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我这里有一个样本, 大家可以参考, 当然, 你应该联系其他受害孩子的父母一起来处理这个问题。名字我都隐去了

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛January 14, 2007.

Dear (TSBD Chairman),

The purpose of this letter is to ensure that (Principal's Name), (school name)
staff and the TDSB are aware of the following incidents involving Bully
at (School name). These events occurred in the classroom as well as in
the schoolyard.

Over the course of the past five months the following incidents have

1. BullyBoy picked up a classmate, spun him around and dropped him to the
ground. The boy¹s father attempted to discuss the incident with BullyBoy¹s
mother. He left a note in BullyBoy¹s planner to have Mrs. Bully call
him to discuss the incident, but BullyBoy¹s mother ignored the note. The
teacher was aware of the incident.

2. Bully twisted the arm of a classmate named Student B.

3. BullyBoy attempted to stab Sutdent C with a pencil several times in
her chest and abdomen, which resulted in holes in her shirt. This stabbing
occurred twice, on two consecutive days. When finally confronted by the
Principal, BullyBoy denied stabbing Student C, but after two days of discussions
he finally admitted it. There was absolutely no apology or restitution ever
given by BullyBoy to Student C, or an apology from BullyBoy¹s parents.

4. BullyBoy pushed Student D in the stomach, and then verbally abused

5. Most recently, BullyBoy was involved in an attack against another child,
Student E, who was being beaten by BullyBoy and several other children in
the schoolyard during recess on Wednesday, Month DD, YYYY. He used a
stick, in a stabbing motion, and jabbed it into the lower abdomen of the
child. This young boy had to go to his doctor with lower abdominal bruising
as well as severe bruising to his legs. The doctor was alarmed enough to do
a urinalysis to rule out blood in his urine and internal bleeding.

These incidents were unprovoked and are most definitely unacceptable.
Perhaps if isolated, one or two of these incidents would have minimal
consequences. Clearly there is a behavioral pattern of aggression that if
left unaddressed, will lead to a very foreseeable and predictable serious

Parents at (School Name) are under the impression that the TDSB has a
zero tolerance policy with respect to verbal, psychological and physical

Why are all of these incidents left un-reprimanded? Where is the
supervision, both in the classroom and in the schoolyard? How is it possible
that a child like this has not yet been suspended? And why is this
aggressive child not afraid of consequences?

What was once playground aggression has now freely been moved into the
classroom. Teachers and children are being bullied and abused, only to see
the abuser return to the scene more empowered through lack of strong
consistent consequences. I am sorry is not a consequence. It is only the
ticket that allows the bully to continue this negative and disturbing

The (school name) Administration¹s response to BullyBoy¹s aggressive
behavior, rather than a suspension, was a lateral move from Teacher A¹s
classroom to Teacher B¹s classroom. In Teacher A¹s class, BullyBoy was
situated at a desk by himself, away from the other children in the class.
Since BullyBoy has been moved into Teacher B's classroom, he is sitting in
close proximity to all of the children. Many parents are concerned for the
safety of their children.

The principal, (Principal's Name), has assured the parents that Teach B would
be receiving assistance in her classroom. The Vice Principal, (Vice Principal's
Name) who prepares the staff schedules, was not aware of this
assurance. What we have since been offered is a bilingual ECE student who
will be doing a teaching placement for part of the day on Wednesdays and
Thursdays for 10 weeks. Unfortunately this does little to alleviate our

Things must change immediately. Serious physical bullying incidents have
been occurring at (School Name) over the past five months; this is not

Children have the right to be safe in their school. Children should not be
afraid to go to school. Yet bullying continues to gain ground in the
playground and the classroom.

(school Name)administration and staff, as well as the TDSB, are responsible for
the welfare of the children of (school Name). This includes adequate
supervision both in the classroom and anywhere on school property. We, as
parents, are entitled to rely on the school to provide that supervision. If
there is any issue with the ability of the school and the staff to make our
school safe for our children, (Principal) must make that clear now so that
the parents, together with the school administration, staff and school board
can take appropriate action to ensure a safe learning environment.

