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Residential Tenancies Act 2006. c. 17, s. 67 (1). Termination for cause, too many persons. If you have a concern with your tenant/landlord, please contact the Landlord and Tenant Board at 416-645-8080

Termination for cause, too many persons
67. (1) A landlord may give a tenant notice of termination of the tenancy if the number of persons occupying the rental unit on a continuing basis results in a contravention of health, safety or housing standards required by law. 2006, c. 17, s. 67 (1).

(2) A notice of termination under this section shall,
(a) provide a termination date not earlier than the 20th day after the notice is given;
(b) set out the details of the grounds for termination; and
(c) require the tenant, within seven days, to reduce the number of persons occupying the rental unit to comply with health, safety or housing standards required by law.
2006, c. 17, s. 67 (2).

Notice void if tenant complies
(3) The notice of termination under this section is void if the tenant, within seven days after receiving the notice, sufficiently reduces the number of persons occupying the rental unit. 2006, c. 17, s.67 (3).
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问哪位知道或者哪里可以查到一套公寓最多可以住多少人的规定?我们在安省。父母来探亲,和我们一家4口住在一个2居室,近期不想搬家,接到管理员来信说不能住,不符合法律规定(break the law)。想先用法律知识武装一下自己。多谢!
    • 不知道你住在什么地方,很多区有华人的安居辅导员,他们会为你找免费的这方面的法律顾问。
    • depending on where you live. here is how toronto works out
      • I guess rule A means you are not able to sleep in living room and treat it like a bed room in an apartment building. You better have some legal advices from some housing issue experts.
    • Residential Tenancies Act 2006. c. 17, s. 67 (1). Termination for cause, too many persons. If you have a concern with your tenant/landlord, please contact the Landlord and Tenant Board at 416-645-8080
      Termination for cause, too many persons
      67. (1) A landlord may give a tenant notice of termination of the tenancy if the number of persons occupying the rental unit on a continuing basis results in a contravention of health, safety or housing standards required by law. 2006, c. 17, s. 67 (1).

      (2) A notice of termination under this section shall,
      (a) provide a termination date not earlier than the 20th day after the notice is given;
      (b) set out the details of the grounds for termination; and
      (c) require the tenant, within seven days, to reduce the number of persons occupying the rental unit to comply with health, safety or housing standards required by law.
      2006, c. 17, s. 67 (2).

      Notice void if tenant complies
      (3) The notice of termination under this section is void if the tenant, within seven days after receiving the notice, sufficiently reduces the number of persons occupying the rental unit. 2006, c. 17, s.67 (3).
      • Thank you all. I may look for a 3-bedroom apartment or buy a house in the near future.
    • 就让他给你换3 bedrooms的,如果能换,一般才多100来块,也挺划算的。如果没有avaliable,你就让他把你放到waiting list里,在等待期间,他应该不会再找你麻烦了,你只好凑合了。
      • 多谢你的信息,我可以提议看能不能等。目前这个楼只有朝马路的有空,而我们不愿意住;希望管理员能让我们等。