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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


There's one born every minute
愚人节 April Fool's Day 那天,好友 Jenner 在“愚弄”我失败后,仍不罢休,她坚信一定可以找到一个愚弄我的方法的。我劝她放弃,她却说:“ There's one born every minute." 我听后觉得一头雾水,每分钟都有一个人出生?问了 Jenner 才明白,这句话是一句 saying,意思是“总会有人上当的”。

Jack and Jill
初识先生那会儿,每天晚上他都会同我煲电话粥,流水帐般地“汇报”当日作息。一次周末,先生去他同学家里玩,我问他就他一个人去的吗?他说,“no,Jack and Jill,cuz it‘s Ryan’s bithday。(Ryan是他同学的儿子)”。于是,我傻呼呼地接着问,“Only Jack and Jill went to Ryan‘s birthday Party?”。电话那头,半天没有反应。接着我听到是他傻傻的笑答“silly,Jack and Jill are men and women, not a Jack and a Jill”。电话那头, 我只是“7”了一声,然后说,“Do you know why Iam silly?cuz I have a silly friend like you”。但从那天之后,我开始认真地把先生当成老师了:)
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 一天2个小故事 I am glad you like it. Since I am on my maternity leave now, I guess I can do something before my due date, only 40 days to go. Ok, I will try to post 2 stories each day which contain useful slangs or idioms. Wish you like them as well.
    Bus boy - 餐厅里负责收拾碗盘、清洁工作的人 刚来加拿大的时候,曾经在Mandarin做过parttime侍应生。笨手笨脚的我第一次收拾餐桌的时候,竟不小心扯了一下台布,打碎了冰水杯。正当我手忙脚乱的时候,另外一个侍应生过来对我说: "The bus boy will take care of it right away." 谁会从巴士站来帮我收拾善后呀?而且,我只听说过 Beach Boys (海滩男孩合唱团),这 Bus Boy 又是谁呀?见到我一脸迷惘,他马上向我解释: "Bus Boy 是餐厅里负责收拾碗盘、清洁工作的人,餐厅侍应生的助手,也就是一般所谓的小二、小厮。"

    还有一次一对东欧的夫妻来吃晚餐,坐下不到10分钟,那个慈祥的老妇人拉着我出来,操着浓重的口音对我说:Excuse me, I need a condom to give my husband a surprise。我差一点晕过去,好在这是个女人。可是,manager一再教诲,顾客的要求都是合理的,于是我耐心地说,sorry, we don‘t offer condoms here。没想到,她说, no problem, I can pay for it。Please go and get one for me。 我实在没办法了,请另外一个侍应生叫那位老妇人出来一下,原来她想要candle for her husband’s birthday to give him a surprise。我哭笑不得。 Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

    • haha, great stories, mama-to-be
    • 第二个比较好玩。类似的尴尬事我也遇到过。
      • 喔. 你的又是如何?
        • 具体情节忘了。无非就是人家说东,我理解成西。这样东拉西扯的聊半天,直到对不上板,才发现我们谈的是两件事。
          • I still have problem to pronouce "bill" correctly, sigh..........people usually think I am saying "beer", esp in bar. :-)
            • No, your pronunciation is perfect, you called bar-boy's name, so Bill gave you a free beer as return, next time, call Bill loudly when you need beer。。。LOL
              • lol...........Yeah, free beer! :-)
            • I found out it is extremely hard for me to speak 'short', 'sort', and 'shot'
              • :-)
            • I have a suggestion for you. If you really have trouble pronouning 'bill', you can say 'check' instead.
              • I can't call the guy "check" coz that's not his name. lol.
                • lol...my bad...you mentioned 'bar'... kind of misleading...I presumed u were ready to pay.
                  • lol, it's ok. :-)
    • Hahaha....
    • 第二个故事让我想起我也在餐馆的笑话故事.我当时给客人上日本清酒,
      临放在桌上时发现里面有个小黑点,我于是找了个借口说 sorry, it is not full. i will get you another one.结果那个年轻人扑的一声大笑说 i am not a fool , either.我知道是我的发音成了笑话了脸都红了还好经理看这边其乐融融过来问怎么回事客人说他很高兴来这吃饭
      • hehe:)
    • 一天2个小故事(2)
      There's one born every minute
      愚人节 April Fool's Day 那天,好友 Jenner 在“愚弄”我失败后,仍不罢休,她坚信一定可以找到一个愚弄我的方法的。我劝她放弃,她却说:“ There's one born every minute." 我听后觉得一头雾水,每分钟都有一个人出生?问了 Jenner 才明白,这句话是一句 saying,意思是“总会有人上当的”。

