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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Downtown“三月行动”杀人组织每星期周五晚,及周六定期活动,请大家继续踊跃支持。加入我们的yahoo group.

yahoo group地址:ttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShaRenGroup

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Downtown“三月行动”杀人组织每星期周五晚,及周六定期活动,请大家继续踊跃支持。加入我们的yahoo group.
    yahoo group地址:ttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShaRenGroup
    • I set up Friday evening and Saturday afternoon games in Google Calendar and invited all the members of the ShaRenGroup. Please respond 1 day prior to the game times.
    • If you are not in the group and would like to play, please join the group then I will invite you. Thanks and enjoy it.
      • 自安钢一事又有争议, 娱乐活动再也难登头条, 唉, 媒体就是这么无情:-)
        小声问一句, 在此争议的意义何在?
        • 想知有没有钱多的美男参加 ? 嘻嘻 ! 花本美女这麽多时间,不会要我空手以回吧!
          • 好一个赤裸裸追求金钱美色的小鸟依人,想错过你都难。
            List your criteria, let 's see if i meet ur requirements.
          • 杀人活动以娱乐为目的,没有财产信息。 长得帅不帅与欣赏者得眼光偏好有关,情人眼里出西施。当然,不参加就没有机会发现和欣赏帅哥。至于时间,如果你enjoy游戏,就不事浪费。
          • 请问你是处女吗?
            • Can you please not ask this kind of question publicly? If you really care it and the person you ask does not feel offended, you may PM.
              • if you are a real man, you will understand. Be yourself! Man
          • 怎么觉得goose是个男的,你不会否认吧!
        • 没有意义. 不能解决任何问题. 当然, 给一些人情绪发泄的机会而已.
    • A friendly reminder: if you'd like to join the Friday evening game, please respond on the Google Calendar by Thursday evening. If you'd like to join the Saturday afternoon game, please respond Google Calendar by Friday afternoon.
      If by those times, the number of players are less than 8, the game will be cancelled.
      • 是啊!看隔壁吵架,都忘了回信报名这星期的杀人游戏。
    • Due to not enough people interested, the Friday evening game is canceled. I sincerely thank and apologize to those interested people. You may join the Saturday afternoon game which will for sure happen because there are 10 players already.
    • 刚刚回到家!玩了几乎整9个小时,相信一些老手们会觉得比较过瘾。平常他们都是些第一轮就被杀的角色,今天却常常能坚持到最后几轮,得以充分展示他们的推理技巧。新手们的技术大大提高了啊。
    • 今天的特点是女杀手多,老杀手多,远道而来的多。
      • 辛苦了, MM.
        • 你是几号?
          • 应该是18号。 :D
      • 哎呀,刚找到这个帖子,以为是在聚会区呢。嘿嘿
        • 个人觉得:这个游戏的高手往往是结了婚的或擅长交女友的男人。可能是这游戏需要的察言观色,和说服能力也正好是婚姻中最需要培养的吧。看来这游戏对家庭和睦大有好处啊!
        • 对家庭和睦起促进作用的事例是听说过的,因为促进了交流和表达。另外跟经历也有点关系。但决定因素还是性格吧。