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Causes of yeast infections

1) antibiotics are probably the leading cause of vaginal yeast infections;
2) clothing: crotch yeasties flourish in non-cotton, tight, or dirty clothes that trap heat and moisture;
3) chemicals, such as inks, dyes, and perfumes, can upset the balance in your crotch or trigger allergic reactions that lead to yeast infections;
4) condoms;
5) diet;
6) hormones, both naturally-occurring and artificially introduced, can affect yeast. for example, pregnant women are particularly prone to yeast infections;
7) injury to the vulva or vaginal membranes can lead to a yeast infection;
8) sexual transmission;
9) weakened immune system.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 我女儿26天,昨天去看了医生,医生说身上长了痱子,昨天晚上痒得来都没睡好,各位JM知道什么方法可以治痱子吗 ?
    • up,没有人知道怎么治痱子吗?着急中……
      • 治疗痱子需要耐心,涂药水和痱子粉后要等痱子自我消灭
        • 在哪里买痱子粉,用英文怎么说呢?
          • baby powder/ baby oil??? 我看你到drug store, 看见baby 打头的产品就买几样回来,都用得上
          • Prickly heat powder,很少见到。不过最好不要用这些powder的东西,里面有滑石粉,孩子容易吸入肺里,而且有报道说反而会堵赛毛孔。没有特别大用处。最重要的就是少出汗保持干净
          • 我上星期去产后班,记得是不建议用痱子粉,所以你最好问清楚。
            • 到底是湿疹还是痱子
              • 怎样区分是痱子还是湿疹阿 ?
                • 婴儿湿疹/痱子
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛湿疹和空气太干有关,







                  ⑹长脓痱子,应根据病情选用适当的抗菌药物,局部可以用黄连扑粉。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 降温,少穿少盖,多用温水洗洗。
    • 家里恒温,恒湿,24'c - 50. 少穿衣,(如果婴儿耳朵下面的体温可以,即便手脚凉也没有关系),每天洗澡。
      • 怎么样先把痒给止住呢?
        • 你小时候没有长过痱子吗?只要温度降下来,凉快了自然就不痒了阿。
        • 24'c 只需单衣,睡觉最多盖两层的receiving blanket.
    • 用六神花露水加在洗澡水里洗澡或者擦身,宝宝金水效果也不错,不过好像没看到有卖的。还有金银花水洗澡也不错。
    • 一般的baby powder对治疗痱子没什么效果,见效快还是专门的婴儿痱子粉。借贴问下,这边护士都不建议用powder说会被婴儿吸入的可能。不过只用在pp上不可以么?在国内都是这样自用,孩子们也都是好好的,是这边小题大作,还是国内不够安全规范?
      • Look at all the shelves in the stores, you can see baby powder everywhere. It means it is safe to use it. Don't worry. Just make sure not to apply too much and not to shake the container too hard and make it foggy.
        Experience told me that baby powder works very well for red bum bum and heat rash. Tell you a true story: once I saw a white lady changing diaper for her baby boy in a washroom, she shook the container so hard and make the powder everywhere in the air and very heavy on her baby, seemed like she almost dumped half of the container. I was surprised but didn't see any problem:)
        • 越来越多的儿科医生不建议使用BABY POWDER,吸入滑石粉对肺不好.非要用,也最好用淀粉为主要成分的.但淀粉的最好不要用到小女孩屁屁上,有引起YEAST INFECTION的可能.
          • I will double check regarding this matter. But as far as I know, no body was heard to actually get into problems caused by baby powder. By the way, what is yeast infection, what problem and symptom it will show on the baby? Thanks.
            • 酵母菌感染 yeast infection, corn starch含糖,给yeast提供了很好的FOOD(发面放糖一样的道理)
              • Thanks it's a very good website. Yes the powder is not recommended here but we can still use it as long as we use it carefully. The articles didn't mention the danger to baby girls.
                I believe specific problems may occur to certain babies but not to the majority. Baby care requires parents' close care, attention and alert. Just like peanut (or nuts) allergies. The allergy may be serious or fatal so that all daycares and schools are barring from it, but it is still a nutritious and yummy food to the others.
                • 我没仔细读,以前看过有人说女孩不要用.......是,你说的对,我自己也不是所有东西有人说不行就不用.真的肺和气管有毛病,也不能说真的和它有关,只是觉得BABY POWDER没有太大用处,现在的DIAPER质量还是不错的,勤换勤洗,每天在家给孩子晾晾,问题就不大了....
                  • I just put down my opinion based on my personal experience. My son has very chubby bum bum and very easy to get red, I found the powder helps, of course I tried various ointments as well when he got very serious. Thanks for sharing the info.
              • Causes of yeast infections
                1) antibiotics are probably the leading cause of vaginal yeast infections;
                2) clothing: crotch yeasties flourish in non-cotton, tight, or dirty clothes that trap heat and moisture;
                3) chemicals, such as inks, dyes, and perfumes, can upset the balance in your crotch or trigger allergic reactions that lead to yeast infections;
                4) condoms;
                5) diet;
                6) hormones, both naturally-occurring and artificially introduced, can affect yeast. for example, pregnant women are particularly prone to yeast infections;
                7) injury to the vulva or vaginal membranes can lead to a yeast infection;
                8) sexual transmission;
                9) weakened immune system.
                • thanks for posting the info. .... I may remember it wrong. I guess one should avoid to apply cornstarch baby powder when baby has diaperash. To prevent, it should be fine.
                  • Nice talking to you. Thanks.