      Jack and Jill
      初识先生那会儿,每天晚上他都会同我煲电话粥,流水帐般地“汇报”当日作息。一次周末,先生去他同学家里玩,我问他就他一个人去的吗?他说,“no,Jack and Jill,cuz it‘s Ryan’s bithday。(Ryan是他同学的儿子)”。于是,我傻呼呼地接着问,“Only Jack and Jill went to Ryan‘s birthday Party?”。电话那头,半天没有反应。接着我听到是他傻傻的笑答“silly,Jack and Jill are men and women, not a Jack and a Jill”。电话那头, 我只是“7”了一声,然后说,“Do you know why Iam silly?cuz I have a silly friend like you”。但从那天之后,我开始认真地把先生当成老师了:)
      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • 奥。原来 Jack and Jill 是通称,像 John Doe 一样,不是指具体的人。今天学了一个词。谢谢。
      • I am learning, thx, keep going
    • Ouch. lol. that's funny.
      • Today, one of my co-workers was telling us about his great experience about "Hot Yogurt" last night. It made him sweat but felt so good afterwards, I asked him: oh? how does it taste? and how much did you eat?
        Yeah, they all laughed at me. He was talking about "Hot Yoga". lol
        • if u jump into the conversation without any context, u will certainly make that kind of mistake.
          • ya, that was kind what happened today. lol.
    • haha, nice
    • 一天2个小故事(3)
      星期天,先生带我到朋友家参加Potluck Party。他的弟弟正在电脑旁打报告,抬头向我们打了一声招呼后,完全不受干扰的又继续埋头工作。朋友说:“我们吃我们的,不必管他,he is such an egghead!”“鸡蛋脸?不会吧!我觉得他应该算是方面大耳的国字脸呀!“我如此的回答。看我一本正经的模样,大家都笑了起来。原来,Egghead是指那些有呆气的读书人或者爱讲道理的知识分子,和什么脸形,面相都无关系!
      egghead n (infml derog 口, 贬) very intellectual person 很有学问的人:
      The eggheads at the university know nothing about business. 大学的饱学之士对做生意一窍不通

      Sugar Daddy
      Liz与我一起去Costco购物,入口处迎面来了一对男女,年轻娇媚的女士同Liz很大方的打招呼,拉着年长男士的手远离后,我便对Liz说:“从他们亲密的样子看来,这对父女的感情一定很好。”Liz用很轻蔑的与其回答:“Of Course,He is her sugar daddy。” 听了sugar daddy 两字,孤陋寡闻的我心中十分纳闷,我们一般均用Sweet来形容父母兄弟姐妹等,为何Liz却以Sugar来代替,难道这两个均含有甜味的字可以互用?或是她用错了字?
      回到家立即查字典,才弄明白Sugar Daddy的意思是,赠送豪华礼物来博取少女欢心的老头!我真是够土的!
      sugar-daddy n (infml 口) rich man who is generous to a younger woman, usu in return for sexual favours 对年轻女子慷慨的阔男子(通常为换取性方面的好处).

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • 一下子想到了杨振宁。
    • add one: on Friday, ppl always say "it is the light of the end of tunnel".
    • yesterday I called customer service of my computer manufacturer. My name starts with a Q and I repeated few time but he still did not get it. and he said "2?" , then I could not take any more, said " r u stupid or what? a name with 2 ? " f**k him.
      • u should have said Q for Queen in that case
        • that was exactly what i said. after my being angry he never mishear my words again
          • try to slow down and pronounce as clear as possible, which might help
      • Haha, next time, just say Ciao instead of Qiu, So both of you and customer service guy will know how to pronounce it, he will get similar tone as Qiu from Ciao, while you get K!。。。LOL
    • 一天2个小故事(4)
      Spring chicken
      办公室搬新家,大伙儿都卷起袖子分工合作。George, 一位老先生也兴致匆匆地想来帮忙打包。可是,他才搬了几下就气喘吁吁的喊暂停。他自我解嘲地说:“Who am I kidding? I am not Spring chicken!”
      Cindy笑着回答我说:“你弄错了,spring chicken就是我们一般所说的“童子鸡”。这句话是指,他不再年轻,没有当年的体力了,跟十二生肖没有关系。”
      be no spring chicken (idm ) (infml ): (esp of women) be no longer young (尤指女子)已不年轻

      have a bun in the oven
      去年秋天的一天,我刚进办公室,同事问我"Do you have a bun in the oven?"我觉得很奇怪,办公室那来的oven,莫非这老外同事指的是microwave,自然地回答:"No.I don't." 三个月后,同事对我说"I asked you : are you pregnant? Why did you say no?"我讲:"When did you ask me?"她将那天的对话讲了一遍,别的同事就笑了起来.他们知道我并非要隐瞒怀孕,而是我不懂have a bun in the oven是表示怀孕了.
      have a `bun in the oven (idm ) (infml joc,) be pregnant 怀孕.

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker