corolla or used RAV4( 12,000$ 1997 8,000 km)
          • 8000km??
            • 80,000! I always make mistake in typing and english. sorry
              • have no idea for that, if you was thinking to buy a new corolla, now if go for new RAV4, not big different with downpay and everymonth payment
        • 为什么大家都要买COROLLA. COROLLA 有什么好, 里面的东西给人的印象是简单得不能再简单了. 发动机又没有力. 毫无特点和魅力的车. 开起来索然无味. 高速公路上开快了就发飘.
          • 发飘?好几个人这样讲了, 我不同意! 我的2001款, 因为工作关系跑了几个月的高速公路, 在400上曾经开过145一直从401到BARRIE, 最快的一次跟了一跑车,有20秒左右开在160, 也不觉的飘.
            • You try to drive a Lexus or Benz or Volvo for a couple times, and then come back to your Corolla, or Civic, then you will truly understand what we meant by "发飘".
              In my opinion, it's not only 发飘, it's 发飘的要命.

              • 那当然了, 我要是拿COROLLA 的钱可以买辆BENZ 的话...; 你怎么不再往上说的, 恐怕你也没做过了吧??
                • 那你拿corrola跟corrola比是不飘,高明高明! 1==1嘛! 一年级的也会。
                  • gugu,我也想买corolla, 请问你买的是CE不带ABS的那种么?
                    • Suggest you go for Civic, it's a bit bigger.
                    • CE model no ABS opion.
                  • 我只是讲出我开COROLLA的感觉而已. 最起码我不会到处去问别人知不知道"其实2>1", 还是你高, 实在是高!
                    • 井底青蛙。But, hey, thanks for the compliment.
                • 不要和大本比吗? 不过拿辆和COROLLA贵不多少的美国车比, 你会有感觉的.
                  • 我开过我老板的VOLVO, 许多的BUTTON, 不知是什么功能, 空间感很大, 但外观不大, 开起来是非常实在, 稳当. 但是,用"飘"来形容COROLLA在高速的感觉, 我就不认同. 加速慢是真正的事实.
                    • 嘿嘿, 你还是走得高速少. 本人前年开一COROLLA去US.(冬天) 车过HANMITON的大桥, 一阵大风, 我可怜的COROLLA飘到隔壁的LANE了. 想想也可怕.!!
                      • 恰恰相反, 我的2001的COROLLA 现在开了近5万公里, 上个月还开去了NEW YORK AND BOSTON, 来回2500公里. 不过大风时飘我有感觉, 但那时我看前面的美国车也在来回扭.
                        • 可能你的COROLLA是特别版, 比一般美国车都重, 所以有"恰恰相反"的感觉, 我知道你喜欢你的COROLLA, 但不用那肉嘛, 快赶上CORLLA SALEMAN了. 若你说你的车比一般美国车开得久,那还差不多
                          • 我的"恰恰相反"是对于你的"高速开的少"而言, 而且我也承认大风时COROLLA 有飘的感觉. 我觉得你的理解能力有问题, 还是最近着急上火什么的?
                  • Ford forcus is more funn to drive and more good-look, collola queiter and more reliable, what do you neet most.
                    When I discuss thiss issue with friends who have been living a long time in U.S or in Canada. the told me "just buy a collola or civic"(in my situation).
            • 身在“飘”中不知飘?
          • 平心而论,Corolla是经济可靠,小家庭用车的首选。
    • thank you guys, I have bought it yeaster day and will drive my car next month...
      all your posts is importance to my choice.

      I know the car is "开起来索然无味"(boring for driving) ( I have experience of driving Beijing Jeep and Lexus 400).
      the forte of this car is 1. quite comparing to same class car.
      2. very easy and comfortle to driving which is impportance to my wife.
      3. the reputation of it reliability and duration. so its a peace of mind buy.
      4. easy to buy it, I just made a call yearsday night and briefy negoation with the price and choice the collor. Then every thing is done. I will give the down payment and sign the contrace next time.

      that's it.

      think you.
      By the way.
      $3000 down payment
      508S/mon 36 mon.
      you can get a better price if you have more time to negoate. hope it can help you.
      • not next month, it's next week. sorry
        • including tax or not? ABS?
          • ce plus, tax included no ABS
      • Could you kindly tell us what your financing rate was?
        • 0.9
      • 不过2003年款的下个星期就出来了,你不想看看新款的再决定吗?无论从引擎还是车的大小都有许多改进。
        • 改进是没有完的,不必拉。
          • 请问各位DX,哪里有旧的前bumper couver卖呀,现在我的老美国车就象不穿裤子一样,但新的就要好几百块,车才两千来块,不舍得呀!谢谢了。
    • 让我来总结发言:拷肉拉是好车,可以放心地买