A new plan of action is required and help is needed immediately to have (School Name) return to the safe community school that it was a few years ago.

As concerned parents, we would like to know what resources are available to
us now. We are willing to do our part to make (school Name) a safe school for our

Please let us know how we can help.


Concerned parents at (school Name),


This email is being sent from the desk of (Parent A); however, it
accurately reflects the concerns of and is being sent on behalf of all of
the above families.

The facts presented above were willingly given to (Parent A) by the
parents of the children involved in the bullying events.

January 15, 2007.

I appreciated having the opportunity to meet with Principal (Principal's name)
today to discuss my concerns regarding the safety of my children both in the
schoolyard and in the classroom. I am pleased with the positive steps that
he has taken to ensure that (School Name) remains a safe place for all of our

Based on our meeting I understand that (Principal) is in the process of
arranging an additional full-time staff member, rather than a part-time
staff member, to help support (Teacher B's classroom. (Principal) stated that
(Vice Principal), who schedules the allocation of additional staff members,
was unaware of his plans for the additional help in Teacher B's classroom.
I look forward to hearing from (Principal) in the next few days regarding
this issue.

As well, (Principal) will have the staff on yard duty wearing new ribbons, so
that they will be easily identified. They will be walking around the
playground areas, paying close attention to the children that may be high
risk for illicit behavior.

I trust that these extra measures will help restore the safe environment
that our children deserve. This is a step in the right direction; however, I
believe our school would benefit from the introduction of more preventive
measures on a large scale, to help empower our staff and children to
counteract bullying behavior.

Thank you,
Parent A更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 请教各位:小姑娘在Senior Kidgarten有同班小孩用拳头袭击她,该不该写信给老师抱怨?该如何写着信???多谢!当时老师在场,只是轻描淡写地说了句不要在打人.
    • 多大的孩子,如果超过四岁了,那可是得和学校好好理论,对3岁以下的孩子,不太懂事,就算了.关键要教育自己的孩子,会大声说NO.
    • 小题大作了吧。只要不是连续击打。
    • 多谢一家三口!关键是打人的男孩已经超过5岁,快6岁了.而且已经是第3次攻击我们孩子.请问拿能找到抱怨信的样本?本人英语水平有限.多谢!
      • 先老师严肃的沟通一下,也可和对方家长谈谈,如果老师不当回事,再去找校长。都3次,应该严肃对待。你的孩子动手了吗?我去学校当支愿者,亲眼看见老师惩罚打人的孩子,老师让他坐punish bench,告诉他,打人是0容许的。
    • 这种情况, 先跟老师谈, 再跟那个小孩的家长谈, 如果没有效果, 再跟校长谈, 再不行跟教育局complain.
      • 跟老师学校教育局写信都可以,让学校去教育那孩子和那孩子家长,当事人自己还是不要跟对方直接交涉.
    • 我有一封给教育局的email, 如果需要的时候, 我可以发给你。
      • 我的孩子根本不敢还手!多谢各位大侠和f001(有邰高望川)大侠!请您将给教育局的email发给我,好吗?多谢!!因为给老师写信了,老师还很不高兴,更不用说处理了.
        • 英文不好,更要注意口气,你写的信可能没能正确表达你的意思,显得很唐突。让老师不高兴,对孩子没好处。写完了信,让高人帮你修改一下。
    • 如果确实发生了好几次了,还是要正式反映一下的。我觉得不要有抱怨老师的口气写。就说因为发生了好几次了,你concern你孩子的安全,希望老师能多注意一下。自己要留底,再发生就找校长。
    • 我这里有一个样本, 大家可以参考, 当然, 你应该联系其他受害孩子的父母一起来处理这个问题。名字我都隐去了
    • 万分感谢各位大侠和f001(有邰高望川)大侠的热心帮助!!